ECMO in Septic Shock

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Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) in Septic Shock: Mechanisms,

Evidence, and Clinical Applications


Septic shock remains a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in critically ill
patients, despite advances in supportive care and antimicrobial therapy.
Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) has emerged as a potential
therapeutic strategy for septic shock refractory to conventional management,
offering advanced cardiopulmonary support and potential immunomodulatory
effects. This essay provides a comprehensive review of ECMO in septic shock,
covering its pathophysiological rationale, mechanisms of action, evidence base,
patient selection criteria, technical considerations, clinical outcomes, and future
directions. Additionally, it discusses the challenges, controversies, and emerging
trends in the use of ECMO for septic shock, highlighting the need for further research
to optimize patient outcomes in this complex clinical scenario.

1. Introduction:

Septic shock, characterized by dysregulated host response to infection leading to

acute circulatory failure, remains a significant challenge in critical care medicine, with
high mortality rates despite aggressive supportive measures. Conventional therapies
for septic shock, including fluid resuscitation, vasopressor therapy, and antimicrobial
agents, may be insufficient in patients with refractory shock and multiorgan
dysfunction. Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) has gained attention as
a potential rescue therapy for septic shock, offering advanced cardiopulmonary
support and potential immunomodulatory effects. This essay provides a
comprehensive overview of ECMO in septic shock, exploring its pathophysiological
rationale, mechanisms of action, evidence base, patient selection criteria, technical
considerations, clinical outcomes, and future directions.
2. Pathophysiological Rationale:

The pathophysiology of septic shock involves complex interactions between the host
immune response, endothelial dysfunction, microcirculatory dysfunction, and
mitochondrial dysfunction, resulting in systemic inflammation, tissue hypoperfusion,
and organ dysfunction. In refractory cases of septic shock, conventional therapies
may fail to restore adequate tissue perfusion and oxygenation, leading to progressive
organ failure and death. ECMO offers several potential advantages in the
management of septic shock:

• Cardiopulmonary Support: ECMO provides temporary extracorporeal

support for gas exchange and hemodynamic stability, allowing time for
recovery of native organ function.
• Decompression of the Heart and Lungs: Venoarterial (VA) ECMO can unload
the left ventricle and reduce myocardial oxygen consumption, while
venovenous (VV) ECMO can provide respiratory support and improve
• Immunomodulatory Effects: ECMO may modulate the host immune
response and attenuate systemic inflammation, potentially reducing organ
injury and improving outcomes in septic shock.

3. Mechanisms of Action:

The mechanisms of action of ECMO in septic shock are multifactorial and involve
several physiological processes:

• Gas Exchange: ECMO provides extracorporeal gas exchange, removing

carbon dioxide and restoring oxygenation in patients with refractory
respiratory failure.
• Hemodynamic Support: VA ECMO augments cardiac output and systemic
perfusion, reducing the reliance on vasopressor therapy and improving tissue
oxygen delivery.
• Organ Protection: ECMO can provide organ protection by reducing the
workload on the heart and lungs, preventing further organ injury and
promoting recovery.
• Immunomodulation: ECMO may modulate the host immune response,
attenuating systemic inflammation and preventing cytokine-mediated organ
injury in septic shock.
4. Evidence Base:

The evidence supporting the use of ECMO in septic shock is limited and
predominantly derived from observational studies and case series. Several small
prospective studies and retrospective analyses have reported favorable outcomes
with ECMO in selected patients with refractory septic shock, including improved
hemodynamics, oxygenation, and survival rates. The CESAR trial demonstrated
improved outcomes with ECMO compared to conventional ventilation in patients
with severe acute respiratory failure, including those with septic shock, leading to
increased interest in ECMO as a rescue therapy for refractory shock. However,
randomized controlled trials (RCTs) comparing ECMO to standard care in septic
shock are lacking, and further research is needed to establish the efficacy and safety
of ECMO in this patient population.

5. Patient Selection Criteria:

Patient selection is critical in determining the appropriateness of ECMO therapy in

septic shock. The criteria for ECMO initiation in septic shock patients include:

• Refractory Shock: Persistent hypotension despite aggressive fluid

resuscitation and vasopressor therapy, with evidence of end-organ
• Respiratory Failure: Severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) with
refractory hypoxemia despite lung-protective ventilation strategies.
• Expected Reversibility: Reversible cause of shock with potential for recovery,
such as sepsis with a treatable infection and limited comorbidities.

Technical Considerations of ECMO in Septic Shock:

