Ethics and Highly Innovative Research On Brain Diseases

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Perspective June 20, 2024

Fundamental s of Medic al E thic s

Ethics and Highly Innovative Research on Brain Diseases

Ethics and Innovative Research on Brain Diseases

Saskia Hendriks, M.D., Ph.D., and Christine Grady, M.S.N., Ph.D.​​

he human brain is the object of endless fas- covers that the device company declared
cination, given its centrality to identity and bankruptcy and the needed replacement
parts are no longer available. He is left
many core functions, including production with a defunct implant.
of thoughts, emotions, and actions. Patients may Ongoing clinical trials are test-
ing highly innovative brain im-
therefore attribute distinctive derived from it raise both familiar plants, with aims ranging from
meaning to brain diseases and in- and new ethical challenges. treating opioid addiction to restor-
terventions. The devastating toll A few specific hypothetical ing speech. Mr. P.’s case is, unfor-
of neurologic and psychiatric dis- cases based on existing innovative tunately, not unlike some that have
orders makes seeking knowledge brain research can help illustrate been reported.1 Given the risks
and developing interventions by these challenges. The first relates posed by brain surgery, trials in-
means of brain research an ethi- to post-trial care. volving brain implants typically
cal imperative. Deeper under- Mr. P., who was left quadriplegic enroll patients with severe, treat-
standing of the brain could also after an accident, joins a trial of a ment-resistant conditions. Unsur-
change our notions of what is brain–computer interface (BCI). Intra- prisingly, many participants who
uniquely human and of death, cortical microelectrode arrays are im- benefit want to keep the implant,
agency, responsibility, and other planted in his motor cortex, and percu- which is often the only interven-
concepts underlying fundamental taneous electrodes are inserted in his tion that has worked. For other
societal norms and laws. Our in- arm. The recorded neural activity is participants, explantation of the
creasing ability to record, under- decoded to command his paralyzed arm device would be too risky. But pa-
stand, and directly modify the by electrically stimulating his hand, tients with experimental implants
brain has led research to a new elbow, and shoulder muscles. After re- need ongoing care to maintain the
frontier, where calls are being ceiving 10 hours of training each week benefits, reduce side effects, or
made to protect the right to men- for a year, Mr. P. can cortically com- manage complications (such as
tal self-determination. Despite ex- mand his paralyzed arm. This ability bleeding) that may occur years
citing advances, conducting brain increases his independence, improving after the trial. Determining who
research and appropriately imple- his quality of life. Three years after the is responsible for post-trial care
menting interventions or insights trial, the BCI stops working. Mr. P. dis- requires balancing participants’ in-

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PERS PE C T IV E Ethics and Innovative Research on Brain Diseases

Selected Considerations and Responsibilities Related to Post-Trial Care after Brain-Implant Trials.*

Professionals or Organizations Considerations and Responsibilities

Research teams Identify post-trial research-related risks, discomforts, and benefits by mapping out the patient
journey in reasonably foreseeable scenarios (e.g., whether the device is commercialized).
Identify continuing health care needs related to study participation.
Minimize research-related post-trial risks and enhance potential benefits when designing
the device, the study, and long-term care plans for former participants with implants.
Describe post-trial care needs and plans in protocols for review by the IRB, the funder, and
the FDA.
Ensure that the informed consent process adequately informs patients about what happens
after trials end (see “Reviewers” below for elements to be included).
Within reasonable limits, ensure that appropriate referrals are made or remain available to
provide necessary care that only the researchers can provide.
Research institutions Consider contributing to critical unmet post-trial needs by waiving fees, providing financial
support within limits, or both.
Device manufacturers Minimize research-related post-trial risks and enhance potential benefits when designing the
device, the study, and long-term care plans for former participants with implants.
If hardware or software is incompatible with commercially available options, make a reasonable
number of hardware replacements available (e.g., produce them up front) and provide soft-
ware updates for a reasonable time.
Consider contributing to critical unmet post-trial needs by providing financial support within
Establish industry standards to maximize compatibility where possible.
Funders Request long-term plans and assess them.
Consider contributing to critical unmet post-trial needs by providing financial support within
Reviewers (IRBs, FDA) Assess the adequacy of informed consent forms’ description of what happens after trials end,
including reasonably foreseeable post-trial risks, discomforts, and benefits, continuing medi-
cal care needs related to study participation, plans to provide or facilitate this care, and costs
resulting from having participated in the trial.
Include reasonably foreseeable research-related post-trial risks and benefits in the trial’s risk–
benefit analysis; ensure that these risks are also sufficiently minimized.

