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Some individuals engage in both mild and severe forms of problem behavior. Research has shown
that when mild behaviors precede severe behaviors (i.e., the mild behaviors serve as precursors), they
can (a) be maintained by the same source of reinforcement as severe behavior and (b) reduce rates of
severe behavior observed during assessment. In Study 1, we developed an objective checklist to
identify precursors via videotaped trials for 16 subjects who engaged in problem behavior and
identified at least 1 precursor for every subject. In Study 2, we conducted separate functional
analyses of precursor and severe problem behaviors for 8 subjects, and obtained correspondence
between outcomes in 7 cases. In Study 3, we evaluated noncontingent reinforcement schedule
thinning plus differential reinforcement of alternative behavior to reduce precursors, increase
appropriate behavior, and maintain low rates of severe behavior during 3 treatment analyses for 2
subjects. Results showed that this treatment strategy was effective for behaviors maintained by
positive and negative reinforcement.
Key words: functional analysis, precursor behavior, response hierarchy, differential reinforce-
ment, noncontingent reinforcement

Functional analysis (FA) methodology identi- of reinforcement-based intervention strategies.

fies environmental determinants of problem As a result, it is considered to be the standard
behavior, thereby facilitating the development approach for behavioral assessment (Hanley,
Iwata, & McCord, 2003). Typical FAs involve
This research was supported in part by a grant from the repeated observation of problem behavior under
Florida Agency on Persons with Disabilities. We thank Alex
Avelino, Carrie Dempsey, Ashley Greenwald, Kathryn Jann,
controlled conditions in which antecedent and
Charles Nowell, Natalie Rolider, Zachariah Sims, Lisa consequent events likely to maintain behavior are
Smalheiser, and Barbara Tomlian for their assistance in manipulated (Iwata, Dorsey, Slifer, Bauman, &
conducting the study. We also thank Stephen Smith, Donald Richman, 1982/1994); this approach has been
Stehouwer, and Timothy Vollmer for their helpful com-
ments on an earlier version of the manuscript. replicated in hundreds of studies. Nevertheless,
Correspondence regarding this article should be addressed difficulties may arise when the problem behavior
to Jennifer N. Fritz, University of Houston–Clear Lake, poses significant risk to the individual or care-
2700 Bay Area Blvd. 112, Houston, Texas 77058 (e-mail: givers and, as a result, cannot be permitted to
doi: 10.1002/jaba.27 occur frequently.

102 JENNIFER N. FRITZ et al.

One promising approach to minimizing risk is establishing the predictive characteristics of

to assess behaviors (precursors) that may predict precursor behavior.
occurrences of the target problem behavior. In Nevertheless, a limitation common to all
one of the first published studies on the assess- previous studies on precursor behavior was that
ment of precursors, Smith and Churchill (2002) the initial identification of potential precursors
reported that four individuals engaged in pre- was based on caregiver verbal report or informal
cursors to either self-injurious behavior (SIB) or observations conducted prior to assessment.
aggression. They conducted independent FAs of These methods provided useful information,
precursor and severe problem behavior and but it is possible that precursors (a) might exist
found correspondence between outcomes for all even when caregivers cannot identify them, (b)
subjects. More recent studies also have shown may be different than those reported, or (c) are
that precursors and severe problem behavior can not readily detected during informal observa-
be maintained by the same sources of reinforce- tions. Thus, it is possible that an important step
ment and that placing reinforcement contingen- in the analysis of precursors could be based on
cies on precursors reduces the occurrence of severe inaccurate information or limited sampling of
problem behavior (Borrero & Borrero, 2008; client behavior. In addition, numerous instances
Dracobly & Smith, 2012; Herscovitch, Roscoe, of the target problem behavior were observed in
Libby, Bourret, & Ahearn, 2009; Langdon, Carr, all of the studies before the relation between
& Owen-DeSchryver, 2008). precursor and target responses was verified,
Although results of Smith and Churchill thereby rendering the procedure difficult to use
(2002) were promising, their method for in situations for which it is ideally designed, that
selecting precursors did not provide an empiri- is, the assessment of severe problem behavior.
cal demonstration of the predictive relation One purpose of this study was to illustrate a
between precursor and problem behavior. method for identifying precursors that (a) was
Subsequent studies addressed this limitation based solely on direct observation and (b)
by using various types of descriptive analysis. minimized the number of occurrences of the
For example, after observing informally that an target problem behavior required to identify
individual tended to engage in stereotypy the precursors. We used this method (Study 1)
(finger waving) prior to eye poking, Hagopian, to evaluate its utility and to determine the
Paclawskyj, and Kuhn (2005) verified the extent to which a number of individuals who
correlation between stereotypy and eye poking engaged in problem behavior also engaged in
through conditional probability analysis. They precursor behavior. We then conducted inde-
also examined cumulative records of responding pendent FAs of precursor and target problem
and observed a temporal contiguity between behavior (Study 2) to verify that the behaviors
stereotypy and eye poking. Borrero and Borrero were maintained by the same source of
(2008) used similar procedures (classroom reinforcement.
observations, followed by conditional probabil- The practical benefit of a precursor analysis
ity and lag-sequential analysis of data) and lies in its potential as a basis for treatment:
observed that two individuals’ loud vocal- Results of three studies (Dracobly & Smith,
izations were predictive of SIB, aggression, or 2012; Langdon et al., 2008; Najdowski,
property destruction. Results of these and other Wallace, Ellsworth, MacAleese, & Cleveland,
studies (Dracobly & Smith, 2012; Herscovitch 2008) have shown that when the function of
et al., 2009; Langdon et al., 2008) showed problem behavior can be inferred from an FA of
that correlational analyses, and conditional its precursors, interventions for more severe
probability analysis in particular, are useful in forms of behavior might be based on assessment

Table 1
Subject Characteristics

Name Age Classification Target problem behaviors

Liv 10 Down syndrome Property destruction (throwing items, knocking over
Billy 15 Down and Kleinfelter syndromes Clothing destruction (ripping, tearing, or unraveling)
Chuck 14 Arthrogryposis syndrome SIB (head hitting)
Amanda 18 Autism, profound MR SIB (face and head hitting)
Kelly 10 Seizure disorder and retinopathy SIB (self biting)
George 9 Autism Aggression (hitting, kicking, pinching, biting)
Amy 3 Down syndrome Property destruction (throwing objects, tearing mate-
rials from walls, destroying materials)
Sammy 6 Deaf, learning disabilities Aggression (hitting, kicking, biting, head butting;
throwing objects at people)
Renee 15 Angelman’s syndrome Aggression (hair pulling, hitting, pushing)
Curtis 13 Autism Aggression (hitting, kicking, biting, head butting)
Gerald 19 Cerebral palsy, MR (level unspecified) SIB (hand biting)
Adam 11 Prader-Willi syndrome Aggression (hitting, kicking, biting, throwing objects at
Donald 14 Autism, seizure disorder Aggression (hitting, kicking, biting, head butting)
Leigh 13 Trainable mentally handicapped and language SIB (chin hitting and banging)
Guy 12 Autism Aggression (hitting, kicking, biting, head butting)
Kevin 54 Severe MR, seizure disorder Property destruction (throwing furniture, pounding on
walls, destroying or throwing materials)

Note. MR ¼ mental retardation.

