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Palahanan Integrated National High School


A Capstone Project
Presented to
Palahanan 2nd, San Juan Batangas

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Subject

Cee Jay Cueto

Edzon D. De Guzman
Lemeul Piol
Shenna Mae P. Bellen
Ella Mae Salcedo

July 2023

Palahanan Integrated National High School


Effective research and writing skills are essential for students to succeed

academically and professionally in the digital age. This study aims to address the

challenges faced in the research writing process by developing a mobile application

specifically designed to enhance students’ knowledge and facilitate the writing

experience. The goal is to create a user-friendly and comprehensive tool that

provides guidance, resources and interactive resources to help students throughout

the research and writing journey. This research adopts a systematic approach to

interventions, combining qualitative and quantitative research methods to ensure

intervention effectiveness and implementation A comprehensive literature review is

conducted to identify key factors, best practices, is a common pitfall in research

writing. Interviews and surveys are conducted with students and academic

professionals to explore their experiences, needs, and preferences in writing

research data collected for application features, interface design, and content

development. The mobile app provides a variety of features to assist students in

every aspect of research writing, including topic selection, literature review,

commentary, writing, explanation and editing, research and writing guidance is

provided to guide students through the research writing process. It also includes

features such as grammar plagiarism checkers, citation generator, and collaborative

tools to improve writing accuracy and efficiency. To evaluate the app's

Palahanan Integrated National High School

effectiveness, a pre- and post-test assessment is conducted to measure students'

research writing skills, confidence, and perceived usability of the mobile

application. Participants' feedback and suggestions are also collected through

surveys and focus groups to identify areas of improvement and potential

enhancements. This research contributes to the field of education by providing a

practical and accessible tool that empowers students in research writing. The mobile

application bridges the gap between traditional classroom instruction and modern

technological advancements, offering a personalized and on-the-go solution to

students' research writing challenges. The findings of this study will guide further

development and refinement of the mobile application, ensuring its relevance and

effectiveness in diverse educational settings. The implications of this research

extend beyond the academic sphere, as strong research writing skills are essential

for professional success in various fields. By equipping students with effective

research writing tools and skills, the mobile application has the potential to enhance

their competitiveness and contribute to their long-term academic and career


Palahanan Integrated National High School

I. Introduction

The advancement of technology has brought significant changes to various aspects

of human life, including education. With the growing demand for quality education,

students are expected to produce quality research output. However, not all students have

the necessary skills and resources to produce such output. The integration of technology in

education has provided opportunities for learners to access and use digital tools for

academic research. In the Philippines, there is a need for an efficient and effective way to

conduct research, especially in higher education institutions. Thus, the development of a

mobile application and web platform that can assist students in their research activities is


The Integration of technology in education has been a growing trend in recent years,

as it provides a wide range of benefits to students and educators alike. According to a study

conducted by Almendras et al. (2019), the use of technology in the classroom can improve

student engagement, motivation, and academic performance. Furthermore, digital tools

such as mobile applications and web platforms have become essential in assisting students

in their research activities.

In the Philippines, higher education institutions are facing a pressing need to

produce quality research output that can contribute to the advancement of various fields.

Palahanan Integrated National High School

However, many students lack the necessary skills and resources to conduct research

efficiently. A study by Tandoc et al. (2015) shows that the lack of resources and training

in research methods is one of the primary challenges faced by Filipino students in

conducting research.

To address these challenges, this project aims to develop a mobile application to

assist students, researchers, and academics in conducting efficient and effective academic

research. This project is particularly relevant in the Philippines, where academic research

has become an integral part of the education system and the country's development goals.

Thus, the proposed project of developing a Research Assistance Mobile Application and

Web Platform for Efficient Academic Research is significant in addressing the challenges

faced by Filipino students in conducting research. By providing access to digital tools annd

resources, students can produce quality research output that can contribute to the

advancement of various fields.

