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Year 9 Maths-Preparing for Measurement test

Part A- Multiply Section

1 Convert 0.06 m into mm

2 If the perimeter of the shape below is 20 m find the missing side in the figure

3 Find the circumference of a circle with diameter 14 cm

4 Convert 20000 cm square into metres square ( area conversion)

5 For the shape below find the perimeter and the area

Part B-Short Section

1 Find the perimeter of the following shape below

2 Find the circumference of the curved part and the perimeter

3 Find the area of the trapezium

4 Find the surface area and the volume of the shape below
Answers to the different section

Section A-answers
1 60 mm

2 X=1

3 Circumference = 43.98

4 2 square metres

5 Perimeter = 36.57 cm

Area = 89.13 sq cm

Section B-answers

1 56 cm

2 Curved section : 3.1416 km Perimeter : 9.14 km

3 45 sq metres

4 Surface area : 245.04 sq mm Volume : 282.74 cube mm

5 Application question

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