of less severe behavior. The intervention in these STUDY 1: IDENTIFICATION AND

studies consisted of differential reinforcement of PREVALENCE OF PRECURSORS
alternative behavior (DRA), which resulted in Method
an increase in alternative behavior and low rates
of severe problem behavior. An alternative Subjects and setting. The first 16 individuals
approach to treatment might consist of preced- with intellectual disabilities who had been
ing the implementation of DRA with a schedule referred from two programs at a day-treatment
of noncontingent reinforcement (NCR), which facility (Adam and Kevin) or from one of five
might decrease the occurrence of both precursor classrooms at a special education school (the
and target behavior from the outset of interven- remaining 14 individuals) for the assessment of
tion (Goh, Iwata, & DeLeon, 2000; Marcus & severe problem behavior participated. Subject
Vollmer, 1996). Thus, the third purpose of this characteristics (age, diagnostic classification, and
study was to determine whether (a) an effective definition of the target problem behavior) are
intervention could be designed based on the listed in Table 1. All sessions were conducted in
results of precursor analyses alone, and (b) the an observation room at the day program or in
sequential introduction of continuous NCR designated areas of a classroom at the special
followed by NCR schedule thinning plus DRA education school.
would be effective in reducing precursors while Procedure. Prior to assessment, we asked each
maintaining low rates of severe problem subject’s caregiver to identify the most severe class
behavior. of problem behavior (SIB, aggression, or property
104 JENNIFER N. FRITZ et al.

destruction), which was selected as the target about preferred topics, etc.) until the target was
problem behavior during subsequent assess- not observed for 30 s. Once the target was not
ments. We also asked caregivers if they had observed for 30 s or if the target was not observed
observed any behaviors that tended to precede the in 5 min (whichever came first), a demand trial
target behavior. We then conducted the precursor was conducted.
assessment to identify behaviors that predicted During demand trials, the therapist presented
the occurrence of the target behavior. instructions to complete tasks appropriate to the
The precursor assessment consisted of dis- subject’s functioning level. The therapist used a
crete trials in which antecedent conditions that three-step prompting procedure (vocal instruc-
might serve as establishing operations (EOs; tion, model, physical guidance) but terminated
Michael, 1982) for the target behavior were the instructional sequence and moved away from
presented, and all trials were videotaped for the subject contingent on the first occurrence of
subsequent data collection. Trial types resembled the target. The next trial began once the target
the attention and demand conditions of an FA was not observed for 30 s or if the target was not
(Iwata et al., 1982/1994) and lasted 5 min or less. observed in 5 min. If a tangible condition was
Given that many problem behaviors are main- included in the assessment, it was conducted after
tained by positive reinforcement in the form the demand trial. If a tangible condition was not
of access to attention or negative reinforcement included, another attention trial was conducted.
in the form of escape from demands (Iwata During tangible trials, the therapist allowed
et al., 1994), presentation of these conditions the subject brief (1 to 2 min) access to preferred
presumably increased the likelihood of observing items and then removed them. Contingent on the
the target in a relatively short period of time. A target, the items were returned to the subject.
tangible condition was included if caregivers Once the target was not observed for 30 s or if the
reported that the target was likely to occur when target was not observed in 5 min, another
preferred items were removed or access to items attention trial began.
was denied. Contingent on the target behavior, Because a precursor assessment would be
consequences relevant to the antecedent con- considered in an attempt to minimize the
ditions (attention, escape, or access to leisure occurrence of severe problem behavior, we
items) were delivered. Presumably, it was unlikely wanted to limit occurrences of the target yet
that the subject could engage in precursor observe a sufficient number as a basis for
behaviors while exhibiting a rapid sequence of identifying precursors. Therefore, we consid-
target responses. To reduce the likelihood of ered the precursor assessment complete after 10
multiple consecutive instances of the target and trials in which the target behavior occurred,
to increase the likelihood of observing a precursor assuming that the 10-trial limit also would yield
prior to the occurrence of a given target, a trial a sufficient number of trials during which the
was terminated immediately after a consequence target behavior did not occur. However, in the
was delivered, and the next trial began only when event that the target behavior occurred during
the subject had not engaged in the target for 30 s. the first 10 trials of the assessment, we
During attention trials, the therapist did not conducted play trials in which the subject had
interact with the subject unless the target noncontingent access to attention and preferred
behavior occurred, at which time the therapist items in the absence of all demands. This
delivered a statement of concern (e.g., “Don’t do procedure resulted in a sufficient number of
that, you will hurt yourself.”) and gentle physical nontarget trials during which precursors could
contact. The therapist continued to interact with occur, and the duration of the trials without the
the subject (e.g., rubbing his or her back, talking target behavior was approximately equal to or

greater than the duration of trials with the target potential precursors. The observers then watched
behavior for all subjects. and scored all of the trials independently using a
Response measurement and reliability. Because binary code (i.e., 1 ¼ occurrence and 0 ¼ non-
potential precursors were unknown prior to occurrence of either precursors or the target
assessment, we videotaped all trials to have a within a trial). After each trial, they compared
permanent record of all responses and later scored their data records and resolved any discrepancies
the videos using a checklist, which grouped by watching the trial again, clarifying the
responses topographically as (a) vocalizations, operational definition, and rescoring the trial
(b) facial expressions, (c) postures, (d) repetitive until 100% agreement was attained for each
motor movements, (e) locomotion, (f ) object precursor and the target. For example, if a subject
manipulation, and (g) other problem behaviors. engaged in several vocal responses (e.g., whining,
Examples of possible response topographies were screaming, and positive vocalizations) and ob-
listed in each category, and additional space was servers disagreed on the classification of a
provided to allow observers to write in behaviors particular response, they discussed the video
that were observed but not included on the segment together and included additional topo-
checklist. All responses that were included in the graphical description of the behavior or modified
topographical definition of the target behavior or exclusionary criteria in the operational definition
could be considered mild forms of the target (e.g., such that agreement could be obtained more
pushing the therapist if the target behavior was readily for subsequent occurrences of the behav-
hitting) were excluded as potential precursors. ior. We used this process (rather than simply
Observation was conducted in two phases: (a) comparing observers’ records) to ensure accurate
Potential precursor topographies were identified identification of precursor responses.
and operationally defined and (b) potential Probability analyses. Several probabilities were
precursors were scored as occurrence or nonoc- calculated based on all trials of the precursor
currence in all assessment trials. When the assessment to identify the precursors for each
precursor assessment was complete, two observ- subject’s target behavior (see Table 2 for formulas).
ers watched the videos and marked potential First, the probability of the target given each
precursor topographies during trials in which the potential precursor [p(T|P)] was calculated and
target behavior occurred. The observers com- compared to (a) the probability of the target given
pared the topographies marked on their checklists the absence of each precursor [p(T|P)] and (b)
and developed operational definitions of all the unconditional probability of the target [p(T)].

Table 2
Probability Analysis Formulas

Probability type Formula

Conditional probability of the target (T) given the precursor (P) pðTjPÞ ¼ trials withtrialsP that also contain T
with P

Conditional probability of the target given the absence of the precursor pðTj  PÞ ¼ trials without P that contain T
trials without P
trials containing T
Unconditional probability of the target (numerator was always 10) pðTÞ ¼ total trials
Conditional probability of the precursor given the target (denominator was always 10) pðPjTÞ ¼ trials withtrialsT that also contain P
with T

Conditional probability of the precursor given the absence of the target pðPj  TÞ ¼ trials without T that contain P
trials without T

Unconditional probability of the precursor pðPÞ ¼ trialstotal

containing P
106 JENNIFER N. FRITZ et al.

