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It's not just you! Rent is up. In some markets where a certain software was being used, rent has gone up 50- 80% in just seven years. RealPage makes software for landlords. The software, called Yieldstar, helps landlords decide how much rent to charge. Many people think Yieldstar is unfair because it makes rents go up a lot. The software also encourages landlords to keep some apartments empty, even when people need places to live. This is because Yieldstar thinks it's better to charge higher rent for fewer apartments than lower rent for more apartments. In recent years, some real estate investors have bought apartment buildings for very high prices, thinking they could raise rents further using NACo cTem sila mena SU Leh being brought against RealPage, and now many of these buildings aren't making enough money to pay their loans. It would be good to know about a far- right playbook recently introduced in the U.S. ahead of the November Presidential election. Project 2025 is a manifesto of over 900 pages that recommends in detail the actions the next conservative President should take to “rescue the country” from “elite rule and woke cultural warriors.” The project has received support from more than 80 organizations, many of which are known for their extremist Christian nationalism, according to the Global Project Against Hate and Extremism. from GPAHE is here. Why put this in a personal finance newsletter? Because part of wealth means feeling informed and civically engaged. And my work is increasingly focused on the well-being of LGBTQ+ people. This project aspires to roll back protection wins queer people have secured over the years, and it would You can now do an Instagram Live to Close Friends only. (Engadget) It's gone up 591,074% since 1999 (not a typo), but also has had three plummets of over 50% within that time period. Investing favors the patient! (Bloomberg) (Engadget) (CNBC) The developed markets LGBTQ+ index will track up to 100 mid and large-cap companies that have strong LGBTQ+ inclusion policies, as measured by ExecuPride. (Morningstar newsroom)

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