1. Cannulation Strategy:
• In venovenous (VV) ECMO, dual-lumen cannulas are typically used for
simultaneous venous drainage and return within a single vessel. These
cannulas are inserted percutaneously into the femoral vein or internal
jugular vein.
• Proper positioning of the cannulas is crucial to ensure adequate blood
flow and gas exchange. Ultrasound guidance is often employed to
optimize cannula placement and minimize the risk of vascular injury.
• In venoarterial (VA) ECMO, separate venous drainage and arterial return
cannulas are used to provide both respiratory and circulatory support.
Cannulation sites may include the femoral vein for venous drainage and
the femoral artery or axillary artery for arterial return.
2. Circuit Configuration:
• The ECMO circuit consists of several components, including a
membrane oxygenator, tubing, connectors, and a centrifugal pump.
The circuit is primed with crystalloid or colloid solution before initiation
to remove air and ensure proper function.
• The oxygenator is responsible for gas exchange, removing carbon
dioxide and restoring oxygenation. Oxygenator selection depends on
factors such as membrane surface area, blood flow rates, and
• Continuous heparin infusion is typically used for anticoagulation to
prevent thrombus formation within the ECMO circuit. Close monitoring
of activated clotting time (ACT) or activated partial thromboplastin time
(aPTT) is essential to maintain therapeutic anticoagulation levels while
minimizing the risk of bleeding complications.
3. Blood Flow and Gas Exchange:
• Blood flow rates are adjusted to optimize oxygen delivery and carbon
dioxide removal while avoiding hemolysis and circuit-related
complications. Flow rates are typically titrated based on hemodynamic
parameters, arterial blood gases, and oxygen saturation levels.
• Gas flow rates through the oxygenator are adjusted to maintain
adequate oxygenation and ventilation. FiO2 and sweep gas flow rates
are adjusted based on arterial blood gas measurements and oxygen
saturation targets.
4. Monitoring and Alarms:
• Close monitoring of ECMO parameters is essential to assess circuit
function, gas exchange, and patient status. Parameters such as blood
flow rates, oxygenator pressure differentials, oxygen and carbon
dioxide levels, and circuit pressures should be monitored continuously.
• Alarms and alerts are programmed to detect abnormalities or
malfunctions in the ECMO circuit, such as pump failure, air embolism,
or clot formation. Prompt recognition and intervention are critical to
prevent adverse events and ensure patient safety.
5. Weaning and Decannulation:
• Weaning from ECMO involves gradual reduction of blood flow rates
and gas flow rates while monitoring for signs of hemodynamic
instability or respiratory decompensation. Weaning protocols may vary
depending on patient factors, underlying disease severity, and recovery
• Decannulation is performed once the patient demonstrates adequate
native cardiac and pulmonary function, stable hemodynamics, and
resolution of septic shock. Cannula removal should be performed under
controlled conditions to minimize the risk of bleeding or vascular injury.

Clinical Outcomes of ECMO in Septic Shock:

1. Improvement in Oxygenation:
• ECMO can rapidly improve oxygenation and carbon dioxide removal in
patients with refractory respiratory failure and septic shock. By
providing extracorporeal gas exchange, ECMO allows for lung rest and
recovery while maintaining adequate tissue oxygenation.
2. Hemodynamic Support:
• In venoarterial (VA) ECMO, ECMO provides circulatory support by
augmenting cardiac output and systemic perfusion. This can help
stabilize hemodynamics and reduce the need for vasopressor therapy
in patients with septic shock and cardiogenic shock.
3. Organ Recovery:
• ECMO support may facilitate organ recovery by reducing the workload
on the heart and lungs, preventing further organ injury, and promoting
tissue perfusion. Improved oxygen delivery and reduced oxygen
demand can help mitigate organ dysfunction and support recovery in
septic shock patients.
4. Survival Rates:
• The survival rates of ECMO in septic shock vary depending on patient
factors, disease severity, and center experience.

Complications of ECMO in Septic Shock:

Despite its potential benefits, ECMO therapy in septic shock is associated with several
complications, which can impact patient outcomes and limit its utility in clinical
practice. Complications of ECMO in septic shock include:

1. Bleeding Complications:
• Anticoagulation therapy is necessary to prevent thrombus formation
within the ECMO circuit, but it increases the risk of bleeding
complications, including hemorrhage at cannulation sites,
gastrointestinal bleeding, intracranial hemorrhage, and surgical site
• Close monitoring of coagulation parameters and judicious
anticoagulation management are essential to minimize the risk of
bleeding while maintaining adequate circuit function.
2. Thrombotic Complications:
• Thrombus formation within the ECMO circuit or the patient's native
circulation can lead to circuit malfunction, limb ischemia, embolic
events, and organ infarction.
• Adequate anticoagulation, circuit surveillance, and vascular assessment
are necessary to prevent thrombotic complications and ensure optimal
ECMO support.
3. Hemolysis:
• High shear forces within the ECMO circuit can cause red blood cell
damage and hemolysis, leading to anemia, hyperbilirubinemia, and
renal dysfunction.
• Circuit optimization, including proper cannula positioning and flow
rates, is essential to minimize hemolysis and maintain adequate oxygen
delivery while preventing circuit-related complications.
4. Infection:
• Nosocomial infections, including bloodstream infections, ventilator-
associated pneumonia, and catheter-related infections, are common in
ECMO-treated patients with septic shock.
• Strict adherence to infection control measures, including aseptic
technique during cannulation and circuit management, is essential to
prevent infection-related complications and improve patient outcomes.
5. Circuit-related Complications:
• Circuit-related complications, such as oxygenator failure, pump
malfunction, air embolism, and circuit rupture, can occur during ECMO
• Regular circuit inspections, troubleshooting protocols, and rapid
intervention are necessary to mitigate circuit-related risks and ensure
patient safety during ECMO support.
6. Neurological Complications:
• Neurological complications, including stroke, seizures, delirium, and
cognitive impairment, can occur in ECMO-treated patients with septic
• Cerebral embolism, hypoperfusion, and inflammatory mediators may
contribute to neurological injury. Close neurological monitoring and
early detection of complications are crucial to optimize outcomes and
minimize neurological sequelae.

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