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Chapter 2: Characters

The Characters (or PCs) are the protagonists (if we highlight it it is for a reason) from the stories
of SeaPunk Unleashed. They are the alter ego of the Players in the game world, who will live
the exciting adventures and face the epic dangers that the Game Director (or GM) puts in front
of them.

Characters in SeaPunk Unleashed stories should be adjusted in some way to the essence of
the world we have described: individuals who, for various reasons, stand out among worldly
people and who end up leading extraordinary lives and exciting. They are exceptional subjects
destined to run countless adventures, each one more amazing than the last. Some of them will
be sagacious warriors capable of delivering monumental blows and endure battles that last for
days; others They will be fearsome users of strange powers that go beyond what can be
explained; also there are those who are extremely agile and skilled or intelligent rogues who will
use their brains to subjugate their adversaries; without forgetting those who will be possessors
of weapons that will seem taken from fantasy stories or science fiction novels; and there will
even be those that will be a mixture of all of that or those that will be directly unclassifiable…

The basic idea is that the PCs have a lot of freedom of action when it comes to living his
adventures, so (at least, in principle) the easiest thing is for them to be outlaws, pirates,
criminals, libertarians, vigilantes renegades, some kind of champion of the counterculture and,
ultimately, black sheep of society in the world of SeaPunk Unleashed. Of course, these are not
the only viable options (far from it), but they are our basic recommendation, since one of the
great themes for adventures of SeaPunk Unleashed is 'the Characters against the world'.

On the other hand, they also have a place in this game the stories in which the PCs be famous
heroes of good and law belonging to the Glorious Armada, bounty hunters feared by criminals
or even terrifying agents assassins of the World Empire; but those Stories tend to be more
complex and require of more specialized work on the part of the Players and the GM and,
therefore, it is usually better to carry them out once you have something of previous experience
using this game.

To create a Character you must first think about the general idea, determine its basic essence in
the face of the role you would like to play in the story that you are going to play, developing in
abstract all concrete elements and characteristics of that Character.

Figures & letters

Afterwards, we will have to capture that essence of Character on a Card following a series of
simple steps given below. The Character Sheet is made up of a series of diverse elements that
have numerical parts, written parts, or both the time.
Numerical parts: are numerical values. Certain ones that will be used above all to calculate the
result of the Rolls that the Player has to do to see if the Character succeeds or fails in the
important events that happen to you throughout your adventure.

STEP 1: Character Premise

They are those elements that define the idea most basic of the Character.

It is the name by which the Character is known, including nicknames, nicknames, nicknames,
nicknames or pseudonyms by which call, either because he wants it that way or because He
earned it hard.

Example: Álvaro has had a great idea for his Character, a renegade bounty hunter from the
justice that has made a name for itself in the Ocean Oriental to put an end to the criminals
without delay the ones he was looking for, which is why he decides to fill out this section naming
the character of him: ‘Lobo Renoir,' the hunter of criminals.

It is a concept or short phrase that summarizes what the Character is in essence. The
Archetype can be many things, since each Character can be defined by very diverse things : by
their occupation, by their way of being, by its destiny, by the role it plays in their own adventure,
for what it represents for other people, etc.

Example: Álvaro thinks that Lobo Renoir is a bounty hunter, but he also thinks his trait most
characteristic is not that, but his mastery of the swords and his strong globetrotter personality,
for what he decides his Character Archetype to be: "Intrepid wandering swordsman."

The organization or organizations to which the Character belongs, whether it is a crew pirate, a
society of bounty hunters, a samurai clan, a Division of the Empire World... or maybe none.

Example: Álvaro decides that, in principle, his Character is a lonely soul who has sought life
alone, so that he leaves this section filled with a «Today it is going for free", without prejudice to
the fact that this may change in later moments of the adventure.

Not all Characters that can be created are powerful. Some are extraordinary people capable of
incredible feats or talented protagonists on whom luck smiles more than it should, and the rest
will be normal people who, in the best of cases, are secondary or mere extras in the stories.
SeaPunk Unleashed uses a system of eleven Power Levels, ranging from Level 0 to Level 10.
These Levels, in turn, fall into five Power Categories. Both Level and Category express, broadly
speaking, the amount of power a Character has in general. The Power Categories and the
Levels they encompass are:

Common Category
It covers only Level 0. It is a Category that, as its name indicates, covers people normal and
ordinary, whose features are something equally mundane. People in this category represent the
enormous majority (around 99%) of SeaPunk world population

Protagonist Category
It includes Levels 1 to 3. It includes those people who, without any doubt and, for whatever
reason, can be classified as extraordinary, at least in the eyes of normal people.

Champion Category
It includes Levels 4 to 6. They are those people who are destined for the highest, for world
fame, whether for better or worse. They are the exception to the exception, powerful people
among powerful people.

Titan Category
It combines Levels from 7 to 9. It is a Category that corresponds to Characters who are difficult
to continue calling 'people', since they encompass a power or force such that their actions
determine the very destiny of the entire world.

Cataclysm Category
It covers Level 10. It is a Category reserved for the strongest people in the world, at the top of
power, at the top of the pyramid. They are, at most, a dozen individuals, but the power of each
one of them is comparable to that of millions.
Both the Level and the Category indicate the base amount of Points that the Character will have
available to determine the Values of both their Attributes and their Domains. These amounts of
Points are determined according to the following table:

Level Category Attribute Dominion Maximum Att Category

Points Points (Base) and Dom Bonus
(Base) Value

0 Common 10 to 16 20 to 25 5 1

1 Protagonist 18 40 7 2

2 Protagonist (+1 18 40 7 2

3 Protagonist (+2 18 40 7 2

4 Champion 24 50 9 3

5 Champion (+1 24 50 9 3

6 Champion (+2 24 50 9 3

7 Titan 30 60 11 4

8 Titan (+1 30 60 11 4

9 Titan (+2 30 60 11 4

10 Cataclysm 36 70 12 5

Likewise, this table indicates:

Maximum Attribute and Dominion Value

As we will see below, the Value that can be given to the Attributes and Domains of a Character
is from 1 to 12, however, depending on the Category, the maximum Value that can be given to
these elements may be limited.
Example: Lobo Renoir will start out as a Level 1 character and Protagonist Category. Wolf will
have 18 Points to distribute among his Attributes and 40 Points to distribute among his
Domains, but in none of these he may have a Value greater than 7.

They are a series of extra Points that the Character can obtain as they grow. Each Improvement
is equivalent to 2 additional Points for Attributes or 4 additional Points for Domains. Its use and
operation are developed in the Advanced Characters chapter (see page 198).

Example: If Lobo grows as a Character, he could reach Level 2, which would give him
an Enhancement that would grant more Points for the Attributes or Masteries of it. If he
continued to improve and reached Level 4, he would obtain a new series of Points to distribute
and, in addition, he would become a Champion Category, so he could have Attributes and
Domains with a maximum Value of 9.

Category Bonus
Abbreviated BCAT. It is a numerical parameter that does not have to be entered as such on the
Card, but is used to calculate other elements of the Card, such as the number of Special Effects
that a Character has. Example: Lobo Renoir's Category Bonus would be 2, given that it is a
Protagonist Category. If Lobo, in the future, became Category Champion, his Category Bonus
would become 3.

Essences are a series of phrases noted on the Character Sheet that represent their most
important and defining traits. Like the Archetype, it can be many things: main qualities,
important biographical events, characteristic aspects of your personality, parts of your
background, personal relationships, a famous quote, a recurring catchphrase or a ridiculous
laugh that characterizes you... anything in the A character that is relevant or important to the
point that it defines them and makes them unique and unrepeatable can be an Essence.

