Summit Verbatim Comments - March-May 2011

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REGISTRATION AND COMMENT SHEET RESPONSES Detroit Works Project | March 18 May 14, 2011

This document contains open-ended responses from individuals engaged through the Detroit Works Project (DWP) summits between March 18 and May 14, 2011. Over 420 participants provided responses at seven (7) summits throughout the city. Summits targeted various interest groups and populations, including: This document includes the following: All original spelling and punctuation errors, per the professional transcription service that transposed participants handwritten responses. Responses along the lines of none, nothing, no. Names and contact information for public venues and figures (where respondents noted them).

Seniors Faith-based community New Americans Environmental community Artists Entrepreneurs Youth

This document does not include the following: Illustrations, doodles, drawings, and maps. Illegible text. The notation [illegible] indicates the transcribers inability to read the participants handwriting. Responses consisting solely of the characters ? and n/a have been removed from this summary. Respondents names and contact information. The notation [name/phone number/email removed] indicates where respondents names have been removed.

Participants who responded to online prompts using Text the Mob (online software that can be displayed at meetings to encourage live audience updates via cell phones or mobile internet devices) provided a small portion of responses within this document. Those who completed registration/comment sheets responded to a set of questions that varied from meeting to meeting. Generally, each summits registration/comment sheets included the following prompts:

1. What are ongoing or recent projects or activities, related to [this summits target audience], that the Detroit Works Project should be aware of? 2. What do you hope the Detroit Works Project will do for [this summits community]? 3. Additional comments

Created: 06.20.2011 | Detroit Works Project Summit Registration and Comment Sheet Responses | Page 1

REGISTRATION AND COMMENT SHEET RESPONSES | Detroit Works Project | March 18, 2011

Senior Summit Comments (245 responses)

1) Info senior community on other job opportunities when you exit the Title 7 programs. 2) When senior work for Agencies we need transportation allotments by way of bus card (15-20 hr wk jobs) or tickets to get transportation to get to & from employment only. 3) We need more senior community living in downtown Detroit like Friendship Meadows. 4) More police (foot cops) protection in our senior communities. 1) Transportation services for seniors for meidcal, grocieries, etc. Services removing snwo, cleaning, mowing senior properties for homebound, disabled or sick seniors. 1. Tear down vacant house's. 2. Clean alleys of garbage & debris (overgrown bushes,) street lights out. 14th Congressional District (Democratic): 1. Training seniors to become technology aware so that they can engage in the political process using the computer (Internet). 2. Educating seniors about taxation and how it affects pensions. 3. Organizing seniors to become "Women for Obama". 4. Organizing seniors for recruitment of young people so that they will participate in the political process. 5. I am prepared to serve as liason or contact person to facilitate the necessary communication that will result in MORE seniors being involved in the training of organizing to be "political smart" sponsored by the 14th Congressional District. 2. Just a few top priority topics should be discussed. Allow these things to unfold in front of their eyes. Regain their trust back that their input is not in vain 3. Add additional priority topics at a later date. Continuing to show them "progress" on their concerned issues 5 Things: 1. Natural Sustainable - Less & Less Money only spend what you have. 2. Public Safety. 3. Education. 4. Jobs & Job Creation. A class for seniors to learn how to text (would help those who can't hear well), to use Facebook, Tweeter, etc. safely. A major fabric & craft store. Major supermarket. A new adult foster care home has been created on the westside of Detroit. Gilead House (313) 387-9277. Barrier free home with 5 beds.

Created: 06.20.2011 | Detroit Works Project Summit Registration and Comment Sheet Responses | Page 2

A) Provide a list of certified vendors that seniors could safely and affordably contract with. B) If we are able to attract large grocery store chains to Detroit encourage them to provide home deliveries to seniors. C) Encourage churches to develop programs to employ high school students to perform home services for seniors under the supervision of an adult. Provide grants to churches and/or encourage them to build this type of business on their own. Set high standards! Monitor and evaluate! D) Increase bulk pick-up to once monthly. E) Do not privotize. A. improve the quality of life for seniors. B. inform works project about the concerns of seniors. AARP chapters throughout the city - and they community services they provide anand the partnership with other agencies. Abuse of seniors - by neighbors - gangs, etc - robberies, intimidation Act on all of the problems that has been addressed today. Act on the concerns [illegible] Activities for seniors in recreation centers i.e. physical fitness, nutrition. Address all of issues presented @ senior forums. I attended Stapleton Center forum, esp w/regard to improved security, safety. Address most of the needs of the meeting today. Address the concerns brought up. Most important seemed to be -affordable housing in safe, clean neighborhoods with lighting and access to clean, well stocked grocery good stores, recreational facilities. Adress all concerns. Make city safer - Get rid of drugs - Pushers - It would be a better place to live. All locations All where the seniors are not represented. Aid in not one senior benefit being cut off. Allow seniors in the Mature Workers program to be hired in after their training. Allow the seniors to stay in their property if they choose to, most of us can't afford to pay rent. Let us purchase the vacant lots so that people can't dump on them. I will fence mine in if I'm allowed to purchase them. Along that line of thinking - I am encouraged by your intent on action to do neighborhood analysis. I believe thre are strengths or assets that can be built upon that we sometimes forget or overlooks. Assist in providing and being able to afford better health and home care. Begin the evolutionary process

REGISTRATION AND COMMENT SHEET RESPONSES | Detroit Works Project | March 18, 2011

Senior Summit Comments (245 responses)

Better & ass transportation for the seniors. Better opportunity for people in the city Bigger & Better Services Bilingual services Blight in the community, locate homes taking more interest in the youth in our community, grandparenting if able. Bridge seniors and their concerns together to find out what's most important for us all, not just a few people in a few communities. Bring citizens all ages together for a better future for our city. Bring more senior (2) story at the most (4) story subsidized apts or townhouses on the Northwest side mostly highrise apts. Build more senior housing (apartments) within the city, doctors offices for a senior community. More monitoring of neighborhoods & enforcing, towing abandon cars, keeping yards clean Build senior apt in Detroit for seniors only 4 stories and handicapped accessible. Bus Shelters Buses - Metro Lift. Service are too far away for challenge for elderly. Buses. On time, clean & kind drivers. Butzel Family Center have activities for seniors to get out of the house and socialize with other people their age. City officials should be more accountable so the public can gain confidence in the city government. Clean up community or apartment housing. Local business in area. Come up ith a plan Concentrate funding on programs that impact seniors friendly living. Consider rescheduling Feb. Bulk pick-up based on weather conditions. Continue to inform of city services & access. Police success of service quality. Conveinces for seniors, transportation needs, senior housing (affordable), brand name stores, banks, shopping malls, etc. Create a senior citizen activites cnt out of an abandonded building in the neighborhood for senior to go to for recreation, care and companion etc.