Next, the probability of each precursor given the on similar topographical features (e.g., “crawl,”
target [p(P|T)] was calculated and compared to “run,” and “climb” were combined into “move
(a) the probability of each precursor given the around room” for Amy).
absence of the target [p(P|T)] and (b) the
unconditional probability of each precursor [p Results and Discussion
(P)]. Behaviors were selected as precursors if they Figures 1 through 4 show results of the
satisfied both of the following criteria. First, the precursor assessments. The top and bottom
probability of the target given the precursor was panels of each graph show the probability
higher than the probability of the target given the analyses for the target and for the potential
absence of the precursor and the unconditional precursors, respectively. Results showed that all
probability of the target, or p(T|P) > p(T|P) 16 subjects engaged in precursor behavior. The
and p(T|P) > p(T). Second, the probability of number of identified precursors ranged from 1
the precursor given the target was higher than the (Renee) to 16 (Guy). (Operational definitions of
probability of the precursor given the absence of identified precursors are available from the first
the target and the unconditional probability of author.) The precursor assessments required 11
the precursor, or p(P|T) > p(P|T) and p(P| (Liv) to 30 (Chuck) trials to observe 10 instances
T) > p(P). In general, we selected precursors that of the target behavior, which took approximately
often were followed by the occurrence of the 10 min to less than 150 min of observation time
target behavior and that did not often occur when to complete the assessment for each subject.
the target behavior was not observed. For Therefore, the assessments were completed in a
example, Liv (Figure 1, top left) always engaged relatively short amount of time.
in the target behavior after exhibiting three Three precursors were identified for Liv
responses (positive vocalizations, flapping her (Figure 1) and all were perfectly correlated with
hands, and mouthing objects; top) and never the occurrence of target problem behavior [i.e.,
engaged in those responses when the target property destruction always occurred in trials in
behavior was not observed (bottom). Therefore, which the precursor was observed; p(T|
these three precursors appeared to be perfectly P) ¼ 1.0], although the probability of the target
predictive of her problem behavior. By contrast, given the absence of each precursor [p(T|P)]
although Chuck (Figure 1, bottom left) engaged also was high. In addition, precursors never
in problem behavior after smiling more often occurred in trials in which the target was not
than not (i.e., the probability of the target given observed [i.e., p(P|T) ¼ 0]. Three of the five
the precursor was higher than the probability of precursors selected for Billy (Figure 1) also were
the target given the absence of the precursor; top), perfectly predictive of his target, and the two
he also smiled frequently during trials in which other precursors occurred infrequently but
the problem behavior was not observed (i.e., the appeared to be somewhat predictive of the target.
probability of the precursor given the absence of Chuck’s three precursors (Figure 1) were some-
the target also was high; bottom). By comparing what less predictive, in that the target was not
these relative probabilities for each subject, we always observed following the selected precursors,
hoped to select precursors that were most and his precursors sometimes were observed
predictive of the severe problem behavior. when the target behavior did not occur. Four
If several potential precursors were observed, precursors were identified for Amanda (Figure 1),
some response topographies were combined if all three of which were perfectly predictive of her
of the responses (a) met the criteria for target behavior.
classification as either precursors or nonprecur- Only one of Kelly’s three precursors (Figure 2)
sors and (b) could be described succinctly based was perfectly correlated with the occurrence of

Figure 1. Results of the precursor assessment for Liv, Billy, Chuck, and Amanda. The top and bottom graphs for each
subject show probabilities for target behavior and precursor behaviors, respectively. Asterisks indicate selected precursors. p
(T|P) ¼ the probability of the target given each potential precursor; p(T|P) ¼ the probability of the target given the
absence of each precursor; p(T) ¼ the unconditional probability of the target; p(P|T) ¼ the probability of each precursor
given the target; p(P|T) ¼ the probability of each precursor given the absence of the target; p(P) ¼ the unconditional
probability of each precursor.
108 JENNIFER N. FRITZ et al.

Figure 2. Results of the precursor assessment for Kelly, George, Amy, and Sammy.

target behavior; however, the other two precur- precursors were identified for Gerald (Figure 3),
sors seemed to occur more often than not before and three of the responses perfectly predicted the
the target behavior. Six precursors were identified occurrence of the target (i.e., SIB always occurred
for George (Figure 2), and, like Chuck, none of in trials in which those behaviors were observed,
his precursors was perfectly correlated with the and those behaviors were never observed without
occurrence of the target behavior, but the rela- being followed by SIB). Six precursors were
tive conditional probabilities showed that these identified for Adam (Figure 3), and all perfectly
behaviors generally predicted the occurrence of predicted the occurrence of aggression. It should
the target. Ten precursors were identified for Amy be noted that only seven trials with the target
(Figure 2), nine of which were perfectly correlated problem behavior were included in Adam’s pre-
with the target behavior. Mouthing objects also cursor assessment due to an oversight; however,
was highly predictive of the target; however, this the assessment clearly identified precursors to his
behavior occurred in trials in which the target was target behavior. Six precursors were identified for
not observed [i.e., p(P|T) > 0]. In addition, it both Donald and Leigh (Figure 4), although only
should be noted that Amy engaged in the target two and four precursors were perfectly correlated
behavior during the first 10 trials of the precursor with the occurrence of their target problem
assessment, thus precluding some of the proba- behavior, respectively.
bility calculations. Therefore, three play trials Finally, 16 precursors were identified for Guy,
were conducted, and her precursor assessment and 13 were identified for Kevin (Figure 4).
was considered complete with 10 trials that Several behaviors were perfectly correlated with
contained the target and three play trials in which the occurrence of the target behavior [i.e., p(T|
the target never occurred. Six precursors were P) ¼ 1.0 and p(P|T) ¼ 0] for both subjects
identified for Sammy (Figure 2); however, only (8 and 12 precursors, respectively).
one precursor was perfectly correlated with his When precursors reported by caregivers were
target behavior. compared to those identified by the precursor
Few precursors were identified for Renee and assessment (Table 3), results showed that care-
Curtis (Figure 3). Only one behavior was selected givers’ verbal reports rarely matched the results of
as a precursor to Renee’s aggression (covering her the precursor assessment. In cases in which the
eyes with her hands), although results of the caregiver did identify similar behaviors, only one
probability analysis did not suggest that this or two reported precursors matched the responses
behavior strongly predicted the occurrence of the identified by the precursor assessment. The
target [i.e., p(T|P) and p(P|T) were almost equal to primary teachers of six subjects (Amanda, Billy,
p(T|P) and p(P|T), as well as the unconditional Chuck, Sammy, Renee, and Leigh) were unable
probabilities of the target and precursors, respec- to identify any precursors whatsoever; however,
tively]. Two precursors were identified for Curtis. results of the precursor assessment showed
Leg scratching only was observed during one trial that some behaviors did, in fact, predict the target
of the precursor assessment, but it occurred during behavior. Thus, relatively brief direct assessment
a trial in which aggression also occurred; thus, the can be used to identify behaviors that predict the
behavior met the precursor selection criteria. target behavior even when caregivers cannot
Blocking the therapist from moving also was identify any precursors. Furthermore, caregivers
selected, and it occurred more often overall, even of six subjects (George, Amy, Curtis, Gerald,
though aggression occurred during several trials in Adam, and Donald) reported precursors other
which blocking the therapist was not observed. than those identified via the assessment. Even
Moderate numbers of precursors were identi- though it was possible for the subject to engage in
fied for Gerald, Adam, Donald, and Leigh. Four the caregiver-reported precursors during the
110 JENNIFER N. FRITZ et al.

Figure 3. Results of the precursor assessment for Renee, Curtis, Gerald, and Adam.