In game, Essences can be used mainly to justify in the story that the Character has a greater or
lesser degree of success in the actions they take, especially when using Epic Points. In the
System chapter we will develop the in-game uses of this type of Points. The ideal is that every
Character has Essences that are positive, that allow them to use their Epic Points in a favorable
way; Negative essences, which put you in an unfavorable situation with which you can obtain
more Epic Points; and Neutral essences that could be used in both ways.

Player Characters start with six Essences, but can gain more, or even change them, as they
progress through their story. Non-Player Characters will only have the Essences that the GM
deems appropriate and useful for their role in the story, in fact, there will be times when there
are NPCs who do not even need to have Essences.

Example: Álvaro has planned a fairly detailed background for Lobo. Then, take the four points
from it that may have the most importance in the adventure and grant the following Essences to
your Character: "He spent his childhood in a swordsman's dojo", "He swore to himself to
become the best swordsman in history" » and «He has not been defeated by any rival since he
left the dojo». Until now, all of those Essences have been positive or neutral, so Álvaro decides
to give Lobo Renoir a couple of negative Essences: "He has an extraordinarily lousy sense of
direction" and "You can't resist measuring his abilities against opponents." As a culmination,
Álvaro puts as the last Essence an epic and lapidary phrase for the Character: «“ If he exists, he
can be cut... ”».


They are the most important elements of the Sheet, since they are the basis of the main
mechanics of the game. When creating a Character, the GM or the Player distributes a series of
Points to both elements that depend on the Character's Level, giving them certain numerical
Values. The Value given to each Attribute and each Domain must correspond to a scale that
goes from 1 to 12 (see table on the next page).

Abbreviated ATR. Attributes are a series of basic, fundamental or primordial traits of the
Character. Each of them expresses, in an abstract way, a wide range of possible properties.
They are:

Abbreviated STR. It represents the general physical power of the Character, whether due to its
vigor, its size, how developed its muscles are, the amount of metal components that have been
implanted in its body or how hard or resistant it is in itself.

Abbreviated DIN. It represents, broadly speaking, the Character's ability to move, whether due
to their speed (both movement and movement), their agility, their response capacity, their
precision or because they have great balance or great abilities. sensory.

Abbreviated VOL. It generally represents the drive and/or presence of the Character, whether
due to having great ambition or vital spirit, charisma and personal security, or even having
command or authority over other people.
Abbreviated INT. It represents the psychic, psychological and/or mental capacity of the
Character, whether due to having high intellectual talents, a lot of training, cunning, memory,
ingenuity, imagination, deduction capacity, etc.

Use the Points for Attributes that correspond to the Character according to his Level to give a
numerical Value from 1 to 12 to the Attributes of Strength, Dynamism, Will and Intelligence,
respecting both the scale and the maximum limit that the Character has according to his
Category of can.

Abbreviated SUE. It represents how lucky the Character is. The Luck Attribute is automatic,
each Character has a fixed Luck Value that always has a Value of 5, although it can vary under
certain circumstances, which will be seen in the Advanced Characters chapter.

Example: As Lobo is a Level 1 Character, Álvaro will be able to distribute a total of 18 Points in
the Character's Strength, Dynamism, Will and Intelligence Attributes. Lobo is a strong and fast
guy, more a man of training and action than of libraries and noble courts. Thus, he decides that
the hard training that Lobo has done every day of his life has turned him into a subject with
extraordinary strength and outstanding speed, so Lobo will have STR of Value 6 and DIN of
Value 5. As Lobo He swore to himself to become the best swordsman in history and he will go
to the end to achieve that goal. He may also have outstanding Willpower, which is why Álvaro
gives Value 5 to his WIP. Finally, it turns out that Álvaro has already spent 16 of the Points he
had and can only put a Value 2 on Lobo's INT. His Intelligence will not be his strong point, but
that is not a bad thing for the Character either and Álvaro is satisfied. Lastly, he will have a SUE
Attribute Value 5.

The Scale

It represents, broadly speaking, the amount of mastery, power or development that the
Character has in each Attribute or Domain, depending on the Value that each one has.

VALUE 1: It is a very low or basic Value, it represents an Attribute that is notably low or
inferior in the global average. It also represents a mediocre Mastery that is either in its first
steps, or the Character is not good at it.

VALUE 2: Low or beginner value, represents an Attribute definable as low, but within the
average, without attracting attention. This Value also represents a Domain in which there is
already a certain basis, but which is not striking or suitable for great acts.

◊ VALUE 3: It is an average or normal Value, it represents an Attribute that falls within the
average of an adult person in ordinary circumstances. It also represents a normal or average
Mastery with quite a bit of potential improvement. It is the global average across all Attributes
or Domains.
◊ VALUE 4: It is a good or notable Value, it represents good Attributes and Domains, which
are above average but do not attract much attention. It is a Value that marks being so good at
something that the Character can make a sufficient living from it.

◊ VALUE 5: It is the outstanding Value, a Character with an Attribute or Mastery of this Value
is already something striking that stands out quite a bit from the average. The most dedicated
professionals in a specific field can reach this level. It is possible that he has local fame for
what he has Valor 5. In the town you have just arrived at, is there a big boy known for being
able to lift large rocks or a young girl capable of climbing to the roof of a small house in a
single jump? There you have Value 5.

◊ VALUE 6: It is an extraordinary Value. From this point we begin to see things that are not
normal. The Character is far from the mundane and attracts a lot of attention. This Value
relates to capabilities that most people would not expect from someone ordinary. It is possible
that the Character will be capable of carrying out extraordinary feats (it is worth repeating) and
will give something to talk about in the region. Could the Character build a small house, reach
impressive speeds or have a will worthy of a sovereign? There you have Value 6.

◊ VALUE 7: Masterful Value. the Character is a true expert in the subject and/or is considered
a marvel at it, and may be worthy of high fame and notoriety. The Character is a genius at
this, whether due to a lifetime of dedicated efforts or because he was born with a gift. It is also
associated with feats that ordinary people would undoubtedly describe as supernatural or

◊ VALUE 8: Value of a Great Master. The Character has venerable mastery in the field and/or
extraordinarily remarkable skill, and is therefore deserving of much fame for his skill. Anyone
who knows enough about the subject could (in principle) have heard of the Character. It is
important to note that this is the level suitable for the Character to efficiently teach or instruct
other people in this.

◊ VALUE 9: Epic Value: the Character has reached the maximum potential that can be
imagined of a person, even among powerful people. He is considered a true eminence in that
and part of the world's elite. Rumors about the Character could spread throughout the globe. ◊

VALUE 10: Monstrous value. In this Value the Character far exceeds the scales conceivable
as humanoid, even taking into account those of the majority of powerful people throughout the
world. The Character causes stupefaction among powerful people and absolute terror in
ordinary people.

◊VALUE 11: Titanic value. The Character will be recognized as one of the best or greatest in
the world at this time and will be worthy of going down in history. The Character has long gone
beyond the scale of what can be expected of a person and even the vast majority of people in
the world will find it difficult to continue referring to the Character as if they were one.

◊ VALUE 12: Legendary Value. This Value describes the highest exponent in the world in that
Domain or Attribute today and one of the greatest in all of history
Abbreviated DOM. Domains are one of the most important elements of a Character Sheet. They
represent, above all, the most notable and distinctive aspects of the Character, everything in
which it has specialized and that makes it something singular and unique even among others
that may have similar characteristics. They also represent the feats that the Character can
perform, the way in which could solve all types of problems or challenges that you encounter
throughout your adventure. They are a kind of fusion between the Essences and the Attributes,
since they consist of both a numerical part and a written part, which must be correlated with
each other according to the scale.

