Final Exam Study Guide 2018 Online - AIM

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Final Exam Study Guide

Warren and Fassett

Mediated cultures Chapter 11
● Media as co-constituative
User-media consumption is a two-way street.
● Approaches to studying media (femininst, cultural studies, research about
power, privilege, and social inequalities)
Finding hidden messages, meanings, and influences.
● Power of representations
Representations represent for people who don’t have their own perspective, this
influences them.
● Critical consumption
Considering your consumption of messages.
● Interpellation
Communication where the person who responds becomes the subject.
● Hailing
When you are chosen to become the subject.
● Resisting pop-culture
Resisting dominant messages.

Public advocacy Chapter 3

● Public advocacy
Engaging the public in good ways for public good.
● Paulo Freire
Under-appreciated brazilian educator who created works on public advocacy.
● Problem posing
Communicating by asking questions and prompting answers, establishing a sense of
power in the audience.
● Relfexivity
● Praxis
Practiced results of public advocacy.
● Hegemony
A privileged group with power to influence the public.
● Compassionate critical listening
Listening honestly and actively.
● Dialogic communication
Communication with somebody rather than at somebody.

Language and Power Chapter 9

● Myth of Politically correctness
Inclusive language is unnecessary.
● Myth Colorblindness
Not thinking about race is “progressive”.
● Myth of stereotypes
Ideas of a people aren’t true to a person.

Conquergood Reading
● Who is Mother Clean?
A character created by inhabitants of a camp to promote cleanliness.
● How were the refugees stereotyped?
They were stereotyped as unhygienic, primitive, and stubborn by others.
● What were the conditions in the refugee camp?
The conditions in the camp were poor, but equally in part due to accommodations of
the camp rather than lack of refugee sanitation.
● How did Conquergood use performance in the reading?
Conquergood used performance in the reading to teach others through a means they

● Amy Cuddy’s Ted talk (know her main topic and main points)
Amy argued that body language and non-verbal communications influences who you
are as a person. This is because of judgements and inferences made by those around
you. Additionally, your body and mind reflect one another over time, including
hormones such as cortisol and testosterone. Finally, your mind can reflect your
bodily behaviors and can lead to unconfident spirals such as the example she

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