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B.Tech EvenSemesterSessionalTest-1

Printed Pages: 02
Session: 2022-23
Course Code: KCS 061 Roll No.:
Course Name: Big Data Date of Exam:
Maximum Marks: 75 Time: 2hrs

1. AttemptAllsections.
2. Ifrequireanymissingdata,thenchoosesuitably.

Q.No. Question Marks CO KL PI

Section-A Total Marks: 5*2 =10

1 AttemptALLParts Section-A
a) List the characteristics of big data 2 CO1 K1 1.4.1

b) Write any two industry examples for Big Data 2 CO1 K1 1.4.1
c) Explain is the role of Combiner &Partitioner in Map-Reduce? 2 CO2 K2 1.4.1
d) State the purpose of Hadoop pipes 2 CO2 K2 1.4.1
e) Let us suppose we have a file of size 1 GB, therefore compute
how many blocks will create using HDFS also compute the 2 CO3 K3 1.4.1
size of last block. (Default block size is 128MB)
Section-B Total Marks: 3*5 = 15
2 Attempt ANY ONE part from the following
Why businesses are using Big Data for competitive advantage?
3+2 CO1 K2 1.4.1
a) Explain in brief with suitable example.

b) What is Big Data, and where does it come from? How does it 1+2+2 CO1 K2 1.4.1
3 Attempt ANY ONE part from the following
a) Explain in detail about how Map-reduce job run and types of job
2.5+2.5 CO2 K2 2.2.4
Define Fault Tolerance. Replication causes data redundancy,
b) then why is it pursued in HDFS? 2+3 CO2 K2 1.4.1
4 Attempt ANY ONE part from the following
Why do we use HDFS for applications having large data sets and
5 CO3 K2 1.4.1
a) not when there are lot of small files?
Define NameNode and DataNode in HDFS. What is the
b) communication channel between client and namenode/datanode? 2+3 CO3 K2 1.4.1

Section-C Total Marks : 5*10 = 50

5 Attempt ANY ONE part from the following
a) Explain in detail about the three dimensions of BIG data. 10 CO1 K2 1.4.1
b) Elaborate various components of Big Data architecture. 10 CO1 K2 1.4.1
6 Attempt ANY ONE part from the following
a) Relate crowd sourcing and big data. Justify the relationship with 5+5 CO1 K2 1.4.1
an example.
b) Differentiate between different types of data. 10 CO1 K2 2.2.4
7 Attempt ANY ONE part from the following
a) Differentiate “Scale up and Scale out” Explain with an example 5+5 CO2 K2 1.4.1
How Hadoop uses Scale out feature to improve the Performance.
b) Demonstrate the design of HDFS and concept in detail. 10 CO2 K2 1.4.1
8 Attempt ANY ONE part from the following
Explain in details components of MapReduce. Consider
a) following MovieLens dataset, find out how many movies did
each user rate using MapReduce.
UserId MovieId Rating
196 241 3
186 302 3
196 377 1 5+5 CO2 K3 1.4.1
244 51 2
166 346 1
186 474 4
186 265 2

b) Consider given File.txt, explain each phase of map-reduce to

count the occurrence of unique word in the file and write its
pseudo code in Python/Java.

Hi! How are you?
How is your job?
5+5 CO2 K3 1.4.1
Hadoop is good.
I am the best.
Hadoop is very important framework to solve the business
enterprise problems nowadays.

9 Attempt ANY ONE part from the following

Why ‘Reading’ is done in parallel and ‘Writing’s not in HDFS?
a) Explain with neat diagram how client can read and write data in 4+6 CO3 K2 1.4.1
b) Explain the benefits and challenges of HDFS
5+5 CO3 K2 1.4.1
CO Course Outcomes mapped with respective question
KL Bloom's knowledge Level (K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, K6)

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