Pig Questions

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Pig Questions

Q1. Consider the student data file (st.txt) Data in the following format Name, District; Age,
i. Write a PIG Script to display Names of all male students.
ii. Write a PIG Script to find the number of students from Ghaziabad district.
iii. Write a PIG Script to display district wise count of all female students.


1. Load the data from the student data file (st.txt).

students = LOAD 'st.txt' USING PigStorage(',') AS (Name:chararray,

District:chararray, Age:int, Gender:chararray);

2. Write a PIG Script to display Names of all male students.

male_students = FILTER students BY Gender == 'Male';

male_student_names = FOREACH male_students GENERATE Name;
DUMP male_student_names;

3. Write a PIG Script to find the number of students from Ghaziabad district.

Ghaziabad_students = FILTER students BY District == 'Ghaziabad';

grouped_Ghaziabad_students = GROUP Ghaziabad_students ALL;
count_students = FOREACH grouped_Ghaziabad_students GENERATE
DUMP count_students;

4. Write a PIG Script to display district wise count of all female students.

female_students = FILTER students BY Gender == 'Female';

grouped_female_students = GROUP female_students BY District;
count_female_students = FOREACH grouped_female_students
GENERATE group AS District, COUNT (female_students) AS
DUMP count_female_students;
Q2. Consider the File (sample.txt), write the steps to compute the word count using pig latin script.
This is a hadoop class
hadoop is a bigdata technology

Step I: Load the data from HDFS
input = LOAD '/path/to/file/' AS(line:Chararray);
Step II: Convert the Sentence into words
(TOKENIZE(line,' '));
Step III: Convert Column into Rows
Words = FOREACH input GENERATE FLATTEN(TOKENIZE(line,' ')) AS word;

Step IV: Apply GROUP BY

Grouped = GROUP words BY word;

Step V: Generate word count
wordcount = FOREACH Grouped GENERATE group, COUNT(words);
DUMP wordcount;

Q3. Consider the given information analyze the twitter data and explain the steps involved to
find how many tweets are created by a user using Pig latin.


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