ELEC 10197 Project Work

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Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering


PROJECT - Network Design

Projects has to be completed as a group of TWO (same Lab Group).
Project is due on WEEK 11 Wednesday, 3:00pm. Late submissions will not be accepted.
Project submissions should be 7-15 pages and should be submitted in PDF & PKT format. Submission
file name should include both partners Full name (eg Sabu Joseph & Joe Doe – Project 1). Marks
will be deducted for not following these guidelines.
On the Cover/Title page write the percentage of work done by each partner.
If the Professor finds that the Projects have been “cloned” (copied) to any degree whatsoever, ALL
students involved will receive a grade of Zero (0) and will be reported for Academic Dishonesty.
Important – Project will be discussed in detail in the lecture and lab classes. No answers will be
given by email and email questions will be discarded. Ask questions in lecture/lab classes.
Project will be marked by the Lab Faculty as part of Lab Evaluation. See Evaluation Scheme on the
last page for the Evaluation Criteria.

Hamilton Tech, a small-scale company, is located in the downtown business core of Hamilton.
Company occupies the 7th, 8th and 9th floor of a multi-story rectangular building.
The overall dimension of each floor is 18m x 90m. The offices (3m x 4m) are one-person offices.
Floor height is 5m and each floor has a network equipment room.
Company wants to upgrade network infrastructure with the CAT6/fibre and wireless connectivity.
Company has already purchased 80 Computers, 60 Laptops, 5 Servers, 10 Printers, 3 UPS and
other user equipment’s and all has built in wired/wireless NICs. Network devices and cabling
system with accessories needs to be purchased.
Design and Configure a Local Area Network (LAN) for the company to connect all the devices using
VLANs. You will learn through this project that any network design document requires, at a minimum,
these components: Physical diagram, Logical diagram, IP addressing scheme, Cabling Table (lengths
& costs), Equipment Table (count & costs).
Network equipment’s must have proper title, identification of equipment’s, legend and color-coded

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Network Topology Diagram (See sample posted)
1. Use Microsoft Visio/Packet Tracer to design the logical network topology based on the Floor
Plan and IP Subnetting Table.
(Only one network topology diagram – use larger paper size page)
2. Drawing physical topology plan will help you to design logical topology, but it is optional.
3. Use proper network symbols for all network equipment’s. Use legend to simply the diagram.
4. Label all network components used, including cabling media.
5. Label the MDF-IDF locations on the logical topology diagram.
6. MDF (main distribution facility) is located on 7th Floor with a network closet. Label this floor
with the label POP. (Point of presence for internet and phone access entering the building).
7. Floor may have IDF (intermediate distribution facility) with a network equipment closet where
wires can be run from one room to another.
8. Show Internet cable entering POP.
9. Show Internet cable entering POP. Show cabling connectivity from MDF to IDFs. Show
horizontal cabling connectivity from network devices to IDF.
10. Wireless access points (AP) on each floor, assume cell size (coverage) of 20m diameter.
11. Servers (all in MDF), Switches, Routers, UPS and other network devices are installed on
Racks in the MDF/IDF network equipment closet.

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IP Subnetting scheme
Company IP Address: 15Y.XY.0.0
(XY - last 2 digits of student #, use the highest XY of the group)
The company is comprised of the following functional departments and their respective number of
staff/devices shown in the table below.

Department Number of Staff/Devices Floor

Technical Support 40 7
Product Development /Research 25 7
Accounting/Payroll/HR 20 8
Customer Service 35 8
Sales 50 9
Total 170

Subnet the network to meet current requirements and allow for future growth.
1. Subnet network so that individual departments do not overlap on the same subnet.
2. The completed network should also have provisions for additional subnets for future expansion
as per table below. Marks will be reduced for creating too many extra subnets.
Student # Last 2 digits additional subnets needed for
(use highest of the group) future expansion
00 - 24 20
25 - 49 40
49 - 74 100
75 - 99 200
3. Create 2 separate IP tables (see sample tables posted);
- Company IP Subnet scheme showing all depts., subnets and gateway for each subnet.
- Each Dept Device IP Allocation Table showing all network devices.

