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Fragrance Added by Red Sleeves

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: 天官赐福 - 墨香铜臭 | Tiān Guān Cì Fú - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù
Relationship: Huā Chéng/Xiè Lián (Tiān Guān Cì Fú), Xie Lian & Mu Qing (Tiān Guān
Cì Fú), Xie Lian & Feng Xin (Tiān Guān Cì Fú)
Additional Tags: Arranged Marriage, Political Marriage, King Xie Lian, Xianle idiot trio
relearn friendship, Mutual Pining, attempting to court your own
husband, Ghost City Ghosts as HC’s people, glossing over politics in
favor of fluff, Everyone is human and mortal, Sparring, as a method of
bonding and flirting, minor book 3 spoilers
Stats: Published: 2021-10-01 Completed: 2021-10-21 Chapters: 21/21 Words:

Fragrance Added by Red Sleeves

by fullmetalpotterhead


The newly crowned King of Xianle just wants to do right by his people, all of his people.
Swearing to live for his kingdom, Xie Lian proposes a political marriage with a rebel
faction to keep the peace. He hadn’t expected his future “queen” to be a “king”, nor had he
expected they would get along so well! As they navigate their new marriage, Xie Lian just
might find he's known Hua Cheng longer than he realizes…


This is just the prologue so it’s not very long!!! A proper chapter will be up tomorrow, I
already have it written.

See the end of the work for more notes


Long ago, there lived a Crown Prince who was involved not in politics, but in heroism.

Even when he was young the people would often hear tales of how the Crown Prince had snuck
out yet again to aid beggars or stop petty crimes. He was the darling of the Xianle kingdom, and
his reputation spread far beyond too.

Though the kingdom of Xianle was tense with disputes from different peoples it had absorbed, this
righteous Crown Prince gave some peace to the land. He was, after all, beloved by all and
endlessly doted upon by his parents, the one and only Flower Crowned Prince.

To him, it did not matter if you were of pure Xianle blood or simply another kingdom that had been
overtaken. All were equal, all were his people. He defended those of Yong’an ancestry when fights
were provoked by strong lingering cultural differences. He advocated for the displaced Xue Yu
people’s right to own land.

The people would often say: “The Crown Prince will become a great ruler in the future, his renown
will echo through history.” And so at the age of twenty, a great push was made to finally have him
wed so he could take the throne.

However, the Crown Prince wasn’t interested in the imperial power that was his birthright nor in
marriage in the least. And so he declared, much to the shock of the kingdom: “I will not wed. I dare
not take on the duty of a husband when my duty first and foremost is to the common people!”

This notion was a very pretty one, but also very naive.

The knowledge that the Crown Prince didn’t intend to marry shook the kingdom and spread doubt
in the hearts of the people. This doubt was easy to take advantage of, widening the already present
cracks of tension in the kingdom and giving better footing to those who wished for change.

Perhaps if he had known, the Prince would have taken back his words. However, by the time he
saw the signs enough to try to take back the catalyst, it was too late. It had, after all, been a conflict
many generations in the making.

The Yong’an rebellion had begun. The Xianle royal family was overthrown and cast out.

Though their sentencing was death, there were rumors the royal family had escaped and was living
still, always on the run or perhaps settled in another kingdom. Regardless, they didn’t dare come

Of course, no shift of power is without some turbulence. When Yong’an revolted and took power,
they also inherited all the problems of the previous rule. Tensions between those of Xianle
ancestry and Yong’an ancestry only became worse. What was more, the Xue Yu people,
previously kept too poor and beaten down to fight, had begun to gain strength and become quite a
nuisance. It didn’t help that some people, even Yong’an people, still held the belief the lost Crown
Prince would be better suited to the throne.

So it was that just over a decade after Yong’an had taken power, a coup was staged and the lost
Crown Prince was restored to his birthright.

Yet the old worries were not gone. The former Crown Prince, now King had managed to pacify the
Xianle and Yong’an disputes to an extent, but the previous rule had been locked in a stalemate with
the Xue Yu people that could turn deadly any day. Furthermore, there were still those with
concerns about the fact the King was still unwed and without heirs.

And so the King proposed a solution: a marriage for peace between someone of importance to the
Xue Yu and the King himself.
Chapter 2
Chapter Notes

Welcome to the fic proper now, hope you enjoy.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Xie Lian restrained himself from rubbing his eyes as he did his best to listen to the reports. Politics
had never been his interest and the more he learned about them the more he felt certain he was ill
suited to his position.

“Your Majesty, we can't let this fester anymore. We don’t have to send out the army, we can
dispose of the Xue Yu problem through quieter means. They seem to have only one main
figurehead; if we take out him they’ll be significantly weakened.” Mu Qing insisted.

“No. If that comes out later it’ll be a bigger problem. You can’t negotiate with a martyr.” Xie Lian

“Then at least solve the marriage issue! You need to strengthen your claim to the throne!”

“You know his majesty’s view on marriage!” Feng Xin argued.

“This isn’t the time for ideals, he’s only been in power a month, at this rate there'll be another
power struggle!”

“Your majesty, my daughter is the perfect age for marriage and quite a beauty.”

“Your majesty, my daughter just came of age and she’s very obedient. She would make a good

“His majesty doesn’t need someone obedient, he needs a partner who’s skilled in politics. My
daughter would be a perfect candidate.”

“Your majesty should marry someone of Yong’an blood, like my daughter, to strengthen the peace
you’ve managed to get.”

Now that was an idea.

Xie Lian held up his hand to silence the advisors jumping over each other to throw their daughters
at him, as well as Mu Qing and Feng Xin who had devolved into another argument entirely. The
room was frozen, waiting for his verdict.

“I’ll marry.”

“Your majesty!” Most of the advisors said it with greedy hope in their eyes. Mu Qing said it with
relief. Only Feng Xin sounded upset.

“Send word to the Xue Yu leader that I wish to marry a representative of their peoples as the first
step towards peace between us.”
“Your majesty!” There were significantly more shocked voices that time.

“But taking a Xue Yu queen will give them legitimacy!”

“Exactly.” Xie Lian turned his head to stare the advisor down. “Did you not know my stance on the
Xue Yu when you found me and pulled me back into power?”

“I-“ the advisor bowed his head. “No, of course I did, your majesty.”

“Yong’an still have people in power across the kingdom and within the palace and I have no
intention of changing that as long as they do their work honestly. But the Xue Yu were purposely
kept out of power. Making them part of the royal family should help keep the peace a little longer
while we negotiate towards something fair to them.”

“You’re too lenient with rebels,” Mu Qing warned.

“You were the one that wanted him to get married so badly!” Feng Xin defended.

“Stop. Mu Qing. Do you think this is a bad solution? If my plan has major flaws I'd rather know
them now.”

Mu Qing looked down. “It’s a wise way to appease the Xue Yu and gain one of their own as a
potential hostage if things go wrong. But others won’t like it.”

“Will they like it less than they like me being unmarried?”

He considered. “No. You’ll likely have either more approval on that front or no change to it.”

Xie Lian nodded. “Then it’s settled. You’re all dismissed.”

The advisors filtered out until only Mu Qing and Feng Xin remained.

“Are you sure this is what you want to do?”

Xie Lian laughed humorlessly. “I don’t see a lot of options. We don’t have land to give them
without uprooting the people who settled there or I would’ve just given them back the territory by
now. It’s been generations of families settling there, if I give the land back I’ll just have to resettle
them too.”

“But you…” Feng Xin clenched his fists, struggling with the words.

It was hard to say if he had trouble speaking because of the subject or because of the awkwardness
the three still had around each other. It had been over a decade since they’d seen each other last.

They worked together well still, falling into familiar routines so easily all the other advisors
probably thought they were all still on good terms. After all, Mu Qing and Feng Xin had played a
major role in reinstating him.

But the others didn’t know about how Mu Qing had stood at the gates and shook his head,
apologizing and stuffing extra rations in their arms as he said told them he couldn’t follow. He had
his mother here still and he needed to protect her in the aftermath.

And they didn’t know how Xie Lian had broken, spiralling until he had ordered Feng Xin to leave
and given fake ‘evidence’ of having killed Xie Lian so he could go home with a clear name.

Feng Xin and Mu Qing had worked their way up to advisors under the previous rule and everyone
else probably assumed this had been the plan from the beginning. That the two of them infiltrated
the Yong’an palace to overthrow it from the start. But that really wasn’t the case. Same job, new
management, that’s all it was. Xie Lian couldn’t blame them. They were talented. It would’ve been
a waste for them to wallow in obscurity for over a decade just because he’d had to.

Before, Xie Lian might have patted Feng Xin’s back to comfort him. Or maybe tried to laugh it off.

Before, Xie Lian wouldn’t have considered a political marriage. But he was older now. He knew he
couldn’t afford to be selfish if he truly wanted to help the people.

So instead Xie Lian just stood to head to his rooms, taking some of the documents with him to read

“When are you going to get fitted for proper attire?” Mu Qing’s voice stopped him.

“It’s enough that I’m of Xianle royal blood. It’s more affordable to dress like the Yong’an royalty

Xianle had been a kingdom of excess and luxury. In an effort to set themselves apart, the Yong’an
‘royals’ had dressed plainly when they took the throne, making grand statements about
understanding the people better than the lofty Xianle royals had. In truth though, it was probably at
least partially motivated by the state of their treasury.

“You should at least dress formal when the Xue Yu visit. They’ll think you aren’t taking them
seriously if you stay in these rags.”

Xie Lian nodded. “Are any of my old things still around to be refitted?”

“I can have the servants check.”

“Thank you.” He smiled before heading off towards his room again. This time no one stopped him.

In truth, he was nervous to wear his old clothes again. Would he recognize the man he once had
been once he put them on? As it was, the plain garb he had taken to wearing here was already nicer
than the clothes he’d worn during the last decade of aimless wandering. The last time he’d had
someone to look after the state of his clothes, well…

His mind wandered to an old memory, back when he was newly orphaned and had sought out a
local legend to kill him. He’d heard of a man in a butterfly mask killing in the name of the Xue Yu
people and he’d thought that would be a good way to go. Maybe that way his death could make
someone feel happy instead of quietly fading for no one to care either way.

But when he’d found the butterfly masked man and stood before his blade, the weapon had
clattered to the ground and the man had knelt at his feet and Xie Lian, so tired and numb, hadn’t
known what to do.

He didn’t remember much of that time, but he did remember watching deft hands stitching shut
holes in his clothes and patching spots that were too far gone. He remembered having some of the
first edible food he’d tasted in awhile, but feeling too sick remembering his mother’s cooking to eat
it anyways. Mostly he remembered little flower crowns the man had made him daily, silly as it
may have been, they were always so reverently given. Like he was crowning Xie Lian with a
proper crown of gold every morning instead of a clumsy chain of common wildflowers.

And then, one day, he remembered being shoved in a hiding spot, unintentionally ending up
trapped and helpless as guards stormed in and cut the butterfly masked man down. Xie Lian had
wanted to help. Desperately, he had wanted to help. But he couldn’t. And then after the guards left
the man bleeding out on the floor, odd people Xie Lian realized must have been reinforcements
come too late snuck in, carrying out the body, probably to bury it.

He didn’t remember the man’s voice, he’d never spoken much. And he had never known what the
man’s face looked like, he always kept the mask on around Xie Lian. But his hands had been
gentle as he helped Xie Lian dress every morning. Xie Lian had worn the clothes the man had
patched until he couldn’t anymore.

Would the butterfly masked man have liked Xie Lian’s solution? Would he have a sister he pushed
for Xie Lian to marry? That would’ve been nice. Then maybe he could bring their whole family
into the palace. Repay them for the kindness he was shown.

Or maybe he would hate it like Feng Xin. He had seemed the type to worry too much. To make a
fuss on whether it was what Xie Lian really wanted.

But Xie Lian had stopped bothering to want things a long time ago and being king was no time to
start. He had a kingdom to put together.

Chapter End Notes

I was frustrated with the fact I haven’t managed to have HC there for XL’s weakest
time in fics because it’s easier to make XL save HC’s life and not remember than have
XL not recognize his support during his lowest but I finally managed to do it ehehe.
Finally some Wuming content in my own writing.
Also no idea how much screen time they’ll end up getting once HC enters the picture
properly but the Xianle Idiot Trio really can fit so much guilt and repression in them
can’t they? How fun.
I have chapter 3 and 4 done already so daily chapters should be on track for now!
Chapter 3
Chapter Notes

When you’ve spent so much time having all your advisors warn you about this scary
mean man you’ll be negotiating with but little did any of you know that’s gonna be
your husband.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Xie Lian wondered how he’d ever dressed like this. The clothes felt odd now. Soft, yes, but highly
impractical with the way the sleeves billowed and the layers that needed assistance getting on.
Then again, he supposed he had always avoided formal wear like this in favor of more practical
styles in his day to day life.

How much could just a portion of this fabric be sold for? Gods above, how much would the
wedding cost? He couldn’t skimp on expenses the way he might have preferred to since the whole
point of the marriage was to show respect and good will. Xie Lian shook his head. First came the

“Your majesty, the Xue Yu representatives are being led to the room now.”

“Thank you.” Xie Lian stood to greet them. He didn’t have to. He was a king after all. But he
wanted to make his sincerity and respect clear.

The doors opened to reveal the guests, a surprisingly small party.

In front was one whom Xie Lian could only assume was the leader Xie Lian had heard so much
about. The eyepatch was a big give away, but dressed in red and dripping with silver, the man was
all lean muscle and confidence.

Behind him was a much more subdued man in all black and two… rather interesting looking
guards. It seemed he wouldn’t be meeting his bride-to-be today. That was just as well. Hopefully it
didn’t mean they were rejecting the offer though.

Xie Lian bowed, prompting a horrified intake of breath from Feng Xin behind him. “Greetings.
Thank you for coming. I hope the journey wasn’t too troublesome?”

With his head bowed down, Xie Lian did not see the way the man in red faltered before slipping
back into his easy confidence. “I’ve been told his majesty intends to make it worth our while.”

It should've sounded mocking or arrogant, Xie Lian thought, but when this man used his title, it
was said almost preciously. Perhaps negotiations were off to a good start then.

Xie Lian raised himself back up. “Please, sit.” He moved into his own seat, waiting for the little
group to get settled. The two he thought were probably guards remained standing. Alert. That was
fine. They were in enemy territory after all. “You’re Hua Cheng, I presume?”

“Oh, his majesty has heard of me?”

“Of course, you’ve made quite a lot of progress on behalf of your people. I understand you have
heavy sway over several of the guilds and could potentially throw our entire economy into turmoil
too. I do hope you’ll find that unnecessary as we negotiate more.”

Hua Cheng froze.

Xie Lian sipped the tea put out for them. He hadn’t expected Hua Cheng to be shy about it. Maybe
he’d wanted to hold that card close to his chest? Mu Qing had only just gotten the intel that
morning to warn him.

“Your majesty I… that’s not why I acquired those.”

“Even luckier then.” Xie Lian smiled. “May I take your presence to mean you’re willing to at least
consider my offer?”

Hua Cheng slipped back onto his confident demeanor. “I intended to accept your majesty’s offer.
Though I’m not sure your majesty will still want to once you hear who I had in mind.”

“I’m sure as long as she is someone your people have found appropriate I’ll be honored to accept

“And if they aren’t a woman?” Hua Cheng asked expressionlessly.

“Excuse me?”

“What I mean is, I intended to accept your majesty’s offer personally. If you’re willing to have
me.” Hua Cheng said all this with an air of casualness Xie Lian couldn’t believe. He’d never
expected the leader and spokesperson of the Xue Yu himself to become his spouse!

He could feel Feng Xin tensing up behind him, no doubt holding back choice words.

“Is this a joke?” Xie Lian asked.

Hua Cheng leaned forward, meeting his eye with so much intensity it almost made Xie Lian blush.
“I am entirely sincere, your majesty.”

“Then I accept your acceptance.” Xie Lian held out a hand, intending to shake hands but startled
when Hua Cheng kissed his hand instead. Xie Lian coughed as he pulled back. “We should iron out
the details of the agreement now then, I’m glad to know my- er, future husband can have input.”

Hua Cheng averted his gaze at the word ‘husband’. Maybe he disliked the marriage? Why agree to
it then? Was that how far he was willing to go to protect his people? Or maybe there were no
women willing or considered ‘prominent figures’ to suit the arrangement?

Whatever the reason, they didn’t have time to dwell on it. This marriage wasn’t really about them
after all.

“How soon did your majesty intend to marry?”

“As soon as possible, though we have to prepare a proper royal wedding and of course if there’s
any marriage traditions your people have that you’d like honored we can do so.”

“And your majesty would be paying for the wedding?” Hua Cheng asked hesitantly. He’d heard
Hua Cheng was a fierce and sharp tongued negotiator, was he worried Xie Lian was going to ask
him to pay for the wedding?

“Of course.”
“Even though the treasury is empty?” Hua Cheng’s voice wasn’t accusing, it was almost as if he
was genuinely concerned actually.

Xie Lian still winced. It shouldn’t have been knowledge civilians had. It seemed rumors that Hua
Cheng had spies in the palace were true.

“We are not so broke as to be unable to fund the wedding.”

Hua Cheng paused. “When your majesty marries me, you will have access to my money.”

Xie Lian blinked. He supposed that’s how marriages usually worked. Was Hua Cheng trying to
protect the money he’d gotten for his people? But then why did it almost sound like he was making
an offer? “I’m sorry, are you trying to negotiate how much of each other’s assets we each have
access to?”

“No. What’s mine is yours once we’re wed. I’m saying I can pay for the wedding.”

The guards behind Hua Cheng clearly were shocked to hear this, completely losing their
composure to stare at their leader.

Xie Lian didn’t know what to think. What kind of negotiation was this? He’d spent all yesterday in
meetings hearing about how difficult Hua Cheng was to deal with, but wasn’t he quite generous?

“I’d feel bad asking for you to pay for the wedding when I’m the one who proposed it in the first
place. Wouldn’t it take away from my sincerity if I allowed you to pay?” It would have been one
thing if the father of his bride had insisted on paying, but for Hua Cheng to do it himself?

“No. I’d be planning the wedding too. Complete control over the ceremony.”

Ah, had that been his aim? Xie Lian didn’t mind conceding that, it was a good deal. Still, it wasn’t
good to be too passive in negotiations like this.

“As the leader of the Xue Yu and my partner—“ it seemed Hua Cheng had the same reaction to
partner as he did husband, “—your opinions would of course be taken into account when planning
the ceremony.”

Hua Cheng shook his head. “I can take his majesty’s opinions into consideration in my planning
but I would like the ability to plan my own wedding rather than leave it to your advisors. Unless
your majesty would personally be planning it otherwise?”

Xie Lian shook his head. “I can.”

“If his majesty didn’t intend to, he doesn’t have to trouble himself. May I?”

How polite this man was! What rude and ruthless negotiator? He seemed perfectly reasonable to
Xie Lian.

“If it means that much to you, I can concede that duty.”

Hua Cheng nodded. “We can be married by the end of the week.”

Xie Lian tried not to choke. “That fast?”

“If his majesty would rather wait we can.”

“No no, it seems my future spouse is very efficient.”



“Your majesty keeps changing the term. I… prefer husband.”

He clearly had a strong reaction to the word, but maybe Xie Lian continuing to try new ones was
only giving him a bitter reminder about their situation.

“On the subject of titles, I must admit queens of Xianle don’t typically participate in politics but
seeing as I’m not getting a queen…”

“I didn’t expect your majesty to give me equal responsibilities and sway as him. I ask instead that
his majesty give me similar powers to visiting foreign royalty.”

It was a bold ask, to be sure, and one that would definitely earn Hua Cheng more sway around the
palace than he could get as a mere representative of a minority group. More political influence than
a traditional queen too. Xie Lian had suspected his chosen partner would end up attempting to
participate in politics anyways in order to aid her people though. Many of his advisors were sure to
hate the idea of Hua Cheng being able to sit in on some of the less confidential meetings but it
would be a rather good show of goodwill towards the Xue Yu to give them so much respect in his
court. It could likely extend the peace even more than just a marriage would.

“So you intend to remain the leader of your people in addition to your duties as my husband?”

He almost thought he saw Hua Cheng flush at the last part, but he must have imagined it.

“My companion here will be the one taking over the role as our representative, but I did intend to
take full advantage of this opportunity.”

Xie Lian nodded. “May I know your name?” He addressed the man in black.

“Yin Yu.”

“Hua Yu.”

“I’m not changing my last name,” Yin Yu said firmly.

“We’re brothers now, you’ll confuse people,” Hua Cheng snorted.

“Brothers? I intended to let my wife’s family live in the palace should they choose. That offer will
of course be extended to my husband’s family.”

“We aren’t really brothers, your majesty, we only became brothers recently to make the transition
into him leading smoother.”

“Does my husband have any other family he wishes to come with him then?”

“Only my hunting dog.”

Xie Lian had been briefed on the rumors about the vicious hunting dog E’ming. Despite only
having one eye, it was apparently a deadly killer, taking down even healthy adult men. Some said
it was actually a demon summoned using Hua Cheng’s missing eye. But, it would also be Hua
Cheng’s dog. It did make sense he’d want to keep it close.

“That’s perfectly agreeable.”

“He likes to sleep in the same room as me. If his majesty will be joining us regularly I’ll have to
introduce the two of you so he behaves.”

It was a bit late to be getting self conscious about the prospect of sharing a bed with someone else,
but it all felt a little more real now that he was sitting in front of his future husband.

“Is this your way of asking for separate accommodations?”

“It’s up to your majesty. I wouldn’t dare neglect my duties as your husband after all.”

Xie Lian coughed to hide his blush, but it seemed Feng Xin was a bit less subtle, barely catching
himself after an angry “You-!” slipped free.

“It is traditional for a married couple to share a room. I hope E’ming can accept my presence.”

Mu Qing leaned down to whisper to him. “Your majesty sleeping in the same room as Hua Cheng
and his dog may be dangerous. It’s not as if you two will be making any children, you should
consider separate sleeping arrangements.”

Xie Lian looked over at Hua Cheng, catching his gaze and chuckling as the other man smiled at
him in a way that couldn’t possibly be disinguine. It wasn’t that Xie Lian had unwavering faith in
his future husband or anything, but he’d always been a good judge of character. If the rumors about
Hua Cheng were true, Xie Lian suspected he may have only been so rude because he was treated
rudely in turn. Everything he’d done so far had been perfectly understandable and respectful.
Besides, Xie Lian was of more use to him alive than dead.

Negotiations moved forward and Xie Lian was reminded why he found politically marriages to be
such gloomy affairs. Whereas other couples may have discussed where to host the wedding or what
flowers they thought were luckiest, it instead sounded almost as though Hua Cheng were willingly
agreeing to be a hostage. In a way, Xie Lian supposed he was.

They discussed where in the palace he’d be allowed to go, how often he could go out, how often
his people could come and visit him. It left Xie Lian with a bad taste in his mouth to start his
marriage negotiating restrictions but it had to be done. A union for peace was a pretty idea, but it
also meant inviting the enemy into your home. Xie Lian believed in the cause his future husband
was fighting for, but he had his own responsibilities to consider. Besides, just because he agreed
with the cause didn’t necessarily mean he’d like their methods.

They ironed out the finer details of Hua Cheng’s privileges in court. The types of meetings he
could and couldn’t come to. Which servants and tasks he did and didn’t have authority over.
Responsibilities at certain events and functions he’d be required to carry out as part of the royal
family. It would’ve been simpler if Hua Cheng was just a woman who’s authority could be
reduced to just palace and staff maintenance. He still likely would have had to watch to make sure
spies weren’t being hired on, but it was much less responsibility to unravel and rearrange into
acceptable concessions.

They fell into a steady flow all the same. Hua Cheng would ask too much and Xie Lian would offer
too little and then they’d quite cleanly compromise into what they had both considered fair from
the start anyways. Xie Lian was honestly beginning to feel a bit silly with the back and forth. Hua
Cheng seemed like he might actually be very reasonable and possessed similar expectations to Xie
Lian on what was fair. But Hua Cheng was known for being an incredibly tricky negotiator and if
Xie Lian offered too much too early, a ‘compromise’ might end up being more than he was willing
to give. So Xie Lian seamlessly danced through the motions, exceedingly relieved that his partner
seemed to dance to the same beat as him, smoothly carrying negotiations to their completion.
“One more thing.” Hua Cheng leaned back, exceedingly casual. “I ask that his majesty have a date
with me daily.”

It was a surprising request. It didn’t seem to be of great benefit to Hua Cheng’s cause or personal
freedoms in the palace. Unless maybe he hoped to milk Xie Lian for information?

“What is considered a date?”

“A range of activities. Your majesty could take meals with me or invite me for tea. We might go
on a walk or train together if your majesty happens to be in the mood. Or if your majesty has a very
busy day, he might invite me to fulfill my marital duties at night.” The last one was said coyly and
Xie Lian began to wonder if maybe the first time Hua Cheng had brought it up hadn’t been a joke
after all.

It wasn’t a difficult request though. He was essentially asking that he not be strangers with Xie
Lian in their marriage. Xie Lian had to eat. He often went on walks or trained. It wouldn’t be
difficult to simply invite another person along. But daily might be more than he could actually
promise. There were days Xie Lian didn’t move from his desk because the work piled so high.
Maybe five days a week was a good compromise? Yes, Xie Lian could commit to that.

All the same, he was used to their dance by now. Hua Chrng had gone high, Xie Lian had to go
low, they’d end up meeting in the middle.

“I think three days a week would be doable.”

“Alright,” His Cheng nodded.

Xie Lian stopped, stunned. That was it? Wasn’t the next step in their dance to find the
compromise? The middle ground?

Hua Cheng seemed to notice Xie Lian’s confusion and seemed something like surprised. “No.
Four? Rounding up from half of the week?”

“Yes?” Xie Lian smiled politely, still a bit confused by the entire request process now. “That’s

Hua Cheng heistated. “Five days?”

Xie Lian didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. What kind of negotiation was this? Like a child
trying to bargain for how many sweets they could have before dinner, an odd mix of hopefulness
and caution that made one feel like Hua Cheng was getting away with something he shouldn’t have
been allowed.

“Five days. I suppose that’s fair,” Xie Lian nodded, which meant it was what he’d intended all

Hua Cheng was silent for a breath. Then: “Six days?”

Xie Lian did laugh then, it seemed his body had made the choice. “Yes alright, I’ll try to manage a
date with you six days of week.” It was more than he’d intended to promise but really, such a
harmless thing didn’t matter. Besides it seemed to mean a great deal to his future husband and he
truly did want to be on good terms. It would make the rest of their lives much, much easier if they

“Do you want that written?” Yin Yu stared at the parchments he’d been keeping track of the terms
of the agreement on.