Create a senior village that is safe with a bicycle track, shopping services, exercise equipment computers & library; surrounded by shurbs & flowers & herb garden Crime so bad we are afraid to leave home DAAA - Senior Campus LUV-D - info on council by districts Declutter my house. Help fix my basement stairs. Demolish homes in the neighborhood. Detroit: Motor City makeover, get more seniors & people period to participate Develop affordable housing for seniors. Develop affordable transportation for seniors. Develop gated/security fenced/seniors only communities in at the ten districts. Enforce maximum penalties for any abuse/robberies/BE, etc on seniors. DHS's senior/consumer advocacy division - I & R Program, DAAA's resource center. Do what is able & will be funded. Dumping. Employment for seniors supported by Mayor Dave Bing's office and the Detroit Area Agency on Aging Encourage the city. Bring more supermarquets. Take Kroger and Miers, Home Depo. Erase blight, asst. in house insurance Find jobs with living wages. Training programs that produce jobs at end of training. Fine tune transportation to events for seniors to get there at no charge. Free dental to all seniors help with medication ass well as heath & wellness & wholistic treatment ect. Counseling adapt a senior program. For those driving, the high cost of parking down town. Free mall parking in the suburbs. Get the federal gov. to put mail boxes in local stores or banks. There are none in the neighborhoods anymore and the P.O. is a mile away. Everyone does not have transportation to P.O. Need major grocery stores now & nutrition courses. Give them a voice in the decisions that are being made on their behalf. Give them more ways to get around. Gratiot & Harper area

Created: 06.20.2011 | Detroit Works Project Summit Registration and Comment Sheet Responses | Page 3

REGISTRATION AND COMMENT SHEET RESPONSES | Detroit Works Project | March 18, 2011

Senior Summit Comments (245 responses)

Gratiot Wds. Sr. Housing. SR. Repairs (home) Gratiot Wood Have a near mall like Walmart stores or Food Stroe or [illegible]. Safety the neighbors to be able to wake, have police wake around Have a strong voice & an effective voice in affordable housing and transportation for seniors. Have better transportation to leave the homes for more than just doctor visit or food shopping; for recreational services. Have help in the neighbors to clean the areas that look bad, like houses that stook tried out. Have housing; activity ctrs; commerical outlets; as properties and consumers Have more street lights, more stores in area Help keep them in the city. Help make the communities safe, businesses more concern about seniors, needs, desires, & health accomodations. Help tare down the Senior Home. The house 4921 Cortland. House. 4920 Cortland Stree Help the seniors stay in their home, with repair assistance. Help them to live indepondty? (sp) Help to get shopping center in the City of Detroit. Help to improve safety. EMT services, eliminate blight. Help to stay in our homes Help with home improvement. Help with utilities cost, insurance, help to communicate with one another. When you upgrade homes, who will be able to apply for these homes. Home repair Hopefully, the project will create a safe and enjoyable place for seniors to live. Houses that is torn down, burn down & illegal drugs traffic. Stop drug traffic on the streets. Housing Housing & safety Housing for senior Housing in 48217 Housing!

How about using the fair ground to do a senior village? How does the area between Schaefer & Schoolcraft between I-96 & Lodge (Wyoming St area) fit into your plans to revamp Detroit. (District 7), did not see this small pocket addressed. What can we do to help? I am not totally familiar with the senior programs at the Detroit Recreational Centers but from what I've read, these are great resources for seniors. I intend to participate and learn more. I that this is a strength. I do attend Seniors in Motions excercise class on Monday's and Wednesday. I expect that the Detroit Works Project will help to reinforce the fact that senior involvement in paramont to the revitalization of Detroit. I filled out another card - information on that card. I had fun this morning and afternoon. I have visted Sun City in Arizona and the senior communities are out of this world. Theme nights 3-4 times a week, libraries, swimming pools, craft room, conference room, exercise rooms, transportation to once a week to mall, grocery stores and off site activities. I hope that DWP will provide money to the seniors to repair their homes, that they are unable to pay. I hope the Project will sincerely look into helping seniors w/Alzheimeirs/Dementia. I hope they would help the neighborhoods and maybe help with some transportation. I think there should be more program open to senior to go to free with transportation. If a senior lives in an area that is restricted and they have tried to keep their homes in A-1 condition in a "deprived community" - what happens to them? "sparse" I'm sorry if I make mistakes in my writing. Improve conditions. Housing. Fix-up. Taxes. Improve it, make it safe w/fresh food Improve lack of expeditious response from 911 Improve public service to City of Detroit. Improve the quality of life through safety, transportation, and housing. Inform seniors. Hannan House has computer classes. Wayne County Community College has free computer classes for residents age 60 & over.

