Latihan Error Recognition

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Error Recognition A

1. A consumer might prefers (A) organic foods produced (B) without synthetic (C)
fertilizers and pesticides for their (D) health benefits.
2. Within (A) the manufacturing sector, companies engage in a (B) myriad of activities to
ensure its (C) operations, ranging from sourcing raw materials to distributing (D) finished
3. Cocoa beans undergo (A) a series of post-harvest processes, including fermentation, and
sorting, which (B) are critical with (C) enhancing the flavor and ensuring the quality
consistency (D).
4. The steel industry sector, characterized by its (A) resilience, operates (B) globally as a
cornerstone of modern infrastucture and economic (C) develompment, with its perceptibly
(D) impact.
5. In the tourism sector, sculptors (A), offering unique insights into (B) the history and
heritage, were assessed (C) as captivating landmarks and cultural icons that draw (D)
visitors from around the world.
6. Govermments (A) struggle with the challenge of balancing immediate budgetary (B)
constraints with the long-term necessity (C) off (D) investing in infrastructure to support
growing populations.
7. Economists make (A) the analysis of market trends and fluctuations in oil price to forecast
future demand (B) and inform decision-making regarding (C) production level at (D) the
8. Driven by (A) the growing amount of global concerns (B) about the need to transition
away from (C) fossil fuels, investments in renewable energi infrastructure have surged
(D) in recent years.
9. Fragmentation (A) of forest ecosystems become increasing (B) prevalent as human
activities such as (C) road construction and land development divide once (D) contiguous
forests into patches.
10. Executed (A) carefully, various strategies such as (B) active management, passive
indexing, and alternative investments were (C) employing (D) on behalf of clients to
generate returns and manage risk.
Error Recognition B
1. Neither deforestation for agricultural (A) expansion or (B) conversion of natural habitats
for industrial purposes is condoned (C) in forestry practices, as (D) both can lead to loss
of biodiversity.
2. Driving (A) technological advancements, research institutions and universities make (B)
a cooperation (C) with the steel industry sector to develop (D) new materials and
production technuques.
3. Fertilizer (A) manufacturers invest in sustainable (B) practices to minimize
environmental impact and protect natural resources for (C) future generations in every
agricultural communities (D)
4. A homeowner ought to has (A) an insurance coverage (B) to safeguard the property
against (C) damage or loss due to (D) accidents or natural disasters.
5. Administering (A) by governmental agencies and regulatory (B) agencies, finansial
regulation and oversight aim (C) to maintain the stability and fairness (D) of finansial
6. Infrastucture asset (A) management involves optimizing a (B) performance and lifespan
of a diverse amount of infrastructure assets (C), from bridges to telecommunications
networks and power plants (D).
7. In the insurance sector, accountant (A) practices play a pivotal role in ensuring regulatory
(B) compliance, as insurers must accurately (C) report their (D) financial transactions.
8. Acted (A) as natural filters, forest purify (B) air and water, enhance the quality of life for
both (C) humans and wildlife and reduce the prevalence (D) of respiratory diseases and
waterbone illnesses.
9. Heritage tourism allows visitors tracing (A) the footsteps of ancestors to delve (B) into the
UNESCO World Heritage Sites alike (C) the ancient city of Petra or the historic (D)
monuments of Rome.
10. Manufacturers could develop innovative fertilizers with slow-release (A) formulations by
(B) provide nutrients (C) to plants over an extended period of time and reduce the need
for frequent (D) applications.

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