These studies and others have highlighted the potential of mobile applications in

supporting academic research in the Philippines. According to a study by De Guzman and

Laborte (2017), the integration of digital tools in academic research can improve the quality

of research output and increase the efficiency of the research process. Therefore, the

Research Assistance Mobile Application and Web Development for Efficient Academic

Research is a timely and relevant project that can contribute to the advancement of

academic research in the Philippines. This project has the potential to improve the

Palahanan Integrated National High School

efficiency and effectiveness of academic research by providing users with a user-friendly

platform that streamlines the research process, making it easier for researchers to access

relevant materials, organize their research, and collaborate with others. Similarly, a study

by Alcantara and Liwanag (2019) emphasized the need for a user-friendly mobile

application that can assist students in their research activities. These studies support the

importance and relevance of this study in addressing the challenges faced by students in

conducting academic research in the Philippines.

Statement of the problem

In this study, the researcher aims to help students to increase information and make

it easy for students to learn the periodic table.

1. How does mobile application affect the process of making research?

2. What are the advantages of Research Mobile Application to students?

3. What does this mobile application can provide for the possible researchers?


The hypothesis of this capstone project stated that the development of a

research assistance mobile application will help students in conducting academic research

more efficiently by providing access to relevant research materials, facilitating

collaboration among researchers, and streamlining the research process.

Research Buddy is a mobile application designed to assist students who experience

difficulties in conducting research. It is specifically developed for incoming Grade 12

Palahanan Integrated National High School

students or anyone who wishes to conduct research. Research Buddy provides a

comprehensive platform that enables users to access reliable resources and references for

their research. The mobile app offers various features, such as tools for research such as

research notes, must watch videos in conducting research and a database of scholarly

articles that can aid students in finding related review of literature in their research. The

development of Research Buddy is essential in providing a convenient and user friendly

tool that can contribute to improving the research skills of students. By using this app,

students can save time and effort, making research less stressful and more efficient. It is

also expected that Research Buddy will provide an opportunity for students to produce

quality research output. In conclusion, Research Buddy is a valuable project that can help

address the challenges faced by students in conducting research. With its user-friendly

features, the mobile app can significantly contribute to improving research skills and

producing quality research output.

Palahanan Integrated National High School

II. Literature Review

Mobile application has been part of daily life of people that it can be useful in

education. According to Harrison et. Al (2013), the range and availability of mobile

applications is expanding rapidly. With the increased processing power available on

portable devices, developers are increasing the range of services that they provide.

Furthermore, according to Jayatilleke et. Al (2018), the developed mobile application was

generally efficient, simple to learn, easy to navigate, appealing and engaging. It was also

pedagogically constructive as the content and the tools used in the application were useful

from the perspective of both the content experts and the educational technologists.

Mobile application has been used for educational learning. According to Oliveira

(2021), the use of mobile devices by higher education students has grown in the last years

(GMI, 2019). Technological advancements are also pushing society with consequent

rapidly changing environments. Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are not exempted

from these technological changes and advancements, and it is compulsory that they follow

this technological evolution so that the teaching-learning process is improved and enriched.

According to Babalala and Omolafe (2022), the mobile application has a positive effect on

student academic achievement. It is recommended, among other things, that university

lecturers should take advantage of the potential of mobile technology applications in


Palahanan Integrated National High School

According to Bacabac et. al (2019), The use of Educational Applications is an

undermined educational material in today’s education system. Based on the findings, the

study recommended that students are free to use their mobile phones to enhance their

academic performance. With the advantages given by the educational mobile applications,

acquiring knowledge is just one tap away. According to Tolentino et. al (2022), the

existence of different mobile applications in different fields of education makes

information processing quicker. Through this, lessons can be visualized in real-time on the

student mobile devices but employing this at large may still require a considerable degree

of scientific evidence to foster motivation in learning.

