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tain a written state (GPT-3.

5) [647], and using an

LLM for code-based task planning (GPT-3, Codex) L L M s in the Social Sciences & Psychology
Finally, LLMs have also been combined with Using L L M s to model Analyzing behavior al Simulating social
human behavior char acter istics of L L M s relationships with L L M s
modality-to-text pre-processing to provide the
LLM with additional input from the robot’s en- M ilgr am Shock Exper iment Big Five per sonality tr aits I nter acting ar tificial agents

vironment. Liu et al. [338] use GPT-4 as part of the I llusor y Tr uth Effect Guilfor d's Alter native Uses L L M s to simulate societies

REFLECT framework for detecting and explaining

robot failures. To achieve this, multi-modal sensory Figure 15: Use cases of LLMs in the social sci-
inputs are first converted into a text-based hierar- ences and psychology can mainly be structured into
three categories: using LLMs to model human behav-
chical summary at the sensory, event, and sub-goal
ior [e.g., 12, 211], analyzing behavioral characteristics
levels. The hierarchical summary then prompts of LLMs [e.g., 414], and using LLMs to simulate social
the LLM to detect and analyze failures. Similarly, relationships [e.g., 408].
Huang et al. [225] combine an LLM (InstructGPT,
PaLM) with multiple sources of text-based environ-
ment feedback for robotic task planning. text of the psychological and behavioral sciences:
using LLMs to simulate human behavioral experi-
Single Modality [338, 14, 564] ments [e.g., 22, 176, 211, 614, 126], analyzing the
personality traits of LLMs [e.g., 367, 414, 470],
While LLMs can help robots or agents un-
and employing them as artificial agents to model
derstand instructions and add high-level
social relationships [409]. See Fig. 15 for an illus-
planning capabilities, their inability to di-
rectly learn from image, audio or other sen-
sor modalities constrain their applications. 3.10.1 Modeling Human Behavior
In the behavioral sciences, there is an increasing
For agents in simulated worlds, Wang et al. interest in using LLMs as models for psychological
[579] use the GPT-4 LLM within their VOYAGER experiments. Being able to model human behavior
framework to create a Minecraft agent that can computationally through language models would
autonomously explore, acquire new skills and com- entail a variety of advantages over using human
plete tasks. First, they use GPT-4 to propose new participants: experiments with LLMs are cheaper,
tasks for the agent to complete as part of the au- faster, can be scaled easier, and are potentially less
tomatic curriculum. Then, they ask it to generate sensitive to ethical considerations [176]. In light
code to solve the proposed task given the current of this, various works have compared LLMs with
state to add to its skills library, which can then be human participants from a behavioral perspective.
used in the future (similar to the API approach 13 Argyle et al. [22] demonstrate how LLMs can
used by Vemprala et al. [564]). Finally, the authors generate responses corresponding to virtual partici-
use GPT-4 to verify whether the executed code pants in behavioral experiments. They do so by us-
has achieved the proposed task. This framework ing LLMs to generate samples of responses to stud-
outperforms prompting approaches such as ReAct, ies related to political opinions and voting behavior.
Reflexion, and AutoGPT (Sec. 2.7). In particular, the authors investigate three studies:
Prior work using LLMs for planning in simu- the first asks participants to list words associated
lated worlds include: Wang et al. [591] using GPT- with outgroup partisans, and the second and third
3 for Minecraft, Huang et al. [224] using GPT-3 focus on vote prediction based on demographics.
and Codex in VirtualHome, and Nottingham et al. Across scenarios, experimental results demonstrate
[389] using Codex for Minecraft. that GPT-3 provides answers that closely align with
human responses.
3.10 Social Sciences & Psychology Horton [211] argue that LLMs can be used
The rapid advancements of LLMs have fostered the to computationally model human behavior and
use of such models across research in the psycho- demonstrate such an ability in economics by ex-
logical and behavioral sciences. Reviewing the ex- ploring their behavior in economic scenarios. They
isting literature, we have identified three main areas conducted four experiments focusing on economic
and tasks in which LLMs have been used in the con- decision-making using GPT-3, showing that the

