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What is? Cuase. Origin. Why? Exemples. How to fight.

By: Henrique Barros, Pedro Biazzini, Victor Hugo e Vinicius Diniz.

Definition of Xenophobia:
Xenophobia refers to the irrational and rational fear, aversion or hatred
of foreigners or people of foreign origin. It can manifest itself in
different ways, whether discriminating, excluding, attacking or even
murdering people because of their ethnic, cultural or national origins.
1 Social and economic insecurity
People often look for someone to blame in times of economic
hardship or social upheaval. Immigrants and minorities are often
scapegoated as the cause of society's ills.

2 Lack of contact
People with little or no contact with people from other cultures or
backgrounds are more likely to be fearful or mistrustful of them.

3 Media portrayals
The way immigrants and minorities are portrayed in the media
can also influence people's attitudes towards them. If they are
only shown in a negative light, it can reinforce people's
prejudices. Fear of strangers: In general, people are more likely to
be afraid of unfamiliar things. This can apply to both physical
appearance and cultural differences.
Types of Xenophobia
1 Cultural xenophobia
This type involves rejecting objects, traditions, or symbols that are
associated with another group or nationality. This can include language,
clothing, music, and other traditions associated with the culture.

2 Immigrant xenophobia
This type involves rejecting people who the xenophobic individual does not
believe belongs in the ingroup society. This can involve rejecting people of
different religions or nationalities and can lead to persecution, hostility,
violence, and even genocide.
Exemples of Xenophobia

The Holocaust Apartheid Internamento de

Maybe the worst exemple. The A system of racial
Jews were chased, discrimination that lasted During the Wolrd War II, the
impriosoned and tortured decades and left scars in all japaneses-americans were
during the World War II. South Africa. imprisioned on on intemment
camps in theo United States,
due to fear of espionage and

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