“No need, it’s less of a condition and more of a negotiation about expectations.” Hua Cheng waved
him off.

“So it’s settled?” Xie Lian stood.

Hua Cheng on the other hand, knelt, reaching to hold Xie Lian’s hand.

The Xue Yu guards openly gaped at leader’s act of humility.

Perhaps Xie Lian would’ve been more surprised too, but his mind drifted, a strange tug at his heart
reminding him once again of that butterfly masked man who’d knelt before him once upon a time.
Maybe it was because the Xue Yu always made him think of that man. He knew to most of the
Xue Yu, a Xianle royal was not their king, he was no longer naive enough to believe that he could
claim that as he had in his youth. But to that man… to that man he’d been the only king. Even half
dead and fallen from grace, that man had always regarded him with such sincere reverence.

His thoughts were quickly broken when he felt a kiss pressed to his hand.

It was a thing he’d had a few people do in respect. But something about it felt different from Hua
Cheng. Maybe it was the way he was looking up at Xie Lian was if he truly wanted nothing, just
the chance to serve.

“I’ll send for someone to handle your wedding robes.”

Xie Lian pitied the tailor who had to make two royal wedding robes on such short notice. Hua
Cheng had said it would only take a week after all.

Xie Lian nodded all the same. “You may rise.”

Hua Cheng did, taking a step back. His smile turned from honored to coquettish surprisingly
quickly. “I’ll see you soon, husband.” And with that he turned to leave, his party trailing behind

Chapter End Notes

E’ming is going to be a Chow Chow in this, I did actual hunting dog research trying to
pick which breed was the best fit. I had no idea those fluffy things were apparently
known for being aggressive and aloof? Anyways, I finally give into puppy E’ming as
is closer to canon rather than my “HC is a cat person” bias.
Anyways, let the courting begin
Chapter 4
Chapter Notes

So I may have lied to you, HC is technically not present for this chapter but in spirit he
still is

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Xie Lian looked up at the Xue Yu guards who’d come again. This made the fourth day in a row
since the negotiations.


“Yes, your majesty,” the two of them fumbled through the title, but still said it sincerely.

“Come and sit. I’ll have snacks brought for your trouble.”

“His majesty is very generous, as expected of the boss’s future husband!” They wasted no time
with pretense or politeness, sitting right down after the one Xie Lian knew to be called ‘Zhu’
handed him the present.

“Do you know what he’s sent me this time?”

The pair shook their heads, but Xie Lian hadn’t really expected them to. Every day since
negotiations the two came to deliver a courting gift from Hua Cheng. The first day had been tea
from a farm Hua Cheng apparently owned. Xie Lian had served it immediately for himself and the
guards while he tried to think of a return gift on such short notice. After sharing tea with him the
first day, they warmed up to him considerably and though Xie Lian now knew to prepare his return
gifts in advance, he still had servants come in with a small assortment of treats so the pair could

For the tea, Xie Lian had sent back an excellent wine. For the ornate flower brooch, Xie Lian had
one of his own brooches sent back (he felt a bit bad to pass down something he’d used before, but
at most it had been worn twice, and he hadn’t expected a second gift). For the scroll of love poems
that Xie Lian had spent hours trying to decode the messy scrawl of, he’d changed the present he
planned and sent back some of the scrolls containing his favorite folktales.

Xie Lian carefully opened the newest box, surprised to find a small, but well made painting. The
subject was lovely, clearly a man of high regard and effortless nobility robed in the most decedent
and complex of fabrics. The painting seemed to breathe, looking out serenely towards the viewer.
The painting also was clearly of him.

Xie Lian stared. He’d intended to use the gift he’d originally planned for the third day, but once
again it felt ill-paired with something so personal.

“Does your boss enjoy any art in particular?”

“We don’t know, your majesty, we’ve never been in his house before.”

“Boss probably has the best taste in art! Very refined.”

“Yeah! And he can probably identify how good the paints used are with just a single glance!”

The two went off like this, back and forth yelling louder and louder about the greatness of their
leader. At first it had been surprising, but Xie Lian didn’t mind it at this point. In fact, it was rather
cute how much they looked up to Hua Cheng. Marrying him would be good. As long as he could
keep Hua Cheng happy, it seemed the Xue Yu people could be easily appeased.

Still, it didn’t really help his current issue.

Luckily, Xie Lian knew help, however reluctant they might have been, was on the way.

“What did he send today?” Feng Xin burst in right on time, Mu Qing close behind.

Xie Lian held up the painting. “Isn’t it well made?”

His advisors scowled. It seemed they still didn't like his betrothed.

“What do you think I should send back? What I prepared before seems too impersonal now.”

“What you had prepared is fine.” Mu Qing scoffed.

Xie Lian looked at the box he had packed full of expensive candies and cakes.

“What if his majesty wrote a note to make it more personal?” One of the guards suggested as he
stuffed his face.

“What a wonderful idea.” Xie Lian nodded.

“Your majesty, you don’t need to waste your time with this farce, Hua Cheng is probably just
passing time for fun. He’ll get bored of this soon enough.”

Xie Lian noticed the tension in his guests’ shoulders. Should his advisors say something to insult
Hua Cheng there was no doubt an argument was going to break out.

“Now now, I’m very lucky to have such an attentive betrothed courting me. The least I can do is
show my thanks.” Xie Lian pulled out fresh parchment to start his letter, smiling as he noticed the
guards straightening with pride.

“That’s right! Boss is the best at everything so of course he’d be the best at courting too!”

“Boss will probably be the best husband there’s ever been!”

“Probably? Of course he will!”

The two started up on their boasting again. Xie Lian was very used to rowdiness from Mu Qing and
Feng Xin so he easily tuned them out to start on his note.

He still felt it wasn’t much, just a simple thanks. He didn’t know Hua Cheng well enough to know
what kind of small talk to make or what stories about his day the man might find interesting.
Instead, he expressed his enthusiasm at the prospect of meeting Hua Cheng again at the wedding.
It was a bit exaggerated, but that was the point of such a gesture, wasn’t it? He added a few pretty
lines about wanting to know who the artist was so he could commission a portrait of Hua Cheng to
match. Then, with one last glance over the letter, he folded it up and tied it to his box.

“Here you are. I expect I’ll see you both tomorrow?” He smiled, cutting through his guests’ not-
“Yes your majesty!” They stuffed a few more snacks in their pockets and faces before heading out,
leaving Xie Lian alone with his advisors.

“I had no idea his majesty knew such pretty words.” Mu Qing snorted once they were alone.


“With every gift I feel the sincerity of my husband’s intentions. I can only hope my own clumsy
sincerity can bring the same smile to your lips.” Mu Qing recited.

Xie Lian gave an awkward smile. “Was it bad? I was trying to sound more like love poems he sent

“Why?! It’s not a real marriage?” Feng Xin insisted.

Xie Lian frowned. “Just because it’s a loveless marriage doesn’t mean it isn’t real. Plenty of nobles
have political marriages.”

“But he’s— he’s just—“

“He’s my future husband. I want to get along well. Besides, I think this engagement must be hard
on him. He’s clearly a romantic. He probably had a pretty girl he hoped to marry before all this
business happened.”

“Is that all?” Mu Qing muttered.


“I know his majesty looks forward to greeting his husband properly with every passing day. How
surprisingly to think in only three more days you can express your thanks directly.”

“What the fuck did you memorize his letter or something?”

“…Too much?” Xie Lian asked. He really didn’t know the first thing about being a husband. He
was still learning to be king! But the love poems (or at least those he’d managed to actually
decipher) had been much more flowery and over the top so he’d thought that much might be good.

“You don’t need to put this much effort into Hua Cheng.”

“For better or worse he’s going to be my husband, I would appreciate it if you didn’t keep trying to
slander him without reason.”

“Your majesty wants a reason? There’s more than I have fingers to count!”

Xie Lian sighed. “Go on.”

“He’s violent, he’s unpredictable, he’s the enemy leader, we have no idea how many allies he has
in the shadows or what he’s intending, marrying him ends your bloodline, he’s practically told all
the Xianle advisors he has a personal vendetta against them—“


“Did your majesty not read all the reports we gave you before negotiations? Most of the Xianle
advisors when Yong’an were in charge were killed by him. He’s personally challenged me and
Feng Xin to duels several times.”
“And you won?”

Mu Qing looked away. “We’ve avoided him.”

Xie Lian considered this, then shook his head. “All the more reason to stay on his good side.”

“Your majesty—!” Feng Xin had been taking the whole affair the hardest and Xie Lian could
practically feel the man’s frustration build by the day. But what could he do?

“We’ve already made the agreement. It’s a very good agreement too, I don’t think we were put at
any big disadvantages here, especially if Hua Cheng truly intends to share his influence with me
like he said.”

“You can’t take him at his word.”

“I’m not. But all I was expecting from my marriage was that it would buy us a little peace while we
found a long term solution. So far it’s accomplished that.”

“He’s trying to take advantage of your kindness, please be on guard, your majesty.”

Xie Lian sighed. “I will. You’re dismissed.”

The two heistated, but ultimately listened, leaving Xie Lian to his work again.

Marrying the enemy. He’d share a life with a man who probably intended to spy and subtly pry
information out of him. Hua Cheng had been incredibly understanding about the restrictions that
had been placed on his mobility during the course of negotiations, but who was to say if he actually
intended to honor those promises. Still, was there any harm in playing house? In keeping up at least
the pretenses of politeness?

Besides, Xie Lian really did think the gifts were genuinely given. They were all thoughtfully
chosen and carefully wrapped. Xie Lian was a good judge of character, and he wanted to believe
his gut when it told him these gifts were truly for no other reason than because Hua Cheng wanted
to start their marriage on the right foot. After all, how exhausting would it be to wake up every
morning next to someone you feared might slit your throat? Better to hope for the best, even if you
had to be prepared for the worst.

Chapter End Notes

I’m writing a reader insert fic where XL guides you through warm up stretches so I
can harass my cosplayer friend to use it as a script and make me a video to motivate
me to actually be healthy. (I say this like they weren’t the one who asked for the
script) How do you guys think he’d be as a teacher like that? Is he overly excited
because it’s related to fighting styles or is he just a patient teacher I can’t decided.
Also I’m midway through chapter 7 of this fic and god Hualian is so soft, they have no
business being so cute.
Thanks to all of you leaving such sweet comments <3
Chapter 5
Chapter Notes

Okay HC is back now I promise, get ready for 3 wedding chapters.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Xie Lian stood passively as the final touches were done to his wedding robes. He didn’t usually
wear red, but something about the robes felt very… him. It wasn’t just that it was tailored to him
even. There was something about the style that felt very natural, as if he had chosen the design
himself. Perhaps that was a good omen for the marriage.

Yin Yu had briefed him the day before on Hua Cheng’s plan and the palace had gotten a few
requests throughout the week that had given them some idea as to what was to come. He’d
suspected as the requests came in but yesterday had confirmed it: Hua Cheng was sparing no
expense. In addition to the ceremony, they would have the two banquets, one for each side of the
family, and Xie Lian was vaguely aware that the kitchens had been in a flurry all week over it.

In the distance he heard a joyous cacophony of yelling and drums. That must be the wedding
procession. Xie Lian checked over his outfit one last time before heading down to wait and greet
his new husband.

The wedding procession, he’d already been warned, went through the whole capital, intricately
zigging and zagging around to be sure everyone knew about the ‘exciting’ occasion. Xie Lian
knew they had started early and likely pulled in citizens who were swept up in the celebratory
spirit. He knew it was bound to be a grand and overly showy affair, but somehow he was still
unprepared as the procession came into view.

He’d once tried to picture his wedding. A bride with a face obscured by her veil. More often he’d
even stop at just a bridal sedan, the bride completely hidden away behind the curtains from both
unlucky sights and Xie Lian’s own imagination. After finding out he’d receive not a bride but a
groom, Xie Lian’s imagination hadn’t really gone beyond what Hua Cheng might look like in
wedding robes. Perhaps it was because of these things he couldn’t help but stare.

There was a bridal sedan of sorts, but it would be more appropriate to call it an uncovered
palanquin. It led the procession instead of being led, paving the path for rowdy cries of joy and
sharp snaps of fireworks. Those that followed that palanquin seemed utterly unaware of the
concept of proper etiquette, lost in pure celebration. Rice littered the ground and showered down in
the air seemingly endlessly. Dancers weaved and flowed to the music, an overbearing and
overjoyed thing, as they went forward.

But Xie Lian’s eyes were glued to that uncovered palanquin. Sitting atop a chair that seemed to
almost be a throne, Hua Cheng lounged with an air of such serenity you’d never think he was
connected to the rabble behind him.

Unlike the faceless brides of Xie Lian’s imagination, Hua Cheng wore no veil to hide his features.
Instead his right eye was covered by a brilliant gold eyepatch, and his left one seemed to be fixed
right on Xie Lian, as if even at such a distance, even with so much around him, they were the only
two present.
How breathtaking. How lovely. Xie Lian stood, utterly transfixed by the controlled chaos of it all.
Had he been an outside observer, he wouldn’t have ever guessed the grooms were merely strangers
entering into a business agreement. This was a scene filled with indescribable euphoria.

Mu Qing tsked. “How uncouth.”

The other advisors around him murmured agreements. Xie Lian said nothing. How could they not
see how nice the procession was? Rough and a bit gaudy, yes, but everyone looked so alive. So
proud. Xie Lian let himself be pulled in by it even as he stayed in his spot, waiting.

Hua Cheng got closer and closer, their gazes still locked as though if they looked hard enough
perhaps they could send secret messages to each other. He wasn’t sure what message he hoped to
send, but he felt certain whatever message he received would be important. The trance was broken
when, almost to the place where Hua Cheng would have disembarked anyways, he lept down with
sudden urgency, yanking still a fluffy black dog Xie Lian hadn’t noticed walking alongside before.

It seemed as they had neared Xie Lian and his group, the dog had tried to surge towards them,
causing many to flinch away. This must be E’ming.

“I apologize, your majesty, I thought he could behave.”

Xie Lian stepped forward, tilting his head curiously as E’ming strained against Hua Cheng to reach
him. It didn’t seem like the dog meant any harm. His ears were alert and his curled up little fluff of
a tail wagged as he looked straight at Xie Lian.

Feng Xin, still giving the dog a wide berth, called out. “Your majesty that thing is da—“

Xie Lian held out his hand for E’ming to sniff, laughing when a blue-black tongue licked at him

Hua Cheng looked somewhere between proud and affronted, an interesting mix of emotions to be
sure. “You trash, I thought you were trying to attack him. Knock it off.”

“He’s fine, he’s not doing any harm, you don’t have to hold him back.” Xie Lian knelt to pet him,
hands sinking into the smooth fur of his little lion mane.

Hua Cheng relented, letting go of E’ming but keeping a stern eye on the dog. There really wasn’t
any need to though. E’ming seemed just as excited as the wedding procession and very happy to
meet his new dad.

“The way you talked about introducing us, I thought he’d be more shy.”

“He usually is. Or territorial. It seems your majesty is just that likable.”

An advisor behind them cleared his throat. Ah, right. They had a wedding ceremony to get

Xie Lian kissed E’ming’s head and stood. “Shall we go?”

Hua Cheng held out his hand and it took Xie Lian a moment to realize he was trying to escort him.
A bit thrown off, he accepted all the same.

Hua Cheng’s touch was cool and careful, the connection of their hands a delicate thing. Xie Lian
didn’t have a lot of experience being led like this by others, but there was something so kind in it.
Hua Cheng lightly jingled with each step, matching Xie Lian stride for stride as they moved
towards Xie Lian’s family’s altar, leaving behind the rowdy wedding procession and most of the
advisors. Xie Lian felt a bit sorry that Hua Cheng had to marry him. He would’ve surely made
some young woman very happy.

The wedding ceremony felt almost laughably quick. Xie Lian had thought perhaps something in
the bowing and the ceremony of it would make it all feel more real. Maybe when they were
pronounced married those words would wash over him like indisputable truth and he would feel
like someone’s husband. Would know what he was supposed to do.

But of course life was not that simple. He still did not know the first thing about how to be a
husband. He still didn’t know how he felt about having a husband rather than a wife. He still did
not know if this was the right choice. Now, at least, it was the choice he had made though. There
was no going back.

Would his parents have been proud? Would his father have had advice for him? He didn’t know.
He’d never know.

What he did know was that his husband’s gaze was kind and patient. Xie Lian was glad his partner
wasn’t obscured by a veil. Had he not been able to look into Hua Cheng’s eye and see that oddly
tender attentiveness, he thought all this might have felt even less real.

“Can I ask a question?” Xie Lian stalled, not ready to move to the next part of the wedding quite

“Of course.” Hua Cheng’s tone was beyond gentle.

“Why only a week? It must have been hard to settle all your affairs and an entire wedding in such a
short amount of time.”

Hua Cheng smiled at him. “Today and tomorrow are auspicious days for weddings and this month
is supposed to be lucky for your majesty.”

Xie Lian didn’t know what answer he’d expected, but certainly not that. “How do you know this
month is lucky for me?”

“I know your majesty’s birthday. I had an expert choose a good day before I came to the
negotiations.” He grinned. “The day of our negotiations was an auspicious day for marriage
engagements, did your majesty know?”

Xie Lian couldn’t help but laugh. His husband really was a romantic, so caught up in auspicious
dates. Xie Lian hadn’t bothered to even check the calendar! “I had no idea my husband was so
interested in Tung Shing.”

“Usually I’m not, I like to make my own fate.”

“That suits you,” Xie Lian nodded. “Why did you bother then?”

“I make my own fate. But there’s no reason not to get a little help with something so important.”

Xie Lian squeezed his hand, feeling a bit less distant from everything. He was here with his
husband. They may not know each other well, but they had time for that. What was most important
was that Hua Cheng seemed willing to try. He had no illusions of this partnership being anything
more than a political move for them both, but that was fine. Hua Cheng seemed kind, despite all
the rumors that said otherwise. He seemed honest. Xie Lian wanted to believe in that, even if only
for today.
“Is his majesty ready?” Hua Cheng asked softly.

Xie Lian nodded, schooling his face as they stepped out for the first feast.


Hua Cheng’s wedding plan spanned out over two days. Tomorrow they would have an all day
banquet with some of the Xue Yu. But today was the ceremony and the feast at the palace.

Neither the robes, the procession, nor the ceremony had made any of this feel any more real to Xie
Lian, so he’d been hoping the feast would. He really should’ve known better.

This had to be the world’s most strained wedding feast.

There was no excited toasts or teasing words. Xie Lian and Hua Cheng locked their arms and drank
their wine in deafening silence. There was only the dim sounds of utensils against plates and quiet

Hua Cheng had insured the kitchens had everything they needed to host properly, he’d provided for
all the lucky staples of a wedding. Shark fin soup, roast pork, Peking duck, lobster, quail, fish, red
bean soup, sticky rice balls— though Xie Lian had been back at the palace over a month now, he’d
been asking for the same thing the servants ate and being surrounded by such delicious meals now,
he almost wanted to weep with joy. The seasoning of everything was perfection. Xie Lian couldn’t
remember the last time he’d eaten so well.

“Your majesty likes it?” Hua Cheng asked softly after a while.

It felt almost hard to talk at normal volume with such an uncomfortable quiet from the rest of the
table so Xie Lian leaned in to whisper instead. “It’s incredible. I’m sorry the welcome isn’t

As if to prove Xie Lian’s point, Feng Xin glared at Hua Cheng from across the table, clearly ready
to tell him off for sharing secrets with Xie Lian.

Luckily if Hua Cheng noticed, he didn’t care, whispering back. “Your majesty has nothing to
apologize for. If anything, this one apologizes in advance for how noisy tomorrow will be.”

“No no, there’s really no need. And you don’t have to be so formal with me, we’re married now,

Hua Cheng heistated. “Should I call you ‘husband’ then?”

“I haven’t really earned that yet.”

Hua Cheng snickered. “We’ve had the ceremony, how else do you earn such a title?”

“I’m not sure…” Xie Lian admitted, feeling a bit silly now.

Hua Cheng hummed. “An informal address for my husband.” They had been scooting closer and
closer in the course of their whispers and Hua Cheng’s breath curled against his ear now.

“Hua Cheng, you should save that for—“ he paused. Well Hua Cheng couldn’t very well save it for
someone he loved, he was married now. Xie Lian couldn’t just encourage him to have an affair the
same day they got married.
“Who would be better suited than my husband? Beloved? My heart?”

Xie Lian felt heat rising to his cheeks. His husband truly was too much of a romantic but also, it
seemed, a terrible tease.

“Dearest? Darling? Lover?”

“Stop stop,” Xie Lian swatted lightly at his chest but didn’t pull back.


That was by far the least embarrassing of the nicknames proposed. Xie Lian nodded. “That’s fine,
you can call me that.”

“And what will gege call me?”

“Hua Cheng?”

Hua Cheng huffed. “After I tried so hard to think of a good nickname for my husband, he’s only
going to call me like everyone else?”

Xie Lian laughed at the childish tone. “What would my husband like to be called?”

Hua Cheng thought for a moment. “San Lang.”

Xie Lian paused. “I thought you didn’t have family?”

“Not anymore.”

Xie Lian felt there was a conversation there he wasn’t yet allowed to have, especially at a table full
of people shooting Hua Cheng wary glances. “Alright, San Lang.”



“Gege,” Hua Cheng teased.

Xie Lian couldn’t help but laugh. “San Lang,” he replied, feeling a bit silly but much more at ease.


They went back and forth, whispering the nicknames until Xie Lian felt the stares becoming too
much and gently pushed Hua Cheng away, trying to hold in his laughter.

“Eat your food, San Lang.”

Hua Cheng gave an exaggerated sigh and made a big show of taking a bite and chewing as if it
were the most arduous of tasks.

Xie Lian held a fist to his mouth, coughing to cover his laughter. He didn’t feel like a husband and
the palace banquet was a disaster that surely spelled trouble for the future. But at least his husband
was good company.

Chapter End Notes

Anyways I love Hualian could you tell? No one else had fun at their wedding XD
Next chapter we have the wedding night
Chapter 6
Chapter Notes

Not to bias you but this chapter is my favorite of the 7 I’ve written so far

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“Gege, is there a reason your servants are following us?” Hua Cheng asked as Xie Lian led him to
their room, E’ming happily following.

“They’re my advisors, not my servants,” Xie Lian corrected.

“We have business with him,” Feng Xin snapped.

Xie Lian sighed. It almost felt as if everyone else in the palace wanted the peace marriage to fail.
Opening the door to his bedchamber, Xie Lian dropped Hua Cheng’s hand. “I’ll be in in just a

“Your majesty, are you seriously going to share a room with him?”

“That’s what one typically does when they get married.” Xie Lian said patiently.

“He’s dangerous! He’s been acting weird all day!”

“San Lang has been nothing but kind to me so far, I have no reason to believe he’s a danger to me.
It’s more advantageous to him if I’m on his good side. If I get killed he’ll instantly lose all leverage
for his people.”

“That’s another thing, why are you calling him that now?”

“San Lang? He asked me to.”

“It’s suspicious.”

Xie Lian really wondered what was so suspicious about wanting to be friends with the person you
were stuck with. “If anything happens I can protect myself and we already have the next in the line
of succession chosen.”

“Even if he’s not up to anything do you really have to share a bed with him?”

“What’s wrong with that? We’re married and my bed here is pretty big.”

“Your majesty, have you given any thought to what you’ll do if he tries to consummate the
marriage?” Mu Qing asked coldly.

Xie Lian made a face. He had, he wasn’t stupid. It was something he’d worried about before his
spouse had been picked too. “Yes.”


Xie Lian shrugged. “I suppose I’ll let him.”


“It isn’t such a big thing. I’m sure he’d be willing to negotiate with me on the matter.”

“Your majesty, this is about your virtue!”

Xie Lian couldn’t help but laugh. “What virtue?”

“I mean you haven’t— you’ve never—“ Feng Xin trailed off, likely realizing he had no idea if Xie
Lian had ever taken a lover in their decade apart.

He hadn’t, but he didn’t really want to have this discussion. “I’ll be fine. E’ming will watch over


“E’ming is Hua Cheng’s dog.”

“San Lang says he likes me more already,” Xie Lian smiled. “I’ll be fine. I’ll see you in the

Mu Qing took him at his word and left, but Feng Xin heistated a few moments before leaving.
With a heavy sigh, Xie Lian closed the door behind him.

Hua Cheng had sat himself on the floor, brushing out E’ming’s coat for the night. He looked up as
Xie Lian entered. “Would gege like help undressing?”

“Oh no I—“ Xie Lian looked down at his clothes, realizing that, although extremely comfortable,
these robes were a bit more complex than what he’d been wearing and putting on himself. The
tailor had dressed him today. “I can probably do it.”

Hua Cheng smiled at him. “If gege helps me I can help him?”

Xie Lian sat down on the floor with him to pet E’ming. “Well, if San Lang needs help anyways
then I suppose that’s fine.” It was easier if he thought about it like helping each other instead of
potentially the start of something more… martial.

Hua Cheng made a noise of approval, but still neither of them got up, the soft sounds of the brush
and E’ming’s happy panting filling the room. Unlike the silence at the banquet it was pleasant.

“Your servants are very loud.” Hua Cheng said eventually.

“Advisors,” Xie Lian corrected with a smile before realizing what he was implying. “Ah, San Lang

Hua Cheng nodded, his gaze fixed on E’ming. “We don’t have to. I can’t provide his majesty with
heirs and his majesty probably finds the idea of being with me disgusting so—“

“San Lang, no, it’s not like that.” Xie Lian reached out to put his hand on top of Hua Cheng’s. His
husband was frozen. “It’s not you, really. It would’ve been the same if you were a woman.”

Hua Cheng looked up cautiously. “They would have disliked it?”

“Well, yes, probably, but more so I meant I wouldn’t have been interested either way.”

“Your majesty already has someone for that?” Hua Cheng asked softly.
Xie Lian shook his head. “I’ve never been terribly interested in sex. It’s one of many reasons I
thought I’d make a bad husband. But of course we can if it’s really something important to you, I
know it’s what’s expected of us now. I did a bit of reading to prepare.”

Hua Cheng shook his head. “His majesty doesn’t have to. It’s alright if we don’t.”

Xie Lian felt relief run through him. “I guess San Lang probably isn’t interested in sex with me
either, huh?”

Hua Cheng looked away again. “If his majesty wanted it I would. I studied too. But it’s
meaningless if you wouldn’t enjoy it. Besides, I think I know what your majesty means.”


“Most people don’t interest me sexually. Only one.”

Ah so he did have someone like that.

“What’s she like?”

