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Expert Review of Ophthalmology

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Quality of life living with ocular prosthesis

Marcelo Coelho Goiato, Fernanda Pereira de Caxias & Daniela Micheline dos

To cite this article: Marcelo Coelho Goiato, Fernanda Pereira de Caxias & Daniela Micheline
dos Santos (2018) Quality of life living with ocular prosthesis, Expert Review of Ophthalmology,
13:4, 187-189, DOI: 10.1080/17469899.2018.1503534

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Published online: 26 Jul 2018.

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2018, VOL. 13, NO. 4, 187–189


Quality of life living with ocular prosthesis

Marcelo Coelho Goiato, Fernanda Pereira de Caxias and Daniela Micheline dos Santos
Department of Dental Material and Prosthesis, Sao Paulo State University (UNESP), School of Dentistry, Araçatuba, Brazil

ARTICLE HISTORY Received 3 April 2018; Accepted 19 July 2018

KEYWORDS Anophthalmia; eye; artificial; microphthalmia; quality of life

1. Introduction attributed this predominance to the fact that individuals in that

age range are more often exposed to situation that might lead to
The absence of ocular content may be congenital [1] or acquired
ocular loss [12].
due to surgical removal which can be indicated in several cases
such as traumas [2–4], cancer, blind painful eye, microphathalmos,
endophthalmitis, and suprachoroidal hemorrhage [3]. The ocular 3. Prostheses, quality of life, and post-rehabilitation
defects can be corrected by prostheses which have many func- care
tions such as restore the esthetic, prevent eyelid deformation,
Attempts of aesthetic recovery after ocular loss have hap-
protect the anophthalmic cavity, orientate the lacrimal flux, and
pened since ancient times, once there are references of
avoid its accumulation in this cavity [5]. Furthermore, the ocular
different materials use since Egypt, Aztec, Roman, and Inca
prosthetic rehabilitation is associated to psychosocial improve-
civilizations [12]. Currently, the materials used for fabrication
ment, once the prostheses are able to influence positively the
of ocular prostheses are cryolite glass and, mainly, poly-
interpersonal relations [6,7], which leads to a positive impact on
methyl methacrylate (acrylic resin) [13]. Besides these two
the quality of life.
materials, silicone is also used in prostheses that cover facial
The aim of this literature review was to report the etiol-
portions [14], that is, oculopalpebral prostheses. Ocular pros-
ogy of ocular bulb loss, the types of ocular prosthesis, and
theses must be fabricated individually [15], with materials
their impact on quality of life as well as the post-
that allow a correct molding of the cavity, which results in
rehabilitation care.
correct prosthesis adaptation and comfort to the patient [7],
and they should be finished with materials that offer good
2. Etiology of ocular defects dimensional stability so that good retention, protection to
the remaining tissues, and pleasant esthetic along the use
Anophthalmia and microphthalmia are defined, respectively,
can be achieved [14]. On the other hand, temporary pros-
as the absence of ocular tissue within the orbit and as smaller
theses can also be installed in patients soon after their sur-
eyes that general population mean size [8] and they can affect
gery, when there is tolerance, aiming to improve the
one or both eyes [9].
appearance [16]. The immediate prostheses seem not to
The etiology of congenital ocular defects is still unknown, but
affect the wound closure, neither the quality of the subse-
there are studies that suggest hereditary and environmental
quent permanent prostheses [16].
causes such as genetic mutations [8], maternal nutritional defi-
Besides the manual fabrication cited earlier, the profes-
ciency, mainly Vitamin A [10], and maternal infections during
sional can also use modern techniques, such as computer-
pregnancy [11].
aided design and computer-aided manufacturing and rapid
The acquired ocular defects may be caused by three types of
prototype modeling, aiming the fabrication of 3D printed
surgery: evisceration, which is the removal of ocular bulb internal
customized prostheses [17]. This technique substitutes the
content keeping the bulb in the orbit; enucleation, which is the
molding phase aiming to decrease the errors cause by impres-
removal of whole ocular bulb keeping the adjacent structures in
sion material and to save clinical time [17].
the orbit; and, lastly, the exenteration that is defined as removal of
The absence of ocular content makes the periorbital mus-
whole content, eyelid, and posterior coverage of epidermal tissue
culature hypofunctional and individually fabricated, and well-
with a graft [12]. The literature points the enucleation as most
adapted ocular prostheses help to recover the muscular tonus
frequent type among these surgeries, but the elected one varies
of orbicularis oculi muscle, once these prostheses allow a
according to the problem etiology, and trauma is the most fre-
good adaptation in the cavity and on the muscle, improving
quent indication for the cited surgeries [12]. Coas et al. (2005)
its mobility [18]. Besides this physiological improvement, satis-
found higher predominance for ocular bulb loss in individuals
factory prostheses also cause impact on emotional aspects
who were 20‒40 years old in their study and these authors

CONTACT Marcelo Coelho Goiato Department of Dental Material and Prosthesis, Sao Paulo State University, School of Dentistry, Road
José Bonifácio, 1193, Vila Mendonça, Araçatuba, Sao Paulo CEP: 16015-050, Brazil
This article has been republished with minor changes. These changes do not impact the academic content of the article.
© 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

since patients become depressed after ocular content loss and Declaration of interest
feel better with the prosthetic restauration due to improve- The authors have no relevant affiliations or financial involvement with
ment in appearance [7]. any organization or entity with a financial interest in or financial
The eyes are the most noticeable structure on the face [19] and conflict with the subject matter or materials discussed in the manu-
their loss causes a psychological fragility of patients [4]. Shame, script. This includes employment, consultancies, honoraria, stock own-
embarrassment, preoccupation to hide, insecurity, and fear are ership or options, expert testimony, grants or patents received or
pending, or royalties.
reported as significant feelings after surgery [7]. Ahm, Lee and
Yoon, (2010) affirm that eye removal causes such devastating
effect in the patient that some of them develop anthrophobia,
Reviewer Disclosures
which is the fear of meeting new people or new environments
[20]. The same authors studied the presence of anxiety and Peer reviewers on this manuscript have no relevant financial relationships
depression in anophthalmic individuals and in individuals with or otherwise to disclose.
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