Lesson Plan Number 9

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Western Mindanao State University

College of Teacher Education

Zamboanga Central School SPED Center
Zamboanga City

Pre-Service Teacher: Marjorie A. Vizarra Date submitted: April 01, 2024

ZCSSC Mentor: Joefee Hazel B. Bigay Date to teach: April 03, 2024


Non-Graded -SPED

I. Objectives
At the end of a 1 hour discussion, the learners with special educational needs are expected to do the
following with at least 75% level of mastery.
a. identify number 9;
b. count the objects on the pictures with the quantity of 9; and
c. trace and write the number 9.

II. Subject Matter

A. Numeracy: Number 9
B. Worksheet References:
▪ myteachingstation.com
▪ www.ESLBLOCK.com
▪ eduuakbar.blogspot.com
▪ myteachingstation.com
▪ mungfali.com

C. Materials: behavioral chart, pictures, television, PPT, , printed worksheets

III. Procedure
A. Preparation
1. Greetings
Good morning children! (Good morning teacher) I am teacher Marj, today I am your young teacher. Show me
that you are ready, arrange your chairs, and sit properly.

Before start our lesson, let's go over some friendly reminders or guidelines for our classroom. These are the
things I'd like you to keep in mind.

b)follow instructions
c.)participate; and
d)sit properly.

Okay class look at here before we are going to start our lesson I want you to look at the board. I have here with
me a Behavioral Chart entitled “Insects Reward Chart” I will be going to put your names on each Insects and If
you will behave and participate, I will move forward the Insects to reach the finish line. Did You Understand?
(Yes, teacher!)
Insects Reward Chart

2. Review
Okay class who can tell me what is your lesson last Monday ? (Number 8 teacher) Yes. Very good! the
number you have learn last week is the Number 8. (show the visual representation of Number 8) Now, I have
here a head of the caterpillar (show the picture of caterpillar), now I want you to show the class how we count
The Caterpillar’s body by touching each egg and paste it on the board, I have the students touch and say one-
two-thee-four-five-six-seven-eight when counting. If students need help with this step I will gently take their
hand and guide them through the process.

Let's count the parts of the caterpillar's body.

8 Eight
Objective: The objective of the game is for each player to successfully identify and count the caterpillars
body numbered 1 through 8 in the correct sequence.

3. Motivation
Now, I have prepared here a 2-3 minutes video presentation, but before watching the video what are the things
that we must always remember? We have our classroom rules which is, behave, follow instructions, listen
carefully and sit properly. Do you understand class? (Yes teacher).Very Good!


B. Presentation
1. Introduce
Today , let's move on to the number 9 Seven. (Teacher holds up a visual representation of Number 9 Nine.) This
is the Number 9 Nine.

Introduce Number 9 and let the student spell.

9 Nine
This is number Nine
It spells as N-i-n-e

C. Discussion of Examples
In each pictures Let the student count the insects with the quantity of 9. (Encourage each pupils to
repeat after)

Now, Do you want to count with me? Alright now I want you to look at the board as I show you Nine Insects, I
very intentionally point to each Insects to model the way I want them to count, making sure to point and have
the students join me in counting the insects.

2. Games
Let the student filled the Net with Nine Insects.

Now, we’re going to to have an Activity!, Let us filled the net with nine insects, Are you ready? (Yes, teacher!)
Great! Let's start.I have the students count and say one-two-thee-four-five-six-seven-eight-n-i-n-e when
counting the insects.

Differentiated Written Activities
I. Activity
Directions: Trace and Color the number 9.
II. Activity
Directions: Identify the Number 9.

III. Activity
Directions: Count the objects in each group and circle that have 9 objects.

Value: Discovery
I have a saying that will help us understand and appreciate the importance of discovering new things.

Meaning that finding new things helps us learn and understand more about the world.

Emphasize the number 9 and prompt the student verbally to count the Insects posted on the board.

III. Evaluation
Allow the learner to answer the following Worksheet to their fullest potential.
Directions: Find the number 9 and color it.
IV. Assignment
Directions: Count, and color the fingers number 9.

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