“They are my most precious person. I’ve liked them for many years now, since I was very young.
They’re virtuous, beautiful, noble, honorable… I think no one could compare.”

“I’m sorry. Were you two going to marry before this?”

Hua Cheng smiled, as if Xie Lian had said something funny, and shook his head. “I didn’t think I
had a chance, honestly. I had no plans to confess and I’m not sure they really knew I existed
beyond rumors.”

That was a surprise. He’d been sure Hua Cheng was experienced with how quick he was to flirt.

“They missed out.”

Hua Cheng grinned. “No. Besides, they’re married now anyway.”

“Ah. Then I suppose it really wasn’t meant to be.”

Hua Cheng hummed, not really affirming or denying it.

“Were all your wedding plans because of them?”


“Well everything was very well done, even on such short notice so you must have thought about it
all before.”

“En. I didn’t think gege would realize.”

“Of course I did, San Lang has such good attention to detail. Those things can’t be done in just a

Hua Cheng made a hand gesture and E’ming dropped to lay down, head pillowed in Xie Lian’s lap.
“I’m glad gege liked it.”

“Were the gifts you sent something you originally prepared for them too? Well, except the painting
of me, but I suppose you might have planned for such a thing without actually having it before so

Hua Cheng leaned back on his hands. “Gege is very sharp. The love poems especially I wrote just
for them.”

“San Lang wrote that?”

“Oh? Gege isn’t surprised to learn they were love poems? Could you actually read it?”

“Only a few,” he admitted. “San Lang’s writing is very… spirited.”

Hua Cheng laughed. “Shitty you mean? I hadn’t meant to send that one to you. One of the idiots
grabbed it by accident, I’m sorry you had to see such horrible writing.”

“It’s really not that bad, San Lang, I could read at least half the poems and the content was very
good. Besides, if anything I’m a little jealous your writing has such life to it.”


No, not at all, but for some reason Xie Lian couldn’t stop. “Of course, of course. I’m sorry for
reading it though if it was supposed to be personal.”

“I don’t mind as long as gege enjoys them. I could read them to you if you still can’t read some.”

“You wouldn’t mind?”

“Gege can consider it our date tonight,” he smiled, standing up.

Xie Lian extracted himself from under E’ming to stand too, coming over to help with Hua Cheng’s
robes as he promised.

Hua Cheng seemed startled at first, but quickly schooled his expression.

“Sorry, didn’t you want help?”

“Gege’s fine, I just hadn’t expected him to come for my sash so boldly.”

Xie Lian swatted at his chest lightly before focusing once more. He carefully removed each outer
layer and folded it to the side until Hua Cheng stood in just his inner robes. Reaching up
tentatively, Xie Lian’s hand hesitated over the eyepatch. “May I?”

“It’s ugly, gege doesn’t need to subject himself to it.”

Xie Lian shook his head. “I won’t take it off if you don’t want me to. But ugly or handsome, San
Lang is still my husband.”

They paused, a few breaths stretching out infinitely between them before Hua Cheng closed his eye
and nodded. “Okay.”

Xie Lian reached around to take it off, looking at the scarred and empty socket but not staring.
He’d seen similar and worse injuries before. It seemed Hua Cheng’s was older and well healed at
least. “There.”

Hua Cheng’s good eye fluttered open, searching Xie Lian’s face for something before he slowly
reached out to put a hand over his sash. “May I?”
“Of course.” Xie Lian stood still, allowing Hua Cheng to help undress him and fold the outer robes
just as Xie Lian had done to him. When he finished they both stood, simply looking at each other.

“Gege, can I brush out your hair?”

“San Lang doesn’t have to.”

“I want to.”

Xie Lian sat down on the bed. “Okay.”

Hua Cheng moved to find a comb before coming over, settling on the bed behind him. Xie Lian
could feel the slight way the bed dipped, then gentle hands gathering up his hair.



“I know it wasn’t on the agenda I gave you, but could we… nevermind.”

“What is it?” Xie Lian prompted.

Hua Cheng only continued brushing for a few moments before asking. “Could we make a hair-

“My San Lang really is such a romantic,” Xie Lian smiled. “If you want, that’s fine. I have a knife
we can use to cut the locks.”

Hua Cheng set down the comb. “Yours?”


“Gege called me his San Lang.”

“Ah, sorry, was that too much? I just wanted to tease you a little. I’m still getting use to being
married.” He turned around, but Hua Cheng was smiling.

“Gege doesn’t need to worry. I liked it.”

“That’s a relief then.” He moved to grab his knife, making short work of cutting off a lock of hair
before passing it to Hua Cheng.

Hua Cheng followed suit, then helped tie the two together, staring at them in wonder.

“There. Now we’re bonded body and soul, sharing joy and sorrows.” It felt like a bit of a silly
tradition to Xie Lian, but Hua Cheng looked so happy at the words. You would’ve thought they
were childhood sweethearts with an innocent love by the way he cradled the knot.

“Thank you, your majesty.”


“Hm?” Hua Cheng’s head whipped up, suddenly very attentive.

“You said you were going to call me gege now instead of your majesty.”

“Oh right. Perhaps gege should try calling me that instead.” He said playfully.
“I already call you San Lang.”

“I’ll be your San Lang gege.” He reached past Xie Lian to safely set down their knotted locks of

“I thought I was older than you though?”

Hua Cheng pouted. “Fine.”

Really, what a funny man his husband was. How was this the same menace all his advisors were so
scared of?

“Are you still going to read me the love poems?”

“If gege still wants to hear them.”

Xie Lian nodded, going to get the scroll before climbing back into bed. They settled in quite
naturally beside each other as Hua Cheng unrolled the scroll and cleared his throat. With a voice
filled with love and yearning, Hua Cheng read him love poems until they both fell asleep.

Chapter End Notes

You guys didn’t really think they’d consummate their marriage the first night did you?
HC wouldn’t dare presume such a thing. Plus this is rated T you would’ve just gotten a
fade to black and then pillow talk anyways but instead it’s more of my ace spectrum
hualian agenda because it’s… the evidence is all there my dudes it’s basically canon, I
could write essays on the subject
Chapter 7
Chapter Notes

Have no idea why this one ended up double the usual chapter length but it didn’t feel
right to break it up so have 4K of the Xue Yu banquet

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Xie Lian woke to E’ming growling at the door. Yawning, he nuzzled into his pillow, trying to
ignore the wake up call for just a few more minutes before realizing his pillow had more muscle
and body heat than it usually did. Pulling back, he blinked up at Hua Cheng.

“Good morning, gege.”

“San Lang, how long have you been up?” Xie Lian sat up, rubbing his eyes. Hua Cheng didn’t
seem upset about their position so there was no need to be too fussy about it.

“Not long. Gege’s very cuddly in his sleep.”

“Mn, sorry.” Xie Lian moved out of bed to go soothe E’ming. “What’s wrong, boy?”

“Your majesty, are you awake?” Feng Xin called.

“Yes. San Lang, do you mind if he comes in?”

“Not at all, but E’ming might,” Hua Cheng grinned, a hint of cruelty there.

“Can you get him to stand down please?”

Hua Cheng tsked. “Down,” he ordered firmly.

E’ming quieted, though he looked no more happy.

“You can come in.” Xie Lian called, petting E’ming in hopes of cheering him up.

Feng Xin’s eyes swept over Xie Lian as if trying to catalogue every part of him. Whatever he found
didn’t seem to please him, though at the very least it didn’t worsen the tension in his shoulders.
“Are you well?”

“I’m fine.”

“Does gege get checked on first thing every morning? How annoying it must be. I suppose your
servants don’t have anything better to do?”

Feng Xin moved as if to step forward and argue, but E’ming let out another low growl.

“I said down,” Hua Cheng reminded coldly. “Gege, can you not pet him while he’s like this? It’s
bad for his training.”

“Ah of course.” Xie Lian sat back.

“Is that all?” Hua Cheng flicked his gaze back up to Feng Xin.

“I’m fine, really,” Xie Lian smiled.

“Do you need more guards for the banquet?” Feng Xin asked, clearly stalling.

“The ones already assigned are enough.” Xie Lian shook his head.

Frowning, Feng Xin had nothing else he could use to keep him here. Reluctantly he headed back,
closing the door behind him.

E’ming cheered up instantly.

“Why does he hate Feng Xin so much?”

“He doesn’t like most people. And he may be trained to attack that one in particular.”

Xie Lian recalled what Mu Qing had said about Hua Cheng targeting Xianle advisors during the
Yong’an rule. “Why's that?”

Hua Cheng shrugged. “Gege doesn’t have to worry, I won’t kill your staff.”

“Does San Lang have a grudge against the Xianle?”

“Not particularly. If I did I wouldn’t have married you.”

“I suppose that’s true.”

“Gege doesn’t have to think too deeply about it. Trash is trash.”

Xie Lian was sure there was more to it than that but he let it drop. Giving E’ming a little pat, he
moved to dress for the day. “Is there anything I should prepare myself for at the banquet? You said
it would be noisy, right?”

“En, this one apologizes for the trouble.”

“Nonsense, San Lang’s ‘family’ can’t be worse than mine was yesterday.” He fiddled with one of
his nicer robes.

“Does gege want help?”

“Hm? No, I'm fine, thank you, San Lang.”

Hua Cheng moved to dress in his own clothes, a comfortable quiet filling their morning as they
both dressed. Xie Lian finished first, going to brush E’ming and watch as Hua Cheng slid on
countless rings and necklaces and bells along his boots.

Hua Cheng caught his staring, raising an eyebrow and holding out a ring like an offering.

Smiling, Xie Lian shook his head. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d worn jewelry.

When Hua Cheng finally finished he gave a sharp, short whistle that had E’ming bounding over to
his side to sit at attention. “Gege doesn’t have to bother brushing him, I know it’s tiresome.” He
held out his hand.

Xie Lian took it, standing up and holding hands like that for a moment before he realized Hua
Cheng had been asking for the brush. “Ah…” he pulled his hand back, passing the brush over.

“Gege never has to apologize for touching this one. It’s an honor.”

“San Lang knows such good lines. You really sound like a husband.”

“Aren’t I one?” Hua Cheng put away E’ming’s brush and held out his hand again, this time clearly
intending to escort Xie Lian.

“Yes but it comes so easily for you.” Xie Lian settled beside him as they headed out to where the
step-litter was waiting for them.

“I think gege is a very good husband.”

“See, there you again.”

Hua Cheng laughed. “If gege is so worried about it why doesn’t he try flattering me too?”

“San Lang, now it just sounds like you’re fishing for compliments. It won’t sound sincere at all if I
do it now.”

“Gege could try flirting.”

Xie Lian opened his mouth to try, but found all knowledge of flirting had completely left his head.
What sorts of things did couples say? “Hm. San Lang is very handsome?”

Hua Cheng snickered. “Is that a question?”

“No! My San Lang is handsome, I just don’t think that’s a very creative line. Anyone could see it's
simply true. I can’t think of what a good husband would say.”

Hua Cheng’s laughter died at Xie Lian’s words. Looking over, he saw Hua Cheng’s expression
was completely blank.

“Was it that bad?”

“No, gege is doing fine. There’s no need to worry,” Hua Cheng assured him.

Xie Lian couldn’t help but think that was quite husbandly of him to be so kind about it. All the
same he sighed and let it drop for the moment as they came up to the step-litter. Xie Lian stepped
instead and settled in, feeling Hua Cheng slide in beside him. It was a bit tight. Their shoulders
brushed, but luckily Hua Cheng didn’t seem to mind.

“If gege is really that worried about it why don’t we practice today?”


“Mhm. I can give gege husband lessons,” Hua Cheng grinned.

“Really?” Xie Lian sat up a bit straighter. Who better to teach him how to be a good husband than
his own husband after all? As long as Hua Cheng thought he did well that was all that mattered.

“Gege could start by sitting on my lap,” he suggested playfully.

“Ah San Lang don’t tease.” Xie Lian could acknowledge that was something married couples did.
His own parents had even. But for them to do it? He’d feel silly.

The step-litter jostled them slightly, knees knocking against each other.

“Why doesn’t gege try telling me about his interests then?”

“How is that husbandly?”

“Don’t partners typically talk about such things?”

Xie Lian supposed that was true. “But then shouldn't I be asking San Lang about his interests?”

“Gege already knows about my interests.”

“I do?”

“En. Gege’s read my poetry and seen my painting.”

“Painting? I didn’t…” Xie Lian gasped. “You painted that?”

“En. I was pleased gege liked it. But I must admit I’m not very interested in painting myself.”

“San Lang, that's incredible!”

“Gege flatters me, I just had a good subject.”

“Ah you did it again.” Xie Lian pointed out.


“Husband things.”

Hua Cheng laughed. “Gege, that's just flirting.”

“I-“ Xie Lian frowned, feeling a bit silly with Hua Cheng laughing at him like that.

“Gege can try flirting with this one too, you know good lines when you aren’t overthinking them.”

“I tried a little in my letter to you but Mu Qing didn’t seem to think it was very good.”

“I liked gege’s letter.”

Xie Lian waved him off. “Forget it, I’ll try San Lang’s suggestion. What was it, tell you about my


“Well… I am rather interested in various fighting styles and weapons.”

Hua Cheng smiled at him. “Oh?”

Xie Lian found himself launching into an explanation that quickly devolved into several tangants.
Hua Cheng didn’t seem to mind though, even chiming in occasionally with his own thoughts. The
conversation made time fly and soon the step-litter was being put down.

“Gege just because I planned this all day doesn’t mean we have to stay that long. If you want to go
early you just need to say the word.”
“San Lang, it’ll be fine. Besides, it’s a good chance to get to know my husband’s people and show
them I mean well.”

“The offer stands.” Hua Cheng insisted before getting out.

The moment the curtain around the step-litter was lifted, a loud cheer erupted. Most of it was
indistinct yelling, but mixed in Xie Lian could hear some congratulations and well wishes. Hearing
one specific cheer, Xie Lian couldn’t help but be confused.

“San Lang?”

“Yes gege?”

“We both… that is to say…” the specific well-wish came again. “Neither of us can give birth

Hua Cheng snorted. “No, gege, I’m very sorry but I can’t bear your children. We could still try
though if gege isn’t convinced.”

Xie Lian shot him a look, unable to keep a smile off his face as Hua Cheng stuck out his tongue
back. “Why are they wishing us many sons then?”

“Some of them are just stupid.” He shrugged.

“San Lang, that's not very nice to say,” he scolded gently.

“It’s true.” Hua Cheng made a face of displeasure as one of the well wishers came up with drinks
for both of them, prompting another loud cheer and screaming for a toast.

“Isn’t it a bit early to be drinking?” Xie Lian felt nearly overwhelmed by how strong the alcohol
smelled. It was sure to taste horrible.

Hua Cheng had already started downing his, the sight of him drinking seemed to send the crows
into a frenzy. Shrugging, Xie Lian downed half of it. As he’d guessed it was vile. The burn down
his throat was much stronger than the wine he’d had at the palace. So bitter. No wonder Hua
Cheng had knocked it back like that, if you didn’t chug it you were left to deal with such a
revolting taste.

“I’m sorry, gege doesn’t have to drink this crap.” Hua Cheng took the cup from him.

“It’s not that bad.” Xie Lian lied politely.

But it was too late, Hua Cheng was already downing the rest of his glass with a grimace. “Gege can
leave any drinking to me.”

Xie Lian thought of how strong it had been. Though he couldn’t feel much with just half a cup, he
knew it wouldn’t take long to get drunk if Hua Cheng had to keep downing their drinks like that.
“Won’t you—“ he was cut off by another cup pressed into his hands and another call for a toast.

“At least let us get to the table.” Hua Cheng shooed them before downing his cup, then taking Xie
Lian’s to do the same before leading him over towards the feast. “Come on, gege, we have to start
the banquet.”

It wasn’t even noon and already Hua Cheng had downed more than three drinks on an empty
stomach but maybe this was normal for him? Xie Lian supposed he’d just have to trust his husband
knew what he was doing.


This was much different from the palace banquet. Less of a banquet, more of a festival, the guests
seemed quick to push drinks in their hands. More confusing however, were the flowers.

Xie Lian had received the first one from Zhu and assumed it was a gift borne of familiarity from
the week of delivering courtship gifts. He had assumed it would be the only gift of its kind and
tucked it behind his ear.

This assumption was quickly proven false.

A shy child ran up to hand him a single flower before running away. A group of women handed
him a tiny bouquet as they tittered their congratulations and commented on how handsome they
both were. An old man handed him a flower with a firm hand and a knowing nod Xie Lian couldn’t
possibly understand. A young couple handed over a pair of flowers and said they wished for a
marriage as strong as the happy couple’s was sure to be. A single mother helped her toddler son
hand over a flower. On and on. Every flower was offered directly to Xie Lian and every time Hua
Cheng just watched with a smile.

He wasn’t sure what to do with them all. He wasn’t sure whether to be distressed or relieved when
a guest approached bearing that awful alcohol instead of more flowers. He did feel a bit bad still
watching Hua Cheng down them like they were foul medicine.

“Oh and of course for his majesty!” The man who’d brought the drinks pulled a flower out of his
pocket. He’d spoken too soon it seemed.

“San Lang?”

“Yes gege?” It was nearing midday and though Hua Cheng’s speech and eye was still clear and
sharp, the alcohol had brought a light flush to his cheeks.

“Why do they keep bringing me flowers?”

“Because your majesty is associated with them and they can’t afford better gifts.”

Xie Lian couldn’t help but laugh. “Associated with them?”


“Maybe a decade ago?”

“Does gege have another gift he would’ve preferred?”

“That’s not it, it’s just… why am I the only one receiving gifts?”

“I don’t accept gifts from them.”

“Should I have refused?” Xie Lian looked at his now rather sizable collection of flowers. If he
started refusing now it would be rude after how many he’d accepted.

“Of course not, they’re welcoming you.”

Xie Lian stared at his flowers, trying to think of what to do with all the kind gifts he’d been given.
“If gege doesn’t want to hold them he can just toss them.”

“These are gifts! I couldn’t be rude.”

“It’s a party. Toss them into the crowd and they’ll be happy.”

Xie Lian considered a bit longer, but eventually did, tossing his flowers up and out over the crowd
and watching as they scattered, separating out and fluttering down onto the people’s heads and
hands and drinks. The people nearby gave a little cheer and Xie Lian couldn’t help but smile.
Everything seemed to make them so happy, what exactly had Hua Cheng told them about this

The next time Xie Lian received a flower he tucked it behind his husband’s ear. Hua Cheng stared
at him, as if having trouble processing this. Soon another flower came and Hua Cheng plucked it
up out of his hands and slid it behind Xie Lian’s own ear. To match, he said.


As it turned out his husband had not known what he was doing.

Hua Cheng was happily draped across his shoulders, catching his balance in the middle of the
rounds they’d been making to greet all the guests. “Gege’s very warm, did you have too much to
drink?” His voice was thick, words a bit slurred as if his tongue didn’t fit quite right in his mouth.

Xie Lian couldn’t help but laugh. “I think San Lang is the one who’s been drinking too much. Do
we need to sit down?”

Hua Cheng made a noise that Xie Lian couldn’t begin to decipher. “Only had a couple.”

“San Lang, I quit counting at ten.”

Hua Cheng smacked his lips, the sound overly wet and a little endearing next to Xie Lian’s ear.
“It’s been hours though gege.”

“You had your last drink a few minutes ago.”

“I meant since I started. I’m just a bit warm is all.”

“To the happy couple!” Another person tried to push drinks in their hands and before Xie Lian
could stop him Hua Cheng was downing them both.

“San Lang, stop that.”

Hua Cheng gave a whine. “Gege shouldn’t have to drink shit this bad.”

“Neither should you,” he laughed. “Come here.” He moved to sweep Hua Cheng into his arms,
faltering a little when the man flailed in protest at first. But then he froze, very very still and very
very red in the face, refusing to look at Xie Lian. Had he overstepped? “I’m sorry, San Lang, I can
put you down?”

“No, my husband is very strong. He makes this lowly one feel very good,” Hua Cheng managed
out the syrupy words like the sounds wanted to be stuck in his mouth.

“Well my husband is very brave for taking all those drinks for me but I wish he wouldn’t anymore.
It makes me worry.”
“Gege doesn’t have to worry.”

Xie Lian deposited Hua Cheng gently on a chair.

“Now boss pick his majesty up!” Someone shouted encouragingly. It was hard to tell who. The
palace banquet had been a quiet sit down affair. The banquet with the Xue Yu couldn’t be more
different. Food was put out at various tables with a few chairs, but most everyone was standing.
Some danced, some just talked, some were trying to crowd them and get a look at the happy
couple. It was an extremely overwhelming affair in a number of ways, but just like the wedding
procession it was full of joy.

“Gege I must admit I think I am a little tipsy.”

“Oh?” He was definitely passed tipsy.

“I can’t pick you up back, I’m sorry, please forgive your useless husband.”

Ah, had he been thinking that hard about that silly suggestion? “San Lang can pick me up another
time. I’m sure he’s very strong.” Xie Lian squeezed his bicep, trying to be supportive, but it only
seemed to rattle Hua Cheng, bringing that deeper red to his already alcohol flushed face.

“Was that too forward?”

“Gege is so worried about learning to flirt but he’s such a natural.”

“Was that flirting?”

“Gege’s not even trying? This San Lang is in awe of your natural talents.”

Xie Lian smiled. “Will my husband be so kind as to drink some water?”

“This one isn’t thirsty, gege doesn’t have to worry.”

“I’m sure you aren’t,” Xie Lian laughed. “Please? For me?”

“Will gege help me?” Hua Cheng said it with a tone Xie Lian thought was supposed to be
flirtatious, but maybe it was just the way he talked?

Xie Lian got a cup of water and held it to his lips all the same.

After dutifully drinking, Hua Cheng shook his head. “That wasn’t what I meant, I can hold the cup,

Letting Hua Cheng take it, he tilted his head. “How else would I help you drink?”

“I thought I could drink it from gege’s mouth,” Hua Cheng was clearly trying to flirt now, but
some of the effect was lost with the unsteady look in his eye.

“That wouldn’t be very effective.”

Hua Cheng burst out laughing. “Gege’s so mean. He’s not affected by this one’s flirting at all.”

“San Lang isn’t affected by mine either.”

Hua Cheng gave him a look of utter disbelief. “How could this one not be affected? Maybe gege
just needs to flirt more and he’ll realize.”
Xie Lian was nearly positive he was being made fun of, but it was funny. So he thought for a
moment, trying to remember pick up lines or affectionate couples he’d heard before. “Can San
Lang give me a topic to work with?”

Hua Cheng wasn’t even trying to hide his laughter. “The prompt is our marriage, gege!”

“Oh!” Xie Lian clapped before clearing his throat and schooling his face. Looking Hua Cheng dead
in the eye, he put a hand over his own chest and spoke with all the sincerity he could muster.
“When I saw my San Lang in the wedding procession yesterday he nearly stole my breath away.
Never had I imagined I’d have such a radiant and regal partner. San Lang made me forget which of
us was the king.”

Hua Cheng looked shell shocked. Xie Lian knew he’d been overdramatic but surely it wasn’t that
bad was it? Wasn’t that how lovers spoke?

“Gege… you were the radiant one. This lowly servant could only dream of being worthy enough to
stand by your side.” He sounded like the wind was knocked out of him, maybe the alcohol was
starting to hit harder?

“Drink more water,” Xie Lian said gently. “And you don’t need to humble yourself like that,
you’re king consort now. You bring a lot to our marriage, I’m very lucky to have such a strong

“I’d rather be the king's consort.”

“Isn’t that what I said?”

Hua Cheng shook his head, drinking more water. When he finished it he stared into the empty cup.

Seeing their boss was without something to drink, yet another well intentioned party goer began to
try to serve him alcohol.

“Scram,” Hua Cheng didn’t even raise his voice, but the command was effective still, the guest
practically sprinting away and some of the crowd backing up a bit from the couple.

“Are you okay?”

Hua Cheng smiled at him. “This one is fine. Only I’m beginning to think tomorrow morning will
be much less fun.”

Xie Lian looked up at the slowly darkening sky. They’d been here since morning and all afternoon,
surely it was okay to leave? “San Lang, let’s go home.”

A few whistles came from the crowd. “The boss’ stamina must be unmatched!” “It must be
legendary!” “His majesty must be very strong too to have kept up with him last night.”

Xie Lian put a hand over his face. How boring they’d probably find it to know the only thing Xie
Lian had had to ‘keep up with’ was Hua Cheng’s terrible handwriting as he read off innocent love
poems! Still it was probably better that the misunderstanding stayed. The Xue Yu seemed to be
treating their marriage like a love match more than a political arrangement. Whether it was a
cultural difference or Hua Cheng’s acting he couldn’t tell, but it seemed to make them happier.
Happier people caused less trouble.

“Pray gege give this one’s legendary stamina a break for tonight? I may fall asleep on the way
home.” Hua Cheng teased, but there was true fatigue in his eyes.
“Of course, we can finish the scroll another day.”

“Scroll? Are they doing work?” “Maybe it’s something very complex, it needs diagrams!” “Idiot,
it’s clearly a euphemism.”

“Ignore them.” Hua Cheng tried to stand up on his own but Xie Lian rushed forward to help
stabilize him. Yes Hua Cheng could probably walk on his own, but he didn’t think it would be a
pretty sight.

“Lean on me.” Xie Lian murmured.

“Why doesn’t gege just carry me again?” Hua Cheng joked.

Xie Lian knew it was a joke but it was also a good idea so he scooped his husband up again and
headed for the step litter.

Hua Cheng buried his face against Xie Lian’s neck. “Gege is too strong.”

Xie Lian registered too late how it may appear. Hua Cheng had said he didn’t mind the first time
but clearly it embarrassed him. Maybe he didn’t like appearing weak in front of the people he
worked so hard to protect. Seeing him get scooped up like he was nothing more than a bag of rice
might be humiliating.

“San Lang, I’m sorry I didn’t…” he’d been trying to set Hua Cheng down but his husband started
clinging tighter. “Can I carry you to the step litter?”

“Gege can carry this one anywhere he wants. I’ll repay the favor tomorrow.”

Xie Lian smiled and shook his head. “San Lang doesn’t have to. Ah, shouldn’t we say goodbye to

“There’s no need to trouble yourself gege, they just like the excuse to celebrate, they’d do it
regardless of whether or not we were here.”

“San Lang is moving though. Isn't there anyone you want to say goodbye to? I haven’t noticed you
spending much time with anyone in particular tonight.”

“I did. I spent time with gege.”

“I don’t count.” Xie Lian gently deposited him in the step litter before settling next to him. “Lean
your head on me and you can rest.”

Hua Cheng shook his head. “We’re too close, the angle isn’t good, but thank you.”

