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A Proposal For A music video

1916by The fallen

Prepared by Ben Hunt

Attack Promo

2nd December 2011



Copyright 2011

Prepared by Ben Hunt

This must be written in full sentences. Please delete anything in italics. Write between 120-200 words Paragraph 1 We are going to produce a music video to promote Ahems new artists The Fallens new song 1916 we plan it will be around 4 minuets, slightly longer than the actual song. In this video we plan to promote the band and what they are like to expand their fan base as well as make them more available to their fans. We also want to comply with the Artists wishes to create a tribute video. The target Audience for this video is for veterans and current military personal as a thank you. We also are aiming it to the general public to raise awareness about Poppy day for the UK this was primarily made for British audiences but this could be changed if requested. We will cast the band only as they wished and have them perform during the video. Paragraph 2 The concept of the music video is to have the band members visit the sights of importance to World War I and have them pay tribute to the memorials they visit. We plan to take them to a variety of different locations while splicing it with performance footage of the band dressed, as their ancestors would be during the war on location of some of the battles. We have chosen this concept for the fallen as we believe it shows their commitment and respect to the soldiers of the past and gives them a sense of humbleness to their audience making them feel a lot more personal as they pay respect to the audiences ancestors as well. Paragraph 3 We chose a wide variety of locations for the band to visit the interior shots we have are throughout the Imperial War Museum for example the Museums achieves, exhibits and a few exterior shots of the outside. Other locations such as the multiple fields and woodland the battles took place and exterior shots of HMS Belfast. These will take place in France and Britain and the areas that their descendants visited. There will be a use of costumes from the war era and modern clothing and props there are no sets because we want to make it authentic for this music video we will use fades and other editing effects to show the change of theme and time period

Paragraph 4 We want the original band to appear in this as there first trip was what inspired them to write this song and we want the audience to experience this trip again with the band we will include some of the local historians who accompanied the band on the trip informing the band of the events. The band will be playing the part of themselves and their descendants again bringing the audience into the shoes of the soldiers all this time on screen will promote the artists more as well as make the audience feel they are on a journey with the band. Paragraph 5 The technology we will be using is very basic because the main narrative is a documentary style video. For the Performance shots we will be using higher res cameras, equipment and camera crews because of the grander shots and editing to get more conventional and show the transition between locations and time periods. This means the budget can be cut down to cover for travel and shooting permission that will make up the majority of the budget. The overall budget for the music video is a simple $4000 due to the narrative and locations.


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