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Second Edition


Marzo 2024
971 Bolívar, America's Building 3rd Floor
Cochabamba, Bolivia Tel: +591 4 406 7250
¿Who are we?
We are 6 Encorians that will work every month to bring you the latest news, information, and info in our
industry. You Will have interesting articles, fun games, and important reminders from our office. Yes, we write,
but we also edit, so if you would like to join us in writing an article, JOIN US! It Will be very exciting for us to
have you partake in this initiative.

Our team:

Sergio Terán Diego Condorena Harold Mejía

Sergio is a systems Commonly referred to as

Diego likes to code and look
engineer, graduated from Harold, serves as a QA
for solutions. He thinks
UCB, La Paz. He has 5 years of experience Tester at Encora. With
anyone can grow when working on a team. His
working as a software developer, in which he over two years in the development industry, he
main strength is front-end development, but
participated in the development of different has played a pivotal role in numerous
throughout his career he became a full stack
projects using modern technologies. He has successful projects as a Manual QA Tester.
developer. In his free time, he likes to go to
been working with Encora since April 2023. Outside of work, he enjoys hitting the gym and
the gym and play with his dog.
One of his hobbies is to read and to be indulging in video games.
updated on tech news.

Johan Zerna Jorge Llanque Miguel Hurtado

Johan has over 3 years at Known as Mike, he is a Senior

Jorge is a Software
Encora, contributing as a Software Engineer at
Engineer with a deep
software developer and Encora. With over 10 years
passion for web
tech lead in successful projects that raised of experience in the
development. His current focus lies in cloud
millions of users around the world. Johan development industry. He is passionate about
computing, where he excels in creating high-
invests his extra time traveling everywhere, continuous growth and always on the lookout
quality software products. He finds inspiration
taking photos, running and swimming. Follow to enhance his skills and keep up with
in the soothing melodies of chill music while
him: @johanzerna emerging technologies. He enjoys playing
working and has a fondness for mechanical
video games, composing songs and playing
the guitar. He is married and has two cats.


The Vital Role of Cybersecurity in IT Companies

In today's digital age, where businesses heavily rely on

technology, cybersecurity stands as a paramount concern for
IT companies. The importance of cybersecurity cannot be
overstated, especially in an era where cyber threats are
becoming increasingly sophisticated and prevalent. For IT
companies, which often handle sensitive data, intellectual
property, and proprietary software, robust cybersecurity
measures are not just a choice but a necessity for survival and
success in the industry.

First and foremost, cybersecurity protects the integrity of an IT company's operations and infrastructure. With the rapid
advancement of technology, IT companies are constantly innovating and developing new products and services. Any
breach in cybersecurity could compromise these developments, leading to data theft, sabotage, or unauthorized access.
Maintaining a secure environment ensures that the company's intellectual property remains protected, preserving its
competitive edge and reputation in the market.

Moreover, cybersecurity is vital for safeguarding customer trust and loyalty. Clients entrust IT companies with sensitive
information, ranging from personal data to financial records. A breach in cybersecurity not only jeopardizes the
confidentiality of this information but also erodes the trust that customers place in the company. The fallout from a
cyberattack can result in severe financial losses, legal repercussions, and irreparable damage to the company's brand.
By prioritizing cybersecurity measures, IT companies demonstrate their commitment to protecting client data and
maintaining the highest standards of security and reliability.

In conclusion, cybersecurity is not just a technical aspect of IT companies but a fundamental component of their overall
business strategy. It protects assets, preserves reputation, and ensures regulatory compliance. As cyber threats
continue to evolve, IT companies must remain vigilant and proactive in implementing robust cybersecurity measures.
By investing in cybersecurity, IT companies not only safeguard their own interests but also contribute to building a safer
and more secure digital ecosystem for businesses and individuals alike.


Problem Solving
Soft Skills
Every day presents us with a new set of challenges to navigate. These challenges come in various shapes and
forms, ranging from routine daily tasks to complex dilemmas. Whether in academic pursuits, professional
endeavors, or our personal lives, problem-solving skills are indispensable.

Understanding the Need for Problem-Solving

In any field or discipline, our ability to solve problems is a cornerstone of success. Problem-solving skills are
essential because they empower us to make informed decisions and find answers to the questions that arise
in our lives.
To excel in problem-solving, you must:
• Evaluate Information or Situations: Take stock of the facts
and circumstances at hand.
• Break Down Complexities: Break down problems into their
fundamental components for better understanding.
• Explore Multiple Approaches: Consider various strategies
and methods to tackle the problem.
• Decide on the Best Course of Action: Choose the most
appropriate solution from the options available.

Methods of problem solving

To enhance your problem-solving prowess, consider these strategies:
Focus on Solutions: Instead of dwelling on the problem itself, shift your focus to potential solutions. Maintain

a positive, solution-oriented mindset.

Simplify Complexity: Sometimes, simplifying the problem can lead to breakthroughs. Strip away
unnecessary details and explore straightforward solutions.
Harness Positive Language: Use language that fosters creativity and possibility. Avoid negative or closed
phrases that hinder progress.
Embrace Neutrality: Approach problems without preconceived judgments. Stay calm, analyze the situation

objectively, and avoid unnecessary complications.