Created: 06.20.2011 | Detroit Works Project Summit Registration and Comment Sheet Responses | Page 4

REGISTRATION AND COMMENT SHEET RESPONSES | Detroit Works Project | March 18, 2011

Senior Summit Comments (245 responses)

Involve us more in the planning of the revision of Detroit. It is true that we do need more grocery stores but small private owned one has a tendency to charge you a fortune for your business. So what type of grocery stores are you referring to? Being a senior on a "fixed" income? Keep acting and, create more jobs for seniors. Keep communities such as Delray intact. Keep information coming. Keep the grass cut. Senior rate on utilities low for low income. Keep the program going LASED Senior Center. Food & Friendship/Enhance Exerisce Program Listen and initate their requests. Listen to their complaint and do something about it Living transition. Single home apartment, Independent apt living to assistive living arrangement. All of the above to nursing home placement. Maintain parks, sidewalks Make a plan an follow thru on the plan. Make available to seniors, training, jobs, better housing assistance, & healthcare reforms. Make community more safe - more light on street Make homeowners responsible for the upkeep of their rented property by mowing, watering their lawn. Reguallrly. Also make them keep the outside of their homes appearance up. Make improvements in all needed areas such as safety, housing, etc. Make it a lot safer and get more senior housing in communities. Make it better - Really - Don't just say it - Do it. Make it easier for them to live in a safer community Make it more intergenerational. Make our neighborhoods more safe Make senior services more available and a applicable. Make seniors more comfortable in the city of Detroit. Give the seniors more resources, information & access to services as needed. Enhance safety. Make store stop putting a limit on bottle that you buy to return. And telling you that you must spend it at that store. We should be able to get our money if we want it and no limit. Check meat out in store.

Make sure there is something to drink in lunchbag. Bring back results from what was really done. Please consider a healthy lunch. Make the city privice more jobs & training for senior Make the senior community safer and cleaner. Making seniors aware of the progress that is taking place currently in all areas of the city and surrounding areas. MAN East Detroit - Block Clubs Meeting the needs for seniors as'. Help issue as dental. Housing up to code with assitants. Taxes on housing & car insurance. Right eating habits - stores. Exercise programs free & need more of them. Mendola Mentoring our youth girls & boys. Have seniors mentor the boys & girls guidence, care, love Midtown More activities & classes for senior learning such as computer & craft program & lunch program. More communication is needed in the nursing homes and adult foster care facilities. More info in Spanish More police and trafic police. Very few drivers respet street sings in special those in the service drive. More senior housing/more senior programs providing activities (exercise, training computer, etc. Volunteers. More transportation for the senior Need vacant lots clean. Vacant house torn down. Need home build. New water dept project (bldg a control station) - from scratch, house, etc, traffic interruption, start in a [illegible] little early. Non working street lights. None None None None. Senior's have no hope for employment here. Just T7 programs that aren't working. Transportation passes.

Created: 06.20.2011 | Detroit Works Project Summit Registration and Comment Sheet Responses | Page 5

REGISTRATION AND COMMENT SHEET RESPONSES | Detroit Works Project | March 18, 2011

Senior Summit Comments (245 responses)

North Central Detroit - Home care, [illegible], transportation & [illegible] care. Delray - New homes for residents being relocated due to bridge to Canada. Not aware of this. Since I don't cerculate around the city. Not enough grocery stores in our neighbors. Offer senior living as a townhouse/sub rather then apts. Also access in senior complex, doctors, shopping, theaters, arts, trasportation, etc. Organize, shopping, mass transit. Make parking at hositals free for seniors DMC. Our government should be for the people & by the people, which it is not. I know we need funds to operate our city & gov it always seems like the wealthy get wealthier & the poor get poorer. People in remote wheelchairs, moving on cluttered sidewalks. Many obstacles in the streets at the curb - needing a crew to clean sidewalks and curbs more often. People living in homes with roofs falling in, garages & fences falling down. Why in the surrounding cities we dont see this problem. Are there law in place to make people accountable? This include tenants, home owners, banks and investor. Plan for a better and ever improving accessible city for the elderly and the handicapped. Accurately forecast the needs for this population, now and in the future. Please fix the pot-holes in the street, they are larger than ever. Please put back shop's, store, and more bus's for senior. More better light's andh ousing that are nicer and make it more safer toward them. Police & Fireman Live in City/Detroit. Police & Fireman must live in City of Detroit. Police patrols IN THE RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOODS! Pollution and dumping being done by suburban communities. Seniors living in fear from antagonizing neighbors. Program to improve your home - low income & those willing to pay monthly. Project Healthy Living @ Provide a safe and active environment that allows seniors to have peace of mind and be happy while aging. Provide adequate information information/resources about taking care of concerns of seniors.

Provide jobs for our young people so that our community will be a safer place to live. Provide monies to service upkeep for low income housing like fixing air conditioners, railings to porches, steps, sidewalks and those uneven bumps in street that tear up our cars! Provide more services, police, EMS, transportation Provide ongoing recent information, through various communication networks, press, media, city building, stores, senior citizens, etc. Provide seniors voices to be heard Provides resources for seniors that are still living in their single home resident (relative to maintenance, upkeep, safety Public lighting needs much improvement in many, many neighborhoods. Put into effect some of the ideas presented today in safety and lower property taxes. Put more light on the street, there only one light on my street, and its cover is off so you get on one side the other side is dark Raise the awareness of seniors of the available resourcse to them for better health care, safety and recreation and transportation. Ready to work! Want to make a difference. Reduce crime by men in groups on people coming home from work or shopping Remove old house. Right now, I don't know. Safe and affordable senior homes Safety Safety. Housing. Transportation. See above Senior luncheon Fri 9-16-2011. Workshop with nutritionist. Blood pressure check first Wed of month. Speakers on different topics. Senior need help with snow shoveled and grass cut, going to dr. appts., grocery shopping Senior Outreach. Home care. Housekeeping. Franklin Wright. Seniors (delegates) need to be on some of the suggestive planning committees I am up for the position. Seniors are being robbed and beat.

