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Fish feeding accounts for over 60% of the total cost of aquaculture production
Migration from fresh water to marine water for reproduction is known as Catadromous
Biodrum refers to Machine
Seaweeds are a rich source of Iodine
Phosphorus and nitrogen content is highest in Poultry manure
During viral infections cells in the blood increases its number W.B.C.
In a productive soil, the phosphorus level should be 3 - 6 mg/g
Pond is the natural environment in which fish is found carrying out its normal activities throughout its
life time
The study of fresh water ecosystems is known as limnology
The zone of Aquatic habitat in which sufficient light penetrates to allow photosynthesis is called
epipelagic zone
Water color is not Important Limiting Factors in Aquatic Habitat
Succession is the series of replacements of one community by another called?
Continental shelf are exploited up to 50m
The full meaning of FAO is Food and Agriculture Organization
WHO means World Health Organization
The dietary requirement of protein is for Supplying is Essential amino acid
It is Calculated that approximately 39% of dietary intake of the ideal protein should be composed of
essential amino acids for Infants
Minerals / Vitamins form essential part of antioxidants and other immune System
Researchers have found that when selenium levels are low in diet HIV viruses can multiply faster.
The Carbohydrate level in fish is Very low
Fish meat is generally a good Source of Vitamin ‗B
Which fatty acid lower risk of developing an irregular heart rhythm and are Known to reduce blood
There is considerable evidence that fish oil consumption can delay or reduce tumer development in
breast Cancer
Some findings also indicate that Consumption of fish will reduce risk of colon cancer
The red meat has higher Content of which vitamins than White meat Vitamin _B‘
Bottleneck, Drift and Inbreeding are problem of small population
Which of the following has greater probability of being lost in genetic drift Rare allele
Reduction or change in the alletic frequency due to accidental loss called Genetic drift
Inbreeding leads to genetic Homozygosity
Sanctuary & National park are included in Insitu conservation
Gene bank included in Ex situ conservation
. In Gamete Gene bank gamete is PRESERVED. at 196c in liquid nitrogen
The scientific name of oil sardine is Saidinella Longiceps
The sharks are primarily marine organisms
The Largest Fish in the world is Whale shark
Rhinlodontidae is the family of whale shark
The scientific name of whale shark is Rhiniodon typus
The maximum Lenqth of whale shark is 1,400 cm
Water inlet is the structure built to let water in into the pond
The name given to a pond made of cement, gravel, sand and water is Concrete pond
Chlorine can be used to disinfect fish pond against disease carrier organisms
The normal size of feed given to juveniles is 2mm
Farmers are advised to feed his fish 2 to 3 times a day
The normal depth of a fish pond is 4feet (1.5metres)
Palm oil can be added to fish water while transporting them
Agricultural lime can be represented as CaCO3
Clarias gariepinus is the most common fish species in Nigeria
Introduction of fish into the already prepared pond is called Stocking
in a polluted pond, the fish come to the surface to gulp for atmospheric oxygen
Poultry dung is best use to fertilize Earthen pond
Fish is a good source of Protein
The best way to increase oxygen content of water in a concrete pond is by changing the water
The turbidity of water is best known by using a Secchi disk
In aquaculture, fish are stocked according to the carrying capacity of the pond
In order to maintain the water quality of a pond, the farmer must be patient to ensure all feed are
picked while feeding the fish?
Overcrowded pond may lead to stunted growth of fish
The best way to check phytoplankton’s boom in a pond is to avoid excess sun penetration by providing
shade or cover to pond
The different between Aquaculture and Fisheries is that Aquaculture is the farming of aquatic
organisms under a controlled condition while fisheries involves capture of fish in the open water
Nursery ponds are used for growing Spawn to fry
CaCO3 is also known as Agriculture lime
Unrelated DNA added to the solution of DNA used for transformation is
known as carrier DNA
Bentonite can be used to reduce seepage losses from ponds.
Aerator is an instrument used to increase the dissolved oxygen in ponds is
Hi-oxide is used to control aquatic insect
Major nitrogenous waste products excreted by fish is Urea
The raising of fish for personal use or profit is referred to as Fish farming
Another name for fish farming is called Fish culture
Fish is a very rich source of Protein
We can also use Cage to raise fish in a water body
Baby fish in its earliest stage after breeding is called Fry
During earthen pond construction, spade is very important
Drag net is an example of fish harvesting tools
Fish ponds are stocked by dipping the container very gently and allow them to swim out to the pond
Harvesting of fish out of fish pond is referred to as cropping
Polluted water and low feeding One of these can impair the growth of fish in a pond
Sunlight increase the rate of phytoplankton growth in the pond
The best source of water for fish production is from Borehole
A muddy water is said to be turbid
The best soil for pond construction is Clay Soil
The land for pond construction must be gentle slope
To avoid poaching, the site for pond construction must be close to our home
The best or easiest dimension to use during pond construction is Rectangle
. Water enters the pond through the inlet
. Siphon can be used to drain our pond
During routine management of fish pond, the first thing to check is water quality
Fish response to feed during feeding shows their health per time
Water PH is the degree of acidity or alkalinity of the water
Adult or matured fish that can be used for breeding are called Brood stock
The process whereby a male and female fish are manipulated artificially for reproduction by the