Xie Lian thought, watching as his husband wobbled as the step litter began to move. Standing, he
nudged Hua Cheng’s knees open.

“Gege?” You would’ve thought he’d just stabbed Hua Cheng for how shocked he looked.

“If I sit between your legs you can lean forward onto me right?” He still thought sitting on his
husband’s lap was silly but this was clearly different.

“Wouldn't gege be uncomfortable?”

Xie Lian sat down, adjusting so his back was flush against Hua Cheng’s chest. “I’m fine.” It was
kind of nice even. He felt safe.
Hua Cheng was still for a few more moments before Xie Lian felt the chin rest on his head and the
arms tentatively wrap around his waist. Patting Hua Cheng’s hands, Xie Lian closed his own eyes
to rest. It had been nothing like the palace banquet or the wedding banquets he’d imagined. But it
has been nice to see a new side of his husband. He wondered how many more there were for him to

Chapter End Notes

Okay so technically I haven’t finished chapter 8 yet but I can probably have that done
in the next 24 hours so it probably isn’t an issue.
Also shout out to greglephant for helping me decide which of the husbands was
getting drunk. XL was just going to be a happy relaxed drunk which he kind of got
without the alcohol anyways so easier to fluster HC really was the better choice. Don’t
drink from morning until sundown kids, it’s not good for you.
Chapter 8
Chapter Notes

Much apologizes for everything I do politics wise in this fic I cannot express enough
how much I’m just BSing those parts. I’m in law school not government.
Also should HC be dealing with a massive hangover? Yes. Is he? Absolutely. But this
is the man who at ten years old had a totally lucid conversation with several broken
ribs so he can handle the headache and nausea and light sensitivity and dizziness.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Hua Cheng looked like hell.

“Do you want to skip the meeting?”

“I can’t skip the first meeting I’m allowed to be a part of,” he sat up from bed, scowling.

Xie Lian rested a cool hand over Hua Cheng’s eyes, watching as his husband relaxed a little. “Next
time maybe you won’t drink for me.”

“I didn’t want gege to have to deal with a hangover,” he said softly.

The sentiment was sweet but unnecessary. All the same he wouldn’t press it. What had been done
was already done. “After the meeting you should rest.”

“What will gege be doing?”

Xie Lian’s expression turned woeful, though his husband couldn’t currently see it. “More meetings.
Did you know most of being king is meetings and paperwork?”

“Am I only allowed in the first one?”

Xie Lian thought about his agenda. “You could probably sit in on all of them except my third and
fifth planned meeting. But San Lang, you really should rest.”

“If gege won’t stay and nurse me back to health what’s the point?”

“San Lang,” he sighed. Truthfully, Xie Lian was a little nervous. Today would be their first day as
husbands without celebration to distract them. Today was the start of finding their routines and
seeing how much animosity Hua Cheng’s presence in the court would brew.

“I’ve had worse gege. It’s just a bit unpleasant is all.” Hua Cheng gently moved Xie Lian’s hand
off his eyes. Still scowling, he stood to get dressed.

Xie Lian stayed sitting on the bed waiting for him, having already dressed for the day. He felt a bit
odd to realize Hua Cheng would be dressed richer than him. It wasn’t an issue for him, he no
longer had any sort of pride or shame associated with his clothes. Still, would the court care? He
didn’t want to tell Hua Cheng to dress down so should he start dressing more formally like Mu
Qing kept pushing for? But the treasury really couldn’t afford for him to buy new outfits and not
many of his old ones were still around to be tailored. Besides, Xie Lian felt more at home in the
rough and simple garb he wore today.

“Is gege alright?”


“You looked deep in thought. Forgive me if I overstepped in asking.”

Xie Lian shook his head, marveling at how normal Hua Cheng was acting through what had to be a
horrible hangover. If it wasn’t for the tense and irritated set of his eyebrows Xie Lian wouldn’t
suspect he was feeling any after effects at all. But the advisors wouldn’t know that look was
because of the hangover. They’d probably suspect Hua Cheng was looking down on them. Would
they pick a fight? Simmer in silence? Whose side did he take if a fight did happen?


Xie Lian shook his head again, standing up. “Just thinking about today. It’s nothing.”

Hua Cheng looked like he wanted to ask more but, thankfully, left it be. Xie Lian held out a hand to
escort him.

“Shall we?”

Expression softening of all its tension for a moment, Hua Cheng took his hand. With the same
sharp whistle as yesterday, Hua Cheng called E’ming to his side, seeming to wince a bit at the
noise he’d made himself.

“Are you sure you’re well enough for the meeting?”

“As long as I’m conscious I’m well enough, gege.”

Sighing, Xie Lian supposed he couldn’t put off the inevitable. So, quieting his worries for the day,
he led Hua Cheng forward to face them instead.


As usual, Xie Lian’s worries had not been unfounded. Just as he’d suspected his kind husband was
not at all getting along with his advisors and E’ming sitting between them was only scaring

What he hadn’t been expecting was that Hua Cheng was actually very helpful, which was only
making things worse.

“So the sicknesses are still spreading with about the same severity as when I was last there then?”
Xie Lian leaned over the map with Hua Cheng.

“I was last there a year ago so my information might not be up to date, but I know people with
family there if gege wants that information.”

“Your majesty the reports say—“

“The reports are trash.”


“Stop. My husband could have said it better but we’re all aware the reports coming in are
downplaying how bad the health of the people in that region is. They only admitted that it’s a
problem at all this month because it’s affecting their ability to pay taxes.”

“If you suspected that they were lying to you, why haven’t you removed the official posted there
yet? You’re still early enough in your reign it would be natural to overturn politics in some areas.”

The truth was he wanted to, but Xie Lian didn’t have anyone else to appoint.

“There’s nothing to indicate they were hiding this maliciously, they respond promptly to direct
orders still. But they need more than just doctors…”

Hua Cheng looked over the map with him. “Why doesn’t gege fix this problem with that
problem?” Hua Cheng pointed to the area next to the disease ridden zone.


“Gege has been here right? So he knows why disease is so rampant?”

“What reason, isn’t it just bad luck?”

“His majesty brought up the need for better hygienic standards several meetings back, weren’t you
paying attention?”

“The problem is the lack of funds and manpower in that region to build the infrastructure to fix the
problem.” Mu Qing crossed his arms.

Xie Lian’s eyes brightened as he realized what Hua Cheng was suggesting. “But the higher
population of people without jobs here is because they were leaving this area. They might go back
if they had jobs that were improving the condition they left their homes in. Which would also fix
the labor shortage the high death rate is causing once the project is finished.” He sighed. “But we
still don’t have the money to hire them.”

“Yes we do.” Hua Cheng smiled.

Xie Lian shook his head. “I don’t know how much you know about the state of the treasury but we
really can’t afford a project that big.”

“Xianle can’t. But gege and I can.”

Xie Lian looked up at him in confusion that turned to shock. “You’re serious?”

“What does he mean?”

“You being married doesn’t give you free access to Xianle’s assets, even if you pretend to share
your own with us.” Mu Qing warned.

“I have no interest in Xianle’s assets. And you do not have access to what I am offering, only my
husband does.”

“What are your terms?” Xie Lian straightened. This was a very nice offer, but it was also a large
one. It was different from buying Xie Lian pretty trinkets, this was a political move.

“I want to be in charge of appointing the person who takes on that region.”

A few advisors opened their mouths to protest. Xie Lian held up a hand.
“I will have to discuss that before I can come to a decision, is that all you’re asking?”

Hua Cheng nodded.

“We’ll table that discussion for now, we can join it with the meeting about the border later since
my husband won’t be in attendance for that one. Continue with the reports.”

It was clear some of his advisors weren’t ready to drop the subject, but at the very least Xie Lian
was promising to hear them out. They could wait.

So much of politics seemed to be about waiting.

Xie Lian settled back in his chair as the reports went on, mostly silent, mostly watching. Hua
Cheng chimed in as rarely as Xie Lian, but his expressions spoke volumes in how little he thought
of most of them. It didn’t help that in regular intervals E’ming would pace around the whole table
before settling back between his dads. In an odd way though, his advisors were more cohesive than
usual, wanting to present a united front against Hua Cheng. Less petty squabbles dragged things
on. Less useless boasting at each other. It wasn’t how he’d wanted it to happen but, well, Xie Lian
would take what he could get.


“—And lastly you will have no private communication with that official, they will report directly
to the palace and only the palace just like any other officials do. If we hear otherwise their title will
be stripped and they will be branded a traitor. Are these terms agreeable?” Xie Lian looked up
from the conditions they’d drafted in the meeting earlier.

Hua Cheng nodded. “They are. I’ll make sure to transfer the amount gege listed tomorrow.”

Xie Lian sighed in relief. “I could kiss you.”

Some of his advisors made disapproving noises but Xie Lian really couldn’t care less. This was one
of the issues that had been weighing on him heavier, and the fact that Hua Cheng could help fix it
so easily was a blessing he didn’t take lightly.

“Ah gege, thinking about it more I do have another term actually.” Hua Cheng hummed

“You already agreed!”

“I knew he was playing at something,” another muttered.

Xie Lian took in that smile though. It didn’t seem ill intentioned… “What’s your other term?”

“Well it’s more that I’d like to accept gege’s offer.”


“For the kiss? I’ll take it.”

Several of the advisors balked but Xie Lian could only laugh.

“San Lang! You had me worried.”

Hua Cheng grinned but his smile twitched somewhat at as E’ming barked at Feng Xin for getting
up. “Down,” Hua Cheng growled out before smoothly standing himself. “I’ll be off then if that’s

He walked away casually but Xie Lian couldn’t shake the feeling something was off. Trying to
follow, Xie Lian was stopped by Feng Xin and Mu Qing.

“Requesting a private audience with your majesty.”

Xie Lian sat back down. His duties came first.

Chapter End Notes

I have already written 9 so daily chapters are once again safe for now. Hualian begins
their married life. Lemme know if there’s any hijinks you wanna see them get up to
and remember I’m always down to hear your TGCF rants here of on Tumblr (same
Chapter 9
Chapter Notes

Some of you seem worried I’m overexerting myself with daily updates, you’re
mistaken, I do this for fun, I just post it so people will compliment and scream at me.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“What did he do to you?” Feng Xin asked as soon as they were alone.

If Xie Lian had realized it was going to be about this he would’ve made an excuse to get out.

“Your majesty, if you’re uncomfortable there’s no need to hide it.”

“This is what political marriages are, it’s about time he do his duty to the people.” Mu Qing said

“Bullshit you were just as worried as I was!”

“San Lang hasn’t done anything inappropriate.”

“He was draped all over you when you came back last night, nuzzling into your neck and calling
you husband!”

Xie Lian raised an eyebrow. “And I was the one who had decided to carry him. If I was bothered
by it I would have just dropped him. He was drunk. And I think half asleep by then.”

“He asked you for a kiss in front of the court today!”

“It was a joke. It’s fairly obvious he just likes winding you all up.”

“He—! You—!”

“Stop being such a coward and just ask what you’re so worried about. Did you consummate the
marriage?” Mu Qing asked bluntly.

“No.” Xie Lian said simply, watching as Feng Xin seemed to let out a sigh of relief.

Seeming to think of something though, Feng Xin tensed again. “Did you have to bargain something
to get him to agree?”

“Feng Xin, he didn’t want to consummate either. I told you, he’s a romantic, he has a crush on
someone else.”

“Just make sure he doesn’t think he can start keeping concubines. It would reflect poorly on you.”
Mu Qing pointed out.

“He wouldn’t, besides we already talked about that in the initial terms.”

“Your majesty, you give him too much trust.”

“If I don't, who will? I’m the only one here he’s not actively hostile to. Please, I don’t want to keep
having this conversation. Am I not allowed to try to be friends with the man I’m tied to?”

Mu Qing looked away. “Just don’t forget your duties.”

“I won’t.”


Xie Lian walked back into his chambers, startling and running deeper inside when he heard the
sound of dry heaving. “San Lang?”

“I’m fine, your majesty,” Hua Cheng called out, not moving to greet him.

“What’s wrong, are you sick?” Xie Lian put a cool hand to his husband’s forehead, watching as
Hua Cheng closed his eye and leaned into the touch.

“Just the aftereffects of the banquet. Nothing for your majesty to be concerned with.”

“You’re being formal again.”

“Sorry gege, habit.”

Habit? Did he mean he was formal around most people? But that didn’t seem right. Xie Lian
thought back to the banquet, everyone calling him ‘your majesty’ but some had slipped up, just a
little and hastily apologized. Shouldn’t it have been like that for Hua Cheng too? Unnatural?

But now really wasn’t the time to get into all that.

“You should go to bed early.”

“But gege has been too busy all day to have a date. This one has been waiting very patiently for his

“San Lang you’re unwell.”

“Being with gege is very healing.”

Xie Lian sighed. “Fine, but we’ll have our date in bed today. I’ll do my best to take care of my
husband so please tell me if you need rest.”

Hua Cheng quirked a brow, a teasing grin playing his lips.

Xie Lian took stock of what he’d said and flicked his husband gently. “You know what I mean.
You aren’t even interested in that.”

“Gege isn’t interested in that.”

“Yes yes, we’re both not interested. Come to bed, I’ll bring something in case you feel nauseous

“Gege doesn’t need to bother, this one is fine.”

“If you keep being stubborn I’ll have to carry you again.”

Hua Cheng seemed smug at that. “Is that a promise?”

Xie Lian crossed his arms, trying to look stern though it really didn’t work. He felt a bit silly if
anything. In spite of how worried Feng Xin seemed by Hua Cheng’s flirting, Xie Lian really didn’t
mind. For one, he knew it didn’t really mean anything, Hua Cheng liked someone else, he was just
a flirt. But it also was… fun. It was familiar and playful.

As a royal, no one usually dared treat him so casually. Maybe once Feng Xin and Mu Qing had
but… even still, not nearly to this degree. And during the decade he’d spent wandering, he'd never
settled in one place long enough to make friendships like this. Really he hadn’t known Hua Cheng
that long either, but it wasn’t just in how long they’d known each other. It was in how long they
intended to continue knowing each other.

He wanted things to be this easy. This fun.

“Does San Lang really need me to carry him again? Didn’t he say he would return the favor and
pick me up once he was sober?”

Xie Lian realized he’d made a mistake with his teasing when Hua Cheng got that mischievous look
in his eye.

Slowly his husband rose to his feet and Xie Lian followed, looking up at him with growing

Hua Cheng moved to pick him up but Xie Lian was too fast, dodging out of the way. Hua Cheng
had the audacity to pout.

“Gege, won’t you let this husband return your kindness?”

“You’re still not well!”

“So when this one recovers he can pick you up?” He asked innocently.

“Under certain circumstances.”

“Which are?”

“When it’s necessary.”

“But gege it’s necessary now.”

“How so?” Xie Lian indulged him.

“This one very much wants to show off for his husband.”

Xie Lian shook his head. “To bed.”

“Yes, your majesty.” Hua Cheng smiled at him, moving to undress for the night.

When they were no longer teasing the strain seemed to come back to Hua Cheng’s expression.
How could Xie Lian have forgotten?

Some of the playful lightness left him, replaced instead with warmth.

Xie Lian moved to prepare the bed and shrug out of his extra layers, still finishing it all before Hua
Cheng. It was all that jewelry that was to blame for it taking so long. Xie Lian thought it seemed
rather inconvenient but he had to admit it looked stunning on him.
When Hua Cheng finally came over to settle into bed, Xie Lian tucked him in.

“What about our date gege?”

“You have a headache don’t you? Isn’t my voice making that worse? I promise we can share a
meal tomorrow.”

“Gege’s voice is a blessing. The sweetest sound this one has ever heard. I could never dislike it.”

“It really doesn’t bother you?”

“Gege’s voice could never bother me.”

Xie Lian thought for a bit. “I could read you a story. Does that count as a date?”

Hua Cheng smiled at him. “En. That can count.”

Xie Lian moved around his room to find something interesting to read, settling on a heroic but
generic story that would be easy enough to fall asleep in the middle of without minding missing
much. The whole story was predictable and not that well written, but it had been one he was very
fond of as a child.

Much to his surprise, Hua Cheng didn’t fall asleep, listening with rapt attention, his eye trained on
Xie Lian in the dimmed light of their room.

“Gege is an excellent storyteller. Very soothing voice,” he said when Xie Lian finally finished.

“Really? I think San Lang’s voice is more pleasing to the ears.” Xie Lian said absentmindedly as
he got up to put the scroll back. He stopped on his way back to bed to give E’ming a little scritch,
smiling at the way the dog’s tail thumped happily.

Hua Cheng was still staring at him as he climbed back into bed.

“Something wrong?”

Hua Cheng shook his head. “Sleep well, gege.”

Xie Lian nodded, settling in for the night. “Sleep well.”

Chapter End Notes

Next chapter we will start time skipping around a little more because Hualian is just
doing domestic things and as much as I love reading Hualian doing absolutely nothing
I cannot write multiple chapters of them doing the same thing everyday.
I’m currently trying to think of a convoluted reason for them to kiss but alas it may
just not be in the cards.
Chapter 10
Chapter Notes

Date time!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“Your majesty, do you have a moment?” Mu Qing came up to follow him.

“Ah, actually I’m on my way to a date with San Lang. You can come though, we’re just sparring.”

Mu Qing scowled. “I’ll just leave the documents on your desk.”

Xie Lian nodded, a bit disappointed. Feng Xin and Mu Qing had joined him in his training a few
times since he’d been back at the palace, but not since his marriage. Of course the issue was clear,
his husband had become his regular sparring partner now, but he did miss the challenge the other
two had provided. Hua Cheng may have been stronger than them, but there was something to be
said about the other men’s fighting styles. Xie Lian found them all to be quite exciting.

Still, he couldn’t be too disappointed as he came up to the training grounds and saw Hua Cheng
had picked out staffs today. It was always invigorating to practice with less frequently used

“I haven’t fought with a staff in ages.” Xie Lian picked one up, shifting his grip and giving a few
experimental swings.

“I haven’t either. I thought gege might enjoy something a bit different.”

“I do, thank you.”

They ran through warmups quickly, both clearly eager to start sparring seriously.

Perhaps it was because Xie Lian hadn’t been in the palace long before they married, but Hua
Cheng seemed to easily become part of his routine. Meetings with him seemed to go smoother
even when he didn’t contribute, and Xie Lian would’ve felt bad about using him like a boogeyman
against his advisors if his husband didn’t clearly enjoy it. Meals, once a functional and boring task,
became a chance for interesting conversation. Even going to sleep seemed more enjoyable with
someone to talk about the day with and a ‘terrifying’ demon dog to give him kisses. But sparring…
sparring was Xie Lian’s favorite.

Circling each other, Xie Lian felt his blood rush with the music of this familiar dance. Hua Cheng
was a good match for him in terms of skill, but it was becoming even more fun as they learned
each other’s weaknesses. Xie Lian still played at the easiest one, though Hua Cheng was well used
to compensating for it by now since all his opponents tried it.

“Gege, won’t you stay on your husband’s good side so he can admire you?” Hua Cheng teased,
maintaining a careful dance to keep Xie Lian out of his blind spot.

“Every side is San Lang’s good side,” Xie Lian teased back, grinning when his swing missed.
Hua Cheng tsked. “Gege, you’re trying to distract me again.” Impossibly fast, he rushed Xie Lian,
their staffs knocking as Xie Lian blocked. Xie Lian let himself fall into the defensive. Usually he
would’ve fought harder to stay out just blocking, but Xie Lian had already decided he wasn’t
fighting properly today.

He could see the curiosity in Hua Cheng’s eye. There was no way the other man knew the level of
skill Xie Lian had with a staff, but they’d fought enough times for him to know Xie Lian wasn’t
putting in as much strength as usual. It wouldn’t do for his husband to get suspicious and ruin his

Xie Lian charged, just the right amount of power and recklessness to look believable. Hua Cheng’s
eye gleamed with amusement, soaking in Xie Lian’s every move. There was no way he suspected,

“Does gege want his San Lang to win for once? How generous.”

Usually Xie Lian came out the victor of these little matches. It wasn’t that Xie Lian was
competitive, but what was the fun if you weren’t trying to win?

“If my husband wants a win he’ll have to earn it.” The clattering of their staffs made an uneven
beat that thrummed through Xie Lian. The sound was invigorating, almost making Xie Lian lose
track of his original plan in favor of swinging down to make more music with his husband.

That wouldn’t do though. They broke apart again, circling each other once more as they tried to
dance into the positions they wanted. The truth was, Hua Cheng and Xie Lian were fairly well
matched and that made each round extremely enjoyable. He had to hold back much less with his
husband than with others, but he still won nearly every match. However, after studying Hua Cheng
over the course of their last several matches, Xie Lian had finally figured out why Hua Cheng kept
losing. It wasn’t that he was unskilled or holding back, it was just that Hua Cheng was used to real
fights. In sparring they kept to proper forms and practiced techniques. It was how Xie Lian had

It wasn’t how real fights were won. Maybe he was being greedy, but Xie Lian wanted to see his
husband’s full potential. To meet him equally untethered by propriety.

Xie Lian let Hua Cheng push him back, back, falling under the spell of that odd little drumbeat
they made together. Hua Cheng was still suspicious, still waiting to see what Xie Lian was up to
and it thrilled him to see that look in his opponent’s eye. Unabashed anticipation.

He might as well give his husband what he was waiting for then.

Xie Lian swung out, making a show of trying to knock down Hua Cheng’s staff. Hua Cheng easily
fell into the defensive, remaining keyed in to Xie Lian’s every move.

Xie Lian made his moves more reckless, trying to appear cockier in his swings. Take the bait.

Hua Cheng was a cautious fighter though, and he was clearly beginning to suspect something was
going on. Xie Lian didn’t usually leave so many openings. Frustratingly, he remained on the
defensive, refusing to take the openings.

“Perhaps my husband is destined to lose every time.”

Hua Cheng grinned, “Gege, you know talk like that doesn’t affect me. This one is honored for just
the chance to fight you.”
Xie Lian felt a rush run over him as Hua Cheng finally took the bait, lunging in. Xie Lian made a
show of falling backwards, thrilled to find that, just as he suspected, Hua Cheng dropped form to
try to catch him. Too quick, Xie Lian caught his balance and knocked Hua Cheng’s feet out from
under him. With swift movements, Xie Lian dropped to pin his husband’s staff firmly to the ground
with his own.

Hua Cheng’s chest heaved, rising and falling under Xie Lian’s weight. “Gege cheated.”

“We never set rules that stopped me from doing that?” Xie Lian smiled down triumphantly, closing
his eyes as he let himself simply feel the vibrant wash of the adrenaline running through him.

Hua Cheng tried to raise his staff, but Xie Lian pushed down harder. Opening his eyes again, he
looked down at his husband, similarly flushed with health at their fight and looking up at him with
the familiar awed fondness he wore after every match. But there was something new there today.

“I didn’t know gege knew how to fight dirty.”

Xie Lian laughed. “That was nothing, I’ve been much more unfair in fights.”

“Would gege be so kind as to demonstrate these techniques to his San Lang?”

“Only if my San Lang promises not to hold back either when he has a creative idea.” Xie Lian

“Creative idea. Gege makes it sound so nice.”

“Does my husband accept those terms?” He teased. Teasing, Xie Lian found, came very easily
when it seemed to be your husband’s primary mode of existing.

“I suppose I’m not really in a position to negotiate like this.” Hua Cheng grinned up at him.

Xie Lian adjusted his hands to line up their staffs, yanking Hua Cheng’s out of his hands. Now in
possession of both weapons, he rose, watching as his husband sat up.

“Does gege have enough energy for another round?”

“Can San Lang get his weapon back?”

Hua Cheng stood, amused. “Gege, that’s not very fair at all.”

“San Lang will have to get creative then. Besides, having two staffs makes it harder to fight so I
have my own disadvantage.”

“I don’t want to hurt gege.”

Xie Lian raised his eyebrows, feeling confident with the rush of his most recent victory still
swirling in his bones. “I’d love to see you try.”

Hua Cheng grinned.

Chapter End Notes

I just think hualian should spar and though I do not have practical fighting experience
to draw on when writing, I will not let that stop me from giving these two what they
Chapter 11
Chapter Notes

Fmph writes more sparring despite not knowing how fighting works

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Flung over Hua Cheng’s shoulder, Xie Lian couldn’t stop laughing as his husband carried him to
their room to clean up.

“I give up, have mercy!” Xie Lian managed through his laughter.

“Gege lost fair and square. And you promised if you lost this one could carry you back.”

“It was not fair, San Lang spent the whole fight saying shameless lines!”

“Gege is the one who said I could fight creatively,” Hua Cheng said as if he were perfectly
innocent and hadn’t used increasingly scandalous suggestions until Xie Lian was completely
thrown off.

“I didn’t think that was the creativity that usually won San Lang his fights. I’m surprised my
husband doesn’t have more rumors about how many hearts he breaks.”

“Gege doesn’t need to worry, I would never break his heart.”

“Your majesty?”

Xie Lian felt his face heat up as he recognized the voice. “Ah, San Lang, put me down please?”
The laughter was gone from his voice now.

Luckily, Hua Cheng seemed to understand their game was over, gently setting Xie Lian down as he
asked this time.

“What were you…” Feng Xin started, then stopped, like his anger had nothing to burn.

“San Lang and I were just joking around after some sparring.”

Feng Xin stared. It was clear he didn’t know what to do with that explanation.

“You could join us next time. I promise I won’t let San Lang pick you up,” Xie Lian smiled, trying
to sound friendly. It felt odd to realize it was easier to tease the husband he’d known less than a
month than it was his childhood friend.

Feng Xin’s expression hardened. “I’ll come.”

Oh no. Xie Lian had expected him to say no. He didn’t really mind Feng Xin coming, he did like
sparring with the man but…

Xie Lian glanced over at Hua Cheng. All the playful ease of earlier was gone, replaced by an air of
bored indifference. Better than open hostility though.
“Tomorrow then?”

Feng Xin nodded and bowed before walking away. Well. It wasn’t as bad as it could have gone.

Hua Cheng held out his hand.

Xie Lian took it mostly out of habit at this point. It seemed one of them was always escorting the
other when they walked together. “Ah, sorry San Lang.”

“Gege doesn’t have to apologize. This one understands.”

“I ask that you please get along tomorrow.”

“For gege’s sake I won’t hurt him.”

Xie Lian shook his head. That was probably the best he was going to get.


Xie Lian ran through warm ups with his husband. Hearing someone approach, he turned to greet
Feng Xin, only to find Mu Qing had come along too.

“Oh, I wasn’t expecting you.”

“You have an odd number of people. I thought it would be easier if I came.”

“Of course. Did you two want to warm up while San Lang and I have our first match?”