Created: 06.20.2011 | Detroit Works Project Summit Registration and Comment Sheet Responses | Page 6

REGISTRATION AND COMMENT SHEET RESPONSES | Detroit Works Project | March 18, 2011

Senior Summit Comments (245 responses)

Seniors are preyed upon for criminal activities such as purse snatching, robbery, etc. Seniors in Motion at the Northwest activity center exercise program for seniors Seniors robbed getting out of vehicles. 7 vacant homes - one faces SampsonWebber School, boys in & out - some kids robbed Sidewalk & curb repair along John R & Brush really helped make the central and downtown area's look a lot cleaner and more inviting. Since I am one senior [illegible], I don't go around very much. I feel I cannot pass my opinion on some things because since I am 90 yrs and over, I don't have to look into all things - for I am under the care of my daughter and I have no complate about their care for me. Social, educational, health & wellbeing programs implemented at St. Pat Sr. Ctr, especially the Sr advocate and Sr helping senior programs. St Patrick's - Handyman program Stay living in Det. Streees & street light need to be able to walk see where yoo walking on the street Street Lighting/Extermination for Rats Street lights need to be repaired at a faster pace. It took 1 1/2 yrs to get a street light on my block turned back on. Street lights out on West Grand Blvd between 94 & 96 for years. Take action on the above request. Tear down those abandon houses with are none repairable Tearing down abonuant homes Thank you for this forum. Greatly appreciated as a senior citizen advocate. Suggestions: 1. To many topics discussed in this kind of forum with seniors. To long, time consuming, for seniors. That quality of life will improve rather than deteriate. They dircusted the service that seniors received should be surported by the younger generation of people. Think about [illegible[ of senior This is all well & good, but with Gov. Snyder's plans al this will be opposite of his focus. Time that they have

To be the voice of seniors to the proper persons or those in authority to get complaints resolved and desires accomplished. To better serve the seniors with drugs in their community. To build houses where there are vacant lots.. Low income homes for seniors. Fix broken sidewalk. EMS service to respond quickly. To help seniors to learn computer. To know what is going on in there community & stay safe. Transportain for seniors. Clean-up the neighborhoods. Tear-down homes that are empty. Transportation (afordable) Transportation to activity location (public and private) Trim trees, have vacant homes & buildings boarded up until they are torn down. Update & Improve We are identifying the cash advance and auto lein stores in the area with hopes of regulating the interest rate, the banks are too far. Voter registration. Court watching. We have a block club, but not doing anything to help the block. We hope all the discussions can be put into actions so that not too long. We will see the result. We need a checklist for senior age demographics 1) 55 yr 2) 62 yr & 3) 65 yr so we know what our options are to amenties as we approach these ages. We need door to door transportation free to seniors in senior housing communities. Work as one with other Detroit related senior organizations to become one "strong senior citizen advocate unit" Work hard to get these services do. Work on fixing the issues we have stated on the blue City of Detroit Service Request card. Work on more abandon & burnt out homes, garbage pick up & bulk trash

Created: 06.20.2011 | Detroit Works Project Summit Registration and Comment Sheet Responses | Page 7

REGISTRATION AND COMMENT SHEET RESPONSES | Detroit Works Project | March 29, 2011

Faith-based Summit Comments (44 responses)

1) Stepping stones to success tutoring ministry k-8th open to any Detroit student (Sats. 10a-12n). Future: Community ctr to be built on property owned by church - will be fundraising, engaging individual, foundation and city. Abandoned homes, businesses and vacant properties in our neighborhood. A police precint in our area closer than Nevada. Abundance of pot holes Better Men Outreach is a group of men from Northwest Detroit between the ages of 16-35. Over 350 young men have gathered on Sundays (every Sunday) to challenge each other to grow in education, support and job skills & opportunities. Collaborate with church and community organizations. Conet Gardan Area Ctiy property, like closed police stations, should be kept up as an example to the rest of the city. Now they look the worst. Develop good, productive working relationship DION Detroit Interfaith Outreach Network (Downtown Synagogue). St. Al's (St. Aloysius Catholic Church) Community Center. St. Al's Street Ministry to the Homeless (see Free Press 3/28) Do not only focus on land use but on forming communities and strengthening bonds of people which will help keep people (and tax base) in the city. DWP clearing house for announcements. Ex. Email to participants attending today's meeting - Do you know about E.A.C.H.? Economic development center - business are housed there, k-12 school. Emmanuel Community House work with the commuity in the 48203 area with food program and with finding jobs. fix them Good opportunity to shake and be informed. Help engage citizens. Help w/revitalization. Help bring library & recreation. Housing Development. Children's park. Maintained/bait proposed. New senior housing - CHDO Funding. How can Better Men Outreach increase its mission to young men? What grants are available? How do we apply for part of the $500,000 grant? I appreciate the collaboration working together. I appreciate the positive atmosphere in working together.

I hope that the project actually works and not fail and unites the faith-based community to produce results. If you think Detroit is in trouble, imagine what it would be like without the churches. Churches are the social service infrastructure of the city. Involve fb community in planning process. Assess neighborhoods - identify major property investors & hold accountable for taxes & blight. How can they maintain properties owing wha they do to city? LISTEN! Be accountable! Allow for both agreement AND dissent in the faith based communities' feedback. Maintenece of two educational facilities. Barbour Middle School and Joyce Elementary School in order to help maintain our property value. Make DOR community Mayor needs to be visible & participating communities can be revitalized. Michigan Roundtable; Riverfront East Assets in the community Initiative (Congregational Initiative various chruches) office New Center one - Michigan Roundtable office Partner with the faith-based community in effecting change in the community and city, and allowing the faith-based community to play a major/important role in the process. Partnering w/churches to facilitate change. Please have more open meetings addressing the faith-based community. Project L.I.V.E. (rhymes with give) provides foreclosure intervention financial literacy to over 5,000 detroit residents Riverfront East Assets in Community (MI Roundtable) That it gives it a respect & the representation, that it represents. The biggest thing is that mayor office needs to honestly engage with the faith community, clergy, because they represent a powerful community. Without engaging them, you haven't engaged the city. The mayor should have been here. The pastors felt dis-respected. Bishop Ellis saved the meeting. The need for new businesses is absolutely necessary for the neighborhoods to grow. The new bridge to Canada Train men and women with baking skills at HOPE bakery.

Created: 06.20.2011 | Detroit Works Project Summit Registration and Comment Sheet Responses | Page 8

REGISTRATION AND COMMENT SHEET RESPONSES | Detroit Works Project | March 29, 2011

Faith-based Summit Comments (44 responses)

Understand that the churches are really the only reason people come into many of these communities so we need business development. We need to stop the stripping of house and stop the morage comp from praying on the eldely. At the age of 83 a loan gave my mother a 30 yr. mortage knowing she wouldn't live to pay it off. Where is there going to be space for feedback even dissent, once the plan is finally put forward? Where & when will you be announcing your plan and how will you seek out feedback? How will you incorporate feedback? Who will organize that ecclesiastical zones? Ongoing collaboration between DWP & EZ and acountability. Work together with each other Work with us.

