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Welcome to this TED Talk, which explores how modern audiences can engage with literature

from other times and recognise the importance of context through the appropriate use of
historical works. The contemporary “Romeo and Juliet” adaption and “A Study in Pink” from
the Sherlock television series will be used to examine this concept.
Appropriation is the process of rearranging passages from earlier works to produce a fresh
piece that appeals to modern readers. Think about a painting, once you have finished painting
instead of throwing it you put white paint over it to draw again. This is the same concept. By
connecting the historical and cultural divide, this technique helps in the comprehension and
appreciation of the historical and cultural contexts of the original works by contemporary
“A study in Pink” is a contemporary adaptation of the first Sherlock Holmes story, “A study
in Scarlet” written by Arthur Conan Doyle. The authors make the story readable for a modern
audience by utilising contemporary technology and putting the story in London today. The
current adaption incorporates modern challenges and improvements, like the use of
smartphones and the internet in detective work, while maintaining the core of the original
characters and plot.
The key themes are
Crime and Detection: The original and contemporary adaptations both emphasise the
detective’s intellectual aptitude.
Friendship and Partnership: The constant human connection between Holmes and Watson is
highlighted by their relationship, which continues to be fundamental.
Social Commentary: In the same way the original Victorian adaption addressed Victorian
themes, the modern version takes a look at contemporary society challenges.
Shakespeare’s beloved story “Romeo and Juliet” is reimagined in a way that appeals to a
modern audience. Shakespeare’s work is timeless, and the adaptation makes a connection to
contemporary society standards and values by maintaining its fundamental themes of love,
conflict, and tragedy.
The key themes are:
Love and conflict: The fundamental idea of love struggling against social norms is still
effective and relevant today.
Youth and Rebellion: The image of young lovers going against their relatives speaks to
contemporary ideas of independence and individualism.
Tragic Consequences: The unavoidably tragic conclusion highlights the enduring effect of
hate and love.
Reconsidering historic writings can increase their relatability to modern audiences, as these
version show. Through the integration of contemporary technologies, setting updates, and
topical themes, these adaptations assist audiences in realising the timeless significance of
great literature.
Both writings demonstrate the permanent and validity of topics like friendship, love, conflict,
and societal commentary. They also demonstrate how modern problems might be viewed via
a lens of a classic literature.
Modern audiences can reconnect with literature from different times and appreciate both the
original context and its significance today through the appropriation of historical materials
into contemporary contexts. By looking at “A study in Pink” and the ClickView version of
“Romeo and Juliet,” we can see how these classic stories have been given new life and are
able to offer us a contemporary means of studying permanent issues.

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