LLM can approximately replicate results obtained tests in which subjects are asked to choose between
with human individuals. a kiss from a favorite movie star and $50 [462]
Griffin et al. [176] investigate the suitability of and where subjects had to decide between paying
LLMs to model psychological change. In their a traffic violation fine and going to court [461].
study, the authors assess LLM responses to two These experiments show that GPT-3 replicates only
behavioral tests, the illusory truth effect [ITE; 194] 37.5% of the effects obtained from human partic-
and an experiment measuring the influence of pop- ipants. The authors argue that these results are
ulist news to change in political views [55]. The attributed to humans and LLMs representing inher-
results demonstrate that in both scenarios, human ently different cognitive systems.
judgments tend to align with LLM-based judg- Maddela et al. [353] study identifying unhelpful
ments, indicating that LLMs have the potential to thought patterns and possible reframings to facil-
model the effect of influence on human individuals. itate mental health. They release a dataset called
Aher et al. [12] introduce the Turing Experiment PATTERN R EFRAME and evaluate GPT-3.5 on it,
(TE) to measure an LLM’s suitability to model hu- showing that it can perform very well without ad-
man behavior. A TE consists of inputs to the LLM ditional training. They conclude that practitioners
that signal a certain demographic (e.g., names or of cognitive behavioral therapy may benefit from
occupations) as well as a set of experimental de- using LLMs to produce richer training material.
tails and corresponding outputs used to simulate
3.10.2 Analyzing Behavioral Characteristics
human behavior. The authors apply their approach
of LLMs
to four individual tests, namely an ultimatum game
from behavioral economics [214, 279], garden-path In addition to using LLMs as models for human
sentences used in psycholinguistics [89, 411], the behavior, various existing works study LLMs by
Milgram Shock Experiment from social psychol- analyzing their personality traits.
ogy [364], and the wisdom of crowds task used to Jiang et al. [242] do so by introducing the Ma-
measure collective social intelligence [375]. De- chine Personality Inventory (MPI) dataset, a col-
mographic details are simulated via gender titles lection of items to assess personalities according
and surnames. The results show that LLMs largely to the Big Five personality factors: extraversion,
align with human behavior across the tests. How- agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness, and
ever, the authors note that LLM size matters and neuroticism [358].
that larger models tend to provide results that are Miotto et al. [367] assess GPT-3’s personalities
more aligned with human responses. using the HEXACO [27] and Human Values [488]
Aher et al. [12] point out that the LLMs were scales. Their experimental results reveal that GPT-
most likely exposed to the four behavioral exper- 3 obtains personality and value scores that align
iments during their pre-training. To account for with human participants. Miotto et al. [367] provide
that, the authors create artificial variations of the an extensive analysis of varying temperature values
experiments with conditions that differ from previ- used to prompt the LLM, finding that an increased
ous studies. Additionally, the authors note that a temperature yields changes in the model’s person-
potential risk with using LLMs to simulate human alities, e.g., GPT-3 shows a higher unwillingness to
responses is the introduction of generations that manipulate as well as increased scores on anxiety.
contain biases stemming from the models’ training Similar results were obtained concerning the Hu-
data. man Values scale, where model responses varied
substantially for different temperature values.
Social Biases [12, 367] In line with this work, Pellert et al. [414] ar-
gue that LLMs possess psychological traits as ob-
Unbalanced views and opinions in the train- served in human individuals and can be assessed
ing data skew the LLMs towards biased hu- through psychometric tests. The authors conduct
man behaviors. experiments measuring, among others, the Big Five
personality traits in a zero-shot setup. In contrast,
Park et al. [409] replicate a set of 8 psycho- to Miotto et al. [367], Pellert et al. [414] investi-
logical studies from the Many Labs 2 project [270] gate smaller models based on BERT and find that
using GPT-3 to assess the LLM for its ability to sim- different variants of BERT score across the five
ulate human behavioral data. Such studies include personalities in a fairly homogeneous fashion, with