Example: A Battle Domain with a Value of 3 will be a medium or normal Battle Domain, so it
must correspond in writing with some element of that Value that can be estimated as medium or
normal such as "Fencing Student" or "Fencing Pistol." matchlock", taking into account that it is
normal or average to be a fencing student or have a matchlock gun. A Battle Mastery of Valor 6
will be extraordinary, so it must be presented in writing with a worthy representation of that Valor
such as "Master Sword Technique: Wind Slash" or "Integrated Weapon System." It would be
absurd if the Essence of a DBAT of Valor 6 was simply "Firelock Gun".

There are ten different types of Mastery that a Character can have:

Physical Domain
Abbreviated DFÍS. It represents and encompasses the physical, bodily, physiological and/or
general athletic specializations of the Character. It is used whenever a Character needs to
overcome a situation using physical performance, body dexterity or sports skills. It is also a
Mastery that represents the Character's mastery in the use and handling of certain specialized
personal equipment, such as armor or body prosthetics.

Battle Domain
Abbreviated DBAT. It represents, broadly speaking, how the Character fights or combats. The
world is full (Very Full!) of dangers and the Character will need to have the ability to attack and
defend himself. This Mastery comes into play whenever the Character has to deal with any type
of violent confrontation, through multiple ways such as the use of a martial art or dangerous and
powerful weapons.

Social Domain
Abbreviated DSOC. It represents how the Character relates and interacts with other people.
Although in a role-playing game interpretation is usually used to capture these types of
situations, it is necessary that there be an element that also represents them at the level of
rules. It is used to resolve how the Character resolves the social and personal conflicts in which
he or she enters.

Abbreviated DAMB. It represents the way in which the Character interacts, perceives and
behaves with the environment that surrounds him and the elements that make up it. It is used to
determine to what extent and in what way the Character has control over environmental
changes, or perceives the appearance or meaning of things.

Abbreviated DOCU. It represents the Character's ability to act in a secret and veiled way. It is
used for any situation in which subtlety and subterfuge, deception, lies and, in general, an action
that requires inadvertence (such as hiding or being silent) and/or false appearance (such as
lying or hiding things) is required.

Abbreviated DCON. It represents the level of education and intellectual or cultural training of the
Character. It is used whenever the Character requires information or knowledge about the world
around him, whether based on scientific knowledge, philosophical approaches or popular
knowledge, among many other possibilities.

Abbreviated DTÉC. It represents, in general, all the professional or specialized capabilities of
the Character, those that derive from exercising a specific occupation or way of life.

Example: It is common knowledge to know that a ratchet is a type of ship (in the world of
SeaPunk, at least it is), but only those who have received adequate nautical training know how
to properly handle this type of transport on the high seas. Likewise, almost everyone knows how
to pack a wound or put on a couple of bandages, but only those who have started in some
medical field will know how to heal it properly.

This Domain will be used in those moments in which any knowledge, ability, skill or aptitude of a
technical or specific nature of a professional or occupational field can be used, so it is normal
that this Domain tends to be able to be used in a large number of situations.
Abbreviated DREC. It represents, broadly speaking, the level of equipment, means,
possessions, capital and resources in general that the Character has at his disposal. Like the
Technical Mastery, it is a kind of catch-all that allows the Character to solve problems and
situations based solely on his material possessions or various supplies that he may have at his
disposal, and/or how much use he is able to get out of them. It is important to emphasize that
this Domain refers to the use that the Character gives to his possessions or equipment outside
the fields covered by other Domains.

Example: If the Character has heavy armor and an electric sword, which he uses repeatedly,
although, in a literal sense, these objects are part of his equipment or possessions, the use
given to them in the adventure makes said elements , surely, they should be computed as a
Physical Domain and a Battle Domain, respectively.

Abbreviated DDEM. It represents, in general, the amount of demonic power that the character
possesses, either by possessing a very powerful supernatural ability in itself, or by having one
that is not so striking, but that has been masterfully mastered and is capable of get much more
out of it than it seemed at first, or perhaps even a mixture of both cases. Like other Domains
such as DTÉC or DREC, it is an element of the Character that can be used in countless types of
situations, depending on the number of practical applications that the demonic power in
question has.

There are countless different types of supernatural abilities that can be obtained from a
Demonic Elixir. Some of them, such as shooting laser rays through the eyes, are simpler and
will have a more limited range of applications; while others, such as mastering the shadows,
could have a practically unlimited number of applications and uses, depending on the
imagination of its user.

In any case, the entire list of uses, capacities, applications, scope and even the 'amount of
power' that the Character in question is capable of extracting from demonic power, are factors
that must be foreseen and agreed upon at all times by the Player and the DJ.

Use the Domain Points that correspond to the Character according to their Level to give a
Numerical Value from 1 to 12 to the Domains that the Character will have, respecting the scale
in the Numerical Values and in the written parts of them, as well as the maximum limit of
Mastery Value that the Character has according to his Power Category. A Character must have
a Mastery of each type except Demonic Mastery and Aura Mastery (see table). These last two
types of Domain should only be possessed by Characters who possess this type of power.

Example: Now Álvaro has to distribute 40 Points to determine the Values of Lobo's Domains, as
corresponds to his Level. Álvaro begins with what will be the most powerful of the Character,
which will be his Battle Domain, always respecting the maximum Value limits corresponding to
his Protagonist Category (in this case 7). It turns out that after so many years training daily,
Lobo is a true expert in the art of fencing, and this is reflected by Álvaro giving a Value of 7 to
his DBAT and complementing it with a small Essence which expresses Lobo's way of fighting:
"Expert swordsman of the Triple Sword style."

Then, to leave the Wolf Token well tied, given that many of the Character's aspects are based
on the extraordinary training he undergoes, Álvaro decides to dedicate Lobo's Physical Mastery
to it, granting him a DFÍS 6 with "Resist the very hard training." . Furthermore, all that strength
and skill, according to Lobo's background, have allowed him to end up being a renowned
professional bounty hunter, so Álvaro decides to grant a Value 5 to all of Lobo's following
Domains, along with the corresponding Essences or descriptions: DSOC 5 "Feared in the
Eastern Ocean", DAMB 5 "Feel the strength of the people", DOCU 5 "Nondescript when he
wants to", DCON 5 "He knows the world of crime very well" and DTÉC 5 "Renowned freelance
bounty hunter".

All the Domains seen so far have pretty decent Values and Essences, but it's not going to be all
good for Lobo. Since he only has 2 Domain Points left to distribute, Álvaro decides that Lobo will
have a low Resource Domain, and that Lobo will not have demonic or Aura powers (at least for
now). Lobo obtains, with those leftover Points, a DREC 2 "His master sword is the only thing he
carries that has value."

Aura Domain
We have said that there were ten types of Mastery that a Character can have, but here we have
only listed nine. This is because Aura is a strange power and, in principle, is intended for
Players and GMs who already have some experience with the game. The operation and uses of
this mysterious power are developed in the Advanced Characters chapter (see page 213).

STEP 5: Combat Parameters

Abbreviated PDC. The Characters will have a series of Parameters that will be used throughout
their adventures when combating and fighting. All of them are based on the scores established
for Attributes and for Domains. The use of all these elements in the game is developed in depth
in the Fights & Threats chapter.

Physical and Mental Health

They represent the amount of damage the Character can take before falling.