Table 3
Precursors Reported by Caregivers and Assessment-Identified Precursors

Subject Caregiver-reported precursors Assessment-identified precursors

Liv Make a cry or screech noise Vocalize positively, flap hands, mouth objects
Billy None Cross legs, pull up pants or touch leg, rub glasses
Chuck None Hit surfaces, grab tongue, bounce hands on face
Amanda None Hand posture, reach for therapist, stretch
Kelly Run away Whine, mouth fingers, place hands in clothes
George Yell, throw items, tip over chairs Yell, throw objects, sign, rub head, swing arms, bang surfaces
Amy Laugh Manipulate objects, make noises, touch face, move around room,
move repetitively, hand on foot, say “mine,” put face in object, bend
at waist, mouth object
Sammy None Angry vocalizations, run, climb, mouth movements, move furniture,
tug on therapist’s shirt
Renee None Cover eyes
Curtis Whine, repeat phrases, grimace Scratch leg, block therapist from objects
Gerald Scream, hit head or ear Flick lips, grimace, hit others, move head
Adam Vocalize negatively, put head down, Say “no,” slouch, grimace, turn away, put paper in mouth, push
change entire facial expression, make materials away
faces at others, roll eyes, yell, tongue
Donald Bruxism Flap hands, put hand to mouth, snarl, clap hands, vocalize negatively,
move to objects
Leigh None Cover eyes, chin down, say “yeah yeah,” guide therapist, stomp or
shuffle, circle hands
Guy Drop to ground, roll on floor, curse, Flop (includes rolling), curse, vocalize negatively (includes screaming),
scream swing body, stomp, bite objects, throw objects, push materials away,
crumple paper, bite hand, bang head, grimace, shake head “no,” hit
surfaces, slouch, make requests
Kevin Say “no” Say “no,” grunt, drop or scoot on floor, wave arms, pull therapist’s arm,
say “good boy,” hold knees, smile, fidget, stack chairs, hit with head,
knock on table, say “eat”

Note. Italicized precursors were behaviors identified by both caregivers and the precursor assessment.

assessment, either the behaviors never occurred unknown. Therefore, we conducted independent
(George, Amy, Curtis, Gerald, Adam, and FAs for a subset of subjects from Study 1 to
Donald) or they did not predict the occurrence identify the function of the identified precursors
of the target behavior (Curtis and Gerald). Finally, as well as the function of the target behavior.
the precursor assessment identified precursors that Unlike Smith and Churchill (2002) and Borrero
were not reported by caregivers (ranging from 1 and Borrero (2008), we conducted the precursor
precursor for Renee to 13 precursors for Guy) for FAs first to determine whether precursor and
all 16 subjects. target functions matched when subjects had not
been exposed previously to FA conditions (Study
1 trials notwithstanding) and to perhaps limit the
number of occurrences of the target. Although
this may have introduced a sequence effect, we
believed that this was the most conservative
Although the assessment conducted in Study 1 method of determining whether the function of
identified behaviors that were correlated with the precursors and target behavior matched. Presum-
target problem behavior, the functional relation ably, if we had conducted the target FA first, the
between precursor and target behaviors was probability of precursors occurring in the same
112 JENNIFER N. FRITZ et al.

Figure 4. Results of the precursor assessment for Donald, Leigh, Guy, and Kevin.

conditions as the target behavior would increase precursors were identified for Guy; however, only
due to experience with the session contingencies, the eight that most strongly predicted the
potentially resulting in a higher probability of occurrence of the target behavior (flopping on
correspondence between the results of both the ground, swinging his body side to side,
assessments. In addition, under typical condi- stomping his feet, biting objects, throwing
tions in which a precursor FA would be objects, pushing materials away, crumpling paper,
considered, a target FA would not have been and cursing) were included in his precursor FA.
conducted. Finally, 13 precursors were identified for Kevin,
12 of which were the most highly predictive of his
Method target behavior and were included in his
Subjects and setting. Eight individuals from precursor FA (saying “no,” grunting, dropping
Study 1 (Renee, Curtis, Gerald, Adam, Donald, to or scooting on the floor, waving his arms in the
Leigh, Guy, and Kevin) participated in Study 2. air, pulling the therapist’s arm, saying “good boy,”
They were selected based on results of their holding his knees, smiling, fidgeting, stacking
precursor assessments, which identified varied chairs, head butting the therapist, knocking on
numbers of precursors across subjects. No other the table). The target problem behavior was the
inclusion criteria were considered. All sessions most severe form of behavior reported by
were conducted in an observation room at a day caregivers during the initial interview or direct
program for adults or in designated areas of a observation by the experimenters. Operational
classroom at a special education school. definitions of the target behaviors for each subject
Response measurement and reliability. Observ- are listed in Table 1.
ers used handheld computers to record the Interobserver agreement was assessed by
frequency of (a) targets, (b) precursors, and (c) having a second observer independently collect
therapist–client interactions during continuous data during at least 25% of sessions. Propor-
10-s intervals. One precursor, covering her eyes, tional agreement percentages were calculated by
was included in the precursor FA for Renee. Two comparing the two observers’ recorded frequen-
precursors were included for Curtis (scratching cies for all responses in each 10-s interval. The
his leg and blocking the therapist from moving). smaller number of responses was divided by the
Four precursors were included for Gerald larger number of responses in each interval, and
(flicking his lips, grimacing, hitting the therapist, these fractions were averaged across all intervals.
and jerking his head). Although six precursors Mean reliability scores were as follows: Renee,
were identified for Adam, only five (slouching, 97% for targets (range, 94% to 100%), 98% for
saying “no,” putting paper in his mouth, turning precursors (range, 91% to 100%), and 96% for
away from the therapist, and pushing materials therapist responses (range, 91% to 100%);
away) were included in his precursor FA. Curtis, 99% for targets (range, 92% to 100%),
Grimacing was excluded because he frequently 99% for precursors (range, 93% to 100%), and
turned his head away from observers. Six 99% for therapist responses (range, 92% to
precursors were included for Donald (hand 100%); Gerald, 100% for targets, 99.8% for
flapping, pressing his hand to his mouth, precursors (range, 99% to 100%), and 97% for
snarling, clapping his hands, vocalizing negative- therapist responses (range, 83% to 100%);
ly, and moving toward objects), as well as for Adam, 99.9% for targets (range, 99% to
Leigh (covering her eyes, putting her chin down, 100%), 99% for precursors (range, 89% to
saying “yeah yeah,” guiding the therapist around 100%), and 93% for therapist responses (range,
the room, stomping or shuffling her feet, and 76% to 100%); Donald, 99.8% for targets
moving her hands in circles by her side). Sixteen (range, 98% to 100%), 99.6% for precursors
114 JENNIFER N. FRITZ et al.

(range, 92% to 100%), and 98% for therapist the preference assessment), and the therapist
responses (range, 90% to 100%); Leigh, 99% interacted with him or her at least every 30 s or
for targets (range, 90% to 100%), 98.7% for any time the subject initiated interaction. No
precursors (range, 89% to 100%), and 96% for consequences were delivered following occur-
therapist responses (range, 80% to 100%); Guy, rences of either precursor or target behaviors.
98% for targets (range, 86% to 100%), 99.9% During demand sessions, the therapist contin-
for precursors (range, 98% to 100%), and 98% uously presented learning trials appropriate to
for therapist responses (range, 92% to 100%); the subject’s functioning level using a three-
and Kevin, 98% for targets (range, 90% to step prompting sequence and delivered brief
100%), 99% for precursors (range, 88% to praise following compliance. Contingent on
100%), and 93% for therapist responses (range, each instance of a precursor (FA 1) or target
78% to 100%). (FA 2) behavior, the therapist removed the work
Procedure. FA procedures were similar to those materials and provided a 30-s break from the task.
described by Iwata et al. (1982/1994), and all If an alone or ignore condition was included in
sessions lasted 10 min. During the FA of the FA, it was conducted before the attention
precursors (FA 1), consequences were delivered condition. During alone sessions, the subject
for the occurrence of precursor behaviors but not was seated alone in a room without any mate-
for occurrences of the target behavior (which were rials. If an ignore condition was conducted, the
ignored). During the FA of the target (FA 2), subject was seated in an area of the room
consequences were delivered for occurrences of away from all other individuals, and no conse-
the target behavior but not for occurrences of the quences were delivered contingent on any beha-
precursor behaviors. Attention, play, and demand viors emitted.
conditions were included in all FAs. An alone If a tangible condition was included in the FA,
or ignore condition was included if the target it was conducted following the play condition. At
behavior was not aggression, and a tangible con- the start of the session, the therapist removed all
dition was included if caregivers indicated that toys and remained near the subject. If the subject
the subject tended to engage in problem behavior initiated interaction during this condition, the
when preferred items were removed or access to therapist briefly responded (e.g., quickly an-
preferred items was denied. swered a question) and then terminated inter-
During attention sessions, the subject had actions (e.g., “We can talk later.”). Contingent on
access to two to three moderately preferred toys the occurrence of a precursor (FA 1) or target (FA
identified via a paired-stimulus (Fisher et al., 2) behavior, the therapist provided access to the
1992) or a multiple-stimulus (DeLeon & Iwata, toys for 30 s.
1996) preference assessment. At the start of
session, the therapist told the subject, “I have Results and Discussion
some work to do, but you can play with these Figure 5 shows results of the precursor and
toys, if you’d like.” The therapist then sat next to target FAs, which yielded matched outcomes for
but did not interact with the subject. Contingent seven of the eight subjects; for the remaining
on each occurrence a precursor (FA 1) or target subject (Leigh), precursors were maintained by
(FA 2) behavior, the therapist delivered a brief one of two sources of reinforcement that
reprimand (e.g., “Stop doing that; that’s not maintained the target behavior. It was expected
nice!”) and gentle physical contact (e.g., placed a that patterns of responding would generally
hand on the subject’s arm). conform to the reinforcement contingencies
During play sessions, the subject had access to such that (a) elevated rates of precursors and
two to three highly preferred toys (identified in low rates of the target behavior would occur in the
Figure 5. Results of the independent FAs conducted in Study 2. The top and bottom graphs for each subject show rates
of the precursor and target behaviors, respectively. The left panel of each pair of graphs shows results of the FA of precursors;
the right panel shows results of the FA of the target problem behavior.
116 JENNIFER N. FRITZ et al.