* Adapted from Hendriks et al.1 Research institutions, device manufacturers, and funders could consider operationalizing finan-
cial support for post-trial care by means of a specific insurance policy or a fund for research-related post-trial care, which may
have some advantages (e.g., spreading financial risk). FDA denotes Food and Drug Administration, and IRB institutional review

terests with potential deterrent and hardware compatibility stan- stop supporting a device, or when
effects on industry and the possi- dards are not yet established).1 clinician-investigators become un-
ble reduction of funds available For most trial participants who available (because they retire or
for developing new treatments. benefit from a brain implant and change institutions, for example).
Although post-trial care is a chal- lack treatment alternatives, it’s A second sample scenario fea-
lenge with other types of implants inappropriate to require explanta- tures the decoding of the human
as well, investigators, funders, tion when the trial ends. Investi- brain.
research institutions, and device gators, funders, research institu- Ms. T. is a healthy volunteer in a
manufacturers generally have more tions, and device manufacturers study aiming to reconstruct language
post-trial responsibilities for brain should address key unmet post- from neural activity recorded using
implants, given the interests of trial needs and ensure that in- functional magnetic resonance imag-
patients with severe, treatment- formed consent regarding post- ing ( fMRI). While in the fMRI ma-
resistant conditions in keeping a trial plans is adequate (see table).1 chine, Ms. T. listens to stories and
beneficial device, the high risks Proper planning may mitigate imagines telling stories. During one ex-
involved in both maintaining and potential negative effects on for- ercise, she imagines telling her husband
removing the implant, and the mer research participants who are that she wants a divorce. At her next
novelty of brain devices (e.g., in- are dependent on hardware or visit, the researcher asks, “Is everything
surers are less likely to cover them, services when companies fold or OK with your marriage?”

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PE R S PE C T IV E Ethics and Innovative Research on Brain Diseases

Although this case is hypotheti- As the science advances, com- duce risks (e.g., storing only pro-
cal, researchers have used neu- mercial interest in neurotechnol- cessed, not raw, data) and best
ral-network language models to ogies grows. Big Tech companies practices in informed consent.
reconstruct continuous language such as Meta and Microsoft are Third, the public should be in-
from cortical semantic representa- developing consumer neurotech- formed about potential benefits
tions recorded using fMRI.2 They nologies that may ultimately find and risks of sharing brain data so
created intelligible word sequences widespread use.3 Neurotechnolo- they can make informed choices
capturing the meaning of perceived gies may someday become the key when managing commercial neu-
speech, imagined speech, and si- way that people interface with rotechnologies.
lent videos — an advance with po- their electronic devices. This pos- Finally, current oversight struc-
tential restorative and augmentative sibility raises questions about what tures are limited. Entities such as
applications. Notably, this study future scientists, companies, and institutional review boards and
involved decoding an earlier stage governments could learn about the Food and Drug Administra-
of language production than have people from our brains, how that tion review particular studies, but
most previous efforts, which fo- information will be used, and not potential bigger-picture ef-
cused on the action stage (which what the effects will be on indi- fects and implications of research.
occurs in the motor cortex). The viduals and communities.3 Psycho- Individual institutions often lack
new focus has potential clinical ad- logical testing, digital traces, and the authority, expertise, or proce-
vantages (e.g., for Broca’s aphasia) digital phenotyping already permit dures to consider technologies’
but probably also reduces patients’ some inferences about people’s wider impact. The purview of the
control over what’s conveyed. Re- unspoken mental states, beliefs, Novel and Exceptional Technolo-
searchers are exploring applica- and mental health, but neurosci- gy and Research Advisory Com-
tion of the decoder with more lim- entific advances may significantly mittee (NExTRAC) of the Nation-
ited subject-specific training data increase what anyone with access al Institutes of Health is beyond
(http://videocast​.­nih​.­gov/​­watch=​ to brain data can infer about indi- individual studies, but its scope
­54090). If it becomes possible to vidual people. And beyond pro- and authority are limited. To fill
apply it on data collected for other viding or withholding initial con- this gap, an independent advisory
purposes (e.g., resting-state fMRI sent, people whose brain data body could be created to consid-
data in public archives), there will are collected may have little con- er long-term effects of potential-
be privacy concerns. trol over the breadth of infer- ly disruptive fields of research,
Besides questions about con- ences that can be drawn about identify research directions and
ducting studies ethically, research them — which may have major types of research to be avoided
that advances our ability to use effects on people’s freedom, and given their potential for misuse,
brain data (data recorded about perhaps their authenticity (if con- and make recommendations to
the structure, activity, or function cerns about brain monitoring lead researchers, institutions, funders,
of the brain) to make sensitive people to adjust their thoughts and regulators. Any resulting
inferences about individuals and and behaviors). Some commenta- boundaries or safeguards should
groups (about thought patterns, tors have called mental privacy be grounded in science, incorpo-
emotional states, and risk for cer- “our last bastion of freedom.”3 rate public input, and align with
tain diseases, for example) raises The challenge is to promote community values.
ethical questions related to long- valuable neuroscience innovations A third useful sample case can
term effects and potential mis- while minimizing risks. First, we be found in work on neural or-
use.3 Furthermore, many types of believe more legal protections ganoids.
brain data are unique to each per- against harmful uses of brain data Dr. M., a neuroscientist studying hu-
son (e.g., functional brain connec- (e.g., for discriminatory purposes) man neural organoids, is excited about
tivity) or allow reconstruction of are needed.3 Researchers should the fast pace of research in creating 3D
faces (e.g., MRI), which can be consider using controlled-access models of human brain tissues. Given
matched to publicly available pic- databases for sharing high-risk the lack of good options for studying
tures using facial recognition soft- brain data. Second, professional human brains, these models may revo-
ware and arouse concerns about societies can promote best prac- lutionize the field’s understanding of
reidentifiability. tices in technology design to re- brain development, function, and dis-