· The Character's Physical Health is equal to his Strength Value multiplied by 4, plus his Will
Value multiplied by 2.
· The Character's Mental Health is equal to his Intelligence Value multiplied by 4, plus his Will
Value multiplied by 2.

Example: Wolf has STR 6 (6 x 4 = 24) and WIP 5 (5 x 2 = 10), so his Physical Health will be 34
(24 + 10). Lobo also has INT 2 (2 x 4 = 8) and WIP 5 (5 x 2 = 10), so his Mental Health will be
18 (8 + 10).

Physical and Mental Resistance

They represent the impact that the Character can withstand without receiving damage.

· The Physical Resistance of the Character is equal to the Value of the Domain whose Essence
is most suitable for the idea of ​withstanding physical damage.

· The Mental Resistance of the Character is equal to the Value of the Domain whose Essence is
most suitable to withstand psychic damage.

If the Character does not have any Domain with an Essence adequate to withstand damage, at
the GM's discretion, the Physical Resistance and/or Mental Resistance Value can be equal to
the Character's BCAT or the Strength or Will Value of the Character, which makes more sense.

Example: Lobo's DFÍS 6 of "Resist the very hard training" is adequate to withstand both physical
damage and psychological damage, so Lobo's Physical Resistance and Mental Resistance
Value will be 6.

It is the general physical speed with which a Character can act.

The Initiative is equal to the Dynamism Value plus the BCAT.

Example: Lobo is a Protagonist Category Character (he would have a BCAT of 2), so together
with his DIN 5 he would have an Initiative of 7.

It is the Difficulty that must be overcome with a Roll to successfully attack the Character. It is
equal to the Attribute and Mastery Value that the Character uses to avoid attacks directed
against him, to which 7 is added.
Example: Lobo, being a swordsman, could avoid enemy attacks by dodging them or blocking
them with his skills. of fencing, so he will have Defense 19, that is: the sum of the Values of his
DIN 5, his DBAT 7 "Expert swordsman of the Triple Sword style", plus 7.

Attack and Impact

They are elements that define a Character's ability to successfully attack and cause Damage to
their opponents. They are always equal to the sum of the Values of an Attribute and a Domain
that the Character uses to attack and/or to hit (to learn more: see the Fights & Threats chapter).

Example: What does it depend on for Lobo to be able to accurately attack his opponents? From
his agility and his skill as a swordsman, Lobo could have Attack 12 with the sum of his DIN 5
and his DBAT 7. What depends on whether Lobo does more or less damage to his opponents
with his attacks? of the? Depending on how well executed his sword techniques are, Lobo
would have Impact 12, also computed with his DIN 5 and DBAT 7.

Maximum Damage
It is the maximum amount of Damage that a Character can produce with their attacks under
normal circumstances. It is equal to the sum of the Values that the Character uses to hit, plus
his Power Level.

Example: Lobo Renoir would use his DIN 5 and DBAT 7 “Triple Sword Style Expert Swordsman”
to hit his opponents, so, if his Power Level is 1, his Maximum Damage would be 13


Have you seen any movies that have special effects? Can you imagine what that same movie
would be like if it didn't have special effects? Exact. Characters also have Special Effects. They
are a series of specialized rules, pardon the redundancy, that apply only to that Character and
that give it a certain unique flavor, both mechanical and narrative. The Special Effects are
related to the qualities of the Character, especially with the powers that he or she possesses
due to having taken a Demonic Elixir, but they are not related so much to his physical or
intellectual abilities, or to what he knows how to do (which is reflected in their Attributes and
Domains), but rather represent specific and influential gifts or traits that the Character
possesses and that others do not.

Special Effects can come into play at any time during the adventure, at the GM's discretion,
although they are quite relevant, especially when combating.
When a Character has a Special Effect, it must make sense taking into account the other
elements of that Character's Sheet. To do this, it is recommended (and, sometimes, mandatory)
that the Player or GM, when writing on the Card the Special Effects that a Character has, write
down next to them a small note that explains in a summary and essential way how that
Character displays or possesses that Special Effect


A Character can have a number of Special Effects equal to half his Intelligence Rating (rounded
down) plus an additional number of Special Effects equal to his Rank Bonus.

Example: A Level 1 Character with Intelligence 3 would have 3 Special Effects (one for their
INT, plus two additional ones for being a Protagonist Category, equivalent to their BCAT); a
Level 5 Character with Intelligence 4 would have 5 Special Effects (two for their INT, plus an
additional three for being Champion Category); and a Level 7 Character with Intelligence 5
would have 6 Special Effects (two for their INT, plus an additional four for being a Titan

Example: Lobo Renoir, a Level 1 Character (Protagonist Category) and with Intelligence 2,
would have three Special Effects (one for his INT, plus two additional ones for being a
Protagonist Category, equivalent to his BCAT). Lobo Renoir is an avid bounty hunter with a
stamina as great as his skill with swords and good luck that always accompanies him. With this
in mind, Álvaro decides that Lobo's Special Effects will be "Buenaventura" and "Onslaught".
Finally, to finish defining Lobo's most powerful combat techniques a little, Álvaro decides to give
him the "Final Technique" Effect, which he specifies, on the Sheet, with a small rubric on what
said technique consists of, along with the Special Effect.

Some of you may be wondering why Intelligence is the parameter (apart from Power Category)
that determines whether a Character has more or less Special Effects. We thought it would be a
good way to represent how the most intelligent Characters develop and make better use of their
abilities, so that intellect can also end up being a determining factor in a battle, just as brute
strength, speed or skill can.

These are various Special Effects that a Character can have:

◊ Berserker “In the most critical situations is when you have to give absolutely everything.”

The Character gains a +2 Bonus to his Attack and to his Impact when he is in Serious or
Catastrophic Health Conditions.
◊ Adaptable Bonus “You always have to have more than one way of doing things.”

The Character's powers and abilities allow him to adapt to combat in multiple ways. In a combat,
the Character can obtain, at the beginning of each Round, a +2 Bonus to a Combat Parameter
of his choice. At the GM's discretion and depending on how the Character is justified in having
this Bonus, there may be certain Parameters that are stipulated that cannot be improved by this

Example: Jesee is a character who has consumed the Elixir Shot, he has a DDEM 5 "Magic
Shots". The Player who plays Jesee gives her an "Adaptive Bonus: Various Magic Shots" to
symbolize that, depending on how Jesee uses her powers and uses different types of shots
(faster, with more cadence or power, pursuit, flaming, etc.) You can vary your approach to
combat. With these various shots, the Player who plays Jesee will be able to vary her Initiative,
her Attack, her Impact or her Maximum Damage as she wants. Perhaps, under other
circumstances or other powers, Parameters such as the Health, Defense or Stamina of the
Character could also be varied.

◊ Environmental Bonus “As long as we fight here you will not be able to defeat me.”

If the Character is in an environment that is especially favorable to him, he can obtain a Bonus
equal to his BCAT, which he can apply to a given Combat Parameter.

If the Character has this Effect due to a demonic power, he can bonus a second PDC in this

The Parameter or Parameters that the Character can bonus and the type of particular
environment that causes this Special Effect must be determined on the Character Sheet.

Example: Joch is a Piscid martialist who, of course, is a much more fearsome opponent if
fighting at sea. Joch could have the “Environmental Attack Bonus Special Effect: Fight in places
where there are large amounts of water”. This Special Effect can be obtained multiple times in
order to improve more Parameters. Example: Joch has greatly polished this way of fighting and
could also have another Environmental Bonus applied to his Defense or to his Impact

◊ Chance Bonus “When I start fighting, even I don't know what's going to happen.”