farmer is called Breeding
The body of Tilapia fish is covered with Scale
Organ of breathing in fish is Gills
The best time to transport fish from one place to another is early in the morning or late in the evening
Fishing in the wild (fishery) can best be regarded as extensive system of aquaculture
Inflation in the price of aquaculture input will lead to high price of fish and other fish products
Cod liver oil is gotten from Fish
The best PH range of water for fish production is 4.5 – 9.5
Fish are best processed for a longer shelf life through Salting, Smoking and Sun drying
The following are what could cause tail-biting in a confinement hog operation.
Overcrowding, Lack of adequate ventilation, Lack of watering devices and Lack of feeding devices
The site of fertilization in the chicken is called Infundibulum.
The most common parasite of commercial egg laying hens reared in cages is called Northern fowl
Mosquitoes is the least insect pests to cause any major problem in poultry.
The most common interior quality defect of shell egg is called Blood spot.
Mating of the related individual with 4-6 generations is known as Inbreeding.
The largest part of ruminant stomach is called Rumen.
Examples of monogastric animal are Swine, Hen, dog etc
Tuberculosis(TB) is animal diseases not caused by Bacteria.
MALARIA is not one of the bacterial diseases affecting animals.
Sleeping sickness is a disease also known as Trypanosomiasis.
Pyorrhoea is a disease of the Gums.
The following are the major causes of livestock diseases:
Micro organisms
Nutritional deficiency
Chemical poisoning
Plant poisoning
The following methods are usually used in controlling livestock diseases: Proper feeding, Quarantine,
Regular vaccination and Keeping sanitation
Any preparation used as a preventive inoculation to provide immunity against a specific disease is
known as Vaccine
The state of the body whereby all the organs and systems function normally is known as Health.
Fowl typhoid is a bacteria disease that could affect animals.
The followings could cause a misshapen in egg production.
Immature shell gland
A measure adopted to protect farm animals from diseases is known as Bio-security.
The removal of sick or un-productive animals from the herd is known as Culling.
Spleenic Fever is another name for Anthrax.
Babesiosis is a parasitic disease that occurs in cattle.
The act of removing worms from an animal is known as Deworming.
The intestinal parasite can cause severe anemia in young animals when heavily infected is called
A disease that spread by animals touching each other is known as Contagious.
A disease that last for a long time, difficult to cure and get rid of is known as Chronic.
AN animal that eats the flesh of other animals of the same species is known as Cannibalism.
A substance that can prevent or destroy bacterial infections is known as Antibiotics.
Isolation of newly purchased or introduced birds in farm animals’ management is known as
The number of death recorded at a period of time in a herd of animals is called Mortality.
A machine used to keep eggs warm until they hatch is known as Incubator
Feeding of birds without restriction is known as Ad libitum.
A group of birds that reproduce their own likeness in their offspring is called Breed.
A baby chicken is called Chick
Two blind gut of the digestive tract attached to the end of the small intestine is known as Caecal
A castrated male chicken is known as Capon.
A group of birds of the same kind is known as Flock
The number of sick/diseased animals at a period of time is known as Morbidity
The ability of a bird to lose feathers, before new ones grows again is known as Moult.
A place where a bird rests or sleeps is called Roost
Another name for cock is called Rooster
Un- uniform growth in birds of the same age is called Runts.
An illness having a sudden onset, sharp rise, and short course is known as Acute.
Lack of milk in the sow is called Agalactia.
The first milk secreted after birth by a sow is called Colostrum.
A practice of intentionally ending an animal’s life in order to relieve pain and suffering is known as
An act of sharing nurture or parental care though not related by blood or legal ties is known as Foster
The period of development in the uterus from conception until birth is known as Gestation.
The increase in some characters in hybrids over those of the parents is known as Heterosis.
A group of pigs is called Herd
Total number of young pigs produced by a sow at a single birth is known as Litter
The inflammation of the udder (mammary gland) is called Mastitis.
The inflammation of the uterus is called Metrity
The period during which the female will stand and permit the male to mate is called Oestrus.
An ancestral line/ lineage is called Pedigree
Alteration of the environment causing contamination degradation is known as Pollution.
A process of making an animal unconscious before slaughtering is known as Stunning.
The nipple of animal is referred to as Teat.
The organ form of the mammary gland of female animals is called Udder.
The administration of antigenic material to stimulate the immune system of an animal adaptive
immunity to a disease is called Vaccination.
Transmissible diseases between animals and humans caused by infectious agents is called Zoonotic.
Examination of a carcass to learn the cause and nature of disease or cause of death is called
The infection of mechanically procured semen into the reproductive tract of the female is known as
Artificial Insemination.
Failure of muscle coordination in animals is called Ataxia
Lack of appetite is known as Anorexia.
A biological process requiring the presence of oxygen is called Aerobic
A slaughter house of animals is called Abattoir
The act of becoming pregnant by animals is known as Conception.
A young organism in the early stages of development is called Embryo.
The term used to describe animals foreign to a region is called Exotic.
The period of life in animals at which reproductive organs first becomes functional is called Puberty.