According to Gilavand et. Al (2019), using the educational application of

appropriate methods of study and learning had a positive impact on students' academic

achievement, since it increased their final scores. Learning the appropriate methods of

study and learning for students in the form of a curriculum or holding workshops and, of

course, with regard to the popularity of smartphones among students, one benefit of mobile

education apps can be students' academic achievement. Furthermore, according to Farrah

et. Al (2018), The results showed that most students responded positively to using mobile

applications in teaching and learning processes. In addition, all students had smart phones,

and they used varied brands applications in the learning process. Moreover, the results

indicated that students understand and learn better through using the applications.

According to Ababa et. al (2021), educational apps can become more obliging and

useful to by considering EA as a regular tool to excel more with their education. In addition,

Palahanan Integrated National High School

for the improvement of EA, most students are accidentally becoming forgetful because of

bunch of activities, by putting and providing notification on EA’s before the deadline can

serve as their reminder and lastly is by providing personalization to EA’s that is suitable

and much more refreshing and can make the student’s working process much smoother.

According to Qiu (2019), Mobile learning is defined as an extension of digital

learning, allowing learners to access information, resources and perform learning activities

anytime and anywhere with the assistance of mobile computing devices and information

and communication technologies. Furthermore, according to students to Ansari & Tripathi

(2017), with the rapid development of mobile applications and online educational

resources, mobile learning applications play a crucial role in today’s education. According

to Hwang & Wu (2014), Mobile learning can effectively improve learners’ achievement,

motivation, and interests in learning with proper design and development.

According to HInze et. Al (2022), Mobile apps were used by academics and

students for both teaching and research, primarily in the form of document and data storage

and exchange, and communication. Furthermore, according to Romerde et. Al (2021), the

mobile application is easy to use, interactive, has functional features and can accommodate

multiple responses. Students also had an overall positive perception of the application.

Students find the application useful when integrated as part of their tests as stipulated in

their perception statement. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the use of

mobile technology to support academic research in the Philippines.

Palahanan Integrated National High School

In a study conducted by Lendio et al. (2019), it was found that mobile devices are

becoming increasingly popular among Filipino students for conducting research. The study

reported that 86% of Filipino students use mobile devices to access research materials, and

70% use mobile devices for note-taking and organizing research materials.

Another study by De La Rosa (2021) investigated the challenges faced by Filipino

students in conducting academic research, particularly in the context of the COVID-19

pandemic. The study found that mobile applications can help overcome these challenges

by providing students with access to relevant research materials, facilitating collaboration

with peers and mentors, and improving time management and organization. Furthermore,

according to Mengorio and Dumblao (2019), researchers found out that some students had

a fun Experience in using the app, while some students at first said that it’s quite hard to

deal with.

According to Tuliao et. al (2015), Mobile learning provides the ability to use mobile

devices to support teaching and learning. Its mobility makes it stand apart from other types

of learning, particularly designing learning experiences that make the most of the

opportunities that can offer us. Although some say that physical books count as mobile

devices too, mobile devices have distinct features and functionality for supporting learners.

Moreover, its convergence with the internet further offers potential opportunities to support


According to Hinze et. al (2017), Applications (apps) are software specifically

designed for mobile devices. This paper reports on the results of an online survey about

Palahanan Integrated National High School

app use for teaching and research by students and academic staff at the University of

Waikato. The questionnaire had 138 respondents. The results of the data analysis indicate

that among respondent apps are primarily used for communication, data storage, and

collaborative work. Nearly a third of respondents reported not using any apps for academic

purposes, with almost half that number citing a lack of knowledge about possible uses. In

teaching practice, apps were reported to be used as a means to push information to students,

e.g., for distributing reading materials and other teaching resources. In research, apps

appeared to be used to self-organise, collaborate with other researchers, store information,

and to stay current with research. This paper concludes with a list of implications through

using the applications.

According to Khaokhajorna et. al (2020), Mobile technology could support

students’ learning in anytime and anywhere. It led to mobile learning principle, which has

been recognized as pedagogy to support the learning of Science, Technology, Engineering,

and Mathematics (STEM). The results revealed that the application of mobile learning

technology in STEM disciplines have been increased in the past decade. In addition the

review articles reported subject areas in social science has the highest number of using

mobile technology in STEM learning. The findings of this study encourage more

educational research in the area of mobile learning technology in STEM education.

