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Subject/Paper: English Paper 3 Language System Exam Seat No:_____________

Form: TWO

Time allowed: 1 hour

Instructions to Students:

1. Maximum Score: 90 marks.

2. This paper consists of 6 pages.
3. Attempt all questions.
4. Put all the answers on the Answer Sheets provided.

2018-19 F2 Final Exam, English Language System 1

Section A: Mixed Tenses I

You are making PowerPoint slides for the English project presentation. Complete the slides with the
correct form of the verbs. Put all your answers in the Answer Sheets provided. (22 marks)

Video game tester

To gaming fanatics, one of the most fascinating jobs (1)______ (be) video game testing. John Graham
(2)_________ (play) video games for a living for five years now. He (3)_______ (start) when he was 21
years old. However, he (4)_______ (have) never _______ (know) that such a job existed until he (5)______
(see) an advertisement on the Internet. His job duties include testing the games over and over again to
identify any potential bugs or problems. “I can spend up to six hours gaming every day,” he (6)_______
(tell) us.

Professional mermaid
Ever since she (7)______ (be) a little girl, Serapina Cole (8)________ (dream) about becoming a mermaid.
“I’ve always felt happier in the water than on dry land,” she (9)________ (confess). So far, she
(10)_________ (produce) over 20 videos about ocean conservation and water safety in her magical fishtail
costume. Her videos (11)_______ (be) available on her website. Seraphina (12)_______ (plan) to open a
mermaid school one day. She (13)___________ (earn) enough money to do so before she is 25 years old.

Chocolate consultant
Everybody (14)_______ (love) chocolates, but Aaron Roberts (15)_______ (take) it a step further—he is a
chocolate consultant. Aaron (16)__________ (have been) fascinated by chocolate for as long as he can
remember. Since he (17)______ (be) a young kid, he (18)__________ (keep) a diary detailing how different
brands of chocolate tasted. He now has hundreds of notebooks filled with chocolate reviews.

He (19)________ (work) as a chocolate salesperson for five years before a position for chocolate consultant
opened up at his company. Aaron (20)_________ (taste) chocolates professionally for 30 years when he
(21)________ (retire) next month. “I (22)________ (enjoy) my job thoroughly,” he said.

2018-19 F2 Final Exam, English Language System 2

Section A: Mixed Tenses II
Martin is writing an email to Emma. Read the email. Complete the email with correct form of the
verbs. Put all your answers in the Answer Sheets. (16 marks)

Hi Emma,

It (1)________ (be) good of you to send me a get-well card yesterday. Thanks! In the card, you
(2)_________ (ask) me how I broke my leg. Well, I (3)_______ (ride) my bike while my sister was
learning to ride hers, and for some reason I (4)_________ (decide) to show off – I (5)________ (stop)
using my hands! Normally I can do this quite well, but this time I (6)________ (go) over a hole and fell
off. I really think our management company ought to fill in those holes on our estate before someone else
(7)________ (have) a really serious accident.

Because of the accident, I now have to spend the whole day lying in bed. I’m not used to this at all!
Being at home all day though, I (8)___________ (have) lots of time to read,, which means I’m actually
(9)________ (watch) fewer TV programmes than usual.

Anyway, I (10)__________ (wonder) if you can come round sometime this weekend. I want to give you
back some of your books, as I (11)_________ (have finished) them by then.

Also Terry asked me to recommend a new camera for you. My advice is to buy a cheap one—you really
don’t have to buy an expensive model. Personally I like Rolco cameras—they’re easy to use, and they
take great photos. I (12)________ (get) the X12, but there’s a new model—the X13. If I (13)_______
(be) you, I’d consider getting one of those. It’s like the X12, but it’s got lots of new features—too many
perhaps! If I (14)_________ (have not) already ________(buy) my X12, I (15)_________ (have) asked
my parents to buy me an X13 for my birthday. If you (16)________ (come) to visit, you can try my X12

See you soon.


2018-19 F2 Final Exam, English Language System 3

Section B: Relative Clauses I
Complete the text with the correct relative pronoun, which, who, whose, that. (11 marks)

The artist Frida Kahlo, (1)________ died in 1954, is becoming more and more popular. As a child she
suffered from polio (2)_______ left her right leg thinner than her left. She disguised this by wearing skirts
(3)_______ reached her ankles. She had several sisters but was closest to her father (4)________ encouraged
her to study medicine. One day when she was 18m a bus (5)______ she was travelling in was hit by a car. In
the accident she broke several bones, including some in her back. These injuries (6)____________ resulted
in many operation, affected her for the rest of her life. She left her medical studies topaint, and sought advice
from Diego Garcia (7)________paintings she very much admired.
Garcia encouraged her, and later they got married (8)_________ didn’t please Frida’s family. Her paintings
(9)_________ were often self-portraits, were painted in a style (10)_________ was influenced by popular
Mexican art. During her lifetime she was considered less important than her husband but today she receives
the recognition (11)________ she deserves.