traits that are high on agreeableness and extraver- Pre-processing Post-processing
sion, but low on neuroticism.
In a related fashion, Stevenson et al. [523] as-
sess LLM performance (GPT-3) on the Guilford’s
Alternative Uses Test [AUT; 181], a test to assess LLM
human creativity. The test asks participants to sug-
gest uses for physical objects (e.g., a book or a Code -> Modality
fork). Comparing the AUT test performance of Modality-to-Text Python - Matplotlib
Latex - TikZ
GPT-3 to that of psychology students, the authors <style>
.grid {
found that human responses score higher on orig- Prompt
display: grid;

inality and surprise, whereas GPT-3’s responses

were more useful.
Kosinski [277] test Theory of Mind (ToM) in LLM Prompt

LLMs. ToM refers to the ability to track others’

unobservable mental states, such as intentions, be-
liefs, or desires. The authors find that among Output Modality-and-Text-
LLMs of the GPT family, recent models can in-
creasingly solve ToM tasks without having been
explicitly trained to do so. For instance, while GPT- Figure 16: Modality Conversion. Illustration of us-
ing models with other input modalities as pre or post-
2 shows virtually no capability of solving ToM
processing steps in an LLM pipeline [148, 329, 338,
tasks, GPT-3.5 (based on InstructGPT) and GPT-4 225, 315]. For some use cases, this approach can be
performed similarly to 6- and 7-year-old children, used as an alternative to training a multi-modal model
respectively. Gandhi et al. [162] present a template- or using a shared embedding space.
based framework for generating synthetic samples
to evaluate ToM in LLMs, which are then applied to
five recently developed LLMs (incl. GPT-3, GPT- Wang et al. [583] propose using GPT-3 to label
4, LLaMA, and Claude). The authors show that datasets more cost-effectively than human labelers.
most models struggle with ToM in its basic forms. These labeled datasets can then be used to train
However, GPT-4 performs closest to the human more compute-efficient smaller models. To evalu-
comparison of all tested models. ate this approach, RoBERTa and PEGASUS mod-
els are trained for 9 NLP tasks using human and
3.10.3 Simulating Social Relationships GPT-3 generated labels. GPT-3 labels are shown
While most previous works measure LLMs as mod- to outperform human labels when labeling budgets
els for human behavior through replicating human are small, but higher-quality human labels tend to
behavioral studies, Park et al. [408] use the power lead to better models at higher labeling budgets.
of LLMs to model the interaction between artificial Similarly, Ding et al. [123] propose three prompt-
agents. The authors model a community of 25 ar- ing approaches for training data generation with
tificial agents interacting in a digital environment GPT-3: unlabeled data annotation (generate labels
to achieve this. Each character has unique traits, for known examples), training data generation (gen-
and the characters interact with each other through erate examples and labels), and assisted training
natural language. Simulating such societies, the data generation (with Wikidata provided as addi-
authors observe emergent social behaviors (e.g., tional context). Fine-tuning a smaller BERT model
forming new relationships and attending events) for text classification and NER tasks using these
between agents that are formed without any human approaches showed results similar to or worse than
interaction. using GPT-3 directly.
Gunasekar et al. [182] leverage synthetic data
3.11 Synthetic Data Generation
generation with GPT-3.5 to train a new code gen-
The ability of LLMs to perform in-context learning eration LLM (see Sec. 3.3.1). The generated data
allows them to be prompted to generate synthetic consists of synthetic Python textbooks focusing on
datasets for training much smaller domain-specific reasoning, basic algorithmic skills, and synthetic
models. Python exercises. One important finding of this