Configure the network on Packet Tracer using the network topology and IP subnetting scheme.

Submission (PDF & PKT files)

The PDF submission should include the following;
1. Logical Network Topology diagram with proper labelling.
2. IP implementation scheme with design details.
3. List of network equipment’s and cables used with their detailed description and prices.
4. Include written justification for network equipment, cable and parts selection.
5. Calculations of cabling needs and cabling type with Web References.
- Work Area/Horizontal Cabling requirements (www.tigerdirect.com,cableorganizer.com)
- Backbone cabling/Vertical Cabling requirements (https://www.fs.com/)
- Interconnecting equipment’s

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Assume the following parameters for the network design,
1. Budget approved for this project excluding labour cost is 150K. (± 10% is acceptable).
2. Bandwidth to Desktop should be minimum 10Gbps and 40Gbps to servers.
3. MDF to IDF minimum Bandwidth to be 40Gbps.
4. Wireless connectivity on all floors using Cisco APs.
5. Horizontal cabling to be UTP/Fibre.
6. Internet access required – 1Gbps connection
7. All network devices including Wireless AP must be Cisco.
Make assumptions on all other parameters not provided with detailed explanation.

Submission Format
The typical format for the final submission should include the following:
1. Cover/Title page
2. Table of Contents
3. Introduction
4. Assumptions you made
5. Design Details
6. Network Diagrams
7. Equipment and Cable Table
8. IP Table
9. Recommendations and Future Considerations
10. Conclusion
11. References/Bibliography

Evaluation Scheme

Evaluation Criteria Marks

Company IP Tables and Subnet calculations /1
Equipment and Cable Table /1
Logical Network Topology diagram /1
Labelling /1
Configuration (PKT) /2
Project Documentation /2
Total /8

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Sample Template Tables and Diagrams (modify as needed)
(Values in the table and diagrams are examples)
Company IP Table
Company IP Address/Mask
Floor Dept Subnet Mask Gateway VLAN
12 Sales /24 50

Dept. Devices IP Allocation Table

Floor Dept Subnet/Mask Gateway
12 Sales
IP Address Static/
Device Subnet Mask Gateway
Assigned Dynamic
Router /24 Static
PCs - .50 /24 DHCP
Other Devices

Dept Subnet/Mask Assigned

IP Address Static/
Device Subnet Mask Gateway
Assigned Dynamic
Other Devices

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Workspace Cabling Table

Horizontal & Vertical Cabling Tables

Equipment Table

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Sample Network Topology Diagrams
(This is where you move from your subnetting tables to network layout. From devices in various
rooms on the floor, to switches on the racks, to routers in IDF, to building MDF, to Internet.
Remember: Switch interfaces connect devices (layer 2)
Router interfaces connect subnets (layer 3)

Distribution Layer: MDF (B006)


Rout e

Access Point

WL: Wireless LAN

Workgroup sw itch
LB: Lab
FE-B2-R02 FE-B2-R01
-- Fully Redundant Block -- OF: Office
LC: Lecture Rooms

Additional 25% links

Rout e
r Rout e

required on each switch

for growth

FE-B2F-WL-S1 FE-B212-LB-S1 FE-B211-LB-S1 FE-B210-LB-S1 FE-B209-LB-S1 FE-B2F-VP-S1 FE-B208-OF-S1 FE-B207-OF-S1 FE-B2F-LC-S1

Workgroup sw itch Workgroup sw itch Workgroup sw itch Workgroup sw itch Voice sw it ch Workgroup sw itch Workgroup sw itch Workgroup sw itch
Workgroup sw cit h

22 Links 22 Links 22 Links 22 Links 5 Links Office 5 Links 10 Links

Lab FE-B2F-VP-S2 Room

8 Links 4
Voice sw it ch

4 Links X5
150 Users Total 1 5 Links

Project: Mohawk Network Upgrade

Document: B2 Floor Network Topology Author:

Revision #: 20130331-1 Contact:

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