Pigs are omnivores, they feed on both plant and plants and animals

Pig has 44 teeth

What are the hairs of the pig called - Bristles

Which essential nutrients help form, build and repair muscles -proteins
Which essential nutrients STORES energy? carbohydrates
Which essential nutrients is an organic substance that is naturally occurring? Vitamins

Which essentials nutrients makes up to 70% of an animal’s body? water

What type of feed gives a nutritional boost to a ration? Supplement
What type of feed has more than 18% crude fibre? concentrate
What type of feed has less than 18% crude fibre? roughages
Which is not a material that provides nutrients? Air
Animals needs which of the following minerals below? potassium
Grains and protein concentrates are the major source of fats and oils in animal feed
Soybean meal is an animal protein source that has a high percent protein.
Molasses is added to feed to improve the palatability and reduce dust
unlight is NOT an essential nutrient for animal feed
Scurvy is a lack of vitamin C
Production ration is the type of ration used to encourage milk, egg, wool/hair etc. is called
Maintenance ration is the type of ration that is used to keep animal healthy and necessary for maintaining
Growth ration is the type of ration used by young animals is called
Fattening is the type of ration to be used to increase an animal weight and meat marbling prior to being
Tylosin is not considered as an essential amino acid
Biotin is essential for prevention of perosis in chicken
ME is the most refined measure of food energy for poultry
Temperature, rate of egg production, feed and water intake influences FCR of a laying bird
Excess protein in poultry ration leads to deposition of calcium urate crystal in liver, degeneration of the
kidney and Raisein blood uric acid
Deficiency of retinol vitamin causes rough and scaly dermatitis on the bottom of chick foot
Ascorbic acid is the vitamin not essential in the diet of poultry but needs supplementation during summer
Bone meal is the chief source of calcium in poultry diet
Calcium is essential for the synthesis of Fatty acids, Oxidative phosphorylation and Organic matrix of
Among the poultry feed ingredients as a source of energy maize stands at the top
The best protein feed which contains some essential amino acid required for chicken is soybeans meal
The most important animal factors that affect digestability of feed are level of feeding, species of animal
and physiological status of the animal
The deficiency of iron in the diet of piglets causes anaemia
DCP is rich source of calcium and phosphorus
Protein content of an egg is 12%
baby pigs are known as piglets