The Character, under certain conditions, can obtain a general Bonus or Penalty determined
randomly to his Rolls. The Bonus or Penalty will be the figure resulting from subtracting the
result of 1D6 positive from the result of 1D6 negative. The circumstance that causes this Special
Effect must be determined on the Character Sheet. This Bonus or Penalty works the same as
the Epic Effect “Get A Temporary Modifier” (see page 102). Example: A D6 is rolled (stipulated
as positive) whose result is a 4, then another die is rolled (stipulated as negative), whose result
is a 2, a +2 Bonus would be obtained.
Example: A positive 1D6 is rolled, the result of which is a 3, and then another negative, whose
result is a 6, a Penalty of -3 would be obtained.

◊ Demonic Bonus “Never underestimate a demon… and even less so one who knows what he
is doing.”

The Character has a demonic power that gives him an extreme advantage in specific
situations. Once per scene (or per combat), the Character can add a Bonus equal to half RHArr
of his DDEM to a Defense or to a Roll he makes for an Action that is directly related to that
specific situation in which he gains advantage with his can. If this Effect is applied in combat, the
Bonus obtained works the same as the Epic Effect “Gain A Temporary Modifier” (see page 102).

Example: Blüska is a Character who took Elixir Flight and has a DDEM 5 “Flying Power!” She
has an ability to move freely which can be very advantageous. Therefore, once per scene, he
can obtain a +3 Bonus to a Roll related to moving or escaping

◊ Buenaventura “A good star that is never out of place in the most difficult moments.” Once per
scene (or per combat), the Character can reroll one of the dice he wants from a Roll.

◊ Demon Hunter “I have fought many who are like you, monster.” If the Character faces a user
of demonic powers, he can gain a +2 Bonus to both his Attack and Defense as long as his
opponent is using said powers to fight.

Example: The opponent is using a DDEM to compute his Attack, Defense or Hit; or use a
Special Effect related to his demonic powers, etc..

◊ Contact Damage “I see you've realized that hitting me is not a good idea.”

The Character possesses some type of ability that makes his body harmful to anyone who
touches it.

An opponent who touches or hits him directly (and depending on the case, even if he does it
with a melee weapon), will accumulate an amount of Physical Damage equal to the Value
divided by three and rounded up of the Character's Mastery Value that is most appropriate for
this effect.

Example: Marcus is a Batrhacid with tropical poison frog traits and has a DFÍS 4 "Poison Skin".
If a character hits him directly, he will accumulate 2 points of physical damage.

If this Effect is caused by a demonic power, the opponent will Accumulate an amount of Physical
Damage equal to half of the Character's DDEM Value.
Example: Makra is a Humanid who took the Ravetroelixir and has a DDEM 5 "Transformation
into a tropical poisonous frog." If a character hits her directly, he or she will accumulate 3 points
of physical damage.

◊ Baffling “How the hell does his technique work!?”

The Character possesses a strange power or technique, whose unique operation takes his
opponents by surprise... until they discover the secret. T

he Character can obtain a +3 Bonus to a given Combat Parameter until his opponent passes a
Defense Roll (see page 105) of the Character. This Roll will be that Character's Action during a
Round unless he spends an Epic Point. This Effect can be applied to a second Parameter if it is
obtained due to a character's demonic power. This Effect can be obtained multiple times in
order to improve more Parameters.

Example: Äkheesa is a witch who fights using various mixtures of ingredients and potions that
cause hallucinogenic effects on her enemies, and she has INT 5 and DBAT 5 "she uses her
potions to fight." The opponents who face her do not know (at least, in principle) that Äkheesa
herself has her skin covered with a psychotropic perfume so, until they invest their Action in
realizing this by making a Roll against a Defense of Difficulty 17 (INT 5 + DBAT 5, which are the
most appropriate Attribute and Mastery, +7), they will not be able to act accordingly and,
therefore, they will continue to suffer hallucinations and various psychotropic effects, which are
represented as a +3 to Defense and to the Äkhesa Attack. The witch would have to have this
Effect twice, since it is not derived from a demonic power.

◊ Onslaught “I will not give up!”

Once per scene (or per combat), the Character can ignore, during an Assault, his Health

◊ Escapist “It's time to throw my ace up my sleeve... Get out!”

Whenever he flees, escapes or retreats to avoid a fight or confrontation, the Character gains a
+3 Bonus to his Defense.

◊ Specialty “This is my thing, baby!”

The Character is highly specialized in a specific activity, function, task or skill, for whatever
reason. Once per scene (or per combat), the Character can add an additional 1D6 to a Roll
he/she makes for an Action that is directly related to what he/she specializes in. If this Effect is
applied to a Combat Roll, the bonus obtained with that additional D6 is applied in the same way
as the Epic Effect “Improve a Roll” (see page 101).
Example: Äron is a young man who has spent the last 15 years of his life building, repairing,
designing and selling boats; Therefore, Äron can add an additional 1D6 to his rolls that are
related to naval carpentry.

◊ Unbeatable “You are crazy if you think that one explosion is enough to finish me.”

The Character can add an extra 2D6 to his Rolls to support Global Damage (see page 130).

◊ Quick Eye “Not even the fastest bullet escapes my sight.”

Once per scene (or per combat), the Character can obtain, during a Turn (including during
another Character's Turn), a Bonus to his Defense equal to his BCAT plus half RHArr of the
Value of his Environmental Domain. This Effect can be used outside of combat, but the
circumstances or reasons under which it can be used must be stipulated on the Card.

Example: Sake is a Level 1 Character who has a DAMB 4 “Special Red Eye”. Thanks to this
eye, in a moment of high danger, you may be able to react at the last second to an attack that,
in principle, was going to hit you, obtaining a +4 to your Defense (half of your DAMB Value plus
your BCAT of Valor 2).

◊ Pacifist “I don't kill, not even someone like you.”

The Character has specialized in non-lethal combat, either by having focused his training that
way or by mere force of habit. The Character does not suffer any type of Penalty for performing
the Alternative Action “Non-Lethal Attack” (see page 121).

◊ Presence “I-I'm sorry captain… I can't hit someone so beautiful.”

The Character has, for many possible reasons, a bearing or presence that prevents him from
being attacked just like that. From being extraordinarily cute or adorable, to being downright
creepy. To attack the Character, his opponents must pass a Roll against a Defense (see page
105) of the Character. This Roll will be the Character's action during a Raid unless he spends an
Epic Point.

Example: Sabrina is one of the most sadistic bounty hunters in the Eastern Ocean, she has
WIL 5 and DSOC 5 "Feared by criminals", so a criminal who wants to attack her will first have to
invest his Action in gathering courage and overcoming a Difficulty Defense 17 (VOL 5 + DSOC
5 +7).

◊ Protector “I won't let you hurt my friends!”

The Character is specialized in covering the backs of those around him, whether for friendship,
work, a moral mandate or any other reason. The Character does not suffer any type of Penalty
for performing the Alternative Action “Protect An Ally” (see page 125).
◊ Amazing Recovery “I can't believe I'm still standing after that.”

The Character has a drive and vigor that can be described as inhuman. The Character can,
right after a combat or dangerous situation, automatically eliminate as many Accumulated
Damage Points as his STR Value, as long as he receives some type of medical treatment, even
if it is basic.

◊ Quick Recovery “Yes, they had pierced his belly, but in a week he was already so fat.”

The Character has an iron vitality, which makes him recover much faster than normal. When the
Character has begun medical treatment to recover, he may increase his total Accumulated
Damage by an amount equal to his Level plus the result of 1D6.

