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Department of Electronics

ELEC 4600 Prof. J.S. \\'ight

Quiz #2
March 2015

Data: lnmi: 1.151 mi: 1.852 Km

K: 1.3g x 10-23 J/deg.
S-vstem Temperature To :290K

a) The signal and clutter powers at the input and output of an MTI 3 pulse
canceller are shown in the diagrams below.

o What is the subclutter visibility?

o What is the clutter visibility factor?
. What is the clutter attenuation?

b) An N4TI radar uses a carrier frequency of 1.5 GHz, a PRF of 400H2 and a
single delay line canceller (for voltage response see the equation sheet).

o At r.vhat radial velocity (m/s) is the maximum signal received by the


o At rvhat radial velocity is the signal power 3dB lower than the

An aircraft is travelling at a speed of 450 knots. How long rvill it take to
travel 200 nautical miles?

What is the term for the difference between Magnetic North and True

What position information does DME provide to a pilot?


Two aircraft have the same range, but different bearings from a Doppler
VOR site. Which demodulated signal, the AM or the subcar:rier FM, will
be received with the same instantaneous phase by the two aircraft?

If altitude is known accurately, how many GPS satellites are required

to obtain a position fix?

3. An airborne DME unit in search mode is transmitting i&-pulse pairs per sec.
Its receiver is sweeping a 20p sec window from a delay (after transmitting the
pulse pairs) of 0 sec to a delay of 3600p sec, at a rate of 120p sec/sec. The
beacon is transmitting 3000 random pulse pairs per sec.

On average, how many random pulse pairs pass through the gate per

How many desired pulse p,{rs pass through the gate per second when the
gate delay coffesponds to the round trip delay? Assume 20Yo of the
replies to be missing due to the beacon responding to other aircraft.

Choose the threshold count, Nl of pulse pairs per second for the receiver
to switch from search mode to track mode, to be the algebraic mean of
the two counts.

What is the total time for the DME unit to search a total of 300nmi?

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