“I’m already warmed up.” Feng Xin said firmly, giving Hua Cheng a challenging look. Of course.

Hua Cheng didn’t back down, but didn’t look particularly interested either. That was a relief at
least. Since Mu Qing had told him Hua Cheng challenged them multiple times, Xie Lian had
thought perhaps it would get nasty.

“Just… play nice.” Xie Lian sighed, moving to the side so Feng Xin and Hua Cheng could
properly spar.

Mu Qing stood next to him, arms crossed.

“Gege, how much am I allowed to hurt him? He doesn’t need both arms, right?”


“San Lang, it’s just sparring.” Xie Lian was fairly sure he was joking, but only mostly.

Seeing the tension in Xie Lian’s shoulders, Hua Cheng’s expression softened. “I promise to be
good. Gege doesn’t have to worry, I would never do something to upset him.”

“Start the match,” Feng Xin demanded.

Expression dropping back to vague irritation, Hua Cheng turned to begin the fight.

“Does he always look at you like that?” Mu Qing asked.

“Hm?” Xie Lian was hardly listening, too busy watching the fight. Feng Xin had improved in their
years apart, but as he’d suspected Hua Cheng was stronger, especially with swords. Feng Xin had
always specialized in bows.
“Your San Lang.”

“What about him?” He was holding back. Hua Cheng was letting himself remain on the defensive
but even then he was leading the match, like a cat toying with its food. Why was he dragging the
fight out?

“Nevermind.” Mu Qing dropped it, crossing his arms.

Xie Lian had sparred with Hua Cheng a number of times by now and had a decent understanding
of his style and weak points. But he was fighting differently with Feng Xin. There was still the
same grace and ease with his forms, but instead of the fluttering passion Xie Lian had come to
associate with his style, it was something else. Something… actually dangerous.

“Is this how he looked fighting the other advisors?” Xie Lian asked.

“Mostly. He was aiming to kill back then.”

Xie Lian watched the way their blades danced, catching hints of the way he was used to seeing his
husband fight, but relaxed. Feng Xin was being too reckless though. It wasn’t like the man didn’t
know how to be patient, especially in battle, but he swung at Hua Cheng now like he was a child
with something to prove.

It didn’t surprise anyone when Feng Xin’s blade was knocked out of his hand and Hua Cheng’s
sword rested just under the man’s chin.

“Looks like we know what would have happened if you’d accepted my challenge before.”

Feng Xin grit his teeth but said nothing, going to collect the sword. “It’s my loss.”

“San Lang, that’s not usually how you spar?”

Hua Cheng instantly perked up at his voice, coming over. “Gege’s a better partner so of course I
have to try harder.”

“What does it look like when he spars with you?” Mu Qing furrowed his brows.

“Want to show them?” Xie Lian felt his fingers itch with excitement. “Unless San Lang is too

“This San Lang could never be too tired for his husband.”

Xie Lian stepped forward, then lowered his voice. “Let’s not fight creatively today though. I don’t
think they would like it.”

“If that’s what gege wants.” Hua Cheng nodded and got into position.

Xie Lian fell into step with him. They might have been fighting against each other, but Xie Lian
had never felt more in tune with a sparring partner than he did with Hua Cheng.

He’d never cared for dancing, but he thought he could understand the appeal when they were like
this, pulling forward, pushing back, stepping in circles, and whirling blades. Their fights always
left him a little breathless, a rare treat in a fighting partner, most couldn’t push him that far. They
pressed close, eyes watching body language that helped them predict each other’s flourishes, body
language that tricked and trapped if they read it wrong. Hua Cheng fought him so full of life in his
fluttering little way, like the most deadly of butterflies and Xie Lian found the entire dance

Xie Lian won, holding his sword frozen in the stance as if to pierce his husband through the chest.
Hua Cheng dropped his sword and Xie Lian dropped his stance, grinning. He wondered how long
his winning would keep up when Hua Cheng really could fight with things beyond proper
techniques like he had yesterday. Even without the flirting, he’d been a much more challenging
opponent yesterday with free reign to fight naturally.

Remembering they had company, Xie Lian turned to face them. Mu Qing stared, a blank
expression covering his features.

“That’s how San Lang usually fights,” Xie Lian sheathed his sword as he came over. “It’s

“I think your experience fighting him is the outlier, your majesty.”

“Ah… I guess that’s probably true.”

“Are you next?” Hua Cheng swung his sword lazily, staring down Mu Qing.

Mu Qing stared back, not looking the least bit threatened, but still didn’t take the challenge. “I’ll
spar with his majesty. You and Feng Xin can have another round if you’re antsy.”

“Don't just volunteer me!”

Mu Qing ignored him, getting into position with Xie Lian. It had been ages since they fought. Xie
Lian was still bouncing from his last fight and excited to see how much his old training partner had
improved. Maybe today wasn’t so bad after all.


Xie Lian felt exhausted in the best ways. “You two should come to our sparring practice more
often.” Laying comfortably sprawled on the ground, he didn’t see the way his advisors both looked
over at Hua Cheng suspiciously.

“Maybe.” Mu Qing said.

Hua Cheng leaned over Xie Lian, giving him that warm smile seemingly reserved just for him
again. “Does gege need me to carry him back today too?”

“I didn’t need you to carry me back yesterday, I lost,” Xie Lian snorted, getting up and dusting
himself off.

“This one just wants his husband to be comfortable. You shouldn’t have to waste your energy with
useless things.”

“Like walking?” Xie Lian asked.


“If it means that much to you, you can carry me around a little when we get to the room I suppose.
I don’t want to get caught again, the servants started spreading rumors after what happened

“Does gege want me to talk to them?” Hua Cheng asked gently, reaching out to tuck loose hair
back behind Xie Lian’s ears.
“No, that would just cause more trouble.”

“This one is very sorry for embarrassing your majesty.” And he truly did sound regretful.

“It’s nothing, besides, you were right I lost and we’d had a deal.” Xie Lian had learned not to
bother correcting Hua Cheng when he addressed him more formally. It seemed to be part of how
he expressed his serious intentions to be respectful.

Xie Lian looked over towards his advisors again. “The invitation stands. You know when we

Feng Xin bowed in acknowledgement. Mu Qing heistated, as if wanting to say something, but
bowed too.

Xie Lian held out a hand to escort Hua Cheng at the same time as Hua Cheng held out a hand to
escort him. Laughing, Xie Lian just joined their hands, missing the way Hua Cheng’s expression lit
up with delight as they headed to their room to clean up.

Chapter End Notes

Progress is starting to be made but not the progress I was expecting… HC still
daydreams about kissing his husband and I am still working hard to create stupid
situations where he can but instead they just REDACTED (which I had to wikihow the
rules of to make sure I knew. I hadn’t ever thought about the fact there were
variations) and then had an abstractly emotional talk so that’s what the next two
chapters are I guess.
Chapter 12
Chapter Notes

Time for everyone’s favorite frat boy

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“Your majesty,” General Pei Ming bowed.

“General. Thank you for coming, I’m sure it must have been hard to get time away.” It was Xie
Lian’s first time meeting the general in charge of guarding the borders, but the man’s reports were
always done well and it was clear his pride in his job had nothing to do with whoever was sitting
on the throne.

“No trouble at all, your majesty, I’ve missed the women of the capital.”

Ah that’s right. Xie Lian had heard rumors the general could be a skirt chaser.

“And I heard you got married, please accept my delayed congratulations. I hope this means there
won’t be any bad blood between me and your husband.” Pei Ming smiled at Hua Cheng.

“Do you have a history?” Xie Lian looked up at Hua Cheng, who seemed mostly indifferent to the
present company. As always though he smiled at Xie Lian.

“We’ve had a few run-ins. Don’t worry gege, I don’t mind him.”

That was high praise coming from Hua Cheng. Xie Lian smiled back, relieved to find another
person his husband didn’t resent in the palace, even if they wouldn’t be staying.


“Hm?” Xie Lian looked back to their guest.

“That’s why your majesty resisted getting married before.”

“I’m sorry?”

“No need to apologize. I always thought you just didn’t want to settle down either, I never thought
you swung that way.”

Xie Lian felt exhausted with the burden of understanding. “General, that’s—“

“You don’t need to explain, my best friend is gay, you know.”

Xie Lian sighed, giving up on arguing it. It didn’t really matter anyways. “How nice for you.”

“And you know your majesty, some things are universal so if you ever need advice in the bedroom

“We really don’t require that, but thank you.”

“If your majesty says so. There’s still a few hours before the first meeting you need me for, isn’t

“That’s right, you can get settled until then.”

Pei Ming bowed. “I’ll go get acquainted with some of the staff then.”

Xie Lian processed what he probably meant as the general swaggered off. With a complicated
expression, he looked up at his husband.

“Is something wrong?”

“No… it’s nothing.”

“Gege is always free to speak plainly with this one. If the general has upset you I can—“

“San Lang, no, the general was fine. It’s just… I wonder what your criteria is for liking people.”

Hua Cheng laughed. “Because the general is a nosy womanizer with a mind filled with filth?”

Xie Lian was only more confused. “I thought you didn’t mind him?”

Hua Cheng shrugged. “I don’t dislike him. He’s an honest person. He got a few Xue Yu girls
knocked up and provided for them without any force needed. They were willing partners too. I
wouldn’t say I trust him, but at the very least I don’t think he’s a shady individual.”

High praise indeed.

“But Mu Qing and Feng Xin are?”

Hua Cheng’s expression darkened. “Let’s not talk about them, gege.”

“San Lang… did the Xianle advisors do something to you to give you such a grudge against them?
If they did, I really don’t think Feng Xin and Mu Qing are even aware of what it was.”

Hua Cheng snorted. “No, they wouldn’t be.”

“Did they hurt you? Someone close to you? Maybe they can apologize.”

Hua Cheng shook his head, but finally answered. “They betrayed my beloved. They all deserved
far worse than they got. But I’ll leave those two alone since gege doesn’t want them dead.”

Xie Lian wanted to ask more, but he got the distinct impression he was already pressing further into
the matter than Hua Cheng wanted to discuss. “Let’s go walk E’ming before the meeting.”

Hua Cheng nodded, grateful for the subject being dropped, and headed out with Xie Lian.


Xie Lian had wanted to get to know his general better. He had wanted to see Hua Cheng get to
interact more with people he didn’t despise. So he’d asked Pei Ming if they could come around the
capital with him tonight.

He really wasn’t sure why he’d expected anything different from the current situation.

Pei Ming had, somehow, the third woman of the night on his arm. “You know what we should do
to liven things up?” He asked, raising his drink.

“Yes?” Xie Lian took a sip of his own. It was better than what they’d had at their second wedding
banquet at least.

“We should head to a brothel.”

“I’m not sure that’s…”

“Don’t worry, it wouldn’t be the first time a married couple came in. It could spice things up for

“His— Xie Lian cannot go to a brothel,” Feng Xin hissed, having volunteered as one of the
undercover guards for the night.

“He just can’t get caught, don’t worry, I know discrete places.”

“I don’t have interest in brothels, General, and I don’t think my husband does either?” Xie Lian
looked up.

Hua Cheng smiled and shook his head. “Gege is more than enough for me.”

Xie Lian could see a bit where Pei Ming’s misunderstanding of them being in love came from. Hua
Cheng really was very romantic with his words, it was easy to misunderstand if you didn’t have the
full picture.

Pei Ming sighed. “I suppose it’s still early in your marriage. But come on, there must be some fun
I’m allowed to teach you.”

“We could gamble,” Hua Cheng offered, though he sounded indifferent.

Pei Ming grinned. “That’s more like it. But it’s boring to play for money, how about we make it
more interesting?”

Twenty minutes later in a private room, Xie Lian was learning ‘more interesting’ meant inviting
five young ladies to play with them. Feng Xin seemed so intent on giving the women a wide berth
that he had allowed himself to be seated between Hua Cheng and Mu Qing.

“So what are we betting?” Hua Cheng asked, leaning back as Pei Ming shuffled.

“Oh I didn’t already say? It’s strip poker.”

Xie Lian had never seen Feng Xin’s face go white so fast.

“That’s not— you’ve brought women.”

“Of course, it wouldn’t be any fun if it was just us. Or well maybe it would be for those two.” Pei
Ming mused.

Xie Lian sighed, not wanting to bother arguing about how little he cared about seeing his old
friends and new General shirtless.

“Gege’s okay with those rules?” Hua Cheng asked quietly.

Xie Lian shrugged. “It seems these are the only things that interest the general. Does San Lang
want to go?”
“This husband will follow your lead. I don’t mind stripping. Besides, my luck is pretty good with
these games.”

Xie Lian nodded, patting Hua Cheng’s hand.

“Your— Xie Lian you can’t really be staying right?” Feng Xin asked.

“I was going to, but you can go if you don’t feel comfortable. I have Mu Qing, the general, and San
Lang with me, I’ll be fine.”

Though he really looked like he wanted to argue, some of the girls were getting curious about him
now and Feng Xin’s control ran out as he quickly fled the room.

Pei Ming didn’t seem at all bothered that one of their players had fled, launching into the rules of
the game. It seemed simple enough. Highest hand got to choose who had to remove something. It
was a better rule set than Xie Lian had expected. There was a chance he’d never have to strip
anything even if he lost all night.

Taking his cards, he kept his face blank as they started the game. As expected, his hand wasn’t
good. Unlike other luck based games though, skill still came into play to some extent. Xie Lian
could bluff decently enough. Still, of course that wasn’t enough to win.

Hua Cheng laid out his royal flush with an indifferent expression.

“Alright, it’s your win, Hua Cheng.” Pei Ming gathered up the discarded cards.

Hua Cheng glanced over at Xie Lian, eye flickering over him. Xie Lian watched his husband look
over him, confused until he realized why he was being looked over. Was Hua Cheng going to pick
him to strip? Their eyes met for a moment though and Hua Cheng looked away as though shy.

“Pei Ming.” He said indifferently.


“I’m picking you to strip something.”

“Oh? I’m flattered.” He stood, making a show of stripping off his outermost layer for the girls,
even winking at one.

The game went on. Again Hua Cheng won. Again he looked over Xie Lian. However, once again
when he opened his mouth he said “Pei Ming.”

“I feel I should warn you two I don’t swing that way. Of course if we could invite some of these
lovely ladies with us I could be persuaded to—“

“General, we’re not interested in that,” Xie Lian interrupted.

Pei Ming gave him a knowing look like he didn’t believe it as he got up to slowly strip again,
tossing the fabric off behind him.

Xie Lian felt relieved when one of the women won this time. That relief was short-lived when she
giggled and pointed to him.


She nodded, clearly eager to see what he’d take off.

Xie Lian was just about to get up to strip when Hua Cheng reached out to stop him.

“Pray gege let’s this one undress him?”

“Ho ho.” Pei Ming gathered the discarded cards much too smugly.

Xie Lian nodded, curious. He couldn’t help but grin as Hua Cheng deftly undid his waist cord and
set it to the side. It wasn’t something Xie Lian would’ve considered ‘an article of clothing’, it
definitely felt like cheating. Was that why Hua Cheng had looked over him each time?
Strategically planning how to help keep Xie Lian as clothed as possible?

“That’s not—“

“You never said in the rules that accessories didn’t count.” Hua Cheng leaned back, practically
radiating arrogance.

Instantly everyone’s eyes fell onto Hua Cheng’s jewelry. If accessories counted, he wouldn’t have
to worry at all about showing a sliver of skin!

“With those rules you have an unfair advantage.” One of the girls was bold enough to point out.

Hua Cheng looked down at himself. “I won’t remove anything silver then. Fair?”

Everyone nodded and the game continued. Xie Lian couldn’t help himself from reaching out to
squeeze Hua Cheng’s hand in thanks.

When Hua Cheng won again one of the girls sighed. “Is this game rigged?”

Hua Cheng’s eyes swept over Xie Lian just as they had before, but now Xie Lian couldn’t help but
find it funny and looked right back, wondering what Hua Cheng would shed if he got picked.
Something tricky, definitely.

“Mu Qing.”

Clicking his tongue, Mu Qing stripped his waist cord too, no more in a hurry to undress than Xie
Lian was.

The next round saw Xie Lian getting chosen again. It seemed this woman found what had
happened funny and wanted to see what they’d do this time.

Xie Lian looked at Hua Cheng with a smile. “Could you help me choose?”

Hua Cheng smiled sweetly back, moving to slide off a single boot and set it aside next to the waist

The next round finally went to Pei Ming, who was eager to actually see one of the girls strip. They
were, after all, his primary motivation for picking such a game.

Many rounds later, Xie Lian found himself stripped of both boots, his socks, and his outermost
layer. Mu Qing was in a similar state, as were most of the girls. Pei Ming had managed to strip
nearly everything and Hua Cheng’s chest was bare.

Xie Lian yawned as one of the women shed another layer.

“Are you tired gege?”

“A bit.”

“We don’t have to stay if gege is bored.”

Xie Lian looked over to Pei Ming. It seemed this really was the extent of any bonding that would
happen today. “I think we’ll be headed home now, general.”

A few of the girls voiced their complaints, but Mu Qing wordlessly started redressing.

“Don’t worry girls, we can continue,” Pei Ming oh so generously reassured them.

“Gege, let me,” Hua Cheng murmured, moving to help redress Xie Lian.

“Thank you.” Xie Lian smiled down at his husband. “Shouldn’t you be more concerned with
dressing first though? You’re more exposed than I am.”

“Maybe I want gege to admire me.”

Xie Lian laughed. “I do admire you, you’re very talented.”

Hua Cheng pouted. “Gege, not that kind of admire.”

Mu Qing stood to the side, already dressed as he watched over their interaction.

When Xie Lian was fully dressed again, Hua Cheng slung back on his own clothes and took Xie
Lian’s hand. They’d begun to do less ‘escorting’ lately and more just holding hands like this. It
saved the little fumbles over who was leading who, though sometimes the old habit still stuck.

Mu Qing’s stare was intense, but whatever it was he was thinking, he didn’t seem to want to say it
during the walk back. So they walked in comfortable silence back to the palace broken by
occasional talk of plans for the next day. When they arrived at Xie Lian’s bedroom, Mu Qing
bowed his head and went to retire to his own room for the night, his thoughts still a mystery.

Chapter End Notes

Did I include a bunch of nameless women without personality? Yes. But it’s not like
tgcf has a wealth of women for me to choose from as background characters, I really
just needed them because otherwise this game isn’t fun for PM and he’s the instigator
of these shenanigans
Chapter 13
Chapter Notes

We interrupt MQ’s progress to bring you: shameless Hualian fluff

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“San Lang is so reliable,” Xie Lian smiled as he got into their room. “I would’ve never thought to
make each shoe count individually.”

Hua Cheng smiled. “I’m glad gege feels that way.”

“Have you played games like that before?”

He shrugged. “I’ve done all sorts of gambling. Usually the bets are higher stakes though.”

“Well I hope it was at least a little fun for you? I know it must be hard living in the palace.”

“Time with gege is always enjoyable.” He shot Xie Lian a smile.

Xie Lian settled into bed, waiting for Hua Cheng. “Who’s turn is it to read something today?”
Unless one of them was too tired, they’d taken to going back and forth reading to each other.
Usually Hua Cheng would recite love poems or teach Xie Lian beautiful songs and Xie Lian would
pick fairy tales or stories from his own travels. There wasn’t a hard schedule on who’s ‘turn’ it
was, usually more based on the mood for the day.

“I would love to hear more of gege’s travels if he’s willing to share them.”

“Of course. Anything in particular?”

“Interesting people? Gege has a knack for attracting fascinating characters.”

Xie Lian laughed as Hua Cheng settled in beside him. “Alright, let me think.” Interesting people.
His mind drifted through a few, sticking on one in particular.

Something must have shown in his expression because Hua Cheng frowned. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing nothing, San Lang doesn’t need to worry.” But then he looked at his husband, who
somehow knew everyone. Who rallied the Xue Yu. Who seemed to have heard every rumor out
there. And if there was anyone who might be able to tell him, wouldn’t it be Hua Cheng?
“Actually… did San Lang ever hear about the butterfly masked man? He used to target guards
known for harassing Xue Yu.”

Hua Cheng seemed to stiffen a little. “I have.”

“I met him once.”


“He… took care of me for a time. I’m not sure how long it was. But long enough I should’ve
gotten his name. He always kept his mask on when we were together. Maybe he just didn’t trust
me with his identity.”

“No,” Hua Cheng answered just a bit too quickly. A bit too fiercely.


“I’m sure it wasn’t that he didn’t trust gege if he was taking care of you. Maybe he just was
worried gege wouldn’t like what was under the mask.”

Xie Lian couldn’t help but smile. “You make it sound like he was a shy maiden. I wouldn’t have
cared if he was ugly, I probably didn’t look too good myself at that point.”

“Gege always looks breathtaking.”

Xie Lian rolled his eyes. “San Lang thinks too highly of me. I’m afraid I’ll disappoint him.”

“His majesty could never disappoint me. Just keep doing whatever you want to do and this one will
be happy.”

He had mostly been joking around, but Hua Cheng sounded so sincere it took him by surprise for a
moment. “Alright.”

Hua Cheng reached out, hesitant at first, but seemed to gain the courage when he saw Xie Lian
was unbothered by his outstretched hand. Gently, tenderly, he tucked back some of Xie Lian’s hair.

“San Lang?”

Hua Cheng drew his hand back, as if he’d been caught doing something he shouldn’t be.

Xie Lian hadn’t been concerned about that. He reached out to lead Hua Cheng’s hand back to his
face, assuring him he could. “You don’t happen to know anything about the butterfly masked man
do you?”

“Like what?”

Like where he’s buried. But Xie Lian didn’t say that. “Anything really. I’ve never been good at
keeping up with rumors.”

Hua Cheng was quiet for a moment as if thinking. Finally though he said: “They said he was
dangerous and evil.”

“They say that about all Xue Yu.”

“He was a killer.”

“So were the people he killed.” And then quieter, for reasons Xie Lian couldn’t fully understand,
he admitted, “So am I.”

The silence stretched on and for a moment Xie Lian wondered if they were done for the night. But
then Hua Cheng spoke again, a small, quiet thing. “Does his majesty know the symbolism behind
the butterfly mask?”

“Butterflies are good luck, so the Xue Yu saw it as good luck when he came to their towns. He
protected them.”

“That's one theory.”

Xie Lian thought of what else butterflies symbolized. “Freedom? For the Xue Yu people?”

“That’s another theory.”

“What else could it be?”

“Your majesty is missing the most obvious interpretation.”

Xie Lian bunched up his brows in confusion. “Eternal love? That can’t be right, San Lang.”

Hua Cheng shrugged. “There’s a rumor he was fighting for someone specific. That the mask was
for them.”

“Did they pass away during the revolt?” From what he knew that’s when rumors had started.

“Who knows.”

Xie Lian nodded, he supposed that hadn’t been a fair question. Rumors could only get you so far.
“He never said anything to me. Well, I suppose in general he never said much to me. He meant a
lot to me, but I still don’t know what he thought of me.”

“I’m sure he recognized how special your majesty is.”

Xie Lian wanted to protest but he thought of the hands that had trembled slightly whenever they
brushed against him. Of the way the man had knelt every time he spoke, affording Xie Lian the full
respect of a king instead of a disgraced prince. “Maybe.”

Silence settled in the room once more, a serene, sleepy thing. Exhaustion weighed down on Xie
Lian, heavy but not unpleasantly so. More of a gentle tug downward really.

He was half asleep when he whispered, not even sure if his husband was still awake. “San Lang?”

“Yes gege?” Hua Cheng’s voice, deep and soothing, seemed to pull him closer to the edge of sleep.
He wasn’t even aware of the way he shuffled nearer to the sound, cuddling closer to his husband.
Even if he had been aware, he wouldn’t have been surprised. They often woke up somehow
touching when they had fallen asleep apart.

“Do you know how to make a flower crown?”

Hua Cheng’s arms were warm around him, safe in a way he hadn’t felt in so long. Here, drifting on
the edge of sleep in the tender hold of his husband, Xie Lian felt at peace.

There was an audible swallow, but Xie Lian was too tired to think too deeply about it. “En.”

“Could you teach me?” He yawned.

“En. Tomorrow. Gege should rest now,” Hua Cheng whispered.

Xie Lian nodded, letting the tides of sleep finally pull him under.


Xie Lian panted, staring down the edge of the blades pointed at him with a wild grin. “San Lang
won again. You fight much better when you can be creative.” Their wins and losses were more
evenly matched now.
“Gege lasted much longer than I expected after I disarmed him,” Hua Cheng lowered his blade and
twirled the extra sword around, handing it back to Xie Lian hilt first.

“Next time San Lang knows better than to try to stop at disarming me.” Xie Lian took the blade

Hua Cheng smiled at him. “Does gege want to go for another round?”

He shook his head. “San Lang had bested me for today. Let’s go to the garden.”

“The garden?”

“En. Didn’t you say you’d teach me to make flower crowns?”

“I didn’t think gege would remember.”

“Does San Lang not want to?”

Hua Cheng shook his head. “I’d be honored to teach gege how to make flower crowns.”

Xie Lian took his hand as they headed over. It wasn’t their first time in the garden, but it wasn’t
very frequent that they came without E’ming. “Which flowers are best?”

“We don’t want to pick ones that are too heavy or delicate. They also need a stem that will bend
and tie for us.”

Xie Lian thought about the flowers in the garden. “The peonies are probably too big then.”

“Not necessarily, they’d probably be difficult to start with but I’m sure gege could do it.”

Xie Lian changed course, leading them more towards the empty fields than the garden. Though he
suspected Hua Cheng noticed, he didn’t comment, merely letting Xie Lian sit them down in the
less maintained portion set aside for leisure.

“Let’s just use wildflowers. Those will be easier right?”

Hua Cheng smiled. “I’m not sure. It is how I learned.” Hua Cheng moved to collect flowers with
him until they had both amassed a nice pile. Settling down shoulder to shoulder, Hua Cheng
showed him how to tie them, repeating the process a few times before Xie Lian attempted it. It
wasn’t as hard as he’d thought, but it wasn’t necessarily easy either. Xie Lian never thought he was
especially skilled at crafting things like this.

Still, once he finished, he had a passable enough flower crown, nowhere near as good as Hua
Cheng’s. He thought it looked a little like the first few the butterfly masked man had given him. A
little clumsy and too sparse in some areas. But the butterfly masked man had improved rapidly in
skill so maybe Xie Lian would too.

“Gege did so well.”

“It’s because I had a good teacher.” Xie Lian smiled.

“Should this one help you put it on?”

“There’s no need, this one isn’t for me.” Xie Lian turned slightly to face him, carefully placing the
clumsy flower crown on Hua Cheng’s head.
Hua Cheng raised his brows. “Gege made it for me?”