precursor FA and (b) elevated rates of the target condition. These results indicate that precursors
behavior would occur in the target FA. In general, and aggression were maintained by negative
observed patterns of responding during both FAs reinforcement (escape from academic tasks).
conformed to these predictions. More specifical- Donald (Figure 5) engaged in higher rates
ly, the precursor FA eliminated instances of the of precursors in the tangible condition of his
target behavior for three subjects (Curtis, Adam, precursor FA (aggression never was observed).
and Donald), resulted in low rates of the target During the target FA, he engaged in higher rates
behavior for four subjects (Renee, Gerald, Leigh, of aggression (and precursors) in the tangible
and Guy), and had no effect on rates of the target condition. These results indicate that precursors
behavior for one subject (Kevin). and aggression were maintained by positive
Renee (Figure 5) engaged in higher rates of eye reinforcement (access to preferred leisure items).
covering during the demand condition of her Leigh (Figure 5) engaged in higher rates of
precursor FA (a higher rate of aggression also was precursors in the tangible condition of her
observed in this condition, although the rate of precursor FA (a higher rate of aggression was
aggression was lower than the rate of eye observed in one attention session). During the
covering). During her target FA, aggression was target FA, she engaged in high rates of SIB in the
maintained only in the demand condition, and tangible and demand conditions (precursors also
Renee continued to engage in eye covering in the occurred initially during these conditions, but
demand condition, as well as during the play were not maintained in the demand condition).
condition. Thus, eye covering and aggression Thus, results indicated that precursors were
were maintained by negative reinforcement maintained by positive reinforcement (access to
(escape from academic tasks). preferred items), whereas SIB was maintained by
Curtis (Figure 5) engaged in higher rates of both positive reinforcement (access to preferred
precursors in the tangible condition of his items) and negative reinforcement (escape from
precursor FA (zero instances of aggression were academic tasks).
observed). During his target FA, he engaged in Guy (Figure 5) engaged in higher rates of
higher rates of aggression in the tangible con- precursors in the demand condition of his
dition (decreasing rates of precursors also were precursor FA (somewhat lower rates of aggression
observed). Thus, precursors and aggression were also were observed). During the target FA, he
maintained by positive reinforcement (access to engaged in higher rates of aggression (and
preferred leisure items). precursors) in the demand condition. These
Gerald (Figure 5) engaged in higher rates of results indicate that precursors and aggression
precursors in the demand condition of his were maintained by negative reinforcement
precursor FA (SIB was observed during two (escape from academic tasks).
demand sessions). During his target FA, he Finally, Kevin (Figure 5) engaged in higher
engaged in higher rates of SIB (as well as rates of precursors in the demand condition of his
precursors) in the demand condition. These precursor FA (and even higher rates of property
results indicate that precursors and SIB were destruction). During the target FA, he engaged in
maintained by negative reinforcement (escape higher rates of property destruction (and pre-
from academic tasks). cursors) during the demand condition. These
Adam (Figure 5) engaged in higher rates results indicate that precursors and property
of precursors during the demand condition of his destruction were maintained by negative rein-
precursor FA (aggression never was observed). forcement (escape from academic tasks); howev-
During his target FA, he engaged in higher rates er, the FA of precursors was not effective in
of aggression (and precursors) in the demand reducing rates of his target behavior.

Figure 6. Proportional distribution of precursor responses observed during the FA of precursors (each section of a bar
graph represents a different precursor). Numbers above each bar show the number of precursors observed out of the total
number of selected precursors for each subject.

It is interesting to note that not all of the therapist and saying “yeah yeah”) never occurred.
selected precursors actually occurred during the Guy engaged in six of eight precursors (biting
precursor FAs, except for Renee, who engaged in objects, pushing materials away, cursing, body
only one precursor. Figure 6 shows the propor- swinging, throwing objects, and stomping);
tions of identified precursors that were observed crumpling paper was never observed during
during the precursor FA for each subject. Curtis either FA, and flopping emerged in the last
blocked the therapist only during his precursor demand session of his target FA. Kevin engaged
FA; he never engaged in leg scratching. Gerald in six of 12 precursors (saying “no,” grunting, arm
engaged in only two of four precursors (grimacing waving, table knocking, fidgeting with pants, and
and head movements); lip flicking and hitting placing his hands on his knees). Five precursors
others were never observed during either FA. (saying “good boy,” smiling, stacking chairs,
Adam engaged in four of five precursors (saying pulling the therapist’s arm, and head butting)
“no,” turning away, slouching, pushing materials never were observed in the demand condition of
away); putting paper in his mouth was never either FA, and dropping or scooting on the floor
observed. Donald engaged in two of six emerged in the demand condition of his target
precursors (negative vocalizations and reaching FA.
for objects); a third, snarling, emerged only The function of unobserved precursors re-
during the tangible condition of his target FA. mains unknown, and it is possible that either (a)
Flapping and clapping his hands were observed the precursor assessment simply yields some false
once each in the first tangible session of his target alarms or (b) these behaviors were maintained by
FA, and all other instances of clapping were the same source of reinforcement as the target
observed in the play condition of both FAs. Leigh behavior but were not observed because other
engaged in three of six precursors (hand circles, precursors contacted the reinforcement contin-
chin down, and covering her eyes) during her gency and were maintained. In addition, some
precursor FA. Stomping or shuffling her feet precursors emerged in the same condition as the
occurred only during a few sessions of the target target during four subjects’ target FAs, providing
FA, and two other precursors (guiding the some evidence that those precursor topographies
118 JENNIFER N. FRITZ et al.