Created: 06.20.2011 | Detroit Works Project Summit Registration and Comment Sheet Responses | Page 9


New Americans Summit Comments (28 responses)

As immigrant and woman, I will love to feel free. Woman immigrants are abused in different many ways. There should be more jobs, I wanna be a councelor or social worker, it seems like it won't be able not because I don't have the skills needed but because I don't have Social Security numbers or residency. Can cultural diversity be taught in schools? Create "welcome to Detroit department" help navigate hospitals, language, markets, driving, housing, schools - tolerance and help new Americans fit without losing culture. Create a liason with West Indian community and formulate trade between Detroit and the Islands. Create an office at the city level with a focus on new Americans immigrant communities. Create specific action steps to encourage more immigrants to settle in the city. Detroit should have moer tourist attractionsk, concerts, expositions, conferences, sports games, etc. to attract people to downtown, improving the economy. Also the city needs an urgent revitalization, specifically related to empty and old buildings. Encourage collaboration, develop jobs Holy Trinity, Corktown Legal Drive Thursday 5-7 I hope that Detroit Works and the City of Detroit will invite representatives of the City of Hamtramck to the table to discuss a coordination of efforts to stabilize both cities. If this project could offer some better way to facilitate F2 immigrants to legally work in Detroit, it would be really nice. Immigrants - business groups - help them to establish business in Detroit. It is unclear at this point if the Detroit Works Project will positively affect the city. The community buy in does not appear to be strong. That is a concern as it relates to sustaining the project or the work of the project. Make Detroit a city of inclusion. Make Detroit a safe welcoming place. NAJASO 34th Annual Convention July 14-16, 2011. Downtown Detroit, Marriott Services provided by the International Institute

Since I live around Wayne State University campus, I dont know specific locations that this project should be aware. But, I strongly think that a revitalization around Downtown and Midtown would be very helpful. Speak up. Talk to them face to face. Knowing only how much immigrants there are in Detroit is not enough. Give them the opportunity to show their skills, to participate to the development of Detroit but also America. The data present the status of immigrant groups. Would like to know more about the challenges facing immigrants in Detroit. The National Association of Jamaicans and supportive organization will be having there conference at the Marriott. There is a strong West Indian presence in Detroit who does business are educators and other professionals and does a lot within their communities. The opportunity for growth of immigration depends on the amount of commitment the leaders of the city are willing to make. The presentation was great but it wasn't what I was expecting. The resident driven work in the 6 Skillman good neighborhoods. There's a need to coordinate a strategic & economic plan to fix the [illegible] & crime. I would move if I could because of crime & public safety. The only reason I am still living in Detroit is because I own a house & value [illegible]. To form a strong committee - immigration [illegible] and show the positives aspects of immigrants. United Way - Early learning communities (Hamtramck & other regional location) - Offers childcare training on child development - of particular benefit to new American parents of young children. Even Start Family Literacy comprehensive program for ESL parents Utilize social media as a recruitment mechanism. Literacy opportunities - ESL, family literacy, education & support. Help native born communities welcome, understand, integrate w/new Americans. Stable, safe housing & public services - including schools. Translated resources as part of welcoming. Support toward forming businesses/entrepeneurship. Listen to the immigrants - focus groups. Local government representation reflective of ethnic/immigrant subcommitees.

Created: 06.20.2011 | Detroit Works Project Summit Registration and Comment Sheet Responses | Page 10


Environmental Summit Comments (74 responses)

A partnership of the UM Graham Env. Sustainability Institute & Data Driven Detroit to create a suite of sustainability indicators made publically available for air, water, indicators of residential property care/commitment, pb contamination All of the ideas discussed today were thoughtful and powerful. Good news that they'll be shared w/city planners & Detroit Works. All the existing urban agricultural/gardening/food groups that are doing good work - city administration needs to be aware of what's going on. Bike racks on buses, new hybrid city buses. DDOT & SMART. Brightmoor Youth Garden. Youth profit sharing. Market garden. Neighbors Building Brightmoor. Neighborhood Clean Up, Greenspace, Agriculture. Building demolition & reuse of the lot. Re-purposing commercial building to aquaponics system. (Future) closing Vetal & Gompers elementary schools. How do we utilize these schools? City has to keep encouraging engagement of/by the residents. Clean up. Elimination of graffiti & blight & dumping. Community engagement Continue demo of homes & buildings. Allow neighborhood residents or nonprofits to acquire for little payment. Divide the Detroit Land Bank by neighborhood & have residents work with the lankbank for acquisition and disposal. Continue keeping the city transparent and have accountability. Cook Eat Talk Could I respond via email? Create a more compact and vibrant city. Create a structure/coalition of the community organizations, political parties, neighborhoods, educational system to come together to create a Detroit Green Movement. Create buffer zones between industry & residential areas. Designate land for small gardens and farms. Small animal husbandry (i.e. allow raising of hogs and goats). Make govt owned lots easily available to residents for purchase. Detroit Soup & other "soups" helping finance env. Projects Detroit Sustainability Indictors Project. Partnership of Data Driven Detroit & UM Graham Institute.