Example: Rufio is a young pirate of Level 2 and STR 6. If he had Accumulated Damage and had
started treatment, 1D6 is rolled, the result of which is 3, so Rufio could eliminate a total of 11 Hit
Points over the course of a week. Accumulated Damage (6 + 3 + 2), instead of just 6, which
would have been normal.

◊ Epic Reinforcement “It's not luck, kid, it's experience.”

The Character has such high expertise or skill in an activity that, when push comes to shove, he
or she will always obtain surprisingly promising results. Whenever a specific Epic Effect (page
100) is applied to a specific type of Action performed by the Character, a specific extra Effect will
be obtained (such as having a Bonus, adding 1D6, etc.). The specific type of Epic Effect and
Action that activates this rule and the type of extra Effect that it obtains must be determined on
the Sheet next to this Special Effect. The extra Effect is only obtained once per Action,
regardless of the number of Epic Effects applied to it.

Example: Shirsu is a Furid with star-nosed mole features with an unmatched sense of smell. It is
established that, whenever Shirsu spends a PEP to apply the Epic Effect “Improve a Roll” to an
Action related to his olfactory ability, he will obtain an additional +4 Bonus to said Roll.

◊ Concrete Resistance “Using that technique against me is useless! Useless, useless, useless,

The Character is, for some reason, especially resistant against a certain type of attack (bullet
shots, cuts, electricity, blows, fire, illusions, etc.). If the Character is attacked by that particular
type of attack, he gains a Bonus equal to his BCAT to both his Defense and his Resistance
(either Physical Resistance or Mental Resistance, at the GM's Discretion). The specific type of
attack to which the Character is resistant must be determined on the Card next to this Special

◊ Resist Pain “This is nothing!”

The Character's Physical Health Status Penalties are -2 in Grave and -4 in Catastrophic
(instead of -3 and -6).

◊ Resist Suffering “Do you think you're going to finish me off like this?”

The Character's Mental Health Status Penalties are -2 in Severe and -4 in Catastrophic (instead
of -3 and -6).

◊ Overload “This blow may destroy me, but so will you!”

The Character can increase the power of his attacks if he wishes, but at the cost of his Health.
On his Turn, the Character can obtain a Bonus to his Attack, to his Hit and/or to his Maximum
Damage. For each +1 obtained for those PDCs with this Effect, the Character will Accumulate
two Damage Points at the end of the Turn (it can be Physical and/or Mental Damage, depending
on the nature of the Overload).

Example: You can get a +3 Attack and, at the end of the Turn in which said Attack is made, the
Character will Accumulate six Physical Damage Points. You can also get a +2 to Attack and a
+2 to Impact and, at the end of the Turn in which said Attack is made, the Character will
Accumulate eight Physical Damage Points.

At the GM's discretion and how this Effect is stipulated to work, it could be used outside of
combat to bonus Normal Rolls, but an Epic Point will have to be spent to do so.

◊ Overcome “I have trained expressly for this occasion!”

The Character has developed a way of fighting that is very effective against a specific type of
enemy. Whenever the Character causes Damage with one of his Attacks to an opponent against
whom he has this advantage, this opponent will obtain a Penalty equal to the result of 1D6 to his
Resistance (Physical or Mental, depending on what the Attack consists of). The type of specific
enemy that causes this Effect must be determined on the Card next to this Special Effect.

Example: Märien is a Furid who has developed a specialized Wild Spark technique that allows
her to easily channel her bioelectricity through metal surfaces, giving her a great advantage
against enemies wearing armor (or, at least, armor made of some metal). with conductive
properties). Whenever Märien deals Damage with his Attacks to an opponent who has this type
of protection, he will have his Physical Resistance Value reduced by 1D6.

◊ Suprasensory “Here it comes…”.

The Character has much more refined senses than normal and is able to sense changes in his
environment in a much more accurate way. The Character does not suffer Penalties to his
Defense for being Off-Prepared.
◊ Harmful Supremacy “My power destroys everything!”

The Character possesses a demonic power that is based on extraordinarily harmful or

dangerous elements, such as summoning storms of glass shards, enveloping his blows in
radiation, being able to stab people's livers with telekinesis, etc. The Character adds his BCAT
to the result of his Damage Rolls. Only users of demonic powers can have this Special Effect.

Example: A Champion Category Character (would have a BCAT of +3) makes a Damage Roll
with 3D6 and obtains a 1, a 3 and a 5. With this Effect the total of that Roll would be considered
to be 12, not 9.

◊ Impact Supremacy “Believe me, you don't want to confront that chick. She will disintegrate

The Character possesses a demonic power that is based on extraordinarily harmful or

dangerous elements, such as controlling magma, making explosions, causing hypermassive
impacts, acid waves, etc. The Character gets a Bonus equal to his BCAT to determine his
Impact. Only users of demonic powers can have this Special Effect.

◊ Physical Supremacy “When he finally died, he was still standing.”

The Character, for some reason, has an unimaginable physical resistance that makes him able
to withstand attacks to monstrous points. The Character obtains a Bonus equal to his BCAT to
determine his Physical Resistance.

◊ Lethal Supremacy “DIE! GO DEAD! GO DEAD! GO DEAD!".

The Character possesses a demonic power that is based on extraordinarily harmful or

dangerous elements, such as magically autocoagulating blood, carbonizing touch, mental
deflagration, etc. The Character gets a Bonus equal to his BCAT to determine his Maximum
Damage. Only users of demonic powers can have this Special Effect.

◊ Psychic Supremacy “Your mind is as if it were an armored fortress.”

The Character has unmatched mental resistance, he is brutally unbreakable. The Character
gets a Bonus equal to his BCAT to determine his Mental Toughness.

◊ Special Technique “Calm down guys, THIS will finish him off.”

The Character has an especially powerful or powerful technique, but whose use is limited for
some reason (tiredness, a special type of ammunition is needed, some condition such as a
good amount of prior preparation, etc.). When a Character has this Effect, he can have it
through various modalities:
Unique Technique: Once per scene (or per combat), the Character can obtain, during an
Assault, a +6 Bonus to distribute between his Initiative, Attack, Impact and/0 Maximum Damage.
The PDCs that are bonused in this way must be determined on the Character Sheet, depending
on what their technique consists of. You must also specify (if the GM deems it necessary) how
the ability to reuse this technique is recovered (having passed a rest period, having been able to
reload that special ammunition, etc.).

Exhausting Technique: Works the same as Unique Technique, but the Bonus obtained is +8.
After using this Effect, the Character will be in a Defeated State as if he had received Global
Damage (see page 130). The form and conditions in which the Character remains in a State of
Defeat (exhaustion, unconsciousness, immobility, etc.) must be determined on the Sheet.

Final Technique: A self-respecting Shonen Character will have a good secret/final/definitive

technique with which to finish off a fight in a masterful way. This Effect works the same as
Unique Technique, but the Bonus obtained is +9. The Final Technique can only be performed
once per adventure (or equivalent storytelling format, at the GM's discretion).

Technique With Effect: It works the same as a Unique Technique, but the Bonus obtained is +2.
By performing this Technique the Character will be able to cause a specific effect for free
(without spending Epic Points), either an Epic Effect (page 100) or one of another Special
Effect, which will last that Turn, for the rest of the Assault or until the Character's next Turn
(whichever makes the most sense, at the GM's discretion). The Effect caused by the Technique
and its operation, duration and other conditions must be determined in the Sheet.

