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The Ensign – Admin Tutorial

Login details:

- Username: ensign
- Password: 3EgNJ$k6x5DUwG9Idr


After you login you are directed to this page which displays a few stats for your website.

Main navigation menu Website stats Click on ‘Howdy, admin’ to see

your profile. Go to the bottom
of the profile page to change
your password.

Here you can view and edit your uploaded images.


All the pages you have published or saved as a draft is shown here, click on a page to edit it.
Pages – Edit

When you click on a page to edit you will arrive here. It’s very simple and straight forward in terms
of use. If you have any problems please contact me.

Add your page

title here

Upload images Click Update when

Page content you’re finished

Editor toolbar
Edit toolbar

When you click on edit toolbar (as shown above) a pop-up window will open up. Here you can edit
the page content.

To insert the image click on ‘Add Media’


Here you can add or edit users. If you do not want to share your admin account then you create a
new user with the role ‘Editor’ for extra security.

ES Settings

These are custom settings setup specifically for your website.


Website development is a skilled area and not everyone can do it. Please do not update the website
if you are not 100% confident, otherwise it can mess-up the whole website.

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