Devolve power to communities. Did not have time to review. D-YES Program. Green space redevelopment in Brightmoor. Youth education. Earth Works. Ecology Center. East Side. Capuchin Kitchen Ministries, Gleaners. Detroit (begining now), Ann Arbor Educate community re: bulk trash & cycling through neighborhood newsletter. Farming & vacant lot projects. Illegal dumping cleanup. EVERYTHING. Focus on people, not profits, in food, transportation, and all other areas. Government in the city is not answerable to citizens in a sweeping or consistent way - it is opaque and beauracratic - this must be addressed to move forward together on any issue. Green infrastructure -> water committee. Urban ag policy. CDAD framework incorporates elements -> LEAP, UNI (sw) Healthy - Livable sustainable growing communities. Community & city leadership partnering better. Healthy homes. EM w/in Public Health. I don't expect anything positive. Mayor Bing has shown no interest whatsoever in the environment and has actively betrayed the environment in several cases (incinerator, etc.) I don't think the Detroit Works consultants planned this summit. It took a lot of pushing and hard work from residents and organizations. I hope the dialogue remains open and 2-way: city to residents and residents to city. I feel that's the first step in making any kind of real change. Incentivize sustainable systems like compact neighborhoods, energy efficiency/affordability, public transportation. Increase density, (esp. along major corridors). Improve walkability. Focus on transit mobility. Decrease emphasis on parking. Invest in renovation of Detroit as well as the demolition of buildings. Invite, notify more of the community. Next & future gatherings/events should be held in buildings with more rooms for breakout sessions. It was interesting to hear recurring ideas/concepts we "DWP" discussed reiterated throughout the Summit. Stress on more opportunities/programs/incentives accessible to the community. Keep listening & engaging.

Created: 06.20.2011 | Detroit Works Project Summit Registration and Comment Sheet Responses | Page 11


Environmental Summit Comments (74 responses)

LO sponsor monthly recycling drop off site in Southwest Detroit with Recycle Here - over 38 tons of material recycled since 2008. Southwest Detroit. Clean Diesel Initiative - creating partnerships with local businesses and trucking companies to attract over $1 million in investment in diesel emissions reduction equipment - resulting in 9 tons/year reduction in diesel emissions. Make accessing information regarding city services available. Make urban ag & greenspace development community centered and enabled. Need more connectiveness - all these topics, ecology, land, etc. fit in together. Need to be easier read and not so technical. Nortown Community Development Corporations Not of much use. Too vague. Based on economics. Organize the values around people empowerment. Perhaps engage individuals at their homes in neighborhoods that could be targeted for decreased services. Many are not able to attend because of transportation or time limitations. So areas like Brightmoor or Osborn should be canvassed. Prioritize green space & protect public parks, improve them & set aside more green space. Work to build support for funding for infrastructure projects to improve water quality in our streams. Proactive policies to improve environmental conditions for Detroit residents related to land use, air quality and solid waste disposal. Move towards process of making decisions on environmental issues that give more priority to impacts on residents health and quality of life. Promote more recycling. Close incinerators - trash & sewage sludge. Improve transportation systems - create bike lanes. Support community-based urban agriculture - make vacant lots available for sale to individuals wanting to do small scale organic farming. Promoting green practices in community. Recycling practices. Provide a vision based on analysis. Public comments welcomed, through on-line feedback (internet). Recovery Park. Make is part of Detroit Work as a sustainable example. Recycle Here/Avalon Compost/Zero Waste. Garden Resource Project 1500 gardens/farms. DTown Garden. ReDesign Detroit

Re-organizes land-uses that address, both, social equity & environmental justice. Returning Detroit to its glory. Create a better quality of life for our citizens. Create sustainable jobs using sustainable energy. Teach the children & ret each adults to be better stewards of our community. Rouge Rescue cleanups June 4. Master Plan Visioning for Rouge Park. Great Lakes Restoration Initiative - Grow Zones. Green Infrastructure & Tree Planting Projects by SEMCOG & Greening of Detroit Still don't really know the full scope of it, nor the most contentious parts of DWP Support urban agriculture (small scale, organic, community/locally driven) through city policies & zoing, making it faster/easier to pruchase city land for gardens/farms, hydrant access for residents doing urban agriculture! SWDIA always participates in spring cleanup. Pablo Davis Senior Center. The (DWP) process is not very transparent or participatory at higher levels. What is beign done to evaluate citizen input? How is information from these mtgs incorporated into Det Works Proj as it moves forward? The Hub of Detroit making bike parking out of trash bike frames. EMBAC's green school programs. Garden Resource Program. There are a lot of great ideas -> however we need structure of the most important ideas and issues. The Green movement is huge, but need to create focus groups to conquer each issue. There are too many groups who are not working together. They could've been used/discussed to frame today's dialog. Too numerous to mention, but "environmental" issues should be part of the fabric of all city decisions and initiatives not considered as a separate issue. Tree plantings. Family, community, school gardens! Trying to develop a recycling system in my neighborhood. Weatherization. Sustainable/renewable energy. Energy efficiency education. Work to integrate environmental principles into every level of discussion making/planning. Work w/community groups who have a vision to promote economic development. You did a great job in organizing this event. We are all in this together. City Officials, Community, Children. Education is the firs step. At all levels. Starting with ourselves.

Created: 06.20.2011 | Detroit Works Project Summit Registration and Comment Sheet Responses | Page 12


Artists Summit (37 responses)

Aide in the cities renewal process. Art studio/papermakingstudio Assist in education, assist in promoting artists work Bring our city back to the city that built this country. The land of innovation that can overcome our obstacles. Create a resource for artists to gain info and support toward using what we do to uplift our respective communities and Detroit @ large. Create an art council/advocacy group that is a link to the city. Streamline city poliies/processes so that artists can do Create arts district with modifed zoning laws. Create an artist's point person to negotiate city policy. Designate area of the city that provide affordable housing & art space. Create city advocate & information office. Detroit Art Immersion Program thru Heidelberg Project & Young Assoc. of Heidelberg with Julliard School in New York. Annual Workshop @ Covenant House and Holy Cross Children's Services June/July Detroit SOUP - Monthly dinner funding microgrants to projects improving Detroit., uDetroit Caf, Access Arts, Forward Arts Encourage (and emphasize) public art - specifically by providing city-owned land and buildings for temporary or more permanent installations and events. Also - artist fellowships within city departments DDOT, DRD Great event! Green Economy Leadership Training Help promote the arts. I am looking forward to seeing the draft plan. Initiate the conversation and facilitate the connections that will result in the future creation of an arts council for the City. June 4th Flo's & Tulani Rose will be hosting handmade vendors - on Cass & Willis next to Avalon in Detroit. Listen & enjoy & connect & sustain Make Connections w/the arts and neighborhoods and make it understood that art is a catalyst for positive change! Moran Street neighborhood, south of Davison, Norht of Carpenter. Need more of these meeting then put into work.