Example: Threeij is a specialist in the Akaashi Style and can perform the 'Infernal Kick
Technique', a special blow in which he surrounds his leg with fire and delivers an impact of
enormous power, but at the cost of his physical state. . Threeij would have a "Technique With
Effect" that, apart from giving him that +2 Bonus, would allow him to apply the "Overload"
Special Effect that Turn during that Turn.

Penalizing Technique: It works the same as the Unique Technique, but the Bonus obtained is +4
and there is no limit to the number of times the Character can use the Effect. Each time this
Effect is used, the Character gains a general -1 Penalty to his Rolls. If the Effect is used several
times, the Penalty accumulates. What the Penalty that causes the Technique consists of, its
duration and other conditions must be determined on the Sheet.

Example: If the Effect is used a second time, a new Penalty of -1 will be obtained, which will
result in a total Penalty of -2. If the Effect is used a third time, a new -1 Penalty will be gained,
for a total of -3 Penalty.

Suicidal Technique: It works the same as the Unique Technique, but the Bonus obtained is +12.
After using this Effect the Character dies.

◊ Transformation “This isn't even my final form.”

In what Shonen class do Characters not transform to increase their power? This Special Effect
covers all types of changes in shape, evolutions, metamorphoses and whatever synonyms and
analogies there may be. In SeaPunk Unleashed, Characters can transform for a variety of
reasons. Having tried a Demonic Elixir that grants animal power is one of the main ones, but
there are many more possibilities: martial techniques that increase body performance, steroids
that combine your genes with those of a sea monster, the wild state of the Furids or, perhaps,
the fact of adopting a superheroic alter ego by putting on a suit that grants enhanced
capabilities with a bombastic display of lights and color. This Special Effect has a certain
complexity, the following considerations must be taken:

It is an Action: to perform this Effect, the character will have to invest an Action (that is, a Turn) if
he does it in the middle of combat (see page 113), although an Epic Point can be spent to be
able to perform the Transformation and another Action (such as attacking) in the same Turn. ·

Elements of the Token are varied: the arrangement of the ATR and DOM Values of the
Character and the Essences of the DOM can be varied. With this, the Combat Parameters or
the number of Special Effects are also altered.

The maximum number of variations a Character can perform is equal to twice its BCAT. The
maximum number of DOM Essences that can be varied is equal to the Character's BCAT.

ATR Points are Earned: In addition to this variation, the Character gains a number of additional
Attribute Points while transformed. The Character obtains 1 additional Point if it is a Common
Category or Protagonist, and 2 additional Points if it is a Champion, Titan or Cataclysm
Category. Depending on the type of Transformation, more points can be obtained.

Example: Maed, Manuel's Character, has consumed Lupuelixir and possesses the power of
lycanthropy. Maed is a noble warrior who has STR 5, DIN 4, WIP 5 and INT 4 but, when he
transforms, things change. By transforming into a hybrid between man and wolf, his physical
power increases at the cost of becoming a little more 'wild', so he moves 1 Point from INT to
STR. In addition, Maed's reflexes also improve when he transforms and is imbued with the
canid qualities of the wolves so, apart from the variance of Points, he obtains an additional one
for being a Protagonist Category (Maed is a Level 1 Character), which is adds to your DIN. In
total, when Maed is a werewolf his Attributes are STR 6, DIN 5, WIP 5 and INT 3. In addition,
Manuel decides to vary 3 more Points in Maed's DOM (it can vary up to 4 Points between his
ATR and their DOM, since their BCAT is 2) to slightly improve their DFÍS and their DAMB with
this Transformation (at the cost of slightly reducing their score in two other Domains). Ultimately,
Maed's physical and sensory abilities increase when he transforms into a wolf.

Character can transform, usually they will end up having several ways to do so. Each Character
Transformation counts as a Special Effect. A Character can have as many Effects of this type as
half RHAb of his DDEM Value, if these are caused by a demonic power. A Character can have
as many different transformations as one-third RHAb of the DOM Value that represents his
transformation capacity, if this is for a reason other than a demonic power.

Example: If Maed had DDEM 4 "Lycanthropy", she could have two Transformations. One could
be the werewolf-man hybrid form and another could be a complete transformation into a wolf.

Example: If Maed, instead of having consumed Lupuelixir, had DFÍS 4 "Super-Ability Serum for
Canid Abilities", she could have a single Transformation, which would represent the increase in
the Character's power by injecting these drugs into her body.

If an already transformed Character goes to another Transformation, it is considered that the

second one replaces the first.

Example: Suppose Maed has a Demon Transformation and a Monstrous Transformation. The
latter will most likely give more Points for Attributes, so she will replace one transformation with
another, no extra Points are added to the ones she already had.

· Other notes to take into account: The Card elements that are varied and/or increased must be
justified according to the nature of the Transformation that the Character performs. A Character
can perform a Transformation and exceed the limit of the maximum Attribute Value it has for its
Level Category, but it will have to reduce its Luck Value by 1 while transformed.

Example: If Maed had a demonic power that transformed him into a large animal such as an
elephant or a dinosaur, it could be justified for him to have a STR Value of 8 or more with his
transformation, even if he were a Protagonist Category Character (who have a maximum Value
of 7). Maed's Luck would become 4 instead of 5 whenever he transforms.

The specific parameters that are varied with the Transformation (Attributes, Parameters, Etc.)
and the way in which the Character is transformed must be determined in the Sheet when
writing this Special Effect.

· Types of Transformation: When a character has a "Transformation" Effect, they must adapt it
by applying one (or several, if necessary) of the following modalities:

Demonic Transformation: The Character can transform due to the power of a Demonic Elixir.
There are no limits to how long the Character's transformation can last while he is conscious,
although maintaining the transformation for a very long time can always end up bringing
changes to the subject's personality, all at the discretion of the GM and how each ability works.
in particular.

Example: Maed, with his ability granted by the Lupuelixir, can be transformed whenever he
wants and for as long as he wants, although... Will he start to behave like a wolf more than like a
person? Only time (the DJ) will tell.
If a Demonic Transformation also has the effects of one or more of the other modalities, the
Character will gain an additional Attribute Point in the Transformation.

Example: Denisse, with her ability granted by the Tibumaelixir, can transform into a
hammerhead shark or a hybrid being, but in a violent and uncontrolled way. Denisse is
considered to have a “Monstrous Environmental Demonic Transformation” Effect: she is carried
away by the smell of blood. In exchange for the disadvantage of not controlling her powers, she
will gain an extra Attribute Point when she transforms.

Environmental Transformation: The Character can transform, but only under certain
environmental or very specific circumstances. The specific type of environment that causes this
Special Effect must be determined on the Character Sheet.

Example: Mara is a Furid with wolf traits who has learned to use the Wild Principle, using the
influence of the SeaPunk moons as a catalyst. Other Furids will use other foci to bring about this
awakening from her wild state, but for Mara the catalyst to do this is to gaze devoutly at the light
of the full moon.

Berserker Transformation: The Character can transform, but only when, due to the Damage
received (whether Physical or Mental), he enters a Serious or Catastrophic State of Health.

Temporary Transformation: The Character can transform, but only for a short period of time. The
Character's transformation can last as many Rounds as his BCAT plus half the RHAb of the
DOM Value that represents his transformation capacity. If this type of Transformation occurs due
to a demonic power, the effect can extend its duration by 2 more Rounds instead of granting an
additional Point for ATR.

