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What did one of the researchers do to lighten up the dolphin-studying

expedition in 1985?

a) Pretended to be Poseidon by placing a seaweed garland on his head and throwing it

into the ocean.

b) Played music to entertain the dolphins.

c) Conducted a series of experiments on dolphin behavior.

d) Engaged in underwater photography to capture dolphin images.

2. What led to the evolution of dolphins' larger and more complex brains?

a) A shift in ocean temperatures about 35 million years ago.

b) Their adaptation to living in aquatic environments.

c) The introduction of new prey species in their habitats.

d) Genetic mutations that favored brain development.

3. How do dolphins demonstrate intentional communication during hunting?

a) They use complex vocalizations to coordinate their actions.

b) Dolphins use echolocation to locate and trap prey.

c) Dolphins swim in synchronized patterns to create a hunting net.

d) Dolphins utilize tools to enhance their hunting capabilities.

4. How do dolphins pass down their communication methods and other skills to
subsequent generations?

a) Through genetic inheritance and instinctual behavior.

b) Older dolphins teach younger ones through imitation and observation.

c) Dolphins attend formal training sessions led by experienced individuals.

d) Dolphins rely on trial and error to learn and refine their skills.

5. What evidence supports dolphins' understanding of language comprehension?

a) Dolphins' ability to recognize themselves in mirrors.

b) Dolphins' proficiency in mimicking human speech sounds.

c) Dolphins' communication through a complex system of clicks and whistles.

d) Dolphins' comprehension of symbols and syntax in a taught language


Lighten up: nghĩ ra

Expedition: Cuộc viễn chinh / Đội viễn chinh

Sea weed garland: Vòng hoa rong biển

Adaptation: Sự thích nghi

Aquatic environment: Môi trường nước

Demonstrate: Thể hiện / Trình bày

Vocalization: Phát âm / Tiếng kêu

Coordinate: Phối hợp / Đồng bộ

Echo location: Định vị bằng tiếng vang

Synchronize: Đồng bộ hóa

Utilize: Sử dụng / tận dụng

Subsequent: Kế tiếp / Sau đó

Inheritance: Sự thừa kế

Instinctual: Bản năng

Proficiency: Sự thành thạo / Kỹ năng điêu luyện

Mimicking: Bắt chước / Giả vờ

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