According to Demir and Akpinar (2018), The findings suggest that mobile learning

may promote students' academic achievement. Both groups had significantly high attitude

scores toward mobile learning. Furthermore, the students appreciated mobile learning as

Palahanan Integrated National High School

an approach that may significantly increase their motivation. Researchers and practitioners

should take into consideration that mobile learning can create positive impact on academic

achievement and performance and increase the motivation of students.

According to Menon (2022), The result suggests that academic assistance,

convenience and social influence were the significant predictors of the intention to use

educational apps. The current research also identified the moderating effect of gender in

selecting educational apps. One of the most significant contributions of the present study

is that it extended the uses and gratification theory applications beyond the traditional

media to explain the intention to use educational apps.

Notice of Gaps in knowledge

Based to our analysis and research, mobile learning may help keep students interested

in and motivated to learn, as suggested by the literature. The use of mobile applications by

students can improve their access to information and academic success. Enhancing

knowledge, creating individualized learning experiences, enhancing interaction, gaining

access to online study resources, making communication easier, and most significantly,

remote access are all made possible by mobile applications. Students frequently struggle

to locate reliable websites that can help them to obtain some of the data they need for their

research. As a result, there is a research gap when it comes to developing a mobile

application to provide aid with verified and certified resources for students' study.

Palahanan Integrated National High School

III. Methods

The participants in this study will be the students in Grade 12 students in Palahanan

Integrated National High School. The concept of this study is to lessen the burdens of the

students in making their own research papers. This research mobile application will help

them to find some related review literature easily that based on their research topics and

guide them by providing different examples of research paper and provide them a must

watch videos collections in the internet and also notes for research that will help them to

know the concept and meanings of different chapters in research.

The data will be collected using both qualitative and quantitative approaches.

Qualitative data will be collected through observations with participants based on our

observation students are struggling in making their own research as they do not have any

idea to create one while quantitative data will be collected through testing of the

effectiveness of this research mobile application in students.

Materials and Procedures

In making the research mobile application, we used the following materials:

Laptop and Cellphone – devices used for coding, layout the design and was

used to gather information for creating the mobile app.

Wifi or Load – A wireless networking technology and A reloading prepaid SIM

card that allows devices such computer or cellphone to interface with internet

access for collecting information and needed for making application.

Palahanan Integrated National High School

Thunkable – a no-code app builder where we create our mobile application.

Step By Step Procedures

Step 1: Planning of the name and the features that will be included in the app.

Step 2: Designing the app. Includes the layout of our whole app, the colors, fonts that

will be used and the splash screen, homescreen and the layout features of the app.

Step 3: On the Thunkable website, the process of creating the app began with the placement

of the buttons and layout of the various screens.

Palahanan Integrated National High School

Step 4: Program the apps by connecting all the blocks after laying out each screen.

Step 5: Use the Thunkable app to test the progress after creating it. This will allow us to
see if there are any bugs that need to be fixed right away.

Step 6: The mobile app can now be installed and tested in the actual app after it has finally

been completed. Since there is a price associated with installing the app, we decide to

download it just for Android rather than the Play Store in order to avoid having to pay

before publishing. This allows us to install the software for free on Android only. Students

Palahanan Integrated National High School

can download this program by sharing the file via Bluetooth or the Share It app, but you

should disable Play Protect in your Play Store beforehand before doing so.

Conceptual Paradigm of Making Mobile Application for Research Writing

As you can see this IPO are provide to make the user see the process that we do in

this mobile application, and we put there our title of the project, process and input that we

use in mobile application

Palahanan Integrated National High School

IV. Results, Findings, Interpretation, and Discussion

The data was collected through observation in doing testing. The information is

being used to see if there's needed to change or fix in features, design, or function of

application. Also, the data was examined whether or not the appllication can be used or

not. The set of testing in application was collected for the information that can be uses for

the success of the application.

