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I was born on
April 30, 2008 at 2008
the San José
Hospital When I was 6 months
old I got sick and
started suffering
from asthma, I spent
I started studying in 2012 a large part of my
when I was 5 years old at life in the hospital
the Inter-American
School in that school,
pre-kindergarten, In 2015 they transferred
transitional me to the Salesian Juan
kindergarten del Rizzo school, that
year I fractured my
right wrist because a
In 2016 they transferred me
child knocked me down
to the Atanasio Girardot
school. At the beginning of
from a see-saw
2016 my brother was
playing with me and I
fractured my wrist again In 2017 I was transferred
some time later I fractured
to a school called Isaac
my wrist again
Newton, I started to do
poorly in school, I
almost missed the year,
they had to have an
In 2018 I was transferred
appendix operation
to the Atanasion Giradot
school again, I met 2018
Magda who is my best
In 2019 I started to do
friend, then I met Maria
better in school, I
Camila who is now also
graduated from 5, I went
my best friend
2019 to Melgar with some
relatives and I had to
give a presentation of
the paper house
During these years
the pandemic began 2020-
and it was a little 2021
hard, since I couldn't In 2022 Maria Camila
see my friends for a was changed to 903
long time and since then Maria
2022 Camila Magda and I
have been best

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