silage refers to the preservation of green and succulent forage crops under ANAEROBIC conditions.

Night blindness is as a result of lack of vitamin A

Water is used for metabolic and digestion of food

Antibiotics help the body to fight against disease causing microorganisms, improves early growth of
animals and increase absorption of nutrients from the digestives tracts and help to heal sores or wounds in

Diet is the amount of feed regularly given or consumed by an animal

Ration is the total supply of feed given to an animal in a twenty-four hour period.

Balanced ration is the feed containing all essential nutrients in the correct quantity and in adequate
proportion for feeding animals.

Malnutrition is a condition in which animal shows evidence of nutritional deficiency

The deficiency of calcium in the diet of poultry causes soft egg shell
The deficiency of iron in the diet of poultry causes goiter
Production ration is the type of feed used to encourage milk, egg, wool/hair etc.
Maintenance ration is the type of feed that is used to keep animal healthy and necessary for maintaining
Growth ration is the type of feed used by young animals is called

Fattening ration is the type of feed to be used to increase an animal weight and meat marbling prior to
being butchered

Health is defined as a state of alertness, freedom from ill health, accompanied by unhindered growth and
productivity of an animal

Pests are Organism which causes physical damage and /or discomfort to other organism’s host through
their feeding habits

Colostrum is the yellowish white milk produced by a female animal immediately after parturition or
delivery of young ones
Cattles are herbivores, they feed only on plants.

Omnivores are animal that eats both plant and animal materials

Carnivores are animal that eats other animals

Herbivores are animals that only eat plants

The act of given birth in swine is called farrowing
The act of given birth in rabbit is called kindling
The act of given birth in goat is called kidding
The act of given birth in cow is called calving
Lack of appetite is known as anorexia
Night blindness is as a result of lack of vitamin B

Water is used for metabolic and digestion of food

Antibiotics help the body to fight against disease causing microorganisms, improves early growth of
animals and increase absorption of nutrients from the digestives tracts and help to heal sores or wounds in