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PERS PE C T IV E Ethics and Innovative Research on Brain Diseases

ease. Journalists, institutional officials, oped morally relevant capacities scientific value of brain research,
and ethicists challenge Dr. M. to ad- such as sentience or conscious- advance participants’ interests,
dress what should happen if evidence ness, they would have to be man- and help align the application of
of consciousness or sentience emerges in aged in new ways. Developing findings with societal values.
organoids. Dr. M., like many neurosci- methods to detect such capacities The series editors are Bernard Lo, M.D.,
entists, doubts that organoid conscious- is therefore important. In addition, Debra Malina, Ph.D., Genevra Pittman,
ness or sentience is likely to develop and best practices for donors’ in- M.P.H., and Stephen Morrissey, Ph.D.
The views expressed in this article are
believes that even if it emerges, its level formed consent for brain organoid those of the authors and do not represent
would be comparable to that of insects research should be defined, given those of the National Institutes of Health,
and therefore of limited moral relevance. that preliminary studies suggest the Department of Health and Human Ser-
vices, or the U.S. government.
Derived from pluripotent stem that some donors have moral
Disclosure forms provided by the authors
cells, brain organoids are collec- qualms about such research and are available at
tions of neural cells that can de- want to be able to decide whether
velop in a manner similar to that to consent to specific future uses From the Department of Bioethics, Na-
of fetal brains; assembloids are of brain organoids derived from tional Institutes of Health Clinical Center,
Bethesda, MD.
combined organoids that have their tissues.5 Organoid research
formed interregional connections. oversight is currently limited, and
Despite limitations of size and the field must establish guidelines, This article was published on June 15, 2024,
complexity, along with other scien- including checkpoints to help re-
tific challenges, neural organoids searchers determine when a line 1. Hendriks S, Hsu N, Beckel-Mitchener
can receive sensory inputs, send has been crossed or additional AC, Ngai J, Grady C. Continuing trial re-
sponsibilities for implantable neural devic-
functional outputs, and exhibit oversight is needed. Periodic as- es. Neuron 2023;​111:​3143-9.
synchronized electrical activity. sessment of research programs by 2. Tang J, LeBel A, Jain S, Huth AG. Seman-
Work with brain assembloids, for an independent advisory body may tic reconstruction of continuous language
from non-invasive brain recordings. Nat
example, enabled researchers to also be appropriate. Neurosci 2023;​26:​858-66 .
identify genes associated with Brain research has enormous 3. Farahany NA. The battle for your brain:
neurodevelopmental disorders that promise but raises ethical chal- defending the right to think freely in the age
of neurotechnology. New York:​St. Martin’s
inhibit cortical circuit develop- lenges that require more than sim- Press, 2023.
ment, possibly ultimately facilitat- ple regulatory compliance. Ethics 4. Meng X, Yao D, Imaizumi K, et al. As-
ing therapeutic efforts.4 are inextricably interwoven with sembloid CRISPR screens reveal impact of
disease genes in human neurodevelopment.
As organoids and assembloids science. Value-laden considerations, Nature 2023;​622:​359-66.
become more analogous to hu- which are plentiful in brain re- 5. MacDuffie KE, Stein JL, Doherty D, et
man brains, search, influence decisions about al. Donor perspectives on informed con-
An audio interview
sent and use of biospecimens for brain or-
with Christine Grady both their sci- what research to support, how to ganoid research. Stem Cell Reports 2023;​
is available at entific poten- conduct it, and how to implement 18:​1389-93.
tial and related ethical challenges its findings. Thoughtful incorpo- DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp2310377
increase. If future organoids devel- ration of ethics can enhance the Copyright © 2024 Massachusetts Medical Society.
Ethics and Innovative Research on Brain Diseases

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Michael Liu, M.Phil., Sahil Sandhu, M.Sc., Brett J. Feldman, M.S.P.A.S., P.A.-C., and David G. Munson, M.D.​​

R oughly 650,000 people expe-

rience homelessness at any
given time in the United States,
in-time count conducted by the
Department of Housing and Ur-
ban Development during January
size since national reporting be-
gan in 2007 (see graph). People
who are unsheltered lack safe
of whom approximately 40% are 2023. The unsheltered homeless and stable housing, and many of
unsheltered, according to a point- population has reached its largest them reside in locations that are

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