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Partial 1

1. What thoughts does this movie spur in you?

2. What is your emotional response to the movie?
3. What moments, character, or ideas resonated with you while watching the movie?
4. What themes are present in this movie?
5. What is this movie saying about our world?
6. Why would someone want to watch this film?

1. This film makes me think about our society, the individualism and evil that exists in
this world, it makes me think about people’s hearts, where sometimes there are big
differences, some people full of love and compassion towards others and on the
other hand people full of impiety and hatred, who only seek their own benefit
regardless of the damage the cause.

2. As the film progressed my emotions became more and more intense, I felt sadness
almost all the time, frustration, and helplessness at seeing so many injustices.
Although Oliver has had a good ending, the learning of this film transcends.

3. Personally, I reflected a lot about the children in the orphanage, the sadness that
exists in them for living without their parents and for being victims of so much
mistreatment and abuse. The times I saw Oliver walking through lonely and faraway
places reminded me of the vulnerability of children and the danger that surrounds

4. I consider that this film includes relevant themes of society, different scenes that
reflect the cruel reality that exists in orphanages, where so many children suffer daily
abuse and discrimination, or crime that increases every day in different countries,
where injustice often wins. In this film we can also see the segregation of social
classes, machismo and violence against women, issues of great importance in our
society that have existed for centuries.

5. Oliver Twist gives us a clear message regarding the reality of this world, a place with
many problems, where most people become increasingly selfish, wanting to make a
profit in all situations, a cruel world, which doesn’t care if others don’t have enough
to eat, a world where there is mockery, loneliness, and above all a lot of injustice.

6. The valuable content that Oliver Twist gives us makes this film interesting to watch,
there it invites us to reflect on humanity, gives us life lessons that help us improve,
shows us the reality that some people may ignore or prefer to forget. This film has a
lot of emotional value and teaches us what really matters.

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