Diet is the amount of feed regularly given or consumed by an animal

Nutrient required in farm animal feed should include Carbohydrate, Protein, Vitamins, Minerals, fat and
oils and water.
In the intensive system of management, birds are kept indoor, given feed and water adlibitum, intensive
system are mostly used when production is targeted for commercial production.
Advantages of intensive management system include:
a. Animals are closely monitored
b. Animals are shielded from inclement weather condition
c. Animals are prevented from predators and pest
d. Animals are well cared for
Litter should be well managed, temperature should be regulated and there should be appropriate ventilation.
Water administered should be quality and available all the time. Also, the quality of air in the environment
must be very good.
Note: litter is the feaces of an animal mixed with spilled feed and water, feather and beddings put in an animal
Different animals can be rared intensively especially on the deep, litter system and battery cage. Examples
are: chicken, turkey, quail, geese, duck.
For semi-intensive system of management, partial housing is made available for birds during brooding, shed is
made available to shield them from inclement weather (extremes of weather).
Extensive system of management: in this system of management, birds are allowed to roam about fending for
themselves. It is also called free range system. No feed, water or shelter is provided for the animals.
In poultry management system, to achieve good and safe managements of birds, the environment must be
hygienic, there must be controlled ventilation, the temperature of the environment must be well regulated,
chicken manure must be cleaned regularly or as required.
In changing poultry litter or cleaning of the environment, it is best to clean not just daily, weekly, monthly or
yearly but as required i.e, when the litter is wet or messed up, it is expected that the stockman should change
litter and clean the poultry house or environment to prevent harboring of microbes which can lead to outbreak
of diseases.
It is expected that feed and water trough as well as other equipment’s used within the animal house should be
cleaned when dirty, apart from the regular cleaning plan for the farm. Water and detergent/soap is expected to
be used in cleaning an animal house. It is also good that the house and its environs be disinfected with Izar or
other related product so as to kill microbes and germs that can be hazardous to the animal health.
Biosecurity is also an important aspect to be put in place in a farm. Biosecurity is a measure design to protect
the population (animals) against biological substances. Different biosecurity’s can be put in place. Which
include: Culling, provision of deep at the entrance of an animal house, quarantine animals that are just brought
into the farm before joining with others on the farm.
Quarantine means to isolate new animals in separate space to examine and ascertain that they are free from
diseases and sicknesses that can affect other animals on the farm.
The floor of the poultry house under the deep litter system must be smoot with beddings to avoid sliding,
dislocation of bone, falls, injuries etc. several bedding can be used which include, rice husk, cowpea husk,
sawdust, wood shavings, straws etc but the best of all especially during brooding exercise is wood shavings.
The use of wood shavings will prevent respiratory distress as a result of dust throw the use of saw dust.
Although sawdust is a good absorber of moisture, however, birds can develop cattha or other nasal diseases
when it is often use.
Poultry house should also be a little sloppy to encourage easy cleaning of the house. Farm animal house is
expected to be free of sharp hedges, sharp substance, spoilt metallic feeders, etc. keeping away sharp
substances or edges from an animal house will prevent injuries.
Animal movement with the house kept can be restricted by building wall or placing wire mesh that is high
enough that the animals cannot jump over.
For enhanced productivity, layers, point of lay, pullets, broilers e.t.c can be kept in battery cages. When layers
are kept in battery cages to prevent birds pecking on the egg thus sucking the egg or wasting it. Some bird
steps on the egg while running which could break the egg especially when it is freshly layed. This occurs
mostly on the deep litter system, breakage or wastage of egg reduces the profitability of the farm.
Birds raised using battery cages usually have problems of weak bones especially on their leg. Weak leg bones
often occur when birds are deficient in calcium. Other disadvantages of birds raised under deep litter systems
a. Cage makes dealing with manure a hectic task
b. Sometimes, Flies might be a problem to deal with
c. Battery cage is a capital intensive for small chicken farmers
d. Chicken grow and develop weak bone, and fatigue on the cage floor
Disadvantage of deep litter system:
a. High cost of constructing of house,
b. large quantity of litter
c. Cannibalism
d. Pecking of eggs are common when birds are raised.
Most animals are kept in enclosures called pen.
Feeding management
Feed is given to the animal based on their nutrient requirement, body weight, and there stages of life (chick,
grower, point of lay, finisher etc). For poultry between day old to 3-4 weeks, birds are fed with starter mash,
4-6 week growers mash and 6 weeks and above, finishers mash. For layers, layers mash is fed when the
animal is at the point of lay. It is expected that animals should not be over fed nor under fed. Rather they are
to be fed optimally according to their requirements. Overfeeding leads to waste of feed and resources which
will affect the farm profitability. It is worthy of note that when birds are over fed, they keep eating but will
eventually pass out excess as feaces. Too much of feaces can also contribute to the problem of the farm
especially during disposal of waste products.
Feeders and drinkers used for animals differ based on their type and stages of life. The best feeders use for
chicks are plastic/rubber tray which is easy to wash and less harmful to the animal.
Farm animals are expected to be fed balance ration on a daily basis as much as possible. Supplemented feed
should be given when there is off season or special animals on the farm eg pregnant animals, weaner, sick or
weak animals. The composition of an animal diets should include:
i. Energy
ii. Protein
iii. Fat and oil
iv. Vitamins
v. Minerals
vi. Water
Water should be made available adlibitum (all the time)
All categories of animals can be fed with either mash or pellets. Animals are usually fed with pellet because
the micro nutrient or ingredients are usually bind with other feed ingredients and not wasted as in the case of
mash. Eg the lysine, methionine etc. Also in farm animal feeding, piglets are mostly fed with creep feed.

