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 B.  2023-­2024  
 SVT  2nde  /  Chapter  1  

«  The  Human  Body  :  A  Set  of  Specialized  Cells  »  

The  cell  is  the  basic  unit  of  life  or  the  smallest  thing  that  can  be  considered  to  be  independently  
alive.  A  group  of  cells  that  work  together  to  perform  a  specific  function  are  called  a  tissue.  A  
group  of  tissues  that  work  together  to  carry  out  a  function  are  called  an  organ.  Several  different  
organs  that  work  together  to  carry  out  a  specific  function  are  called  an  organ  system.  And  most  
multicellular  organisms  contain  several  different  organ  systems.  
A-­‐   The  Skin:  
Ø   The  skin  is  a  multilayer  tissue  organization  that  covers  the  whole  body  and  thus  is  known  
as  the  largest  organ:  
-   The   first   layer,   epidermis,   provides   an   environmental   barrier   to   pathogens   and  
controls   water   loss   from   the   body.   It   is   composed   of   diverse   cells   including  
keratinocytes,   melanocytes,   Langerhans   cells,   Merkel   cells,   inflammatory   cells,   and  
stem  cells.    
-   The  second  layer,  dermis,  primarily  contains  nerve  endings,  blood  vessels,  and  cells  
such  as  fibroblasts,  macrophages,  and  adipocytes.  
-   The  last  layer,  hypodermis,  consists  mainly  of  fat  and  blood  vessels  and  contains  the  
same  cells  as  the  dermis.  
Ø   The  Extracellular  Matrix  (ECM)  is:  
-   the  non-­‐cellular  portion  of  a  tissue.  
-   a   collection   of   extracellular   material   produced   and   secreted   by   cells   into   the  
surrounding  medium.    
The  main  function  of  the  extracellular  matrix  is  to  provide  structural  and  biochemical  
support  to  the  surrounding  cells.  
Ø   Among   different   skin   cells,   keratinocytes,   fibroblasts,   and   melanocytes   have   close  
communication  with  one  another:  
-   Keratinocytes  play  an  important  role  in  providing  skin  structure  and  in  functioning  of  
the  immune  system.    

L.  B.  2023-­2024  
 SVT  2nde  /  Chapter  1  
-   Fibroblasts  synthesize  collagen  and  extracellular  matrix  components  and  function  in  
building  and  repairing  the  structural  components  of  the  skin.  The  intercommunication  
between  keratinocytes  and  fibroblasts  is  essential  during  the  mechanism  of  wound  
-   Melanocytes   protect   epidermal   keratinocytes   and   dermal   fibroblasts   from   the  
damaging   effects   of   solar   radiation   by   producing   melanin:   a   pigment   that   is  
responsible  for  providing  the  skin  color  and  functions  as  a  natural  sunscreen  for  the  

B-­‐   The  3  Main  Differences  between  Plant  and  Animal  Cells:  

Ø   Both  animal  and  plant  cells  have  mitochondria,  but  only  plant  cells  have  chloroplasts.  
Plants  don’t  get  their  sugar  from  eating  food,  so  they  need  to  make  sugar  from  sunlight.  
This  process  (photosynthesis)  takes  place  in  the  chloroplast.    
Ø   Both   plant   and   animal   cells   have   vacuoles.   A   plant   cell   contains   a   large,   singular  
permanent   vacuole   that   is   used   for   storage   and   maintaining   the   shape   of   the   cell.   In  
contrast,  animal  cells  have  many,  smaller  vacuoles.  
Ø   Plant  cells  have  a  cell  wall,  as  well  as  a  cell  membrane.  In  plants,  the  cell  wall  surrounds  
the  cell  membrane.  This  gives  the  plant  cell  its  unique  rectangular  shape.  Animal  cells  
simply  have  a  cell  membrane,  but  no  cell  wall.  
C-­‐   Gene  Expression  and  Cell  Differentiation  /  DNA  The  Carrier  of  Genetic  Information:  
Ø   The   body   of   a   multicellular   organism   is   composed   of   many   different   types   of   cells.  
However,  all  of  the  cells  within  it  contain  the  same  DNA.  What,  then,  makes  a  liver  cell  
different   from   a   skin   or   muscle   cell?   The   answer   lies   in   the   way   each   cell   deploys   its  
genome.   In   other   words,   the   particular   combination   of   genes   that   are   turned   on  
(expressed)  or  turned  off  (repressed)  dictates  cellular  morphology  (shape)  and  function.    
Ø   DNA  or  deoxyribonucleic  acid  contains  the  genetic  instructions  for  the  development  and  
function  of  living  things.  The  genetic  information  stored  in  DNA  represents  the  genotype,  
whereas   the   phenotype   results   from   the   "interpretation"   of   that   information.   Such  
phenotypes  are  often  expressed  by  the  synthesis  of  proteins  that  control  the  organism's  
structure   and   development,   or   that   act   as   enzymes   catalyzing   specific   metabolic  

L.  B.  2023-­2024  
 SVT  2nde  /  Chapter  1  

Ø   The   DNA   molecule   is   made   up   of   two   chains   of   smaller   molecules   called   nucleotides.  
These  two  chains  are  wound  in  a  double  helix.    
Ø   The  two  strands  are  held  together  by  hydrogen  bonds  between  the  bases,  with  adenine  
forming  a  base  pair  with  thymine,  and  cytosine  forming  a  base  pair  with  guanine.  
Ø   Within  a  gene,  it  is  the  orderly  succession  of  nucleotides  in  a  chain,  or  sequence,  which  
constitutes  genetic  information.  
D-­‐   Unicellular  Organisms:  
Ø   A   unicellular   organism,   also   known   as   a   single-­‐celled   organism,   is   an   organism   that  
consists   of   a   single   cell.   Unicellular   organisms   fall   into   two   general   categories:  
prokaryotic  organisms  and  eukaryotic  organisms.  The  primary  distinction  between  these  
two   types   of   organisms   is   that   eukaryotic   cells   have   a   membrane-­‐bound   nucleus   and  
prokaryotic  cells  do  not.  
Ø   All   prokaryotes   are   unicellular   and   are   classified   into   bacteria   and   archaea.   Many  
eukaryotes   are   multicellular,   but   many   are   unicellular   such   as   protozoa,   unicellular  
algae,  and  unicellular  fungi.    
Ø   Unicellular  organisms  are  thought  to  be  the  oldest  form  of  life  possibly  emerging  3.8–4.0  
billion  years  ago.  

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 SVT  2nde  /  Chapter  1  

L.  B.  2023-­2024  
 SVT  2nde  /  Chapter  1  

End of Chapter 1.

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