By mastering these soft skills, you can become a more effective problem solver, equipped to tackle
challenges with confidence and ingenuity. Remember, problem-solving is not just about finding answers –
it's about embracing the process of discovery and growth.

Tech Pulse
Apple Vision Pro: Revolutionizing the Future of Augmented Reality
In recent years, augmented reality (AR) has emerged as a
transformative technology, blurring the lines between the digital
and physical worlds. With applications spanning from
entertainment to healthcare, AR has captivated the
imaginations of millions worldwide. Now, tech giant Apple is set
to redefine the landscape once again with the launch of Apple
Vision Pro – a cutting-edge platform that promises to
revolutionize the way we interact with AR.
Unveiling the Future
Apple Vision Pro represents the culmination of years of research and development aimed at
pushing the boundaries of what's possible with AR technology. Leveraging the powerful
hardware and software ecosystem that Apple is renowned for, Vision Pro aims to deliver a
seamless and immersive AR experience unlike any other.

Impact on Lives Currently

As Apple Vision Pro begins to make its mark on the world, its impact on lives is already being
felt. From students using immersive AR experiences to deepen their understanding of complex
subjects to healthcare professionals leveraging AR for more accurate diagnoses and treatments,
Vision Pro is empowering individuals and organizations to achieve more than ever before.
Retailers are embracing Vision Pro to create innovative shopping experiences that bridge the
gap between online and offline worlds, while developers are pushing the boundaries of creativity
with groundbreaking AR applications. With each passing day, Apple Vision Pro is reshaping the
way we live, work, and play in ways that were once thought impossible.

Looking Ahead
As Apple Vision Pro continues to evolve and expand its reach, the future of augmented reality
has never looked brighter. With its groundbreaking features, seamless integration with existing
Apple devices, and vast potential for innovation, Vision Pro is poised to redefine the way we
interact with the world around us. Whether it's unlocking new realms of creativity, enhancing
productivity, or simply providing moments of wonder and delight, Apple Vision Pro is set to
usher in a new era of AR experiences for users everywhere. Get ready to see the world in a whole
new light.


International Women's Day Interviews
Talking with our Dev Manager Camila
What does International Women's Day mean to you, especially in the field of technology
and software development?
To me, Women´s Day is a reminder that there is a fight that is still going. We have covered a lot
of ground, but we still have more to go. Women still represent a minority in our industry, this
has to change, we have a lot to give, and this field will strongly benefit from having more women
What do you consider to be the most significant achievements and remaining challenges
for women in the tech sector?
Women have had a big participation in many technology breakthroughs, not many they were
accounted for though. I think this is the biggest challenges, giving women the credit they've
earned, giving them space and visibility.
How do you think women in leadership roles, such as Dev Manager, can influence the
promotion of a more inclusive and equitable work environment?
Women in our industry, still driven by men, need to learn to adapt and have the tools to respond
to and like men. We have a wide range of perceptions, mindsets, and understanding to be more
receptive to both genders. I feel we help have a more impartial outtake on the workforce, never
minding the gender factor, thus giving a more equitable chance to everyone.
Based on your experience, what specific actions could tech companies take to support
women's empowerment and gender equity?
I would directly target young girls and young women to tell them about our industry. Show
them the wide range of roles we have and how they can choose from any of them, give them
visibility and information, and leave an open door for them to give into their curiosity and explore
this wonderful world of technology.
How can you contribute, from your position, to foster diversity and inclusion in software
I can, and try, to be a preacher, an example, and to launch spaces were diversity and inclusion
are the focal point of conversation. People need to talk about this, in an open manner, to further
tackle this issue and address it. Everyone can be a change-factor, we just do not always know
enough to care and do something about it, this can be easily fixed by having more open
discussions on these matters.

Father's Day Interviews
Talking with Josue Jimenez
How does being a dad influence your work?
Well, not much maybe that you always think about them but beyond that not much.
What's your favorite way to spend time with your family?
Watching movies.
Can you share a hobby or activity that brings you joy outside of work?
Playing or doing sports.
What's one piece of advice you'd give to a new parent?
That they sleep and that they organize everything now because later it will be chaos.
How do you manage stress and maintain work-life balance?
Well, you have to know how to delineate what you do and give time to each thing.

If you would like to share your opinion about these festivities, you can fill out our forms:

Father's Day:

International Women's Day:


Our interviewees:

Josue Jimenez Marquina Camila Andrea Navarro Criales

IT Engineer Development Manager

Don’t miss these awesome benefits!
CoWork Café - Cala Cala (CBBA)

• Enjoy a 10% discount on the entire menu.

• Don't forget our special offers: 2 special cappuccinos for 35 Bs or 2 frozen cappuccinos
for 40 Bs.
• A perfect spot to grab a refreshing cup of coffee or get some work done in a relaxed
atmosphere. Located at Huallparimachi Street #1785.

La Rueda (CBBA )

• 10% off wine menu, 5% off total consumption.

• Street Buenos Aires #979, Cochabamba.
• 78236311/77911167, Facebook/Instagram: La Rueda Bolivia.

Remember, these discounts are exclusive for our team, so don't miss out! Take advantage of our

You can review all the benefits through this link: CSA - BENEFITS


Recognition Program

Review the recognition information: Click here

Send a recognition: Click here

Photos of Encora Events:

See all photos: Click here


Game Zone
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• Click here and answer our monthly quiz!

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