Our art project in the Cass Corridor Please implement some of these ideas to help the city prosper. Provide a transition between the city & people in the community & artists as well. Provide long-term (75 yrs) rental of unused/surplus city buildings to arts groups for $1. This takes blighted empty buildings & turns them into sources of civic development & pride. This is done in Chicago. Provide more support financially, increase prorams. Help artists connect with civic needs. Recognize that this city will never ever compete with other major cities Chicago, NY, LA, San Frisco, Austin until it embrace, support, engage, value the total artist contribution to world community and the city's self worth, we are the future. Stop hiring people in the city who are not creative, educated or even like artist, art haters and those who lack culture, tolerance, and passion for God given creative passion. Stop hiring ignorant people please!! Support it through visability and promotion. Support. Support. Listen. The city hasnt, to date, acknowledged the artist community. It should put out a map to display what they endorsethen we can make you aware of what you dont know or endorse The need of artist lofts/work spaces but low rent250 and under needed. Small onclaves of artists/groups and neighborhood going on and the city dont know/or support. has links to venues & local artists as they pop up & sometimes we review shows & report on events such as this. We are (artists) incredibly esential to the revitalization of this city. Website featuring local artists community controlled and designated art zones... Allowing artist to work with community to create and protect art or performance areas. the role of the artist in the community is to express what is going on. We as artists are the voice of the people only we use a different language put artists on every planning committee.

Created: 06.20.2011 | Detroit Works Project Summit Registration and Comment Sheet Responses | Page 13


Artists Summit (37 responses)

screw industry focus on community. Business is not what makes the world go round. The dequindre cut has been started culture creates commerce. to inspire to action to inspire others to action to see opportunity where others see difficulty The job of an artist is to be honest. But we all have skills and we could all get excited about teaching one another and skill share. Create create create demonstrate that there are simpler Art is Education. Artists are alternative teachers. What if a camera followed an artist around showing them getting approval for their projects? It could b made much more clear which paperwork Imagine a municipal pop-up gallery where different people can feel out running the show and a separate group facilitates it between artists to make a city worth living in welcome to the world of art hi mom! hi christianne! You are doing great!

Created: 06.20.2011 | Detroit Works Project Summit Registration and Comment Sheet Responses | Page 14


Entrepreneurs Summit (24 responses) apprenticeship metal working school CDC's need to be involved Create and cultivate a more dense, active vibrant city from which businesses can flourish and grow. Detroit as a Port City is vastly underutilysed. Get city to listen and understand they work for people. Help create density, walkability, safety for strong neighborhoods. Hostel Detroit I'd love to see neighborhood centers & hubs redevelop & continue to grow like the CDCs in several areas, but even more. Cottage industry home grown. In general, city needs to be welcoming to immigrants. I've always loved the 4 tenets of Main Street. Design, Economic Restructuring, Promotion, & people (membership/stewardship) and the fifth principle of safety/security. I am impressed w/ the staff support; I am disheartened not more regular folks showed up, Why come down from Port Huron? Detroit is my heart. My ancestors settled in Detroit in 1820's & served as Clerk & Treasurer in 1858 Christopher D'Ratio. As an urban planner I always hated that commerce & schools end up moving out of neighborhoods away from people & just then people ended up moving further out. Make info on the L3c business model more accessible *Lay out the process for starting a business Make it easier Open City - People should know about the free legal services the urban communities clinic offers to entrepreneurs. Pink Flamingo Provide a centralized database of resources available to small businesses. Streamline the licensing & permitting process. Release "cluster plans" = let us know where to invest; streamline business services. Hire more "Nate Fords" Solve the problems/hurdles to starting and maintaining small businesses. Streamline business paperwork. Streamline the creation process for business. Work harder to promote the opportunities and events. Thank you!

The art contingents along Trumbull (coopertives). "Boomer" preneurs. 45+ yr with new ideas & the means to begin anew as a business owner. There are on-going projects & activities that help house veterans and resources to sustain veteran-owned businesses. West Vernor & Springwells, Business Improvement District (BID) - the only one in Detroit, with 250+ small, locally owned, ethnically diverse business owners. offer empty real estate at affordable rent short-term to fledgling entrepreneurs. It would help start businesses and make real estate more city needs to be welcoming to immigrants and accepting of alternative lifestyles zoning needs to encourage walkable, dense neighborhoods. It would be helpful to assist unique smaller districts with branding. CDC-like city-level guidence, streamlined approvals, safety, density, activity, walkibility. The city government need to have a advisory group of small business owners and meet with them regularly What are some ideas coming from your table? Invite people and business from around the globe to hold honorary residence in Detroit. Ask actual residents to host groups that host their input. Small businesses will be as or more important to detroit for their capacity to attract residents as employ people. sharon This administration wants to help business in Detroit. Let's share our solutions to creating the ideal business environment

Created: 06.20.2011 | Detroit Works Project Summit Registration and Comment Sheet Responses | Page 15


Youth Summit (110 responses)

10,000 vacant homes in Detroit, Mi. After today I fell I can take a change in my community and a less lazy person to volunteer around my neighborhood. All the vacant houses I would take back in my neighborhood. Alot. Arts & Culture Attendance today was my second opportunity to participate in a Detroit Works Project Summit. It was a good experience! By working together and working hard we can make Detroit better. Detroit is dying slowly and it needs our help. Detroit Works is a good place. Detroit Works Project just want to help you, it could be with any thing like: jobs, career and life. Graffic murals. Graffic murals. Help build up Detroit and help out. History of Detroit, Youth employment How can business connect with the organization How to cooperate and work as a team. How to fix the parks How to improve opportunities to participate in arts, culture & entertainment. I appreciate the things that the Detroit Works Project are trying to do. I look forward to help making the change. I can bring back the great activities for kids to do during the summer. I can form a block club within my neighborhood and teach them the right way of cleaning our area. I can honestly see how important is is that we support our city as best we can by using many products of Detroit. I have seen a lot of the statistics. I can spread the word about how to utilize what we have in our city. I can spread the word that everyone needs to stay in Detroit and convince others to come back so we can be one big functioning community again. I can take back information to my friends so they know about this project. I can take back more knoweledge about the city of Detroit. I can take back some of the things about the acres we got in Detroit Michigan.