“Of course. My San Lang deserves a gift for everything he’s put up with.”

“I’ll treasure it.”

Xie Lian could practically feel how much he meant it.

Hua Cheng ran his fingers lightly over the petals of his own crown. “May this husband give you
his crown then?”

“I’d be honored. I’m just sorry mine wasn’t better. I’ll try to practice.”

“Gege’s is perfect.” Hua Cheng maintained, carefully lifting the crown he’d made and tenderly
setting it on Xie Lian’s head with such familiar reverence it shocked him for a moment.

“The butterfly masked man.”

Hua Cheng froze.

“He used to do this too. Make me flower crowns, I mean.”

“They suit you.”

Xie Lian smiled. “They suit San Lang more. They share a name with you after all.”

For a moment it was like there was something waiting to shatter. Like a bubble of air escaping up
about to break the surface of a pond. Or the pull of two magnets drawing closer, closer, against
whatever restrained them from snapping together into a perfect fit. But whatever it was it faltered
first and left, and the two continued on, practicing flower crowns until they each wore three and
laughter overshadowed all else.

Chapter End Notes

I have a weak spot for Hualian making each other flower crowns. Next chapter we’ll
get to see what MQ was thinking about, though I suspect you guys kind of know
Chapter 14
Chapter Notes

Time for MQ to make that progress!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

The week had been unexpectedly quiet. Mu Qing and Feng Xin had been joining them sparring
more and more, but they seemed to be picking less fights. Still, Mu Qing tactfully avoided sparring
with Hua Cheng, leaving it to a gradually less frantic Feng Xin or an always enthusiastic Xie Lian.
After the second time his advisors had joined, Xie Lian had given up pretending to spar properly
again, delighting in the tricks and misdirects Hua Cheng used to beat him. Thankfully, the
shameless flirting he’d used the first day was reserved for days they didn’t have company. While
Mu Qing and Feng Xin might have kept their mouths shut about ‘improper and cheap tricks’, Xie
Lian doubted they would for some of the, ahem, suggestions Hua Cheng made when he was trying
to distract Xie Lian.

“Your majesty,” Mu Qing came over at the end of their latest meeting, waiting as the others
filtered out.

Xie Lian glanced over, waiting for an explanation.

“Have you ever noticed your husband—“ Mu Qing always said the title as if he meant to imply it
was a joke, “—is overprotective of you?”

Xie Lian thought for a moment. “San Lang is very attentive but I don’t know that I’d call him

Mu Qing crossed his arms. “You haven’t realized?”

“Realized what?”

“No one opposed anything you brought up this meeting.”

Xie Lian supposed that was true. He didn’t see why that was a big deal though. He rarely brought
forward firm stances, and always with careful reasoning, so they usually were accepted with just a
bit of grumbling.

“No one tried to take control of the meeting from you.”

He had noticed that. It was a newer occurrence, but he’d taken it as positive progress.

“You don’t find that odd?”

“Doesn’t it mean they’re starting to trust me?”

“Your majesty, maybe you don’t notice because he sits next to you, but have you ever looked at
Hua Cheng when he attends the meetings?”

Of course he had. Whatever look he had must have conveyed that because Mu Qing continued.
“Not enough because it seems like you don’t realize he’s been threatening advisors who are the
least bit disrespectful towards you.”

Xie Lian furrowed his brows. “But San Lang wasn’t even in today’s meeting.”

“They’re worried you’ll tell him.”

Xie Lian leaned back in his chair. “What does he do specifically?”

“Mostly he just glares, but they remember how many he killed before. It took them awhile to notice
the pattern in what was angering him, but being respectful towards you seems to be the key to
staying on his good side.”

Xie Lian sighed. “Is it upsetting the other advisors? I don’t want them to be scared of me.”

Mu Qing’s expression turned sour. “Your majesty, as much as I hate to concede it, it’s… useful.
You weren’t being taken seriously enough before.”

“If you don’t think it’s a problem why bring it up?” He didn’t think it was just to alert him.

“I think you have more control over Hua Cheng than we realized.”


“I think he’ll do what you ask.”

Xie Lian shook his head. “It’s true we get along but it’s not as though he blindly gives into
everything. You’ve seen him negotiate with me.”

“Have you ever asked for things outside the context of political exchanges?”

“Of course.”

Mu Qing raised an eyebrow, waiting.

Xie Lian faltered. “It’s not as if I’ve asked him for anything big though. San Lang is kind, so of
course he complies with small requests. I do the same for him.”

“Let’s test it.”

“I’m not going to do that.”

“Your majesty, he could be useful.”

Xie Lian knew that was true. Hua Cheng had considerable influence that Xie Lian hadn’t ever tried
to utilize outside of the money Hua Cheng had agreed to give for the construction project. But it
felt too much like taking advantage of him to try to see how genuine he had been in his claim that
all his assets were also Xie Lian’s.

“Take the money he's offered you and you can refill the treasury. Send him to the border and have
him set an example, people across the kingdom know to be afraid of him. Use his spy network—“

“We don’t know for sure he has one.”

“Your majesty. You married one of the most influential men in the kingdom. Use him.”
Xie Lian smiled politely. “I am. For peace.”

“Use him more. I’ve been watching how he looks at you, it wouldn’t be hard to convince him. If
your majesty just pretended to be in love with him I’m sure he’d abandon negotiating completely
and just give you what you wanted.”

“San Lang has someone else he loves. Even if he didn’t, I’m not going to manipulate him.”

“Can’t you come off your high horse and see what a good opportunity this is? We’re struggling to
stabilize things and avoid getting invaded, if you just—“



“I believe gege told you to stop talking,” Hua Cheng said coolly.

Mu Qing whipped around, color draining from his face as the man walked over.

Xie Lian’s stiff smile faltered. When had Hua Cheng come in? How much had he heard? Xie Lian
had objected to using him but would he still be upset? Actively hostile towards Mu Qing again? If
he was, Xie Lian really couldn’t blame him.

But Hua Cheng walked past Mu Qing like he was air, offering his hand to Xie Lian. “Gege was late
so I came to pick him up.”

Xie Lian took it, standing up without a second thought. Hua Cheng seemed completely normal.
“San Lang, please don’t be upset.”

“Don’t worry gege, I won’t hurt him. Only I thought your trash servants knew better than to
disrespect you by now.” Hua Cheng’s eyes briefly flicked over to Mu Qing.

To his credit, Mu Qing didn’t back down, staring back.

“Me?” If he was only worried about Xie Lian getting disrespect then maybe Hua Cheng hadn’t
heard very much.

Hua Cheng smiled in response. “Shall we go?”

Xie Lian nodded. If Hua Cheng hadn’t heard the context for Mu Qing’s outburst even better. They
headed out the door. E’ming, who had been patiently waiting in the doorway, panted excitedly to
see Xie Lian joining them. Slowly they made their way through the garden for E’ming’s walk, both
quiet until E’ming sprinted to run his laps.

“Gege could, you know.”

“Could what?” Xie Lian looked away from E’ming, up towards Hua Cheng.

“Manipulate me.” He said it so simply, so unbothered.

Xie Lian still winced. “How much did you hear?”

He shrugged. “Enough.”

“I’m sorry.”
“There’s no need for gege to apologize, he didn’t do anything wrong. I only hope if gege ever does
request this one’s services it will be because he wants them, not because others ask through him.”

Xie Lian wasn’t sure what to do with that.

Hua Cheng gave him an almost shy smile. “Was that too much?”

“I can’t take advantage of San Lang’s kindness anymore than I already have.”

Hua Cheng grinned. “Gege could just seduce me like the trash suggested and then we’d be even.”

“San Lang, I’m serious.”

“I am too. Isn't it just another form of negotiation? Gege’s kisses would be worth an awful lot.”

Xie Lian shook his head. “San Lang doesn’t have to bargain for kisses, he’s my husband.”

“Then this husband would be permitted to kiss you?”

“I suppose? I don’t really see the harm in—“ but he was cut off quickly by the eager press of Hua
Cheng’s lips against his.


He’d said it was fine, and it was, but he hadn’t really expected Hua Cheng to want to. And to want
to so quickly too! This was yet another husbandly duty he had no idea how to fulfill and wasn’t
quite sure how to process. Eyes open, he stood, completely still as he took in the long eyelashes
that laid against Hua Cheng’s cheek. This close, it was all he could really look at besides the clean
black eyepatch. After a moment that felt both endless and like no time at all, Hua Cheng pulled
back, his eye opening and studying Xie Lian cautiously.

“Was that all you wanted?” Xie Lian asked, not sure what to make of any of it. He had meant more
along the lines of ‘Was that a request you haven’t known how to ask for awhile?’ Only he didn’t
say it quite right because he was still a bit flustered and Hua Cheng seemed to misunderstand,
licking his lips.

“May this one have more?”

“If…yes? I don’t—“ Only he didn’t really have time to think about what he ‘didn’t’, because Hua
Cheng was kissing him again, a little deeper this time, as if testing to see how far Xie Lian would
let him go. Stunned, Xie Lian did his best to respond in turn, but he wasn’t quite sure he was doing
it right and weren’t they out in the open? Couldn't anyone just wander in and see them?

Their lips parted with a little pop that startled Xie Lian much more than it should have.

Hua Cheng tilted his head. “Have your eyes been open the whole time?”

“Probably?” If Xie Lian was honest, he was still processing the first kiss and had been going
through this one on autopilot while he waited for his brain to catch up.

“Did gege not enjoy it?”

“It was nice.” He wasn’t quite sure what else to say.

Hua Cheng still seemed a bit disappointed with that reaction. “Gege doesn’t have to force himself.”
“No, San Lang I… it— I…. It was good. San Lang is a good kisser.” At least, he thought that was
true. He didn’t really have anything to compare to but it felt nice, if a bit odd. Mostly it made his
heart feel a little funny and his mind go a bit blank.


Xie Lian nodded. “Excellent really, such an expert. San Lang must have a lot of practice. But then
that’s not surprising, San Lang is very handsome so of course many people would want to kiss
him. Have you been kissing long?” He was entirely unsure of what he was saying at this point but
maybe Hua Cheng wouldn’t notice.

Of course, that was a useless hope, because it was very difficult not to notice how flustered he was.

“Gege doesn’t have to push himself. Thank you for indulging this one in his request, you can forget
it if you want.”

“No no, its— we’re married, San Lang did nothing wrong.”

“Even if we’re married gege never has to do anything he's uncomfortable with.”

“It- It’s fine! San Lang can have as many kisses as he wants, that's what marriage is for probably.”

Hua Cheng looked hesitant. “Really?”

“Yes! Yes of course!” It would’ve possibly been more convincing if he hadn’t been staring very
pointedly to the side.

Hua Cheng tipped his chin so their eyes met and Xie Lian wished his face didn’t feel so hot. “Is
gege sure?”

It was more of a struggle than it should’ve been to meet his eye. “Yes. Very normal husband
things. It’s just I don’t have a lot of practice so I hope I don’t disappoint San Lang.”

Hua Cheng’s worried look melted into a smile and that was certainly not helping whatever Xie
Lian was currently dealing with. “Gege could never disappoint me.”

And then he kissed him again. This time Xie Lian remembered to close his eyes.

Chapter End Notes

I honestly had not expected Hualian to make progress too but I’m so glad they did XL
had me bashing my head into a wall. Anyways now HC gets smooches
Chapter 15
Chapter Notes

You know when you’re totally platonically married but your husband just LOVES
kissing you? Like every free second? There’s definitely nothing to unpack there, don’t
worry about it.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Ever since Xie Lian had given him permission, Hua Cheng seemed to find every excuse to kiss
him. He was woken with soft kisses, gentle and almost ticklish to his cheeks. Before meals Hua
Cheng had a habit of nipping at Xie Lian’s bottom lip as if he intended to make his husband into
his meal instead. Before and after meetings they could attend together, Hua Cheng liked to kiss his
hands, pressing a kiss first to the back of Xie Lian’s hand then to his knuckles. If he caught Xie
Lian reading documents, he liked to kiss the top of his head. During sparring he tried to sneak pecks
when they pressed too close and claimed deeper kisses for his prize when he won. On walks he’d
kiss Xie Lian’s hand when it was joined with his or steal little kisses whenever Xie Lian looked his

And those kisses of course flustered Xie Lian and somehow left him surprised every time, but the
ones that he thought were truly wrecking him were the ones Hua Cheng gave him to say goodnight.

Laying on their sides, they faced each other as Hua Cheng recited new love poems. In spite of
presumably not even seeing his beloved, Hua Cheng’s creativity was boundless when it came to
them and only seemed to be gaining in passion. For reasons Xie Lian couldn’t understand, the love
poems felt much more embarrassing to hear than usual. Like he was receiving grand love

Which was silly, really, he knew they were about Hua Cheng’s beloved, not him, but Hua Cheng’s
voice was so close and so sweet and far too intimate. Besides, Hua Cheng’s beloved was married
and unaware of his feelings. Xie Lian was the one who had him.

“Ah, San Lang, I’m a bit tired today, can we go to bed early?” He wasn’t tired in the slightest but
he was starting to regret not insisting he read for tonight. It was affecting him too much to hear the
loving tenderness Hua Cheng poured into every word as if he was desperate for Xie Lian to feel it.

His patient husband just smiled at him. “Of course, gege.” Leaning in, Hua Cheng kissed him
goodnight in the way that had been making Xie Lian’s head swim lately. Such a languid, sensual
thing, it always felt like he was trying to savor every part of Xie Lian, hands softly caressing Xie
Lian’s hip or arm. Today it was his arm. It wasn’t as if the arm was a particularly sensitive place to
be touched, but something about the way Hua Cheng’s fingers traced flowers against his skin had
him feeling even fuzzier. Xie Lian didn’t have to remember to close his eyes for these kisses now
that he was no longer shocked by them. He could hardly keep his eyes open.

Hua Cheng nuzzled noses with him after awhile, something Xie Lian had come to recognize meant
the kiss was done.

“Sleep well, gege.”

Xie Lian hummed in response. He’d known Hua Cheng was affectionate but this… he wasn’t sure
what to make of this. Surely anyone who saw them together would think they were a real couple.
At least Mu Qing hadn’t asked him about it. Well, in general Mu Qing hadn’t said much of
anything to him outside of meetings after their last conversation. Maybe that was for the best. He
really didn’t want anyone to ask.


It really shouldn’t have surprised him that Feng Xin was the one to ask.

“Did he seduce you?”

Xie Lian choked. “Pardon?”

He wasn’t sure whether or not to be relieved by the fact Feng Xin seemed just as uncomfortable to
be having this conversation.

“Is it an obligation then?”

“What are you talking about?” He knew full well what Feng Xin was talking about.

“You’re kissing him now!”

Xie Lian smiled awkwardly. “Technically he’s kissing me.”

“Do you want him to?”

What Xie Lian wanted was to not think too hard about that and he thought he’d done a very good
job the past week. “He’s my husband.” He answered simply.

“Your majesty, if you don’t like it you don’t have to put up with it, it doesn’t matter what the
others say. I’ll talk to him, I’m not afraid of him.”

“Feng Xin. Leave it be, please.”

It was a direct request and Feng Xin closed his mouth, fists clenched. His worry was palpable.

“It’s really okay. Please don’t—“ he was cut off by another person entering his office with
impeccable timing.

Hua Cheng leaned against the wall, waiting his turn when he saw Xie Lian was talking to
someone. It was sweet but they couldn’t very well talk about him while he was in the room so it
was pointless. Xie Lian waved him over.

Lighting up, he walked over to give Xie Lian a greeting kiss. “Does gege have much work left for

“Not too much that I can’t have a meal with you, just a moment.” He moved to clean things up.

Hua Cheng’s eyes flicked over to Feng Xin as he waited, which was understandable considering
Feng Xin was staring at them so blatantly. “Do you need something?”

Xie Lian had told him to leave it. Feng Xin wasn’t the type to go against a direct order, even if he
disliked it.

“No. Thank you for your time, your majesty. I’m always at your service if you require me.”
“I appreciate that,” he smiled.

Nothing more he could say, Feng Xin bowed and left, lingering only slightly.

“Gege’s servants seem to dislike when I’m affectionate with him.”

He wasn’t sure if Hua Cheng was perceptive or his advisors were just that obvious. “They're a bit
uncomfortable with it.” He admitted.

“Does gege mind them knowing?”


“I don’t care how they feel about it but I don’t want gege to feel awkward. I could stop giving
kisses when we have company if it bothers gege.”

For some reason, Xie Lian hated that idea. “San Lang can keep doing what he wants, they’re just
unused to it is all.”

Hua Cheng leaned on the desk. “What if your San Lang gets greedier?”

“Then he can have more.” His stomach was flipping at his own words for some reason, or maybe it
was just the smooth teasing words of his husband. It was hard to tell.

“What if your San Lang makes demands?”

“San Lang can make demands. I know he’d never force me if I disliked it.”

Hua Cheng leaned down as Xie Lian stood up, negating their height difference and putting their
faces entirely too close.

“May this husband make a selfish request then?”

“Of course.”

“Kiss me?”

Xie Lian felt his cheeks warm. “I kiss you all the time, that’s not a demand.”

“No, I kiss gege. Gege never starts the kisses.”

Xie Lian couldn’t deny that.

“Sometimes this one thinks gege is just humoring him and doesn’t enjoy himself.”

They were much too close and he could feel Hua Cheng’s breath mixing with his own. Xie Lian’s
eyes flickered shut as if on instinct, waiting for the kiss that didn’t come.

“Won’t gege reassure his husband?”

Xie Lian’s eyes opened again, and he couldn’t help the way his heart fluttered at the real
vulnerability in Hua Cheng’s gaze behind the teasing smile. So, although it was embarrassing and
he was sure it must be more awkward than when Hua Cheng started them, Xie Lian leaned in to
kiss him first.

“I, ahem, enjoy kissing San Lang, there’s no need to worry.” He explained when the kiss ended.
His husband’s fond and teasing gaze was back full force. “Pray gege give this one regular
reminders? This husband is awfully forgetful.”

Hua Cheng had incredible memory and Xie Lian knew that very well. Still, Hua Cheng looked so
pleased, like Xie Lian had just given him something precious.

He hoped his face wasn’t too red. “Okay.” He leaned in again. To practice, of course.

Chapter End Notes

I realized yesterday that because of how I set things up with the Xianle trio this fic
can’t just be over when Hualian gets together I have to wait until those dumbasses talk
about feelings. I feel like Hualian will get together first but who knows I guess, I don’t
control the rate of anything around here or it wouldn’t have taken FOURTEEN

Mutual pining has always been platonic actually. Xianle trio all pining to be friends.
Chapter 16
Chapter Notes

coronavirus_tridentarius, darling, I know you said you were worried about spoilers
and this chapter will feature characters you haven’t met who may be considered mild
spoilers. It’s not one of the major plot twists, but it’s definitely things you don’t know
from the show, specifically it’s book 3 so if you want no spoilers probably stop
reading now. Here I’ll write an alternate fic end for you real quick so you don’t get
left hanging:
“wow HC I really like kissing you maybe I’m in love with you” “gasp, gege I love you
too!” “What about your beloved?” “Gege is my beloved! Look I am the butterfly
masked man” and then they kiss and FX and MQ clap for them and they live
happily ever after the end.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

The match was dragging on. They were fairly well matched and used to each other’s styles by now,
even when they tried to be tricky about it. Their sparring could go on and on if neither of them got
lucky (or tricky) enough to tip the scales.

The clang of metal on metal reverbated through Xie Lian just as surely as his own heartbeat. Today
they were both in top form, Hua Cheng couldn’t even sneak kisses at the speed they danced around
each other.

Offensive. Defensive. They switched back and forth so fluidly it was hard to say who had the
advantage today. Hua Cheng always seemed the most alive on days like these. Both of them were
dripping with sweat and could feel the ache of exertion begin to creep over their bodies, but their
eyes were clear and focused on each other, existing solely in this one on one world.

Xie Lian had seen his husband gentle and flowing with soft words for him, but when they sparred
there was a power to Hua Cheng that was almost as intoxicating as the thrill of the battle itself.

His swing went too wide, a small, stupid mistake, but today those mistakes were all it took to
decide things. Hua Cheng’s sword aimed at his neck, both of them stopping, chests heaving and
grins huge.

“San Lang won.”

“I thought for sure gege had me again.” Xie Lian had leveraged his strength to knock Hua Cheng
down last round, but it wasn’t a trick he could use twice in a row and Hua Cheng had clearly been
on guard for it this time. “Can this husband claim his prize?”

“It only seems fair.” Xie Lian tossed his sword aside, and even though he was already a bit out of
breath, he felt Hua Cheng steal what was left of it from his lungs as he moved forward with the
certainty of someone now familiar with such prizes.

Xie Lian let their lips meet before he started walking backwards, slowly leading Hua Cheng under
the shade of the nearest tree. It wasn’t his steadiest journey, but eventually Xie Lian got what he
wanted, feeling the bark catch against his clothes and keep him supported.
Making a content noise as he felt his husband box him in, Xie Lian pulled Hua Cheng closer into
the kiss, arms settled around his neck with a now practiced ease. His pulse thrummed with the
adrenaline from their last match which he definitely had not purposely lost so that Hua Cheng
would ask for a reward and press him against this tree.

“Does gege want to go for another round?” Hua Cheng practically purred the words.

“Let me catch my breath first,” Xie Lian murmured, leaning in to kiss his husband again.

“Your majesty, are you still—“ Feng Xin ran up, stopping dead as he caught sight of the very
couple he’d been looking for clearly in the middle of something.

You would’ve thought he’d just walked in on them in bed. They were still decent! Well… Xie Lian
cleared his throat, lowering his arms and gently nudging his husband away.

“We just finished sparring. San Lang won.”

Feng Xin’s expression seemed to say that the explanation was worse.

“Did you need something?” Hua Cheng hadn’t fully pulled away, a single hand still casually
resting on the small of Xie Lian’s back.

Feng Xin pulled himself back together. “There’s a woman demanding to see Hua Cheng.”

Hua Cheng quirked a brow. “Who?”

“I don’t know, one of the servants asked me to get you two. But I wasn’t sure…”

Technically Hua Cheng had restrictions on his communication with the Xue Yu to avoid him
becoming a tool for spying. They’d never really had to talk about it since the original negotiations
since Hua Cheng seemed to follow all the terms and no one ever dropped by unannounced. Until
now at least.

“It’s fine, I’ll be with him like when Yin Yu visits, it’s within the agreed terms then.”

Feng Xin nodded and guided them to the front.

Hua Cheng’s steps were lazy and uninterested until they got close enough to hear the voices. At the
sound of that woman’s clear, crass voice, Xie Lian felt his husband perk up just barely with interest
beside him.

“Just let me wait somewhere proper will ya?!”

“We can’t just—“

“Move.” Hua Cheng demanded smoothly. Though he didn’t technically have the authority to order
around the guards, they still did as he asked, revealing a woman who looked to be a cheap
prostitute and a young boy of about eight or so.

The woman stood at attention, looking almost regal as she met Hua Cheng’s eye in spite of the way
her overly heavy makeup flaked. Just as quickly as she straightened though, she seemed to falter,
looking nervous and drawing the child with her closer.

“Can we talk in private?”

“His majesty will be joining us.” Hua Cheng said it with an air of disinterest, as if he didn’t care
about whether he met with her or not, but Xie Lian could read his husband better than that by now.

“That’s fine, just leave the extras.” She drew the young boy closer even as he squirmed.

“Where would gege like to entertain our guest?”

“Ah, San Lang can use my study.”

“Gege is very generous,” Hua Cheng kissed the top of his head.

The woman looked increasingly more nervous so Xie Lian motioned for her to follow, leading the
way. She seemed to relax for a moment when they entered the room, but bristled when Feng Xin
joined them in spite of the large distance he gave her.

Xie Lian looked up to ask Hua Cheng about it, only to realize his husband seemed to already be
talking to her silently. Hua Cheng’s eye flicked over to Feng Xin, then back to the woman, raising
an eyebrow. Xie Lian glanced over at her, but he wasn’t quite sure what her returning looks meant,
only that Hua Cheng seemed to understand well enough.

“Get out.” He said casually to Feng Xin.

“You need to be watched and his majesty needs a guard in case—“

“Feng Xin, I’ll be fine, you can wait outside.” It was almost nostalgic in a way. Even now as an
advisor Feng Xin seemed so set on acting as Xie Lian’s guard. He truly didn’t need it though.

Feng Xin frowned but nodded, heading outside. Only when the door closed behind him did the
woman let go of her squirming child.

“Mom stop being so clingy,” the boy huffed.

Hua Cheng leaned against Xie Lian’s desk. “Introduce yourself to his majesty.”

“No, San Lang, it’s okay.”

The woman was already bowing though, making her son bow too when she realized he wasn’t.
“My name is Lan Chang and this is my son Cuo Cuo, thank you for giving us an audience.”

“Of course. Please raise your heads.” Xie Lian assured. “You can pretend I’m not here, I apologize
for intruding.” Xie Lian moved to sit at his desk, hoping she didn’t feel too awkward with his

“I didn’t think you’d visit.”

“I wouldn’t have bothered you but Cuo Cuo wouldn’t behave.” She huffed, giving her son a stern

Hua Cheng raised a brow. “You're giving your mother hassle again?”

“They were saying crap about her again, they deserved it.” Cuo Cuo said without a hint of

Hua Cheng tilted his head, glancing at Lan Chang as he waited for an explanation.

“Nothing serious. Bastards have been quiet now that the guards listen when we report them. It’s
just the usual because of my job.”
Xie Lian felt a bit more at ease at that. It was good to hear things actually were improving.

“What did you do to them?” Hua Cheng returned his attention to the boy.

“I just kicked them around a bit.”

“So you fought them to defend your mother and then she got in more trouble?” Hua Cheng’s voice
was patient and level.

Cuo Cuo scrunched his face up. “Last time I got in a fight you were on my side.”

“I never said I wasn’t on your side this time either.”

“What should I have done then?”

Hua Cheng knelt down, waving the boy over. Cuo Cuo came up obediently, leaning in to listen to
what Hua Cheng was whispering to him. Xie Lian probably shouldn’t have allowed that, but he
trusted Hua Cheng wasn’t using the boy to send secret messages.

Whatever it was he’d told Cuo Cuo seemed to give the child new determination as he returned to
his mother’s side.

“Are ya gonna behave now?” Lan Chang crossed her arms.

Cuo Cuo nodded.

Sighing, Lan Chang bowed to Hua Cheng again. “I’m sorry for bothering you. Thank you for
always looking after him.”

Hua Cheng waved her off.

“I’ll stop bothering my Lords now. Come on, Cuo Cuo.” Lan Chang led him out and Xie Lian and
Hua Cheng were left alone again.