The following was used for observation and set of testing:

1.1. Testing 1

1.2. Testing 2

1.3. Testing 3

The observation in testing 1, 2 and 3 provided a information on what needed to change,

fix, added or enhance in our application. The information was collected through

observation in testing.

1.1. Testing 1

1.1a Procedure

A mobile application was called "Research Buddy'' was designed and develop

specially for the android mobile devices to guide and helping tool for the researcher for

their research. In order to develop the research mobile application, the first meeting was

based on deciding the design of the application that the researcher discussed the ideas that

Palahanan Integrated National High School

can be used for the design of application. The researcher plan to put to features of

application are the resources, that was trusted cited for the research paper. Chatbot that

can be use by the user to ask a question about the research that they are struggling to

understand and it will reply an answer for their questions. A mini quiz, which focused on

part of research which the user should determine the parts of research. We add a different

website that can find some related literature review.

Figure 1.1. First

trial of mobile


The homescreen was connected to the features screen which the user select feature

they wanted to see. After they click the features like resources, it automatic connect to

trusted websites to find some related literature review. You can turn it back, if you click

the back button.

The "chatbot" features was still on going and same with the "mini quiz" features.

They are still in planning process which the researcher wanted to put in the features for the

better use of application. The resources feature is the only one presented in the testing, the

researcher gives a different websites for getting a related review of literature such as

Google Scholar, ERIC, PEJ, ResearchGate and Paperity.

Palahanan Integrated National High School

1.1b Recommendations

The design color should change into color blue. It was look suitable of the features

design of the application. The scholarly website should be categorized so the user will

determine if the related review of literature was a local or foreigner. The researcher should

create their own splash screen for the opening of the application that it did not see in the

first testing. Test it on the actual application so they see if the application they make in

Thunkable was still the same on the actual application.

1.2 Testing 2

1.2a Procedure

The researcher re-design the application which was recommended in the testing 1.

The researcher changed the design color of application into color blue. The researcher

makes a new set of features because unfortunately the "chatbot and mini quiz" features are

failed. The researcher struggle in putting block for the function of features. Through this,

the researcher makes new set features which is Researchnotes, a collection of different

notes by chapter for better understanding of research. Researchscreen which is a collection

of Youtube tutorials or tips video in doing research that was big help to a researcher and

Researchhub, a feature where students can find any related review literature. The

researcher categorized the resources consist of local, journal and general with the total of

20 websites included in the feature.

Palahanan Integrated National High School

Figure 1.2.

Testing 2

The homescreen was connected to the features screen. When the ResearchHub is

clicked, it will go to connected to website screen. When ResearchonScreen is clicked, it

will automatic connect it to screen which have a tutorial or tips video. They can turn it back

anytime the user wants, as long as they click back button. The ResearchNotes features is

still on process because the researcher still did not put the data that needed information for

the features. The researcher is still on process of finding an information that was needed

that’s why its not yet presented in the testing.

1.2b Recommendations

The application should test on the actual app so that developer can identify if there

an error or none. It was important to test it actual app so the developer can look if the data

they put was readable, the color was change, the feature can use or not or some the function

of application. If the actual app have an error, the developer will give an quick solution for

the error that was encounter when it test on the actual app.

Palahanan Integrated National High School

1.3 Testing 3

1.3a Procedure

The researcher categorized the notes by chapter that needed to include in research

notes to make it easier for the user to use. The researcher also put some examples of

research paper so the user have a guide and can take a look of what research paper look

like. The splash screen is also presented, by making the mobile application better screen to

make it look presentable in the eyes of the user. The splash screen was put to make the

mobile application better.


Testing 3

The splash screen was connected to homescreen and at the same time to feature

screen. If the user clicks the Research notes, the notes will appear that can help and guide

them in making research. It can also help them to understand about the research and gain a

knowledge. The categorized notes can help the to find easily the notes they wanted to know

and apply it on their research paper.

