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Nordengren’s five equipments 6.

Deserted isle
An empty, unconnected isle featuring the great, vast
Hairball Mutants: 5 hp, 10
STR, 12 DEX, 8 WIL
Attacks: d4 Prick

‘YE WHO ENTER HERE 3. Sanctuary of shield & sword • The 2nd of 2 Entrances is here. encounters
Nordengren, the brave mouse has perished. His Vibrant conclaves of colored coral encompass this isle in its • A flat wooden raft is the sole object d6 Encounters
armor lives on. totality. All of the coral is sectioned by color with very few anywhere. [Raft 6 hp]
spots intertwining. 1. d4 Hairball Mutants
Fengal, the vile cat lives on in mutation. It needs to • If unconvinced of the emptiness, time
be stopped. The colors represent effects and conditions: 2. 1 batch of Fengal Followers (6) looking only
spent digging under where the raft is found to convert you
• Blue: Neutral, no effects. will yield [TREASURE]. 3. 1d4 Fengal Followers violent from boredom
1. Cast Away Catisle • Pink: Jellyfish Sting Paralysis, Condition 4. 2d4 Landfish Nippers
Once the body of a proud Manx (a species of Paralyzed.
giant Cat), its corpse is now host to an 5. 1d6 Tweak Beak birds
• Orange: Malaise, suddenly feel the quest will
environment of its own with an archipelago fail. 6. Fast rising tide…
attached and surrounding surrounding it.
The ground is mushy and the air is stale. It’s obvious
• Green: Thorns, 1d4 damage (half if the 2.
something is in an eternal state of decay here.
thorns have been noticed and you’re
purposefully trying to navigate through).
• The 1st of 2 Entrances is here. Both involve a The Sword is wrapped/coated in Green coral, it 1.
“door” in the floor.
• In the center of the room is a tunnel of ribs.
needs to be chipped off. 6.
The Shield has become rotted, but also has been
It instills a deep fear in any mouse who filled in with sections of coral. It can be found
scurries near. If you venture too close before being used as a top to a crab pot on the shoreline.
freeing Nordengren you will gain Malaise
• Butterflies quietly sing…it speaks of the other
4. Bounty of breastplate
isles, and of a brave mouse named Sentient Hairball Mutant’s have created a clamming village.
Nordengren who tried to defeat Fengal and the Digging in the sand mostly, a couple are on the water in
mutation…if only he could be summoned shoddy, improvised plastic bottle boats. [Boat 4 hp]
back to life…to see his equipment shine in • The Breastplate itself has been attached to a
battle once more… wooden pole and is being used as a clam
• [After you have collected brave Nordengren’s digger in the sand flats.
Helm, Shield, Sword, Breastplate, and Boots • The Hairball Mutant’s don’t have any sort of
lead him back to the rib tunnel and watch as he violence on their minds but they also don’t
vanquishes the sickness for once and all] have any plans on parting with their items. If
their items are stolen they will all attack.
2. Habitat of helm 5.
Twigs have been washed ashore and tied together with 5. Border of boots
seaweed to create large jungle gym style structures that cover Everywhere you look a step has already been taken. 4.
the isle as a whole.
• Sticky Seaweed, in certain areas the seaweed
Footprints cover the mushy land, tracking every which way
and back again. Bestiary NfE is an independent production by LANCRAFT and is
is sticky as a fly trap. Gain Sticky Condition. • The Boots are on the move. Animated, with Nordengren: – hp, 16 STR, 16 DEX, 16 WIL not affiliated with Losing Games. It is published under the
no shortage of gas in the tank. Attacks: d12 Sword, d4 Shield Bash Mausritter Third Party Licence.
• The Helm is located dead center and placed at Mausritter is copyright Losing Games.
the tippy top of the tallest structure. Once Fengel: 18 hp, 14 STR, 15 DEX, 12 WIL
removed, all structures begin falling…RUN! Attacks: d10 Slash, d6 Bone Tail
Followers: 6 hp, 10 STR, 12 DEX, 6 WIL
Tweak Beak Birds: 5 hp, 8 Attacks: d6 Club
STR, 15 DEX, 12 WIL
Landfish Nippers: 3 hp, 6 STR, 8 DEX, 10
Attacks: d6 Peck, d4 Claw WIL
Attacks: d4 Bite + d4 Tail Slap (multi)

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