“I didn’t know San Lang had a son.”

Hua Cheng turned, making a face. “Gege he isn't mine.”

Xie Lian’s stomach turned somewhat oddly. “Was she your beloved?”

He laughed. “No, I’ve just given her some help in the past. Her son has no father so he likes to
imitate me.”

That’s right, hadn’t Hua Cheng said his beloved didn’t know him that well? So of course they
wouldn’t just show up asking for help. He felt better for some reason.

“San Lang is so kind.”

“Gege, who do you think taught the kid to throw a solid punch?” Hua Cheng teased.

Xie Lian just shook his head, standing from his desk to move closer to his husband. “San Lang still
helped. And clearly they both trust and respect San Lang or they wouldn’t have come today.”

Hua Cheng hummed, smiling as Xie Lian cupped his face. “Is gege going to reward me?”

Xie Lian felt his face heat up a little at having his thoughts read so well but still made a noise of
agreement and closed the distance between them. Hua Cheng seemed momentarily surprised, but
that never lasted long as he melted into the kiss.

Chapter End Notes

Is Cuo Cuo out of character or is that just what he would be like if he could be raised
like a normal child? I tried to make him a more normal amount of feral.
Also does anyone else read chapter 99 and go wild thinking about the implications of
LC bowing and thanking HC for his protection over the years? Were they friends? Is it
just because she understands Ghost City provides something that didn’t exist before?
How much about her does HC know?
I was trying to write more for this yesterday but my brain just did not want to so
instead I wrote Hualian poetry and posted that. Still have another chapter written and
ready for this but sure would like to be able to write more today.
Anyways. XL likes kissing.
Chapter 17
Chapter Notes

Ace Danmei week begins in one week! October 24 will kick off the event! You can
find more information about it on Tumblr or Twitter . I already have had my fic
written since before Sugar Sugar and I’m so excited to share AND TO SEE THE
OTHER CONTENT!! Join us!!!

Back in chapter 8 sunshine said something about HC pouting his way out of a meeting
and I said that gave me an idea but I was mad I had to wait because XL didn’t have his
crush good enough yet. Well now he’s full swing into that crush and it’s TIME.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

The meeting was going poorly. It was just a discussion on how they would handle the upcoming
founding day festival so it should have been easy. But tensions were high as advisors with personal
grudges used this chance to air them out. Some wanted to go big, others wanted it to be done
conservatively given the financial situation. Some wanted to really highlight Xie Lian, others
thought it best not to call any more attention than necessary on the new king.

Xie Lian really should’ve been trying to minimize the petty disputes and insults currently being
hurled. The problem was, well, Hua Cheng was in this meeting too.

And it wasn’t that he was saying much. He wasn’t even paying much attention to Xie Lian
currently. Instead his gaze tracked whoever was speaking, expression filled with haughty
disinterest or arrogant displeasure at whoever was voicing the latest shitty idea. Xie Lian wasn’t
the only one noticing either. When an idea or a tone was one Hua Cheng especially disagreed with,
his eye would flash with a dangerous air of disgust, lips curling. That single look would quickly
shut up whoever was talking and move the conversation onto someone else.

He oozed confidence, clearly at ease through his various levels of unimpressed by the meeting. Xie
Lian loved to see his husband’s tender gaze and teasing smiles, but there was something about the
reckless arrogance Hua Cheng displayed now that had Xie Lian openly staring. Even in this room
full of people who claimed to look down on him, he still could dominate a conversation without a
word. That was the power of the man he called his husband.

He should’ve realized sooner though that openly staring was highly noticeable, especially to Hua
Cheng who always seemed to notice him.

Hua Cheng’s gaze turned to Xie Lian, catching his eye and smiling before leaning in. The way his
arrogance vanished as soon as he looked at Xie Lian could give a person whiplash if they weren’t
careful, but Hua Cheng never looked at him with anything less than respect. This man who seemed
to view everything else as beneath him never hesitated to let Xie Lian stand as equals, or even as a
superior, to him. It made his heart squeeze with emotions he didn’t try to find names for.

For a moment Xie Lian wondered if his husband was going to kiss him, right in front of all their
arguing advisors, but instead he just whispered. Xie Lian wasn’t sure if he was relieved or
disappointed. No, of course he was relieved! They couldn’t be kissing in public, what was that
thought? Silly.
“Gege can’t you let them work this out themselves? We could’ve gone on a date today if it wasn’t
for this meeting.”

“Didn’t I eat lunch with you? San Lang already got his date.”

Hua Cheng did his best to look pitiful but it wasn’t very convincing with that mischievous look in
his eye. “But I hardly got to kiss gege so it doesn’t really count.”

“I don’t remember that being a factor in what made something a date during our negotiations.”

“Wasn’t it? I’m certain I remember gege saying he’d let his San Lang be greedy.”

“San Lang is mixing conversations now. But I’ll give him kisses after the meeting ends if that’s
what he needs.”

“Your majesty?”

Xie Lian straightened up, feeling ready to crawl out of his skin in embarrassment as he realized the
meeting was silent and all eyes were on the royal couple. Instead he smiled. “Yes?”

“Do you agree with the motion to appoint one person as in charge of this event?”

Oh good they’d actually made progress while he was distracted. He’d been worried they’d have
several more hours of this. “I do, will the candidates please raise their hands?”

Multiple hands came up, but some of them quickly shot back down as they looked to Xie Lian’s
side. Curious, Xie Lian glanced over and saw Hua Cheng had raised his hand too.

“San Lang?”

“He’s not even—“ the advisor swallowed whatever they’d been about to say as Xie Lian glanced
over with a look that practically dared them to finish what he’d known was coming.

“I said his name because I was surprised, I haven’t chosen who to appoint yet. Did you have a
reason why I shouldn't choose my husband though?”

“Pardon my outburst, your majesty. I was just… surprised he would be interested in our founding
day festival.” The advisor said evenly. Xie Lian had already had multiple talks with this man in
particular for his stance on Xue Yu. Luckily he seemed to be learning what could and couldn’t be

“It’s an important anniversary for me,” Hua Cheng gave the advisor a thin smile.

“Would you pay for it out of pocket if you were appointed?” Mu Qing asked.

Hua Cheng glanced over. “That’s right. Other than the salary for the extra guards needed, of

Several more advisors put their hands down, willing to relinquish control for the good of the

“San Lang, you wouldn’t have to do that.”

Hua Cheng smiled. “Gege doesn’t have to worry. It’s just that this one has a specific image in
mind. Besides, it wouldn’t be too expensive, I was going to try to bring back the stalls as the main
pull of the festival.”
Back when Xie Lian had been a prince, the founding day festival used to be a day when the streets
were lined with stalls selling foods and little baubles. It had been a huge economic boon for
merchants. But when Yong’an had taken control, the festival had been declared a day of rest for
merchants and dancing had become associated as the main event.

“San Lang is just going to ignore the past decade?”

“I’ll still include the dancing. Wouldn’t it be fun to have it as a night event?”

More of the advisors began to look satisfied. In truth, Xie Lian guessed most of them had just been
volunteering to make sure specific people they had previous grudges with didn’t get the position.
Though no one really liked Hua Cheng, he was, in a way, a neutral party. It wasn’t unreasonable
for him to take control of the project either. The event didn’t require all that much to plan but
usually past queens were given some involvement. Though Hua Cheng’s position as king consort
was a bit more complex, there was no reason to keep him from such minor projects. Still, there
were those who had actual ideas and passion behind this project too.

“Why don’t you work as a committee?” Xie Lian gestured to two advisors and his husband. One
Xianle, one Yong’an, and one Xue Yu. And none of them with personal agendas against each other
that Xie Lian knew of.

Though the advisors looked wary to be working with Hua Cheng they still nodded their agreement,
wanting the chance to participate in the planning enough to brave the king consort’s company for
the foreseeable future.

“If that’s what gege thinks is best.” Hua Cheng smiled.

“You have my permission to do as you see fit, no need to ask for my final approval on anything for
the event.”

“Gege is fine to do the traditional parade around the city?”

“En, that’s fine, just let me know if there’s anything I need to get ready.” Now that there was a
committee this meeting could end and Xie Lian could stop thinking of the founding day festival
until the day came.

“What is his majesty going to wear?” Mu Qing asked.

Or not.

“I’ll just dress like I usually do.”

“Your majesty, all of the royal family does the parade.”


“Don’t you think you and your husband made an odd pair?”

Ah. Right. He looked over at Hua Cheng, taking in the stately red tunic he wore today and the
silver jewelry that was so abundant in number it might have overshadowed someone with less
presence. Meanwhile, Xie Lian would not have looked out of place doing manual labor in a field.

“Gege shines radiantly in anything, but I can have something tailored that would still suit your
tastes if you’d like.”
“Ah San Lang, I couldn’t ask you to do that. I have a few formal pieces I can wear.”

“Truthfully, this husband has wanted to buy you new clothes for awhile so it wouldn’t be a bother.
Gege deserves nice things.”

He wondered if it was perhaps hard on Hua Cheng to be with someone who looked so mismatched
from him. Xie Lian didn’t want to be an embarrassment to his husband. “Alright, if San Lang really
wants to.”

Hua Cheng smiled, reaching out for Xie Lian’s hand and pressing sincere kisses to it despite the
fact the meeting had yet to officially end. “Gege is so good to his San Lang.”

“Meeting dismissed?” Feng Xin asked awkwardly.

“Dismissed,” Xie Lian nodded, giving his advisors an apologetic smile.

They wasted no time heading out.

Chapter End Notes

Unlike with PM, I do actually intend to do a bit more with LC and CC but it is going to
be a hot minute because XL has some shit to deal with for the next few chapters
And yes I did write another oneshot avoiding writing chapter 19 of this fic what is
your point
Chapter 18
Chapter Notes

You have to wait for the founding day festival, it takes time for the planning and XL is
going through things that can’t be time skipped

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Mu Qing and Feng Xin stood in front of Xie Lian’s study, the first clearly in a sour mood though
the second wasn’t much better. Based on the matching bloody noses, they were fresh from a fight
too. And going off the way they were waiting, they had probably come together, though why they
would patiently wait for him immediately after a fist fight without even cleaning up first was
forever baffling to him. Hopefully it meant that they hadn’t been waiting long.

At least Xie Lian knew Hua Cheng was due to be busy for the next couple hours and couldn’t walk
in to make whatever this was about to be worse.

Xie Lian smiled, though he wasn’t at all surprised that Mu Qing didn’t return the gesture. Nor was
he surprised when Feng Xin bowed his returning greeting. “Come in.” He moved past them to
open the study door for them.

They shuffled into the room, the door closing behind them with a soft thud. Xie Lian got the
distinct impression they weren’t going to sit even if he did, so he remained standing, simply
moving in front of his desk and waiting.

He didn’t have to wait long before Feng Xin bowed deeply again and then elbowed Mu Qing until
he did the same. “We’re very sorry, your majesty.”

“Wait, wait, raise your head, you know you don’t have to bow like that! What’s this about
anyways?” Despite their frequent disputes, the two of them were among Xie Lian’s best advisors.
Their work was well done and their advice was always sound, so it couldn’t be about work. And it
couldn’t be about the way their friendship had left off all those years ago. He’d been back at the
palace months now, all three of them tactfully never mentioning it. What did they have to
apologize so seriously for?

“It hadn’t occurred to me you were… you were…” Feng Xin seemed to struggle with it.

“We hadn’t realized you were actually in love with your husband. We thought you were just
playing the martyr like always.” Mu Qing rolled his eyes at the way Feng Xin stuttered.

“Can’t you say things without turning them into an insult?” Feng Xin hissed.

“Stop, stop,” Xie Lian raised his hand to silence the budding argument. “What are you talking

“I wasn’t delicate enough when asking you to use Hua Cheng’s influence. I had thought you were
just humoring him for the sake of peace.”

“I thought Hua Cheng was forcing himself on you. I hadn’t thought… You know.”
“You’re such a child, is his majesty being in love really that hard for you to say?”

“I’m… I’m not in love with San Lang though?” Xie Lian smiled nervously, not at all sure how to
handle the accusation.

Mu Qing gave him a look of blank irritation while Feng Xin just looked confused.

“Then he is forcing himself on you?” Even he didn’t sound convinced of this anymore though.

“No, no, I truly enjoy San Lang’s company. I feel very lucky that he’s my partner, I couldn’t have
imagined someone more compatible with me.”

Mu Qing’s face turned to disgust. “So you don’t have romantic feelings for him?”

Xie Lian laughed nervously. “Of course not.”

He scoffed. “Then you’re just horny, that’s worse. I shouldn’t have asked.”

“WHAT THE FUCK?!” Feng Xin yelled.

“That’s what that means isn’t it? You’ve caught them making out as much as I have.”

“We haven’t really been kissing that much have we?” Xie Lian felt the heat rising to his cheeks.

“I catch you at least once a day.” Mu Qing said mercilessly.

Feng Xin, as much as he clearly wished to say otherwise, nodded his agreement.

Xie Lian covered his face. “That’s not… San Lang is just affectionate is all hahaha…”

“Your majesty, I have unfortunately seen you be the one to start it. Several times.” Mu Qing
commented dryly. “I’m not going to judge you for having a sex life with your husband—“ for once
the title didn’t sound mocking, “—I just wanted to clear the air.”

“We don’t— that’s not—“ Xie Lian nearly choked. Did they look that affectionate?! “San Lang
and I agreed we wouldn’t find sex with someone we don’t love fulfilling!”

Both of them were giving him odd looks now.

“Your majesty… even if you don’t love him… Hua Cheng is definitely obsessed with you.” Feng
Xin managed.

“What?” Xie Lian laughed, it really wasn’t funny but he couldn’t stop laughing at this point. “No,
no, San Lang told me he’s in love with someone.”

“That someone is definitely you.” Mu Qing pointed out, looking unimpressed by Xie Lian’s crisis.

Xie Lian just laughed, desperately trying to process that. “No, no, that’s impossible.”

“Who is he in love with then?”

“I— well I don’t know who exactly, but he told me a bit about them on our wedding night!”


“And they’re—“ most of the traits Hua Chang had listed were subjective and couldn’t really be
used to prove anything. “They're noble!” He fumbled.
“Your majesty. You’re a king.”

Xie Lian’s laugh became a bit more frantic. “They’re married!”

“So are you.”

“Wait but that means we were right, he’s definitely been obsessed with his majesty since before the
marriage. How creepy.” Feng Xin shuddered.

“No no, there’s no way,” he racked his brain for solid things he knew about Hua Cheng’s beloved.
Though he’d heard numerous poems about them, it wasn’t as though they gave names or unbiased
traits that would help. All descriptions of his beloved’s physical features were common enough that
Xie Lian could have been the subject but no, that was just because his hair and eye color was
common, nothing more. “Ah! I’ve got one! He said you two betrayed his beloved!”

As soon as the frantic attempt at dismissing himself from the running left his lips, he realized what
he’d said.

Mu Qing stiffened. Feng Xin looked stricken. And Xie Lian… Xie Lian felt overwhelmed.

“They betrayed my beloved. They all deserved far worse than they got. But I’ll leave those two
alone since gege doesn’t want them dead.”

“Since gege doesn’t want them dead.”

He’d thought Hua Cheng had given him that decision because Mu Qing and Feng Xin were his
advisors. Because he knew it could cause trouble for Xie Lian to be left without their help. But
what if it was because he was the one directly affected by the betrayal?

“I didn’t… I didn’t say anything about you to him.”

“Stop looking so guilty, it was common knowledge we sided with the new rule, you wouldn’t have
had to.” Mu Qing looked away.

“I should go, I have more work to look over.” Feng Xin’s gaze was fixed to the floor as he waited
to be dismissed.

“I’m…” Xie Lian sighed. It was too late now. The issue had been brought out, it might as well be
clearly said. “I don’t blame either of you for what happened. You did what you had to and you took
good care of our kingdom. I’ve long since put it behind me.”

“Clearly your husband hasn’t.”

Xie Lian wasn’t even sure how to argue that. Didn’t this actually make a lot of sense? All of Hua
Chang’s behavior lined up perfectly with the theory. Of course he’d be so good at acting like a
loving husband if Xie Lian truly was his beloved. Everything he offered, the poems he only
seemed to write more and more of the more they got to know each other, the way he looked at Xie
Lian… was there any explanation that made more sense? He’d had moments where he’d suspected
perhaps it was true, but he’d never actually let himself believe…

Mu Qing gave him a complicated look. “Your majesty… you really don’t love him?”

“Ah, I…” Xie Lian blinked, mind working too slow and too fast all at once.

Feng Xin held out a hand, then hesitated.

Xie Lian met his eye, giving him a curious look.

Gaining a bit of confidence, Feng Xin awkwardly patted his shoulder. “Whatever conclusion your
majesty comes to, I’ll support you.”

Xie Lian smiled at them both, feeling something loosen a bit in his chest, calming the frantic
thoughts in his head just a bit. “I know. Thank you.”


“Why exactly has his majesty called us for dinner?” Mu Qing asked after five minutes of Xie Lian
making some of the worst small talk of his life.

“Hahaha after our conversation earlier I thought it might be nice, like old times.”

“Doesn’t his majesty usually have dinner with his husband?”

Xie Lian wondered if Mu Qing would stop talking if he just laughed long enough.

Mu Qing sighed. “If you’re hoping for romance advice you’ve come to the wrong people, neither
of us have any experience with this sort of thing.”

Feng Xin heistated. “I… might be able to help?”

“You had a boyfriend?” Both Xie Lian and Mu Qing asked in surprise. Xie Lian almost felt silly
for being surprised, it had been years after all, but Mu Qing sounded like he hadn’t known either so
maybe not.

“No a girlfr— wait, why do you both assume it would be a man?” Feng Xin furrowed his brows.

“Logistically I’m not sure how you date someone you can’t stand to be alone in a room with.” Mu
Qing rolled his eyes. “And it’s not like I’ve never seen you interested in another man.”

“Really? I didn’t know that either.” Xie Lian mused as Feng Xin flushed.

“You wouldn’t.” Mu Qing muttered.

“That was when I was young! Anyways yes I had a girlfriend! Fiancée actually.”

“Did you break up because you ran screaming every time she tried to kiss you?”

“No, she was different… so I could possibly offer his majesty some advice.”

“What happened?” Xie Lian asked softly. He wasn’t sure if it was the type of information he was
still entitled to but it didn’t seem like Feng Xin was trying to hide anything.

“She broke it off. A bit after you told me to leave actually. Her family sided with yours in the
power shift. She thought I should go back to the capital like you said though so she cut things off.”
Feng Xin told them this matter of factly, but it was obvious it hurt him somewhat.

“You were seeing her during the time you were on the run with me?” Xie Lian hadn’t had any idea.
His memories at that time were admittedly foggy but wasn’t that something he should’ve noticed?

“You were stressed, I didn’t want to bother you more.”

The deterioration of the friendship has started much sooner than he’d thought. Still, Xie Lian was
fairly sure Feng Xin didn’t want an apology any more than he wanted one from Feng Xin.

Luckily, Mu Qing steered the conversation back. “Do you actually have advice for his majesty?”

“Probably! I don’t know. What do you need help with?” Feng Xin did not look at all equipped to
handle relationship advice.

“Oh it’s okay, I don’t really need help with anything.”

“Your majesty, with all due respect, you just found out you and your husband have mutual feelings
and decided to start avoiding him about it.” Mu Qing picked at his food.

“Hahaha I just wanted to have dinner with you two, of course I'm not avoiding San Lang…”

Neither of them looked particularly convinced.

Xie Lian sighed. He hadn’t even properly cancelled dinner in person, just had a servant tell Hua
Cheng for him.

“Well whatever, you share a room so you’ll have to think of something tonight.”

“I actually have a lot of work tonight so it probably won’t be an issue until at least tomorrow,

Mu Qing gave him a look of resigned disappointment.

“If you’re uncomfortable with Hua Cheng’s feelings for you, you should just reject him now. We
can prepare another room.” Feng Xin offered.

“He’s not uncomfortable with it, he’s just being an idiot.”

“You’re always so quick to insult the royal family just because—“

“Alright, alright, that’s enough.” Xie Lian laughed awkwardly. “I’ll talk to San Lang about it
tomorrow, I just want to get through the documents I didn’t complete earlier.”

Mu Qing rolled his eyes. “As you wish, your majesty, you know best.” His voice was dripping with
enough sarcasm to drown someone.

Xie Lian smiled, a bit awkward but mostly genuine. “You know, you never would’ve talked like
that before.”

Mu Qing bristled a little.

“He was always thinking it though.” Feng Xin scoffed.

“Thinking isn’t a crime. I wasn’t high enough rank to speak freely before, sorry for getting

“Why do you have to get so sensitive about everything, no one is saying you shouldn’t have gotten
promoted.” Feng Xin huffed.


“En. It’s good you got promoted,” Xie Lian’s smile came easy now. “I always knew you’d make a
level headed advisor.”
Mu Qing looked away, clearly a bit flustered by the sincere compliment. “Whatever.”

Chapter End Notes

You know when you’re fist fighting your childhood whatever and then you both
realize your former *vague and ambiguous hand gesture* is actually in love with his
husband and his husband is DEFINITELY into him so you have to go talk to him
about it mid fight? No? Just FX and MQ?
Also chapter 19 is being a bitch because Hualian does NOT want to have this
conversation. Does it have anything to do with the fact I haven’t been able to sleep for
the past week and my face feels numb? Maybe. Who knows. I’ll probably manage pull
it out of them in time to post tomorrow but if I don’t, I didn’t die, I’m just busy
bopping them on the heads with a bat.
Chapter 19
Chapter Notes

Finished yesterday but no buffer chapter yet so who knows what tomorrow will bring
More importantly LOOK at this art by Saawek of Hualian making flower crowns on
tumblr or Twitter !!!!! I’m so blessed it is my phone lockscreen now.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Xie Lian ran a hand through his hair as he read over the documents for tomorrow. Truthfully, he
really hadn’t had enough work to be cooped up here until late in the night but he needed an excuse
to gather his thoughts away from Hua Cheng a bit longer.

Hua Cheng probably liked him. Hua Cheng had probably liked him for a long while. Only Xie
Lian wasn’t sure how to start that conversation. He also couldn't for the life of him figure out how
they knew each other.

There was a knock at his study door. The knock was polite, crisp, and gentle, so definitely not Feng
Xin or Mu Qing. Probably a servant with a few refreshments.

“Come in.”

“How is gege holding up?” Hua Cheng came in, refreshments in hand and that fond look on his

Though he’d been exactly who Xie Lian was avoiding, he couldn’t find any part of him that was
upset. Instead, he found himself rising to greet his husband.

“San Lang didn’t have to come.”

“I wanted to. Gege works so hard.” Hua Cheng leaned in to kiss him, quick, chaste, and full of a
tenderness that was beginning to make Xie Lian’s heart waver. Why had he ever wanted to take
time away from Hua Cheng to figure this out?

“San Lang gives me too much credit, I was about to quit for the night anyways.”

“Does gege want to come back to the room with me then?” Hua Cheng brightened.

“En, just let me clean up.”

Hua Cheng waited patiently. “Does gege still want the snacks?”

“We can share them in the room, it would be a waste not to have any after you prepared them.” Xie
Lian said as he tidied up. Coming back over, he realized both of Hua Cheng’s hands were full with
the tray. Not thinking too much, he linked arms with his husband instead, only really processing it
when he noticed Hua Cheng give him a heart melting smile.

Some of Xie Lian’s nervousness was creeping back, but mostly he was just happy to be with his
husband. Even if he was wrong and Hua Cheng didn’t like him he’d surely be kind about it.
They walked back quietly, but Xie Lian found himself glad for the space to gather his thoughts,
unaware of the way he was leaning more against Hua Cheng as they went.

“Gege must be very tired. Is there something on your mind? This husband would be happy to
listen.” Hua Cheng said gently as they walked into the room. E’ming leapt up to greet Xie Lian.

Laughing at the eager dog, Xie Lian knelt to give E’ming his nightly dose of pats and kisses. “It’s
nothing much. San Lang doesn’t need to worry.”

Hua Cheng hummed, moving to get ready for bed. “Is gege sore at all? I could give a massage.”

Xie Lian looked up, unable to help but stare at his husband. At the faint smile on his lips. The
slender fingers removing all the baubles he wore. The widow's peak he found himself pressing
kisses to lately. Husband. For once, the word felt real to Xie Lian. It felt bubbly and precious and…
and Xie Lian was Hua Cheng’s husband too.

“Gege?” Hua Cheng turned slightly to face him properly, smile widening when he caught Xie Lian
staring. “Oh, were you enjoying the show?” He teased, despite still being fully dressed besides his

Xie Lian felt heat rise to his cheeks at having been caught but nodded, his voice even and honest.
“I was just thinking how glad I am that San Lang is my husband.”

Hua Cheng stared at him in shock, a slow, shy blush of his own creeping over his face, but his
smile tore straight through Xie Lian’s heart. “This one is glad he can please your majesty.”

He wanted to ask now. The mood was good and all the evidence pointed to it being true but… “San
Lang, let’s make flower crowns again tomorrow. I want to make you a good one this time.” They
had practiced a few more times while walking E’ming, but Xie Lian’s attempts were still a bit

“Alright,” Hua Cheng smiled. Then, with a mischievous look in his eye, he made a dramatic show
of undressing slowly, too exaggerated to be a real seduction attempt.

Xie Lian shook his head with a laugh and got up to get ready for bed himself.

“Is this husband not to your liking?” Hua Cheng pouted as Xie Lian turned his back on his teasing.

“Oh no, it’s just that I’ve been too overcome by my husband’s radiance. I can’t look or I may not
be able to stop myself from ravaging him.” Xie Lian teased right back. Being with Hua Cheng felt
so easy. So light.

“Gege is free to ravage me any time he wishes.”

Xie Lian let out a scandalized gasp that choked on his snort. “Shameless.”

“Why should I have shame about satisfying my husband?” There was a shifting sound Xie Lian
knew without looking meant Hua Cheng had sat down on the bed.

Putting his clothes for the day neatly away, Xie Lian turned to join him, leaving the playful
question unanswered.

Hua Cheng didn’t seem to mind, perfectly willing to drop it as they settled down. “We can skip
stories tonight if gege is too tired.”
Xie Lian nodded. He wasn’t really, but he didn’t feel like telling his own stories and he may
combust if he heard Hua Cheng reciting love poems.

Hua Cheng leaned in to kiss him goodnight, the gentle affection washing over them both. Although
separated by fabric, the patterns lightly traced along Xie Lian’s hip felt like a loving tether as he
melted into his husband.

And maybe it was because he was so comfortable he said it or maybe it weighed on his mind
heavier than he thought, but when Hua Cheng pulled back to nuzzle their noses Xie Lian found
himself speaking.

