ADA 4. VideoWorksheet - STUDENT

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Unit 6: Into the future, Lesson B 14 pts.

Name(s): _______________________________________ Group: _______

Before you watch

A Fill in the blanks with the appropriate modal verbs from the list on the left. Consider the
context and meaning of each modal verb. Some answers may be repeated. Write only one
number. (0.25 each = 2 pts. total)

_ A. Expressing ability or permission

B. Making predictions

C. Expressing strong necessity

__ D. Giving advice or making recommendations

_ __ E. Expressing probability

__ F. Making offers or suggestions

_ G. Indicating a plan or intention

_ _ H. Expressing willingness or preference

B Fill in the blanks with the appropriate modal verbs from the list below. Consider the context
and meaning of each modal verb. (0.5 each = 6 pts. total)

Unraveling Tomorrow's Transactions: Exploring the Future of Money

As we stand on the brink of a digital era, the future of money appears to be undergoing a revolutionary

transformation. Navigating these changes involves understanding the potential role of modal verbs in

expressing predictions, possibilities, and certainty.

In the near future, the concept of traditional currency (1) coexist with a myriad of digital

alternatives, but it (2) not stop there. Cryptocurrencies, exemplified by Bitcoin,

(3) revolutionize the way we perceive and conduct financial transactions.

Governments and financial institutions (4) play a crucial role in shaping the future

landscape. They (5) strike a delicate balance between regulating digital currencies to

ensure stability and fostering an environment that (6) nurture innovation.

Viewpoint 1 © Cambridge University Press 2013 photocopiable Unit 6: Into the future 21
Unit 6: Into the future, Lesson B 14 pts.
Individuals, too, (7) be discerning about the evolving financial landscape. While the

convenience of digital transactions (8) undoubtedly simplify our lives, users must also

remain vigilant against potential cybersecurity threats.

Smart contracts, facilitated by blockchain technology, will likely redefine contractual agreements.

These self-executing contracts (9) lead to increased efficiency and transparency across

various industries.

In summary, the future of money (10) not follow a linear trajectory. Instead, it will

likely be shaped by a multitude of factors. As we brace for this financial evolution, individuals and

institutions (11) need to adapt to the changing dynamics, embracing the opportunities

that (12) arise.

While you watch

A Watch the video. Circle the correct answers. (0.25 each = 1.5 total)
1. According to the narrator, in the future physical money ___.
a. will be just coins.
b. will be nowhere to be found.
c. will be found in places like museums.

2. Money is quite inconvenient for ____.

a. just for consumers, not the banks.
b. both consumers and banks.
c. neither consumers nor banks.

3. Young generations are looking for .

a. fast and easy ways to pay things.
b. what will happen to ATMs
c. what they will do with the coins

4. One of the things that worry the banks is ____.

a. fake money
b. cyber-attacks.
c. the devaluation of money.

5. The sector of society which won’t benefit from a cashless society is ____.
a. young people.
b. old people.
c. homeless people.

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Unit 6: Into the future, Lesson B 14 pts.
6. Which social network announced to launch their own money?
a. Facebook
b. Instagram.
c. TikTok.

B Watch the video. Write the missing word(s) on the line. You may write from one to three
words per line. (0.5 each = 2 total)
1. According to the narrator _ will become relics of a different age.
2. Hard cash will disappear and will become .
3. _ _ aren’t just easy, but they’re also neat.
4. Electronic-money trails can allow government and private companies to ______________
___________________________________________ personal data.

After you watch

A What do you think about what the video mentions? Write an opinion about any of the topics
that the video mentions. Use between 60 – 70 words. (2.5 pts.)

Poor Fair Good Excellent

The content is relevant and doesn’t drift from the 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.25
main topic.
Accuracy and meaning are clear. Spelling, 0.25 0. 5 0.75 1.25
punctuation and grammar structures are spot on.

Points* will be deducted from the total of the grade if:

• the student doesn’t bring the material to the classes (book or any other material necessary to
work in the classroom).
• the student speaks in Spanish during the English class periods.
• the student doesn’t participate according to the teacher’s specifications.
• the student is disrespectful towards either the teacher or his/her classmates.
• the student doesn’t follow the teacher’s instructions/specifications on digital/audio devices.
*The amount will depend on the times and level of the currency.

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