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Other ways to express future – Grammar

1.Be about to, be on the brink/verge/point of

A.Be about to: prestes a

We often use be about to + infinitive to say that something will happen in the
very near future.

● Some apps are about to disappear from the market.

● Scientists say they are about to find a vaccine.


1. It is so hot today. It is about to rain soon.

2. São Paulo is about to be champion soon.

B.Be on the brink/verge/point of

be on the brink of: estar à beira de
be on the verge of: beirar
Be on the point of: estar no ponto de

1) Our world is on the brink of having a huge greenhouse effect.
2) We are on the verge of having a third world war.

We can also use be on the brink of, be on the verge of or be on the point
of to say that something will happen very soon.

● Our country’s economy is on the brink of collapse.

● This historical museum is on the brink of losing half its masterpieces.
● They are on the verge of becoming the team to win most finals in
● The two historical enemies are on the point of reaching an

C.Be due to: deverá

We use be due to + infinitive to talk about things that are planned or

expected to happen.

● Greece is due to repay around £6 billion to its creditors next semester.

● The secretary is due to arrive in Montreal tomorrow morning.
● I am due to leave my job in may/ 5 days from now on
● The USA is due to have a big financial crisis
D.Be to: está para

We can use be to + infinitive in different situations.

1.Official arrangements

Be to + infinitive is often used in news reports to talk about official

arrangements and events that are planned or expected to happen. The
meaning is usually something like ‘it is expected’.

● Prince William is to visit Paris for the first time since his mother died.
(=It is expected that Prince William will…)
● Nine care homes for the elderly are to close by the end of March.
● The USA is to have a financial crisis because it owes trillions of dollars.

I owe you: te devo uma

I am going to serve a customer

2.Formal instructions and orders

We can also use be to + infinitive to talk about official instructions and

orders. When used in the negative form, it expresses prohibition.

● All employees are to attend a health and safety orientation at the end
of the week.
● You are not to leave this room until I say so.
● The kids are not to eat chocolate until they have lunch
● São Paulo is not to lose in its home stadium

3. If clauses

We often use be to + infinitive in an if-clause. In these cases, we say what

should be done (main clause) to achieve the desired result (if-clause).

● We need to be open to everybody’s opinion if we are to avoid

repeating the mistakes of the past.
● If he is to succeed, he will need to learn to represent the interests of all

2. Be bound to, be likely to (probability)

A.Be bound to:certamente

We use be bound to + infinitive to say that something is certain or very likely

to happen.
● They are bound to like him. He is such a sweet guy.
● His new film is bound to win the heart of every romantic out there.

B.Be likely to

We use be likely to + infinitive to say that something will probably happen.

We can also use It + be likely that + clause.

● The government is likely to pass new regulations very soon.

● It’s likely that the company will have to pay for the damages.

We use be unlikely + infinitive to say that something will probably not

happen. We can also use It + be unlikely that + clause.

● He is unlikely to win this match.

● It’s unlikely that the weather will change over the next few days.

Exercise 1
Choose the correct or most appropriate future expression to complete the sentences below.

a. You to leave your room until you tidy it up.2

b. When I found her she was shaking and crying3
c. According to commentators she is because she is much faster than her rivals.4
d. The US delegation to arrive on Friday.5
e. When he called he was committing suicide.6
f. The Turkish president Russia on September 10th.7
g. The tennis player to carry his country's flag at Friday's opening ceremony
in Rio.8
h. The Korean Marines were to open fire when American officers stopped
i. Students in a manner that shows respect.
j. Both candidates begin the campaign next Thursday.

Exercise 2

1.The government ______ to pass the new law by the end of the year. about on the verge on the point

2.The new canal ______ to be finished by December next year. due on the brink about on the verge

3.Researchers say they are ______ discovering a new form of life.

b.on the verge of
c.on the point of
d.on the point of / on the verge of

4.She is ______ to give birth to their second child in a few weeks.

b.on the verge

5.The National Institute of Health ______ to begin the first human trials for an experimental
vaccine in the coming months. on the verge due about on the point

6.The prime minister ______ contact the French president to begin negotiations. on the verge on the brink due to7

7.Borneo's orangutans are ______ extinct.

a.on the verge of becoming

b.about to become
c.due to become
d.on the verge of becoming / about to become8

8.The next-generation of the device ______ to be unveiled until October 4th.

a.isn't due
b.isn't unlikely
c.isn't about
d.isn't on the verge9

9.Experts say the terrorist attack ______ to affect tourism in the short term. on the point due bound about

10.The government ______ its decision at a press conference on Friday. about to announce unlikely to announce on the verge of announcing due to announce

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