work is that introducing randomness into data gen- to model collapse [506].
eration is crucial, all while ensuring the examples
maintain their quality and coherence. Hallucinated Distributions [506]
Yoo et al. [648] propose GPT3Mix to generate Using LLMs for fully synthetic data genera-
additional synthetic data from an existing dataset tion is currently constrained by our inability
for classification tasks. GPT3Mix uses GPT-3 to verify whether the synthetic data gener-
with a prompt containing real examples from the ated is representative of the true distribution
dataset and a task specification to create synthetic in the corresponding real-world data.
examples and pseudo-labels jointly. This new aug-
mented dataset is then used to fine-tune BERT and
In cases where the LLM is only used to label
DistilBERT models. This method combines data
existing data [583, 123] this will likely reduce
augmentation approaches with knowledge distilla-
the risk of generating an unrepresentative training
tion by training smaller classification models using
distribution (although hallucinated labels remain
soft labels.
an issue). Where the LLM is used to generate
Bonifacio et al. [51] propose InPars, a method (or partially generate) both the input and the tar-
for using LLMs to generate synthetic retrieval ex- get [123, 104, 182, 51, 503] the issue of halluci-
amples for fine-tuning on information retrieval nated distributions becomes potentially significant.
tasks. GPT-3 is few-shot prompted to generate a rel-
evant question for a randomly sampled document 4 Related Work
along with the question’s associated probability. A
smaller monoT5 model is then fine-tuned using Closest to ours is the concurrent work by Zhao
this dataset to rank relevant documents for a given et al. [673], who provide an extensive survey of
question. The fine-tuned model outperforms only large language models and associated topics. Mi-
pre-trained models but performs worse than models alon et al. [363] focus on surveying augmented
fine-tuned using the existing MS MARCO training language models, i.e., “language models with rea-
dataset [32]. soning skills and the ability to use tools”. Tornede
Dai et al. [104] introduce AugGPT, which uses et al. [555] survey LLMs in the context of AutoML
ChatGPT (GPT-3.5) to augment each example in methods, highlighting existing methods and chal-
a small base dataset with six additional rephrased lenges in leveraging these for improving LLMs.
synthetic examples. This new augmented dataset is Tang et al. [539] survey LLM-generated text de-
then used to fine-tune a specialized BERT model. tection techniques. Chang et al. [72] concurrently
This approach outperforms existing augmentation survey evaluation tasks of LLMs.
approaches, such as word and character substitu- The literature also contains several previous sur-
tion. veys and evaluations specific to individual applica-
tion domains that reference LLMs, including: chat-
Finally, instead of generating synthetic data to
bots [345], computational biology [558, 217], com-
achieve a specialized task, Shridhar et al. [503] pro-
puter programming [499], medicine [381, 610, 590,
pose Decompositional Distillation, which aims to
381], law [101, 531], knowledge work [140, 621],
use synthetic data to replicate in smaller models the
and reasoning [223].
multi-step reasoning capabilities, such as CoT, that
emerge in larger LLMs. First, GPT-3 is used with a
5 Conclusion
manually designed few-shot prompt to decompose
a problem into (sub-question, sub-solution) pairs. In this work, we identify several unsolved chal-
This synthetic sub-question dataset is then used lenges of large language models, provide an
to fine-tune a T5 problem decomposer to generate overview of their current applications, and discuss
sub-questions. Finally, a GPT-2 problem solver how the former constrain the latter. By highlighting
is fine-tuned to provide the sub-solutions to the the limitations of existing methods, we hope to fos-
teacher-generated sub-questions. ter future research addressing these. We also hope
Overall, while LLM-generated synthetic data that by providing an overview of the approaches
can potentially bring significant cost benefits, the used in different applied areas, we can facilitate
greater its role, the higher the potential for it to fail the transfer of ideas between domains and target
to capture the true distribution and potentially lead further research.

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