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Introduction to ELT Research


NIM : 2242300100

1. Research is the systematic process of collecting and analyzing information to increase our
understanding of the world in general and of the phenomenon under study in particular.
The types of doing research in ELT are:
• Narrative Inquiry
• Case Study
• Phenomenology
• Autoethnography
• Ethnography
• Classroom Action Research

2. A. Narrative Inquiry is research that to explores people’s lived experiences (stories) and
identifies patterns of meaning emerging from those stories
B. We use The Narrative Inquiry when we want to explore or doing research about people’s
lived experiences
C. The data are collected by doing Interview or informal conversations (WA, email, mobile
phone, face-to-face), Diaries/Journal (spontaneous or by request), Observation (field-work
documents, part of the community), Photos or other documents

3. A. Case Study is research that to explores an issue within a case (or multiple cases) in a
bounded system (e.g., setting or context)
B. A case study is an appropriate research design when you want to gain concrete,
contextual, in-depth knowledge about a specific real-world subject
C. The data are collected by some manners, those are; Interview, Direct observation,
Participant observation, Non-participant observation, Document analysis, Audiovisual
materials, Photos.

4. A. What Is Phenomenological Research? A qualitative research approach that helps in

describing the lived experiences of an individual is known as phenomenological research
B. The phenomenological method focuses on studying the phenomena that have impacted
an individual
C. A variety of methods can be used in phenomenologically-based research, including
interviews, conversations, participant observation, action research, focus meetings and
analysis of personal texts.

5. A. What Is Autoethnography Research? Research, writing, and method that connect the
autobiographical and personal to the cultural and social.
B. When we want to giving voice to personal experience to advance sociological
C. Autoethnographers often rely on various methods of data gathering and research tools
common to other forms of qualitative social research, including participant observation,
interviews, conversational engagement, focus groups, narrative analysis, artifact analysis,
archival research, journaling, etc.
6. A. What Is Ethnography Research? Ethnography, simply stated, is the study of people in
their own environment through the use of methods such as participant observation and
face-to-face interviewing
B. When we want to do research about shared patterns of behavior, beliefs, values, and
languages of a culture-sharing group
C. The data collecting are Transcripts, Field Notes, and Documentary Analysis

7. A. What Is Classroom Action Research (CAR)? Classroom Action Research (CAR) is a

reflective process in which instructors gather empirical data to improve their teaching
B. CAR used when to solve classroom problems
C. Many action research studies use a combination of artefacts, document studies, surveys,
interviews, focus groups, discussions, participant observation, group work, performance

8. Narrative Inquiry : A Narrative Inquiry into Indonesian Elementary Students’

Experiences in English Online Learning during Covid-19
Case Study : A Case Study: Student’s Anxiety in Learning English at the 7th
Grade of SMP Negeri 3 Muara Bungo
Phenomenology : The Phenomenological Study of ESL Students in a Project-based
Learning Environment
Autoethnography : Losing My Code: An Autoethnography on Language Attrition
Ethnography : Learning English in SMPIT Raudhatul Jannah Cilegon City (an
Ethnography Research)
CAR : Classroom Action Research in Teaching English for Senior High
School Students through Blended Learning in Kendari of Indonesia

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