might be maintained by the same source of continuous NCR, in which the reinforcer was
reinforcement as the target and emerged as a identified from a precursor FA. Subsequently, the
function of extinction of other precursors. NCR schedule was thinned, and DRA was
Additional analyses would be required, however, introduced for an alternative behavior that served
to verify this possibility, which was beyond the the same function as the precursor behaviors.
scope of the present study.
The comparison of precursors reported by Method
caregivers and those identified by the precursor Subjects and setting. Because the intervention
assessment conducted in Study 1 indicated that strategy consisted of sequential introduction of
caregivers only reported 10 of 90 precursors social reinforcers (noncontingent followed by
identified by the precursor assessment (approxi- contingent), only individuals whose precursor FA
mately 11%). Because a number of precursors suggested that the behaviors were maintained by
identified by the precursor assessment were not social reinforcement were included. Two individ-
observed during the FAs in Study 2, it was uals from Study 1 who engaged in severe problem
possible that precursors reported by caregivers behavior, who had not participated in Study 2,
might have been the ones actually observed in the and who were not participating in other projects,
FAs. Therefore, precursors reported by caregivers participated in Study 3 (Amanda and Sammy).
and those actually observed during the FAs were Three other individuals exhibited behavior that
compared, and results showed that caregivers appeared to be maintained by automatic rein-
reported 7 of 31 precursors that were observed forcement and, thus, were not included. All
during the FAs (approximately 23%). Thus, sessions were conducted in a classroom at a
more than 75% of the precursors observed during special education school.
FAs were different than those identified by Response measurement and reliability. Table 1
caregivers. shows operational definitions of target behav-
iors. Amanda’s precursors included a hand
posture (placing her elbow on the table with
her wrist bent), stretching (leaning back in her
chair with her arms stretched above her head),
Given that the precursor assessment was and reaching for the therapist. The response
effective in identifying precursors for all subjects selected to be strengthened as an appropriate,
(Study 1) and that these behaviors typically were alternative form of communication for rein-
maintained by the same sources of reinforcement forcement (mand) was signing “food,” which
as the severe problem behavior (Study 2), a was already in her repertoire and was shown to
combined precursor assessment and precursor FA be predictive of SIB during the precursor
seemed to be a promising basis for making assessment (Figure 1).
conclusions about the function of severe problem Sammy’s precursors included tugging on the
behavior while minimizing risk. The purpose of experimenter’s shirt, mouth movements (opening
Study 3 was to determine whether an effective and closing his mouth without making noise),
treatment could be designed based on results of climbing on furniture, running across the room,
precursor assessments alone while (a) obtaining throwing or pushing furniture, and angry vocal-
indirect evidence regarding the function of severe izations (growling or guttural sounds) (Figure 2).
problem behavior (i.e., the target behavior) and The responses selected to be strengthened as
(b) maintaining low rates of the target behavior appropriate, alternative forms of communication
throughout assessment and treatment. In general, for reinforcement were signing “break” (during
treatment consisted of a sequence beginning with treatment for behavior maintained by negative

reinforcement) or signing “play” (during treat- typically match, treatment was based on the
ment for behavior maintained by positive results of the precursor FA only (the function of
reinforcement). the target behavior was inferred from response
Methods used for collecting data and assessing patterns during this assessment) to determine the
interobserver agreement were the same as those extent to which precursors were reduced and the
used in Study 1 for the precursor assessment and target behavior was suppressed as reinforcement
Study 2 for the precursor FA and treatment. contingencies changed. An FA of the target
Interobserver agreement was assessed during at behavior was not conducted to more closely
least 25% of sessions in each condition of the approximate clinical conditions in which it is
precursor FA and in each condition of treatment undesirable to place reinforcement contingencies
for both subjects. on the target behavior. Treatment consisted of
During the precursor FA, mean interobserver baseline, continuous NCR, and NCR schedule
agreement scores for Amanda were 99% for pre- thinning plus DRA. All sessions lasted 10 min.
cursors (range, 92% to 100%) and 99% for SIB Baseline. Sessions were identical to the condi-
(range, 94% to 100%). Mean agreement scores for tion of the precursor FA in which the highest rates
Sammy were 99% for precursors (range, 88% to of precursors were observed. These were the
100%) and 98% for aggression (range, 90% to tangible (Amanda and Sammy) and demand
100%). During treatment, mean interobserver (Sammy) conditions. Consequences were deliv-
agreement scores for Amanda were 98% for ered following precursors only (a small piece of
precursors (range, 80% to 100%), 98% for SIB food for Amanda, 30-s escape from academic
(range, 92% to 100%), and 99% for mands tasks for Sammy in the first treatment, or 30-s
(range, 80% to 100%). During treatment for access to toys for Sammy in the second
Sammy’s behaviors maintained by negative rein- treatment). No consequences were delivered
forcement, mean interobserver agreement scores following either target or appropriate behavior.
were 98% for precursors (range, 75% to 100%), Continuous NCR. The reinforcer shown to
97% for aggression (range, 81% to 100%), and maintain precursors during the precursor FA
97% for mands (range, 85% to 100%). During was delivered freely and noncontingently
treatment for Sammy’s behaviors maintained by throughout each session. No consequences
positive reinforcement, mean interobserver agree- were delivered following precursors, the target
ment scores were 99% for precursors (range, 95% behavior, or appropriate behavior in this condi-
to 100%), 100% for aggression, and 98% for tion. During treatment for behaviors maintained
mands (range, 93% to 100%). by positive reinforcement, subjects had continu-
Procedure. Precursors identified in Study 1 ous access to highly preferred food (Amanda) or
for each subject were included in a precursor leisure items (Sammy). During treatment for
FA in which consequences were delivered behavior maintained by negative reinforcement,
following precursors only (no consequences no demands were placed on Sammy throughout
were provided after the target behavior). Con- session.
ditions of the FA were the same as described in NCR schedule thinning plus DRA. After low
Study 2 and consisted of attention, demand, play, and stable rates of precursor and target behavior
and tangible sessions. An ignore condition also had been observed under continuous NCR, the
was included for Amanda to rule out the NCR schedule was thinned by removing one 10-s
possibility that SIB was maintained by automatic interval of NCR per minute using procedures
reinforcement. similar to those described by Goh et al. (2000).
Given the results of Study 2 that showed the When precursors were observed at rates less than
function of precursor and target behaviors 80% of baseline rates and rates of the target
120 JENNIFER N. FRITZ et al.

behavior were low, schedule thinning progressed section for each subject to clarify the rationale for
by removing another 10-s interval of NCR per their inclusion.
minute. At the start of this condition, DRA was
implemented during intervals in which NCR was Results and Discussion
not provided by physically prompting the subject Figure 7 shows results of Amanda’s and
to emit the sign for the relevant reinforcer. Sammy’s precursor FAs. Amanda’s precursors
Initially, the subject was prompted immediately were maintained by positive reinforcement in the
to sign for the reinforcer. A progressive prompt form of access to tangible items (preferred foods).
delay then was used (i.e., the prompt was delayed Amanda also engaged in SIB at increasing rates in
approximately two additional seconds each time the tangible condition, even though no con-
the reinforcer was not available) to systematically sequences were delivered for this behavior,
delay the physical prompt and allow the subject suggesting that her target behavior was likely
to sign for the reinforcer independently. Prompts maintained by the same source of reinforcement
were discontinued when he or she began to as precursors. Results of Sammy’s FA showed that
exhibit the sign consistently. Contingent on his precursors were maintained by both positive
signing (independent or prompted), the reinforc- reinforcement (access to preferred leisure items)
er was delivered. No consequences were delivered and negative reinforcement (escape from de-
following precursor or target behaviors. Eventu- mands). In addition, he engaged in increasing
ally, the NCR component was removed for both rates of aggression in the demand condition,
subjects as signing persisted at consistent rates. suggesting that this behavior also was maintained
Additional treatment components were imple- by negative reinforcement. He engaged in high
mented as needed and are described in the results rates of aggression during the first session of the

Figure 7. Results of the precursor FA for Amanda and Sammy.


