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Q1. Discuss the application of XML. Also compare XSD and DTD.

Q2. Discuss <form> tag and its attributes. Also differentiate GET and POST
Q3. Describe frames in HTML. Write markup to create a web page that contains the
three vertical columns, having background color as red, blue, green respectively.
Q4. Design a self-describing XML-DTD for storing email data.
Q5. Discuss Math and Date objects in JavaScript. Write a program in JavaScript to
display digital clock showing HH:MM:SS.
Q6. Describe the advantages of CSS.
Q7. Create objects in JavaScript.
Q8. Differentiate between HTML and XML.
Q9. Create a CSS rule that makes all the text 2 times larger than the base font of the
system. Mention can you integrate CSS on a web page.
Q10. Explain the working of AJAX along with its applications. Mention a suitable
Q11. Create an HTML code to create a web page that contains the user registration
form with following details user name, user date of birth, user address, user gender,
user email id, user mobile number.
Q12. Desin a XML DTD for self describing weather report having following details:
Date, location, temperature range (Location describes city, state and its country.
Country code is unique and not left balnk. Temperature range describes high and
low temp. in Fahrenheit or Celsius.
Q13. Design a JavaScript program to display the current day and time in the
following format.
Today is: Monday.
Current time is : 11 AM : 50 : 58
Q14. Describe CSS box model with block diagram.
Q15. Define DHTML with suitable example.
Q16. Discuss XML. Which is used to define the structure of XML document? Explain
and demostrate with an example.
Q17. Discuss DTD. Ho the DTD is different from XSD? Demonstrate to create a XML
document of 10 students of third year. Add their roll numbers, marks obtained in 5
subjects, total marks and percentage and validate using DTD.
Q18. Explain CSS. What are the CSS frameworks? Explain in Brief. What are the
different ways of using the stylesheet? Write a CSS rule that makes all the test 2.5
times larger than base font of the system.
Q19. Discuss AJAX. Exaplin the application of AJAX with the help of suitable
Q20. Compare Java and Javascript. Explain and demonstrate 5 different types of
objects in javascript with example.
Q21. When is it appropriate to use frames?
Q22. What is the use of alternative text in image mapping?
Q23. Create an HTML page names “Table.html” to display your class time table.
(i) Provide the title as Time Table.
(ii) Provide various color options to the cells(Highlight the lab hours and
elective hours with different colors.)
Q24. Compare Java and javascript. Write a javascript program to define a user
defined function for sorting the values in an array.
Q25. What is XML? Create a XML document of 10 students of final CSE. Add their
roll numbers, marks obtained in 5 subjects, total marks and percentage. Save this
XML document at the server, write a program that accepts student’s roll number as
input and returns the student marks, total percentage by taking student information
for XML document.
Q26. Discuss how frames play a big role in advertising on web. What roles do form
play in making web page dynamic.
Q27. Create an HTML page named as “String_Math.html” and written the script tag
define some string variables and use different string function to demonstrate the use
of the predefined functions. Do the same for the Math function.
Q28. What are XML parsers? Explain the types of parser with their advantages and
Q29. What do you mean by CSS? Write a CSS rule that makes all the text 2.5 times
larger than the base font of the system. Mention how can you integrate CSS on a
web page?
Q30. Explain the anchor and table tag in HTML?
Q31. What are forms and how they are created in HTML?
Q32. Explain the difference between id and class selector in css?
Q33. Explain well formed and valid xml?
Q34. What is CSS? What are different ways to create them? Explain with example.
Q35. What is AJAX? Explain its advantage and its working? Explain with example?
Q36. What is DTD? Also explain its differences with xml schema?
Q37. What are scripting languages and why java script is used? Write a JavaScript
function for validating form data like Mandatory Fields and Email field?
Q38. Define HTML DOM

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