Example: Joch is a Piscid martialist who always has an ace up his sleeve: his DFÍS 6 "Muscular
hyperconcentration technique." By using it Joch can redistribute the water in his body to inflate
his muscles, but not for long. Joch is a Level 1 Character so, when he transforms, he will be
able to maintain this technique for 5 Rounds (3 Rounds for his Mastery and 2 more for being a
Protagonist Category). If this transformation were not due to a martial technique but due to a
demonic power, Joch could obtain an additional Point or be able to remain transformed for 7

Harmful Transformation: While the Character is transformed, each Round will accumulate two
Damage Points (Physical and/or Mental depending on the nature of the Transformation).

Super Damaging Transformation: While the Character is transformed, each Round will
accumulate four Points of Damage (Physical or Mental depending on the nature of the
Transformation). Upon transforming, the Character will gain an additional Attribute Point.
Exhausting Transformation: To obtain it it is necessary to have the Temporal Transformation
modality. Upon transforming, the Character will gain an additional Attribute Point. When the
transformation comes to an end, the Character will be in a Defeated State as if he had received
Global Damage (see page 130). The form and conditions in which the Character remains in a
State of Defeat (exhaustion, unconsciousness, immobility, etc.) must be determined on the

Example: Mara is a Furid with wolf features who has learned to awaken her wild state by looking
devotedly at the light of the full moon... and, in doing so, se enters a state of bodily
overactivation that gives her immense physical capacity, but leaves her completely out of
combat after a short period of time. This technique could be represented by “Exhausting
Environmental Transformation: Moonlight Wild Form”.

Monstrous Transformation: Upon transforming, the Character will gain two additional Attribute
Points. While transformed, the Character will become uncontrollable and will behave like a
monster driven by primary instincts, without distinguishing between factions, allies or enemies
when acting. For game purposes, he will be controlled by the GM until the transformation is
complete, usually when the Character falls in combat or is exhausted from exhaustion.

Suicidal Transformation: To obtain it it is necessary to have the Temporal Transformation

modality. Upon transforming, the Character will gain three additional Attribute Points. The
Character gains an unusual power at the cost of his own life. When the Transformation comes
to an end the Character dies.

◊ Ultra Offensive “Dodge this!”

The Character possesses a demonic power that gives him an excessive ability to attack. When
the Character performs the Alternative Action “All-Out Attack” (see page 124), the Bonus he
obtains increases by an amount equal to his BCAT. Only users of demonic powers can have this
Special Effect.

Example: Vel is a Protagonist Category Character who has the power of Rapidelixir. He has a
DDEM 6 "Super Fast." If Vel makes a Total Attack, he would get a +3 Bonus to his Attack, but
with this Effect that Bonus increases by 2 (his Category Bonus), so he gets a +5 Total Bonus.

◊ Ultra defensive “You won't even be able to give me a single scratch.”

The Character possesses a demonic power that gives him an extraordinary ability to defend
himself. When the Character performs the Alternative Action “Total Defense” (see page 124),
the Bonus he obtains increases by an amount equal to his BCAT. Only users of demonic powers
can have this Special Effect.

This is a small section in which you can write down various data about the Character, so that it
is practical for the adventure to have them at a glance on the Sheet: age, height, identifying
pronouns, main physical or mental traits, money that carries, bounty on his head, military rank
and, in short, anything that you think will be useful to you as a Player or as a GM.

If your Character has ingested a Demonic Elixir, you can put a small note summarizing what
powers it has or how they work. We say the same with your Character's equipment and
belongings. It is a brief section designed to present those few specific data that you think will be
practical to have on hand to make quick queries when playing and little else.

To elaborate and expand as much as necessary we have the back part of the Sheet, which is
discussed below:

Example: Álvaro notes the main physical characteristics of Lobo and the name he has given to
each of his swords , in case it is necessary to consult that information during a game.


Once all the aforementioned elements have been determined, we would have completed the
Character Sheet, or at least sufficiently, for game purposes. However, a File can cover many
other elements beyond those mentioned so far. In this section we want to expose everything
that could be added to a Character Sheet. To complete or supplement a Sheet you can take a
separate sheet of paper, or even use the other side of the sheet on which the Character Sheet
has been printed, which will presumably be blank (which is why we affectionately call this
section 'the part of back'), and develop in it all the information and data about the Character that
is desired. This process is, of course, optional and variable according to each Player, although it
is true that, at least the Characters who are going to be the protagonists, should be developed
and defined in special detail, taking into account everything they could get to participate and
develop in history. Some concepts that can enter the back of the Sheet are:


These are all the descriptions and notes that present the appearance and appearance of your
Character and those physical traits that you consider most important and that you think are
worth detailing. How is? How old are you? How is her appearance? What does its appearance
denote? How do you usually dress? What is your size? Do you have tattoos or other types of
body marks? Does it have cybernetic appendages that function in a very complex way that you
are dying to describe and detail? Do you have hybrid traits? Do you have oversized arms, horns
or a longer beard than it should? Do you have any unique or very specific traits, such as an
especially hoarse voice or heterochromia?
These are notes that detail what your Character is like in a mental, psychological and emotional
sphere. What is your personality like? What motivates you to act? What is your behavior usually
like? What do you like? What do you dislike? What do you hate? Do you have any particular
fears or phobias? To what extent are you influenced by your culture or circumstances? Do you
have religious beliefs? Do you have any addictions? Do you have any trauma from your past?
What is your relationship with your gender? What would you say is their moral alignment? What
political ideology do you have? How does having powers affect you? What psychological trait
identifies you most?

Descriptions, clarifications and explanations of a Character's demonic power can be made. How
exactly do his powers work? Do they have any limitations? Do they work all the time or only
when you activate them? Can it affect inanimate objects or all kinds of things? Do they work
remotely or just by touch? Are the effects it causes temporary or permanent? Do they have
some kind of weak point? Is there anything that cancels them out or surpasses them? Care
must be taken to ensure that everything stated agrees with the elements developed in the

It is a development of the techniques, capabilities and ways of fighting and fighting that the
Character has, clarifying how they work or even making a list of all their possible special
techniques and what they consist of.

These are elements of great importance for every Character, such as their own history and their
circumstances, context or possible personal relationships. Where does it come from? Where
was he born? Has family? What has happened to you until the moment you started the
adventure? Do you have any important personal ties? What are the events that have marked
you the most? What factions have you joined or what organizations have you been a part of?
Apart from the Essences that the Character may have in his Card, nothing prevents his
biography from being written separately with more or less detail.


Does a Character have a dream to fight for? What's your objective? What does your Character
want to achieve in the story that is going to be told? What kind of adventure do you want me to
live? What is it that drives a Character to face the world and live new adventures, no matter how
dangerous the previous ones may have been? Once again, we find very variable concepts (both
in nature and importance) between Characters, which can range from personal revenge to an
ideal of Justice, to wanting to find the Unique Treasure itself.

Your Character can be a globetrotter with just three coins in his pockets and a loaf of bread in
his bag, or an opulent rich man with servants and more belongings than he can remember. That
is why, although these concepts are very relevant when developing depending on which stories,
their importance can also vary greatly from one Character to another, and that is why we have
decided not to give them a place in the Card as such. The Character's equipment and
possessions can be written in great detail. Again, care must be taken that everything written
agrees with the elements developed in the Sheet. A possible exception to this would be if the
Character were in possession of some type of relevant vehicle, which may even have its own
Token (as we will see in the Organizations, Places and Vehicles chapter).


These are the points that we thought were most worth mentioning in this section, but they are by
no means the only ones. Feel free to include everything you consider necessary or relevant (or
that you simply feel like) on the back of your Character Sheet, which is why they are yours.
Notes, drawings of all kinds, lists of acquaintances, friends and/or enemies, records of places
visited, a dream diary... everything, EVERYTHING, has a place in the back of the File.

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