Section B: Relative Clauses II

Rewrite the underlined sentences into relative clauses. (12 marks)

Bill Clinton was US president from 1993 to 2001. He was born in Hope. It is a small town in Arkansas.
Bill Clinton, who was US President from 1993 to 2001, was born in Hope, which is a small town in

1. Virgina Woolf. Her sister was a painter. She wrote A Room of One’s Own. The book deals with the
difficulties for women in a man’s world.

2, In 1958 Rosalind Fanklin died of cancer. She helped to discover the structure of DNA. In those days
cancer was incurable.

3, Grantham lies in Lincolnshire. It is famous as the birthplace of Margaret Thatcher. She was British
Prime Minister for 11 years.

4. ‘Imagine’ is still a very popular song. It was written by John Lennon. He died in 1980.

2018-19 F2 Final Exam, English Language System 4

Section C: Gerunds and Infinitives
Read and complete the leaflet using the correct form of the verbs given below. Use each verb once
only. (15 marks)
answer, bring, call, eat, enjoy, experience, learn, make, promise, see, show, sign, stand, take, wear

Are you looking for an incredible adventure?

Then sign up for a whale watching tour with Ocean Adventures.

Every summer, thousands of people decide (1)__________ up for one of our ocean tours. When you are
riding on one of our boats, you will have the chance (2) ___________whales, seals, eagles, and more.
Most people are not expecting to see so much wildlife.

Perhaps you are interested in (3)_____________ more about all these amazing sea creatures? Our tour
guides are happy (4)_________ all your questions about the creatures that are swimming ot flying in the
area. Many people enjoy (5)________ photogrpahs of the different creatures. Imagine (6)_____ these
photogrpahs to your friends at home! Won’t they be surprised?

(7)__________ on the deck of the boat allows you to enjoy the fresh ocean breeze, but it can be cool on
the water. We advise you (8)_______ wear a warm jacket. (9)__________ the view from inside the cabin
is relaxing, too. You will find comfortable seats there. (10)_________ is allowed on the boat. Don’t
forget (11)________ along a snack (Water is available)

We suggest (12)________ a reservation a few days in advance. You can reach us by (13)________ 553-
9898. We are offering tours in the mornings and afternoons.

Note: We admit not (14)________ that there will be a tour every day because we can’t control the
weather. In case of stormy weather, we will provide a refund.

We look forward to (15)_________ a new world with you.

2018-19 F2 Final Exam, English Language System 5

Section D: Proofreading (13 marks)
The Health Club is organizing a seminar on exam stress. You are proofreading your email to the
volunteers. Underline the mistakes and write the correct words on the Answer Sheets provided. Put a
✔ tick if there is no mistake.
Dear all,
Thank you for agreeing to help with our exam stress seminar. The details below 1._____________

might help you better prepare for the event. The seminar 2._____________

is taking place on 1 June in the assembly hall. It starts at 10am and ends at 1pm. a. take
Dr Betty Lau, our Guest speaker, comes early, b. ✔
^ we need one of you to arrive at 930am to meet her at the school entrance and usher c. so
her into the assembly hall.

Dr Lau will explain how to achieve piece of mind before, 3._____________

after and during exams. She will also teach participants where to look for help when 4._____________

feeling drown. Since she is showing a video during her presentation, we need a 5._____________

volunteer to check the sound system, before that. She said that there be a Q & A 6._____________

session at 1145am after her presentation as students can have a lot of questions 7.____________
exam stress to ask her. According to our moderator Mr Wong, a restaurant can
provide 9.____________

free food for us during lunch, but he is still waiting to hear back about this. The 10.____________

restaurant owner replies to him next week. Tomorrow, Mr Wong and I 11.____________

work on a pamphlet that we can give to students during the seminar. I think it could 12.____________

take an hour or so. We will be at the Health Cafe. 13.____________

Please join us if you are free tomorrow. Let us know before you came.

2018-19 F2 Final Exam, English Language System 6

Yours sincely,
Chris Wong


2018-19 F2 Final Exam, English Language System 7

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