tangible condition only, which appeared to be an tiously reinforced as a result of their close
extinction burst (perhaps as a result of his recent temporal contiguity with the delivery of rein-
reinforcement history, albeit brief, for the target forcement for mands. Other factors might have
behavior in the precursor assessment). After he accounted for the development of this particular
engaged in precursor behaviors that contacted the sequence, including the presumably low effort
reinforcement contingency, these behaviors per- necessary to engage in precursors (primarily
sisted and aggression no longer occurred. These reaching toward the therapist), a recent history
results provide indirect evidence that the identi- of reinforcement for precursors during baseline,
fied function of precursors likely matched the and possibly a recent history of reinforcement for
function of his target behavior. SIB outside the experimental setting. Therefore,
As in Study 2, not all precursors identified via response blocking for precursors was added to
the trial-based assessment were observed during disrupt the response sequence (blocked responses
the precursor FA in Study 3. The function of were scored and included in the session rate).
Amanda’s precursors was determined primarily This intervention resulted in decreasing rates of
by the occurrence of reaching (hand postures and precursors (M ¼ 0.7 responses per minute),
stretching rarely occurred). The negative rein- near-zero rates of SIB (M ¼ 0.03), and increased
forcement function of Sammy’s precursors was rates of independent mands (M ¼ 3). Next, a
determined by the occurrence of climbing, angry reversal to baseline was conducted and resulted in
vocalizations, mouth movements, and moving increased rates of precursors (M ¼ 3), low rates
furniture; the positive reinforcement function of SIB (M ¼ 0.3), and variable rates of mands
was determined solely by the occurrence of angry (M ¼ 2). A return to NCR thinning plus DRA
vocalizations. Two of Sammy’s precursors (run- and response blocking resulted in decreasing rates
ning across the room and tugging on the of precursors (M ¼ 0.4), zero rates of SIB, and
therapist’s shirt) were never observed, even high rates of independent mands (M ¼ 4). By
though results of the precursor assessment the end of this phase, Amanda was engaging
indicated that tugging on the therapist’s shirt primarily in independent mands, which seemed
was the most highly predictive of aggression. to preclude the need for NCR and response
During treatment (Figure 8), Amanda engaged blocking. Therefore, DRA alone was evaluated
in high rates of precursors (M ¼ 3.1 responses and resulted in low rates of precursors (M ¼ 0.1)
per minute) during baseline. She also engaged in and a rate of independent mands similar to that
moderate rates of SIB (M ¼ 1.1) and low rates of observed in the preceding phase (M ¼ 4.1).
mands (M ¼ 0.2), even though no consequences Although SIB increased slightly compared to
were provided for these behaviors. When the previous condition (M ¼ 0.2), SIB was
continuous NCR was implemented, she did reduced by more than 80% compared to baseline
not exhibit any precursors, and rates of SIB and and occurred at near-zero rates during most
mands were low (Ms ¼ 0.1 and 0.3, respective- sessions.
ly). During NCR schedule thinning plus DRA, Two treatments were evaluated for Sammy.
she engaged in variable and increasing rates of During his baseline for behavior maintained by
precursors (M ¼ 1.1), SIB (M ¼ 0.2), and negative reinforcement (Figure 9), he engaged in
independent mands (M ¼ 1.6). It appeared moderate rates of precursors (M ¼ 3.1 responses
that a response hierarchy was developing in per minute), low rates of aggression (M ¼ 0.4),
which Amanda engaged in precursors (and and low rates of independent mands (M ¼ 0.1).
sometimes SIB) followed shortly by independent When continuous NCR was implemented, he
mands. Therefore, it seemed possible that engaged in low rates of precursors (M ¼ 0.3),
precursors and SIB might have been adventi- near-zero rates of aggression (M ¼ 0.03), and
122 JENNIFER N. FRITZ et al.

Figure 8. Treatment results for Amanda.

zero independent mands. During NCR schedule provided for the precursors, he engaged in an
thinning plus DRA, he engaged in variable rates independent mand (or sometimes aggression).
of precursors (M ¼ 1.6), variable and increasing Therefore, a changeover delay (COD) was added
rates of aggression (M ¼ 0.8), and increasing in which independent mands were prevented
rates of independent mands (M ¼ 1.2). Like immediately following a precursor, and he was
Amanda, it seemed that Sammy engaged in physically guided to complete the task. When he
precursors as the experimenter approached to had not engaged in a precursor behavior for 5 s,
deliver a demand and, when escape was not he was permitted to mand for escape, and a 30-s

Figure 9. Treatment of behavior maintained by negative reinforcement for Sammy.

break was provided. This resulted in an initial rates of aggression (M ¼ 0.3), and increased rates
burst in precursors, which decreased over subse- of mands (M ¼ 1.5). By the end of the
quent sessions (M ¼ 1.7 responses per minute), condition, NCR seemed unnecessary and, thus,
decreasing rates of aggression (M ¼ 0.5), and was removed in the final phase. DRA plus the
steady rates of independent mands (M ¼ 1.6). A COD alone resulted in decreasing rates of
reversal to baseline then was conducted, in which precursors to near zero (M ¼ 0.5), near-zero
rates of precursors increased (M ¼ 2.2), and rates rates of aggression (M ¼ 0.3), and steady rates of
of aggression (M ¼ 0.1) and mands (M ¼ 0.5) independent mands (M ¼ 1.6).
were low. NCR thinning plus DRA with the During Sammy’s treatment for behavior
COD again was implemented and resulted in maintained by positive reinforcement (access to
decreasing rates of precursors (M ¼ 0.7), low preferred leisure items), he engaged in moderate
124 JENNIFER N. FRITZ et al.

rates of precursors during baseline (M ¼ 2.1 (M ¼ 0.01), and increasing rates of independent
responses per minute), near-zero rates of aggres- mands (M ¼ 1.3). A return to baseline resulted in
sion (M ¼ 0.03), and zero independent mands increasing rates of precursors (M ¼ 1.6), near-zero
(Figure 10). During continuous NCR, he engaged rates of aggression (M ¼ 0.03), and decreasing
in near-zero rates of precursors (M ¼ 0.2) and rates of mands (M ¼ 0.6). When NCR schedule
zero instances of aggression and mands. When thinning plus DRA was again implemented,
NCR schedule thinning plus DRA was imple- precursors decreased (M ¼ 0.8), aggression oc-
mented, he engaged in decreasing rates of pre- curred at higher rates during the first session but
cursors (M ¼ 0.3), near-zero rates of aggression remained at zero for all subsequent sessions

Figure 10. Treatment of behavior maintained by positive reinforcement for Sammy.


(M ¼ 0.2), and moderate rates of mands were Study 2, correspondence only increased to 23%.
observed (M ¼ 1.4). The NCR component was It is possible that caregivers are not as attentive
removed in the final phase, and Sammy engaged in when problem behaviors do not occur and miss
decreasing rates of precursors (M ¼ 0.3), zero the occurrence of precursors. These behaviors still
rates of aggression, and increasing rates of mands might acquire the same function as problem
(M ¼ 1.5). behavior if precursors typically are followed by
problem behavior that contacts reinforcement
(Catania, 1971). However, caregivers might not
be able to identify these behaviors readily as
We examined the relation between precursor precursors because they may be subtle and do not
and problem behavior in three stages: empirical necessarily resemble the target behavior topo-
identification and selection of precursor re- graphically. Alternatively, caregivers might rein-
sponses (Study 1), FAs of precursor and problem force precursors intermittently, causing them to
behavior (Study 2), and evaluation of treatment persist, or precursors and problem behavior
based on the FA of precursor behavior (Study 3). might consist of a response chain that is
Taken together, results indicated that precursor reinforced as a larger unit.
behaviors are both common and readily identifi- Our trial-based method for identifying pre-
able, they often are maintained by the same cursor behavior also poses some limitations. First,
source of reinforcement as problem behavior, and the procedure may not be practical for very low-
they may be used as the basis for developing rate problem behavior because the duration of
effective interventions. trials (5 min) may be too brief to evoke the target
Study 1 evaluated an objective yet brief behavior. Wallace and Iwata (1999) compared
method for identifying precursors to problem results from FA sessions based on 5-, 10-, and 15-
behavior, and results of the assessment indicated min durations and found that some individuals
that all 16 subjects engaged in at least one did not engage in the target behavior until
precursor. In addition, the assessment required conditions had been in effect longer than 5 min.
very few instances (10 or fewer) of the severe In fact, precursor assessments could not be
problem behavior to identify precursors; thus, it completed for three potential subjects in the
seems to be a viable method of assessing severe present study because their problem behavior
problem behavior while risk is minimized. The occurred rarely; their behavior subsequently was
fact that problem behavior often is preceded by assessed during FAs with extended session
precursors suggests that problem behavior may durations. The assessment also might not be
simply be the terminal response in a hierarchy useful for very high-rate problem behavior
that begins with mildly disruptive behaviors (e.g., because short interresponse times of the target
negative vocalizations, pushing materials away, behavior would reduce the likelihood of observ-
etc.) or appropriate behaviors that are not ing other behaviors that could be identified as
reinforced (e.g., saying “no” or signing “food”). precursors. This problem was encountered with
If so, it is somewhat surprising that caregivers Amy, but the inclusion of play trials was sufficient
rarely were able to identify precursors. In fact, to produce periods of time in which the target
caregivers for only six subjects were able to report behavior was not observed in order to calculate
potential precursors, and the reported precursors the probability of the precursor given the absence
matched the behaviors identified by the precursor of the target behavior.
assessment in only 11% of cases. When the Results of Study 2 verified that responses
precursors reported by caregivers were compared selected from the precursor assessment were
to those actually observed during the FAs in maintained by the same source of reinforcement
126 JENNIFER N. FRITZ et al.

