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Name: Sumintra Dindial

Date: 25/10/2023

Subject: Information Technology

Due date: 26/10/2023

A short essay on my hobbies and interests

I have a wide range of hobbies and interests that bring me joy and fulfillment. One of my favorite
things to do is to explore the great outdoors. Whether it’s going for a hike, taking a peaceful walk
around the neighborhood, or simply enjoying a picnic in the park. I love being outside with nature.

In addition to my love for nature, I am also passionate about photography. Capturing moments and
memories with me and my friends through the lens of my camera is something that truly excites me. It
allows me to express my creativity and share my unique perspective with others.

When I’m not immersed in the outdoors or behind the camera, I find comfort in reading. Books have a
way and the ability to transport me to different worlds and ignite my imagination and it allows me to
relax and unwind the long day. I enjoy exploring various genres, from captivating novels to thought-
provoking non-fiction, as each one offers a different perspective and enriches my understanding of the

Lastly, I have a fondness for cooking and experimenting with different recipes. I find joy in the process
of creating delicious meals from scratch, and it’s even more rewarding when I get to share them with
family and friends.

These interests and hobbies bring me a sense of fulfillment, happiness, and continuous growth. They
allow me to explore, create, and connect with both the world around me and the people I care about.

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