Routine management on the farm

Observation is key in animal production and management. Observation on the farm is expected to be done
critically and at least on a daily basis. It is also best to observe animals before entering their house in the
morning and before feed and water is served. During observation, a stockman is expected to look out for signs
of weakness, anorexia (eating disorder), abnormal feeding habit, restlessness, sluggishness, etc.

It is expected that routine management practices should be carried out on the farm. Some of this managements

a. Disinfection
b. Chicken house cleaning and disinfection procedures
c. Feed hygiene management
d. Drinking water hygiene management etc

Some of the male animals either ruminant or mongastrics eg pigs can be castrated when they are not use for
breeding purposes on the farm. It is used to regulate indiscriminate mating and thereby regulate breeding on
the farm. Castration is the removal of the testes from the male reproductive organ.
Pigs are provided with wallow to regulate their temperature. Wallow is an hollow containing clean water in
which pigs can swim in to reduce their high body temperature. The absence of this practice can be detrimental
to the growth of pigs on the farm.
Routine management practices for birds especially when they are young is debeaking.
Debeaking is the partial removal of beaks especially laying birds, this is done to discourage cannibalism and
feather picking.
Farm animals are sometimes observed to fight in creating hiraky or struggle for feed, water or space. This
could be as a result of
 Mixing unfamiliar animals together
 Mixing male and female
 Mixing adult and young
 Mixing different breeds and species

Signs of heat to be looked out for in sow during ovulation should include
 Swollen red vulva
 Watery discharge from vulva
 Restlessness
 Mounting other females
Ovulation is also called heat period in animals.
Animals on heat are to be allowed to mate. Mating is the coming together of male and female animal (sexual
intercourse) for the purpose of conception.
Apart from natural mating, animals can also be pregnant through the use of controlled mating. Controlled
mating is done by the stockman through the use of Artificial insemination and synchronization.
Birds are allowed to brood or their eggs are hatched in a hatchery. It is important to note that, only fertilized
egg can be brooded upon or can hatch to bring forth chicks. Ensure that eggs are fertilized before they are
taking to the hatchery.
Brooding mostly takes about 4 (four) weeks in broilers. Adequate temperature, relative humidity, ventilation
etc should be provided to ensure optimum performance of the birds. During brooding, different materials are
used. coal pot, charcoal, electric bulb can be used to generate heat for the chicks.
When an animal is detected to be pregnant on the farm. It is expected that the animal be separated from others
and put in a special pen so that there won’t be loss of pregnancy as a result of fight or struggling. Also,
separating such animal will help the stockman to monitor and appropriately care for the pregnant animal.
Abortion in animals can occur when
 Animals are kept in house with slippery floor
 Animals are fighting with other animals
 Female animals are mixed with male animals
 Animals are malnutritioned
When pigs are about to give birth, they are taken to farrowing pen. Farrowing is the act of giving birth in pigs.
Calving or parturition is the act of giving birth in cattle
Kidding is the act of giving birth in goat while
Lambing is the act of giving birth in sheep.
When animals are found dead on the farm as a result of ill-health or unknown cause, such animals are to be
buried or incinerated far away from the farm environment. This will help to prevent outbreak of diseases when
birds decompose. Also, after administering vaccine, the remaining vaccine and the containers should be
incinerated or buried far away from the farm because vaccine carries live virus which can cause an outbreak
of the diseases to be prevented. It is important that animals should be vaccinated before the outbreak of
diseases and not after. This is done so as to prevent disease occurrences as some diseases cannot be controlled
after outbreak until it runs its course. This is mostly common with viral diseases.

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