I can take back the information of these events to have more people join to be informed about the new issues and possible solutions. I can take back the voice of hope and encouragement to all of my fellow peers. I can tell people the good news. I feel this summit is a wonderful opportunity for young people. I organized my own summit before and I wish we had a better turnout at mine. I had such a great time here at the youth summit. This has been a great experience. I learn that they love to help out our youth all around! I learned a lot from this summit today. Thank you for the opportunity. I learned about how the city is losing money due to losing residents. I learned about my city Detroit. I learned more about how to keep a clean and safe neighborhood. I learned about the 10,000 home project. I learned about the different opportunities we have in Detroit and the people fighting for us (youth) to stride be successful. I learned that $89M in neighborhood stabilization program investment is how they plan to take money and invest in the city. 28% of Detroit's population is less than 18 years old and represents a large population. I learned that character development is alot of leadership, respect, role models. I learned that Detroit is really making an effort to make adjustments. I learned that I should always be a leader and you never know who can help you in the future. I learned that it takes everyone in the city to start makeing a change, in their town make things better for children. I learned that the mayor is trying to destroy 10,000 vacant homes. I learned that there are many people interested in improving the city, and it is nice to know they are dedicated towards that, being willing to give up their whole Saturday morning. I learned that we as Detroit need to do more then what's in our house. People need to help each other better Detroit. I learned that we have 10,000 vacant homes and building in the city of Detroit. I learned that we need to gain our people back because we have lost 57& of our population. Also 38% of Detroiter don't work in Detroit. Bing wants to tear

Created: 06.20.2011 | Detroit Works Project Summit Registration and Comment Sheet Responses | Page 16


Youth Summit (110 responses)

down 10,000 vacant houses down. There has been 3,000 torn down an 7,000 to go. I learned that we need to get more people in our population. I learned that you can get a job a not get paid. I learned that youth do not have enough jobs in the city of Detroit I live in the suburbs, so what I can take back is knowledge and opportunities for young people to suceed in Detroit! I believe in Detroit and I want to pursued others to feel the same way. I met Coco from the radio station. We can find ways to get involved in jobs. I really enjoyed this workshop! I would appreciate the things that the Detroit workforce has done for Detroit. I would love to ask you come to my school. Denby High School. Please. Influence them to get part of a program like this. It brings the youth together. Try to have the kids off the streets. It is a great progeram and seems like it will e a big organization in the world. It was nice hope we have another one. I've learn that Detroit is looseing alot of people. Keep it clean & respect it. Keep it clean and protect it. Last year I tried to get a job with Youth Voice and was not able because thre were no funding. Because of this I believe that there is no hope of getting a job. Parents need more jobs but summer jobs are something that youth has to learn responsibility. Mr. Conyers was talking about how life goes on and the summer job programs. Our ideas. Please consider providing other info sessions and contacting schools directly so that we can direct more students. Maybe one in Southwest Detroit. Please keep me updated about more of these oppportunites, etc. Return 4186. Text 41411 Since I don't like in Detroit, I want to encourage people from my school and city to come down to Detroit and be involved and to care. Take the message of today's activities to friends & neighbors. That cleaning up can be good for our neighborhood.

That Detroit has a lot to work on. That Detroit Works Project is telling us that we are the future but at the same time their goal is creating an insprirational way to make people want to stay and make Detroit a better environment. That I meet Coco from the radio station. That if everyone works together you can accomplish anything. That if we all want change we just need a start and I can be that That it's not easy to get a job That money is being used for things we need and that we are losing money because of people moving out the city. That more people want change. That sooner than you thnk we will be bettering Detroit. That there can be a change as long as we keep trying. That they actually do care about us youth. That they are here to help us. That they are working to change Detroit for whats best for our youth. That we have a time to shine and change the world when we put our mind to it. That we need help in our city. We need to take care of it. That youth can give a hand. The crime/gang. The Detroit Works want to help the community. The free project we can participate in. The idea of trying to tear down 10,000 vacant houses. The will to keep are streets safe and to want to make are city better. There are movements in progress dedicated to rebuilding this city. Detroit Works Project is taking that initiative as soon as possible and educating people like us so we are empowered to do work. Please keep up the good work! There looking to give Detroit a trun around with the youth. They are investing $89 M in neighborhoods with vacant houses. They are peple that try to change the way are city is and us as a people. They are trying to make a change and people will see change. They trying to change a lot of things in the city of Detroit, like get read of the vacant homes ect. Help Detroit get back on track.

Created: 06.20.2011 | Detroit Works Project Summit Registration and Comment Sheet Responses | Page 17


Youth Summit (110 responses)

To clean it and look out for each other. To try to keep people in their neighborhood. Today I learned how Detroit need the youth to make Detroit better. I learned how Detroit was and how it is now and what we can do to make Detroit better. We have to bring Detroit back. We have to figure out a way to balance Detroit. We need to look out for each other, find a way where people want to stay and not of them leaving. We more safety in Detroit cause sometimes I don't want to get out the house. We need more safety. Well I am familiar with the Detroit Works Project because I have attended 2 of Mayor Bing's speeches and ate breakfast with the mayor. Wonderful program, hope to see more words of encouragement and striving youth. Youth employment Youth perspectives on jobs!! Group presentation. Clean safe neighborhoods. Creative presentations of work session. Teamwork/feedback. I would lovee to see a cleaner detroit I would like to see more young people involved in community events. More extracurricular activities also. Detroit needs more programs/classes at community centers throughout the year. A revitalization of Detroit Public Schools By the time im 25 I would like to see more recreation centers for teenagers and young children and more playgrounds Better Schools & education opportunities!! a city that engages youth more

Created: 06.20.2011 | Detroit Works Project Summit Registration and Comment Sheet Responses | Page 18

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