as the target behavior for seven of eight subjects current study; however, because the function of
(precursor and target behaviors matched for observed precursors matched the function of the
one of two functions for Leigh). In addition, the target behavior in almost all cases, additional
precursor FAs eliminated the occurrence of the analyses seemed unnecessary.
severe problem behavior for three subjects and Another potential determinant of subjects’
reduced rates of the severe problem behavior for allocation toward particular precursor behaviors
four other subjects. These findings provide some is the relative response effort required to emit
evidence of generality for the data reported by them. In fact, many of the identified precursors
Smith and Churchill (2002) and validate a (e.g., negative vocalizations) did not appear to
combined precursor assessment and precursor require much effort. In a review of research on
FA as a viable method for identifying contingen- precursor behavior, Fahmie and Iwata (2011)
cies that maintain severe problem behavior. found that the most commonly reported pre-
It is unclear why the precursor FA did not cursors were unintelligible vocalizations, which
result in reduced rates of the target behavior for are relatively easy to emit.
three subjects (Kevin in Study 2 and Amanda and An alternative explanation for unobserved
Sammy in Study 3). It is possible that the response topographies during the precursor FA
precursors identified for these subjects were part is that the current methodology simply yields
of a response chain; however, evaluation of this some number of false alarms. The criterion for
possibility was beyond the scope of the current including a potential precursor in the probability
study. Future research might identify strategies to analyses was simply its occurrence within a trial,
determine why problem behavior persists during and interpretations were based on conditional
the precursor FA for some individuals. and unconditional probabilities for each potential
Because not all precursors were actually precursor. This method was used because it
observed for each subject during the precursor seemed to be a simple and conservative method
FA, it is unclear whether the unobserved for identifying responses that preceded and
precursors were maintained by the same source were correlated with the target behavior, but it
of reinforcement as the target behavior. One might have resulted in the selection of precursors
possibility is that subjects simply allocated that did not occur frequently before the target
responding toward topographies that initially behavior or occurred only at the beginning of
contacted the reinforcement contingency, where- trials (i.e., temporally distant from problem
as other precursors were extinguished but behavior and possibly influenced by different
remained functional nevertheless. Evidence of EOs). In addition, the precursor assessment was
this can be seen in cases in which previously terminated after 10 trials in which the target
unobserved precursors emerged in the same behavior was observed; therefore, a high rate of
condition as the target behavior during the target false alarms might have resulted as a function of
FA. Previous research has shown that extinction the brevity of the assessment. No attempt was
of frequently observed response topographies made to standardize the number of 5-min trials in
of problem behavior resulted in increased rates which the target behavior was not observed for
of other topographies (Magee & Ellis, 2000; most subjects, except for Amy, who engaged in
Richman, Wacker, Asmus, Casey, & property destruction during the first 10 trials of
Andelman, 1999), and similar effects have been the assessment. Coincidentally, however, the total
shown with adaptive behavior (Grow, Kelley, duration of trials without the target behavior was
Roane, & Shillingsburg, 2008). Thus, it is nearly equal to or greater than the total duration
possible that selective extinction of observed of trials with the target behavior for all subjects. It
precursors might have clarified the results of the is possible that modifications to the methods of

data analysis or precursor selection criteria might precursor assessments. For example, Hagopian
have led to better predictions with respect to et al. (2005) designed treatment following an
which responses are likely maintained by the assessment of precursors by blocking stereotypy
same source of reinforcement as the target (hand flapping) that predicted the occurrence of
behavior; however, those analyses were beyond SIB (eye poking) for one individual. SIB was
the scope of the present study. Future research maintained by automatic reinforcement, and
might evaluate different precursor selection or blocking the precursor (stereotypy) was shown to
assessment-termination criteria in an attempt to be more effective in reducing both stereotypy and
clarify these results. SIB than blocking SIB alone. Their results suggest
It also is important to note that only half the that precursor analyses per se may have some
relation between precursors and the target behav- clinical utility regardless of the function of problem
ior was examined in the current study by deter- behavior, even if rates of the target behavior do not
mining the function of responses that were decrease during assessment. Future research might
predictive of the target behavior. That is, the examine the extent to which (a) precursors can be
function of responses that were not predictive of identified for problem behavior maintained by
the target behavior remains unknown. It is automatic reinforcement and (b) identification of
possible that any behavior that occurs frequently precursors in this situation leads to more effective
enough to contact the reinforcement contingen- treatment.
cies might be maintained and acquire the same Results of Study 3 showed that effective
function as the target behavior even though it interventions can be designed based on the results
typically might not be predictive of the target of precursor analyses. Although severe problem
behavior. Renee’s data most closely approximate behavior was not eliminated during baseline for
this possibility in that only one precursor to these subjects, lower rates of the target behavior
aggression was identified, and it did not appear to were observed relative to rates of precursors.
predict the occurrence of the target behavior. Therefore, had target behaviors been reinforced
Results of independent FAs, however, showed during baseline, it is probable that higher rates
that both behaviors were maintained by the same would have been exhibited by both subjects.
source of reinforcement. Future research might The effects of continuous NCR replicated the
provide a more comprehensive account of the results of previous studies (Goh et al., 2000;
relation of precursors to severe problem behavior Marcus & Vollmer, 1996) in that nearly all
by comparing the results of FAs of behaviors that responding (precursor and target behavior) was
do not predict the target behavior to the results of suppressed under these conditions, and subjects
an FA of the target behavior to determine the did not emit the appropriate alternative response
extent to which these nonpredictive behaviors are (mand). As the DRA component was introduced
maintained by the same or different sources of while the NCR schedule was thinned, both
reinforcement. subjects increased their manding; however, these
Finally, it is highly unlikely that a precursor FA procedures were not effective in reducing
would be effective in reducing instances of a target precursors while maintaining low rates of the
behavior that is maintained by automatic rein- target behavior in two of three cases. The addition
forcement because arranging social consequences of response blocking (Amanda) or a COD
for precursors would not be expected to affect the (Sammy, treatment for behavior maintained by
rate of the target behavior. This would not, negative reinforcement) was effective in reducing
however, necessarily preclude the development of rates of precursors and target behaviors, while
an effective treatment for behavior maintained by mands were maintained under the DRA contin-
automatic reinforcement based on the results of gency. When low rates of precursors and target
128 JENNIFER N. FRITZ et al.

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