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Part 1: Find the missing words

1. When you have a high temperature, you have a ________.

2. A common ________ of the flu is a sore throat.
3. If you can't stop sneezing and your eyes are itchy, you might have an ________.
4. My stomach hurts; I think I have a ________.
5. When you feel very tired and weak, you are experiencing ________.
6. You need to ________ your teeth everday.
7. If you have trouble breathing, you need to call ____ .
8. The doctor gave me a ________ to help with my cough.
9. You should stay home if you have a ________ because it can be contagious.
10. A ________ is very common and some people have it everyday.

Part 2: True or False

11. Fever is usually a symptom of a heart condition. (True/False)

12. The flu is a type of more intense cold. (True/False)
13. Antibiotics are used to treat viral infections. (True/False)
14. Cough affects the digestive system. (True/False)
15. Diabetes is a condition related to blood sugar levels. (True/False)

Patient's Description of Symptoms

Patient's Description

Patient: Good morning, Doctor. I've been feeling unwell for the past few days and I’m
not sure what’s going on.

Doctor: Good morning. Can you describe your symptoms?

Patient: Sure. It started with a slight fever. I thought it was just a cold, but then I began
to feel really tired all the time, even after getting a full night’s sleep. My throat is sore,
and it’s hard to swallow. I also have a headache that comes and goes, and sometimes I
feel some pain behind my eyes.

Doctor: I see. Is there anything else you’ve noticed?

Patient: Yes, I’ve had some muscle aches and my joints are a bit stiff. I’ve also lost my
appetite and feel nauseous occasionally. One more thing, I have a dry cough that just
won’t go away.

Doctor: Have you experienced any shortness of breath or difficulty breathing?

Patient: Not really, but I do feel a bit more tired when I walk or do any physical activity.
Doctor: Have you been in contact with anyone who is sick recently, or have you
traveled anywhere?

Patient: I haven’t traveled, but a few of my colleagues at work have had similar

Doctor: Thank you for the information. I have a good idea of what might be causing
your symptoms, but we’ll need to run some tests to be sure.

Task for the Student

Based on the symptoms described by the patient, which sickness do you think she might

Symptoms to consider:

 Slight fever
 Fatigue
 Sore throat
 Headache
 Pain behind the eyes
 Muscle aches
 Joint stiffness
 Loss of appetite
 Nausea
 Dry cough
 Contact with colleagues who have similar symptoms

Write down your diagnosis and be prepared to explain your reasoning.


Parte 1: Complete as frases com a palavra correta

1. fever
2. symptom
3. allergy
4. stomachache
5. the flu
6. brush- fluss
7. The emergency- 190
8. prescription
9. cold
10. headache

Parte 2: Verdadeiro ou Falso

11. False
12. True
13. False
14. False
15. True

Possible Diagnosis

If you guessed influenza (flu), you are correct. The patient’s symptoms are consistent
with those of the flu, especially considering the fever, fatigue, sore throat, headache,
muscle aches, and the fact that colleagues at work have similar symptoms, suggesting it
could be a contagious viral infection.

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