Palahanan Integrated National High School

The researcher cannot present their logo because they still thinking of what suitable

logo that was match on the mobile application that was focus on research. Logo was needed

because it was the one who will present that application to the user and make it easier the

user to find it. Logo should base on what topic or focus the mobile application that was

making of a researcher.

1.3 b Recommendation

The layout on the ResearchHub features is should change into a simple one to make

the user will be comfortable at make it presentable.

Palahanan Integrated National High School

V. Conclusion, Recommendations and Application


1. The range and availability of mobile applications is expanding rapidly. The

researcher make mobile application that was called Research Buddy that was

designed in conducting academic research more efficiently by providing access to

relevant research materials, facilitating collaboration among researcher and

streaming research process.

2. Research Buddy is a mobile application design to assist the students who will be

needed to conduct a research to find some related review literature based on their

research topics. Also, it was also open to those a researcher who was struggling to

find some certified and verified sites that they can look for some related review

literature in conducting or making their research project.

3. Research Buddy is a valuable application that help to address the challenges that

was encounter by students in making a research paper. It contributes the

significantly improving the research skills of the students with providing

convenient and essential user-friendly features


1. The Research Buddy should be used as one of the educational applications of a

students. It has a potential to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of academic

Palahanan Integrated National High School

research by providing a user-friendly research assistance mobile application and

web platform.

2. This mobile application designed to contribute to the advancement of academic

research in the school that should be used for educational purposes for the student

who will needed in making their own research and improve their research skill but

using this application.

3. This mobile application should provide the student a comprehensive platform the

enables users to access reliable resources and reference materials for their research.

The teacher can save time and effort teaching a student where they can find some

verified literature review and making research less stressfully on their student.

Also, this application helps the students to produce a quality research output.


The Research Buddy used for finding some related review literature with certified

and varied websites that can help the students for making their own research. This mobile

application was also help for gaining their knowledge and understanding in subject

research. This application can also give them some tips and tutorial on making research.

Through this application, the students can easily find some resources and improve their

research skills.

Palahanan Integrated National High School

VI. References


Ababa, E (2021). The Use of Educational Applications on the Student's Academic



Abildnova, G. et al (2016). Developing a Mobile Application "Educational Process

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Bacabac. A et. Al (2019). Educational mobile application as used by grade 12

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Chang Lui and June Wei (2016). The use of mobile applications in higher education

classes: a comparative pilot study of the students’ perceptions and real usage.

Demir, K and Akipinar, E. The effect of mobile learning applications on students'

academic achievement and attitudes toward mobile learning.

Palahanan Integrated National High School

Harrison, R et al (2021). Usability of mobile applications: literature reviewand

rationale for a new usability model.


HInze, A (2022). A Study of Mobile App Use for Teaching and Research in Higher


Jayatilleke, BG et al (2019). Development of mobile application through design

based research.

Jurisic, DS et al (2022). The impact of the use of assistant application on





Khaokhajorn, W (2020). Mobile Learning Technology in STEM Education: A

Systematic Review from 2010 to



Palahanan Integrated National High School

Oliveria, DMD et al. (2021). The use of mobile applications in higher education

classes: a comparative pilot study of the students’ perceptions and real usage.

Romerde,KE et al. (2021). Use and Perceptions of Students of a Mobile Application

Classroom ResponseSystem.



Rosales, Manuel (2019).Competency Based-Learning for Motivation-and

Academic Performance in a Pre-calculus.






Tolentino, JC (2022). Towards the Development of a Mobile Application in

Palahanan Integrated National High School

Movement Competency Training Grounded on the User-Centered Design

Model: The Case of a State University in the Philippines. https://online-

Tuliao, DP (2015). Development of a Mobile Learning Application for

Kindergarten: Process, Issues, and Challenges.

Ulla, Mark (2018). The use of mobile applications in higher education classes: a

comparative pilot study of the students’ perceptions and real usage.



Varnasky, A.N et al (2023). Developing E-Learning Courses in a Gaming

Environment with an Integrated Assistant Bot for Secondary School




Palahanan Integrated National High School


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