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Salawat Overview

 Salawat is recited every other rakah, in all prayers except Maghrib, which has
three rakah. In Maghrib it’s recited a er the second and third rakah.
 The salawat only has 4 words that don’t repeat. Learn it by learning those 4
 For ease of learning, think of it as two parts, each ending with ʾinnaka
Ḥamīdun Majīd’
Pointer 1: ʾAllāhumma ṣalli and kamā ṣallayta make up the first set of unique words
Pointer 2: ʾAllāhumma bārik and kamā bārakta make up the second set of unique

ʾAllāhumma ṣalli
1 ʿalā Muḥammadin wa ʿalā ʾāli Muḥammad
kamā ṣallayta
2 ʿalā ʾIbrāhīm wa ʿalā ʾāli ʾIbrāhīma
3 ʾinnaka Ḥamīdun Majīd

ʾAllāhumma bārik
1 ʿalā Muḥammadin wa ʿalā ʾāli Muḥammad
kamā bārakta
2 ʿalā ʾIbrāhīma wa ʿalā ʾāli ʾIbrāhīm
3 ʾinnaka Ḥamīdun Majīd

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