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Ginette kolinka is a french Holocaust survivor.-The Holocaust is the attempted persecution

and annihilation of the jews by Nazi Germany- born the 4th of february 1925 in Paris,
France. When she was taken, along with her brother and father, to Auschwitz, she was
selected to work at the women’s camp.
Released in 1945, Ginette Kolinka is now an “ambassador of the memory”, so that those
whom suffered from the Holocaust will not be forgotten.
All of this means that Ginette Kolinka is still alive, so HOW RDID AHAE SURIVE???

THE WAR >:(/((

Ginette was 14 years old when the french government declared war on Germany; she turned
15 by the time Nazi Germany over ran france from the north in 1940.
The region of Paris came under direct German Military Administration, while the southern
part of the country was less directly controlled.


During July of 1942, Ginette set off with her Parents and her brother to the southern part of
frnace, which, as previously mentioned, was less heavily controlled by the nazi.
But the morning before their depature an official from the prèfecture had turned up at their
door and told them to escape as soon as possible.

During 1941 a plan was launched, by the government, to eliminate all of those who were
considered undesirable because of their race this was the start of what became known as
the Holocaust or the “Shoah”.
Most of those killed were Jewish, and Ginette’s family was , in fact, jewish,and they got
denounced to the authorities, that originally came to arrest just the men, but , because of her
trying to protest against the authorities’ acts, she got arrested too.
They were initially at the detention facility in Avignòn, and then got transfered to the prison
“Les Baumettes”, in which she got seprarated from her father and brother, after what she got
placed in a cell with only girls.
She was taken to the nearby railway station, in which thousands of jews got loaded into a
train that took them from Marseille to Lyon.

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