“Have you kissed your beloved like this?”

Hua Cheng stilled. “I’ve only kissed you.”

It wasn’t an answer. But if Hua Cheng was avoiding the question… Xie Lian nuzzled closer, eyes
remaining closed.

“You wrote poems about how their lips taste.”

“Gege has a good memory.”

He was avoiding direct answers. Xie Lian usually dropped a topic when Hua Cheng answered like
this. He knew it meant his husband didn’t want to talk about it but didn’t want to lie. But Xie Lian
didn’t want to drop it.

“You said you could taste joy in their smile and dreams on their lips.” Xie Lian opened his eyes,
feeling oddly calm as he met Hua Cheng’s gaze so near his own. “What do I taste like?”

“It feels as though your majesty already knows the answer,” Hua Cheng said quietly. He looked
nervous. It made Xie Lian feel even calmer.

“I suspected.” He confirmed, feeling steady and fond and safe.

“And… you don’t mind?” His voice was hopeful, but there was a twinge of doubt. As though Xie
Lian hadn’t just been kissing him. As though Xie Lian’s gaze could be anything but that of a man
hopelessly in love.

Xie Lian smiled, leaning in to kiss his husband’s fears away again. Hua Cheng had a bad memory
after. He needed Xie Lian to kiss him sometimes to remind him. “I think San Lang tastes like joy


Xie Lian fumbled with the flowers in his hand, willing them to make them turn out better today.
Stubbornly, the flowers he was trying to fill it out with dropped, leaving the chain even sparser
than usual.

Hua Cheng watched him work, unabashed adoration in his stare.

“Oh no, did San Lang already finish?”

“En. There’s no rush though, gege.”

Xie Lian looked over. The crown his husband had made him was full and vibrant, truly a worthy
gift. In comparison, Xie Lian’s was…
“If gege is taking a break may I give him mine?” Hua Cheng leaned forward a bit, as if very eager
to do so.

And how could Xie Lian deny him such a simple thing? “Alright.” He let his hands rest in his lap
and bowed his head a bit as Hua Cheng moved into a kneeling position, crowning Xie Lian with a
look of soft reverence. Seeming satisfied, he kissed Xie Lian’s forehead before pulling back away
to sit down.

Xie Lian stared, not picking back up his flower crown quite yet.


“San Lang… we met before we married, right?”

Hua Cheng seemed surprised. “Your majesty remembers?”

“You— no it’s… I’m sorry. You just reminded me of someone for a moment is all. He’s dead
though so it’s…”

Understanding flashed across Hua Cheng's face. “Your majesty,” he called softly, “why do you
think he’s dead?”

Think? What an odd way to phrase it. “I watched him get cut down, I know he’s dead.”

Hua Cheng cupped his face. “Have I ever told you how I lost my eye?”

Xie Lian wasn’t sure what to make of this sudden change in topic. “No?”

“I had guards ambush the place I was staying. I shouldn’t have stayed in one place so long but there
was someone I wanted to protect and he wasn’t ready to travel yet. He was even more wanted than
I was so I hid him, but I was too slow. I ended up getting into a fight in the house and I dodged a
blow to my neck but he swiped my eye instead. Head wounds bleed a lot, I’m told it looked fairly

Xie Lian found himself dropping his bad attempt at a flower crown and reaching for the eyepatch,
thumb grazing over the surface of it as he stared.

“I came back later, but the person I was with must have left the hiding spot. I couldn’t find him
again. It had already been pure luck that I found him the first time.”

“You’re alive.”

Hua Cheng leaned into Xie Lian’s touch. “En.”

“That’s how you knew me before, San Lang was… San Lang… you saved me.”

Hua Cheng smiled. “Your majesty is forgetting. I was already wearing the butterfly mask back

Xie Lian remembered what Hua Cheng had said about the rumors about the meaning. Butterflies
for eternal love. He’d fought for his beloved already by then. Well, that did make more sense.
After all, Hua Cheng had been so quick to take care of him and the idea that he would’ve fallen for
Xie Lian during that time was a bit strange.

Xie Lian tried to think of when he possibly could have met Hua Cheng before, but he really
couldn’t remember.
“Gege doesn’t have to think so hard about it. I don’t expect you to remember.”

“San Lang! It was our first meeting, it’s not fair that only you remember.”

Hua Cheng leaned in to kiss him, momentarily distracting Xie Lian. “On the founding day festival
I’ll take gege to the place we first met.”

Softened by kisses, Xie Lian perked up. “Really?”

“En. Can gege wait until then? I’ll tell you once we’re there if you don’t remember, but I really
don’t think the incident would have been anything special to you at the time.”

“How could it not be special? San Lang was there.”

Hua Cheng melted at his words.

Xie Lian felt something shift on top of his head and suddenly remembered what exactly they were
here for. Looking down at his lap, he saw the flower crown he’d been making looked even more
pitiful now that it had been lightly crushed.

“Ah, San Lang, I’m sorry I’ll have to start over.”

“Why? I like that one.”

“It’s all smashed.”

“Just a bit. It gives them character.”

“San Lang.”

“Please gege?”

“Let me make you a better one!”

“Why can’t I wear two then?”

“Because this one is ugly.”

“I think it’s beautiful. Gege chose nice colors.”

Xie Lian sighed. “You really want this one?”

Hua Cheng nodded.

Reluctantly, Xie Lian gave in, crowning his husband with that wobbly, shitty excuse for a flower
crown. But of course Hua Cheng sat up a little straighter once it was on, as if he were wearing
something quite fashionable.

“Now let me make you a proper one.” Xie Lian leaned in to kiss him before moving to pick more
flowers. “My butterfly deserves prettier flowers.”

“Your majesty is the only flower I need.”

Xie Lian couldn’t hide his smile. “I’m not a flower, I’m your husband.”

Hua Cheng oozed with happiness at that. “How lucky I am to have such a wonderful husband.”
Xie Lian found himself drifting back towards Hua Cheng with the unbearable need to shower him
in kisses. “I’m the lucky one.”

Chapter End Notes

I rewrote this chapter THREE times because they hated the first two ways I tried to
guide them into this confession. And then I got that art and was like “what if you do a
flower crown making confession” AND THESE BASTARDS CONFESSED IN THE
ROOM. Truly no one in this house listens to me.
Chapter 20
Chapter Notes

This chapter almost did not get done in time to post today but it was!!! Huzzah. Of
course that means once again I have no buffer chapter so tomorrow is at risk but I have
more time today, I think I’ll manage to finish off maintaining my perfect streak of
daily updates knock on wood.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Mu Qing cleared his throat, Feng Xin simply standing uncomfortably next to him.

Xie Lian pulled away from his husband, having to look away lest Hua Cheng’s silly pout win him
over again. “Sorry sorry, we were sparring it was just—“

“Hua Cheng won, I get it.” Feng Xin stopped him, clearly a bit awkward.

“Oh. No. I won that time,” Xie Lian corrected.

This did not seem to be what Feng Xin had wanted to hear but he pushed on. “We can come back
another day.”

“No it’s fine, were you coming to practice with us?” Xie Lian pulled away further, much to his
husband’s dismay, and headed to pick back up their weapons.

"We can come back if you're... busy."

"No, no, we were just about to start another round anyways."

"Gege," Hua Cheng complained, latching onto him from behind. "You haven't taken your full prize

Xie Lian flushed, swatting lightly at his husband. "Behave. Besides, this is a good opportunity."

"Opportunity?" Mu Qing quirked a brow.

"For you all to bond."

The three of them stared at him blankly.

"San Lang has been getting along better with some of the other advisors lately, but I know its
always been more tense with you two."

"Gege, I promised not to kill them, isn't that enough?" Menacing rebel leader whining to his
husband. This was exactly why he’d been getting along better with the others lately— not that there
wasn’t still a healthy dose of respect for how quickly he could kill anyone he disliked.

Xie Lian patted his chest comfortingly. "You're all important to me, I want you to get along."

Feng Xin and Mu Qing looked surprised to hear that.

"Your majesty..." Feng Xin stood a little straighter.

Xie Lian gave him a smile. "Why are you so shocked? Haven't we been spending more time
together lately?"

Ever since the pair had confronted him about his feelings for Hua Cheng it seemed they'd been
visiting more often. Conversation wasn't perfect between the three of them, but more and more
they found themselves talking about things other than work. Still, it also seemed they'd been
avoiding Hua Cheng even more and it was the first time they'd shown up for sparring since he'd
become a proper husband.

"Come on, today I'm sparring with Feng Xin."

Mu Qing moved to sit on the sidelines.

"And you two can have your first sparring match." Xie Lian smiled at the other two with a look
that said it really wasn't a question.

"I don't want to spar with him." Mu Qing crossed his arms.

"Feng Xin's done it and is still fine."

"I'm not scared of fighting him, I'm just not interested."

Hua Cheng twirled his sword lazily, slowly stalking towards where Mu Qing was sitting.

Mu Qing glared. "I'm not picking up a sword."

"This will be a quick match then." Hua Cheng moved to slash at him.

With a curse, Mu Qing scrambled out of the way to grab a weapon. "Did you see? Your precious
San Lang could have just hurt me."

"I'm sure San Lang would have stopped before making contact."

"You're both insane!"

Xie Lian watched as Mu Qing fell into sync with Hua Cheng, the match a bit more tense than Feng
Xin's and Hua Cheng's now were. Still, Xie Lian found himself entranced by the sight.

"He looks actually angry," Feng Xin commented.

Yes, it was very handsome. But out loud he said: "It's their first time sparring, I'm sure he'll calm
down like he did with you."

"How much... has your majesty told him?"

"Not much. I don't remember all of what I said exactly, it was a long time ago and I wasn't very
lucid at the time." He watched as Hua Cheng seemed to cool off a bit as Mu Qing stayed silent.

"Not very lucid...?"

"Hm? Oh! Yes. It turns out San Lang and I lived together for a time shortly after I sent you away."
Xie Lian’s gaze was fixed on the match, clearly barely paying attention to their current
Feng Xin looked between them. "He's been ob— He's liked you that long?"

Xie Lian hummed. "Longer. I really can't remember when we first met but he said he'd tell me at
the founding day festival."

Feng Xin gaped. "Longer? He must have had some sort of plot to—" Feng Xin stopped, watching
as Xie Lian lit up as his husband showed off. Hua Cheng glanced away from his opponent for just
a moment to flash Xie Lian a smile before ending the fight with a decisive swing. The enthusiasm
on Xie Lian's face was clear.

In the first month that Xie Lian had been back at the palace, he had regularly smiled. But Feng Xin
knew him well enough, even with years of separation, to know that those smiles had had nothing
behind them. Since Hua Cheng came, Xie Lian seemed to smile more and more, and all of them
were real smiles. He was practically glowing. Feng Xin looked back up at Hua Cheng and Mu
Qing's fight. Though the sword was still held towards Mu Qing, Hua Cheng's smile was soft and
fond as he met Xie Lian's eyes.

Xie Lian tore his gaze away as Hua Cheng helped Mu Qing up. "Sorry, what were you saying?"

Feng Xin shook his head. "Nothing, your majesty... Congratulations."

Xie Lian turned that brilliant smile on him, holding out a sword for Feng Xin to take. "Don't give
up too soon, you might still beat me."

With a grin, Feng Xin accepted the weapon and moved to get into position. "I'll do my best."


Xie Lian set down his documents, nuzzling closer to his husband.

“Is gege finished?”

“En. But I can wait for San Lang to be done.”

“I’m done if gege’s done.” Hua Cheng set aside his own reading to cuddle Xie Lian properly.

“San Lang,” he laughed.

“This is just busywork, gege, it’s fine.”

Xie Lian hummed, giving up the battle for today. He trusted if Hua Cheng really had pressing
matters to attend to he would. “San Lang, can I ask you a question?”


“Why were you so mad at Mu Qing today?”

“Gege knows how I feel about those two.”

Xie Lian shook his head. “You’ve warmed up to Feng Xin though.”

Hua Cheng gasped as if he had been accused of something awful. “Gege!”

“I’m serious.”

Hua Cheng sighed, nuzzling Xie Lian. “I think they’re both worthless, but Feng Xin at least knows
his place.”

Xie Lian honestly didn’t mind Mu Qing’s behavior but he knew that debate wouldn’t go anywhere.
“You know Mu Qing is the reason I realized I was in love with you.”

Hua Cheng pressed a kiss to the top of his head. “Oh?”

Xie Lian nodded. “They both were, kind of, but Mu Qing saw through me better. I don’t know how
long it would’ve taken me to accept it if he hadn’t said anything.”

“I guess he’s good for something then.”

“San Lang. It’s really okay now. I’m glad things turned out the way they did, I don’t have any
grudges against them. And I like the way Mu Qing talks to me. I think Feng Xin is getting a bit
more casual too lately. So won’t San Lang forgive them?”

Hua Cheng let out a defeated sigh. “It’s not fair for gege to ask so sincerely. I could never refuse a
request from you.”

Xie Lian turned to give his husband a small reward kiss. “My San Lang is so good to me.”

Hua Cheng fought hard to keep acting grumpy but they both knew it was a losing battle. “Gege…”

“My husband,” Xie Lian cooed, nuzzling noses. “My butterfly. How did I get so lucky?”

Hua Cheng melted at the sweet words, giving into the praise and kisses as always.

Chapter End Notes

I wrote this and I was like “oh this is filler fluff because I don’t have the time to write
the founding day festival” but actually no, this conversation was highly needed in a fic
where I’m actually trying to have the Xianle trio friendship rekindle a little. Also got to
write more of them now that they’re a real couple which is, surprise surprise, very
nearly identical to what they were doing before. Gotta love that for them.
Chapter 21
Chapter Notes

Just in time! Literally just finished editing this chapter in time for the usual posting
time, I thought I’d have to use M/W hour later posting time for a second there XD let
the record show my daily update streak was preserved til the very end.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“Is gege ready to see?” Hua Cheng asked, hand over the wardrobe door, clearly excited.

“En. I’m sure San Lang chose a very nice outfit for me today. But did we really have to bring in a
second wardrobe for one outfit?”

Hua Cheng feigned innocence. “Did I say it was one outfit?”

Xie Lian searched his brain. Come to think of it, Hua Cheng never had said the fittings were only
for one outfit he’d need for today. Xie Lian had just assumed since he only needed the one day,
he’d only get the one, just like with the wedding.

“Gege needn’t feel pressured to wear them though. It’s just a gift, you can do with it as you please.”

Xie Liam shook his head and put his hand over Hua Cheng’s to open the wardrobe with him. It was
filled to near bursting with robes. He really didn’t know why he was surprised.

“I told the tailor to keep in mind practicality so they should all be easy to move in still. Not too stiff
or too heavy with fabric.”

Xie Lian reached to pull one out. Indeed it seemed the style he liked, and not too heavily decorated
either, but still stately and clean. It was a nice balance between luxury and simplicity.

Smiling, Xie Lian set down the clothes to cup his husband’s face. “My San Lang really can do
anything. He knows what I want before I do. So talented.”

“Anything for your majesty,” Hua Cheng smiled back, soaking in the praise like a cat in the sun.

“Which one would San Lang like me best in today.”

Hua Cheng’s expression turned mischievous. “The one you're holding is my favorite on you.”

“I’m holding you, not—“ Xie Lian snorted as he realised what his husband was implying, trying to
keep his expression stern. The blush and the clear fondness in his eyes made it a bit difficult.
“When we get home. I’m excited to see the festival. And you promised to show me where we

“Can’t this husband have something to tide him over?” Hua Cheng pouted.

How weak Xie Lian was becoming to that pout. Without hesitation, he leaned in to give his
husband a few kisses. E’ming, seeing kisses were being given out, began thumping his tail in
anticipation for his own.
“Stop trying to steal my husband,” Hua Cheng scolded the ferocious hunting dog.

The infamous demon of an animal didn’t understand this command and merely tilted his head in

After soothing Hua Cheng with a few more kisses, Xie Lian pulled away. “Does San Lang not have
a preference?”

“I do.” He moved to rummage for a bit before pulling out a robe that seemed to be inspired by
Xianle fashion, though the kind that would’ve been popular a couple decades ago. It was more
showy than the first one Xie Lian had seen, but clearly still designed to be more practical than the
styles it was based on.

Xie Lian reached out, tugging at the red skirt. “I’ll match San Lang’s colors.” The majority of the
outfit seemed to be white, but he liked the fact there would be that bit of red to match them

Hua Cheng softened and nodded. “I suppose gege will.”

“Is that not why San Lang chose this one?”

Hua Cheng shook his head and pressed a finger to his lips.

Xie Lian huffed. “So many mysteries today.”

“Gege will find out by the end of the day. May this husband help him dress?”

Xie Lian took the clothes from his hands and began to walk away. “If San Lang is keeping secrets,
he doesn’t get to help.” It was childish, but he felt like he was allowed to be childish around Hua
Cheng. He wasn’t really mad, but there was something almost fun in exaggerating it.

Hua Cheng knew him well enough not to be any more concerned than Xie Lian was at the pouting.
Still, he cooed and followed, hugging Xie Lian from behind. “No, won’t my husband forgive me?”

“I’m not sure San Lang can ever be forgiven.” Xie Lian sighed dramatically.

Hua Cheng pressed kisses to his neck. “Gege, this husband only wants to serve you. Please give
him another chance.”

Xie Lian made a big show of thinking about it. “Only if I can help San Lang dress too.” He said
this as if driving a terribly hard bargain.

Hua Cheng laughed, nuzzling into the crook of Xie Lian’s neck. “This husband supposes he can
give in to such treatment. Gege is merciless.”

Xie Lian turned to hug him back. “We really should start getting ready or we’ll be late.”

“Gege already knows I wouldn’t mind.”

“And San Lang already knows I would,” Xie Lian pulled out of the hug, moving so Hua Cheng
could help him dress.

“Gege looks so handsome.” Hua Cheng smiled as he finished. “Just like when we met.”

Xie Lian gasped. “Is this similar to what I was wearing back then?” He looked down at the outfit
anew, trying to grasp any clues.
Hua Cheng made an affirming noise, coyly adjusting the sheer decorative ribbons that sat around
Xie Lian’s arms.

Other than the fact it looked like something Xie Lian would wear when he was younger, he really
couldn’t figure out anything else to help him unlock the mystery of their first meeting. For now
he’d have to wait. He gave up and moved to grab Hua Cheng’s things to help dress him.


Xie Lian held his husband’s hand as they sat in the open top carriage, slowly being led through the
city. It was just as he remembered it as a child— needlessly boring. Still, the nostalgia and the
company was too good for him to complain. The carriage had to go very slow so as not to be
dangerous to the thick crowds of people milling about the market. Some reached up as the carriage
passed, others ignored them completely, but most people fell somewhere in between, a vague
interest in the royal procession.

This year though, unlike when he was younger, he heard the cries of a new title mixed in as they
made their way down the Main Street.

Xie Lian peered in the direction of the cries and grinned as he recognized a few faces from his
wedding banquet manning the stalls. Squeezing Hua Cheng’s hand, Xie Lian felt another burst of
nostalgia as he leapt over the side of the carriage, this time pulling his husband with him.

The guards escorting them seemed shocked, but Xie Lian waved for them to keep moving,
dragging Hua Cheng through the crowd before they could protest.

Hua Cheng’s laugh was bright beside him. “Did gege remember?”

“Remember?” Xie Lian stopped, a small crowd starting to form around them.

Hua Cheng grinned. “Nothing.”

Suspicious, Xie Lian let it drop for now and pulled Hua Cheng the rest of the way to Zhu’s stall.

“Boss! Your majesty! What an honor!” Zhu bowed repeatedly.

“What is your stall selling?”

“Best skewers in the city, no joke.”

“We’ll take two.” Xie Lian looked back at the slow progress of the carriage, glad to see it hadn’t
gone too far yet. Usually when he’d done this as a child his parents had still been in the carriage
after all. It might be a bit awkward if it went too far with no one in it.

“Here you are, boss, your majesty.” Zhu handed them over. “Thank you so much for your
patronage it’s such an honor!”

Xie Lian put down his money before grabbing the skewers and dragging Hua Cheng back through
the crowd, delighted at how easily his husband matched his pace and jumped back into the carriage
with him.

Settling in with a grin, Xie Lian passed Hua Cheng a skewer as the sluggish procession moved
forward. “It’s lively. San Lang did a good job.”

Hua Cheng leaned against him. “I’m glad gege likes it.”
Xie Lian’s eyes swept over the city. It had been so long since he’d seen it. For a decade he’d stayed
out of the capital for his own safety and by the time he was allowed to return he was too busy with
his duties as king to go exploring the way he’d used to. Things had changed of course, time would
do that, but some of the shops he remembered were still around. The familiar sight of families
working stalls or enjoying them was the same too, even if the contents and people looked a bit
different now.


“Is your nephew coming today?”


Xie Lian tried to recall the name. “Cuo Cuo?”

Hua Cheng laughed. “Probably. Did gege want to see them again?”

Xie Lian nodded. “It would be good to, I think. He must miss you.”

“I can tell her to meet us tonight during the dancing.”

“En, that would be good but… how will you tell her?”

Hua Cheng gave him a sheepish look before leaning over and whispering to one of the guards
escorting the carriage. Within moments the man broke off from the pack to run Hua Cheng’s

Xie Lian supposed he should’ve acted surprised, but in reality it didn’t shock him in the slightest.
They’d suspected Hua Cheng had people working on the inside.

“Pray gege isn’t mad?” He asked nervously.

Xie Lian leaned in to give him a quick kiss. “I would’ve been more surprised to find out San Lang
hadn’t infiltrated the palace already. They were here before my rule, yes?”

Hua Cheng nodded. “So gege really isn’t mad?”

Xie Lian shrugged. “Even if San Lang is getting information on the classified meetings he’s not
allowed to come to, it's not like he’ll do anything harmful with that information. I trust you.”

Hua Cheng softened. “You shouldn’t. I’m very evil.”

Xie Lian hummed, stealing a bit of meat from Hua Cheng’s skewer just because he knew he could.
As expected, Hua Cheng even angled it so Xie Lian could eat easier, not questioning for one
minute why Xie Lian needed his snack when he had his own still unfinished. “Then I supposed my
San Lang has bewitched me and I’ve completely fallen for his tricks.”

“It’s just what your advisors were all afraid of. I’ve corrupted you.” Hua Cheng teased.

“En. I’m absolutely and hopelessly in love with my San Lang,” Xie Lian nodded solemnly, then
found himself smiling as his husband flushed at his words. “Is my evil husband embarrassed? Did
he fall for his target?”

Hua Cheng leaned in to kiss him, pouting. “Gege knows this one has been devoted to him for
years, don’t tease.”
Xie Lian leaned forward to kiss him again, humming into his husband’s lips. “I have a lot of love
to catch up on giving my San Lang.”

Someone in the crowd whistled and Xie Lian felt heat rush to his cheeks. They were in public!
How could he have forgotten?!

Pulling away, Xie Lian sat up properly, looking out at the crowd and praying his face wasn’t as red
as it felt.

Hua Cheng, shameless as always, didn’t seem affected in the least, a playful smile in his voice.
“Gege, gege, weren’t you going to catch up on giving me love.”

“When we get home,” Xie Lian felt his face might be hot enough to combust as his husband’s
laughter rang much too close to his ears. “San Lang… don’t tease.”

“I would never, your majesty.”


They had both finished their skewers when Hua Cheng perked up and took Xie Lian’s hand again.
After having calmed from his embarrassment before, Xie Lian could now look at his husband once

“Is gege ready to see?”

See? Xie Lian’s eyes widened as Hua Cheng got up to jump off the carriage just as Xie Lian had
earlier. The place they’d met! They must have met one of the times Xie Lian ran off the carriage!

Xie Lian followed, pulled along after his husband trying to take in every part of his surroundings.
Nothing stood out to him.

“Does gege remember when people were so eager to see the little prince they used to push?”

Xie Lian thought he did, vaguely. It was why Feng Xin had been assigned to follow him when he
ran off. In case the adults weren’t fast enough, at least he’d pull along his bodyguard to go
adventuring. When he’d been young, he’d been told he was a child blessed by the gods in beauty
and presence, and commoners had been endlessly curious.

Now the crowd milled around them, still curious, but not so much that they’d swarm him.

“Does gege remember, perhaps, a little Xue Yu boy who had been following the carriage?”

Xie Lian thought for a moment, the shaky memory of a boy only two or three years younger,
wrapped in bandages and covered in grime. Xie Lian had noticed him following after the carriage
and waved, not thinking much of it at the time. “That was—“ no. That hadn’t been the end of that
meeting. Because that little boy had followed, intense gaze on Xie Lian as if entranced for a long
while, but that hadn’t been why Xie Lian had gone over to him.

Treatment of beggars had not been good in Xie Lian’s parents’ day. Treatment of Xue Yu had not
been much better. So of course, a beggar child of Xue Yu origins was a recipe for harassment, and
following the carriage for so long had drawn unnecessary attention to him. Some of the older kids
who had been curiously pushing through the crowd to see the royal family had taken it upon
themself to ‘fix’ the problem.

“Gege looked like a god jumping from that carriage to stop them,” Hua Cheng said softly. “None
of the adults knew what to do.”

At only ten, Xie Lian had already had a commanding presence. Though most of him sneaking off
the carriage had been done with the intent of lying low, he’d made himself loud that time, a
booming command for all to halt; stunning and breathtaking authority from a child so young.
Robes fluttering in the wind as he lept off, he had not waited for Feng Xin that time, moving faster
than the adults could keep up with to put himself between the older kids and the little child.

“That was the first time I spoke up about the treatment of the Xue Yu.” Xie Lian mused.

“En. Gege declared we were his people and he would defend us until his dying breath.”

“How embarrassing. Dying breath. I was ten,” Xie Lian covered his face.

“No. Gege was very brave. Very kind.” Hua Cheng kissed the hands covering his face. “I fell in
love with him at that moment.”

“That long ago?” Xie Lian asked softly, feeling his hands slip down slightly.

Hua Cheng nodded. “Gege looks out for everyone, even when they don’t deserve it. Truly

“I couldn’t do much. I’m sure I barely made a difference.”

“Maybe. But gege made a big difference for me.” Hua Cheng smiled.

Xie Lian could remember a bit more clearly now. He’d been wearing ribbons like the ones Hua
Cheng had added today and ruined them cleaning up that little child’s wounds. He’d refused to sit
in the carriage the rest of the procession, walking hand in hand, head held high, as he led that little
boy with him at the front of the procession to show everyone the regard he had for his people, no
matter where they came from. His parents hadn’t known what to do.

“Would gege mind walking the rest of the procession with me?”

Xie Lian tugged his husband back closer to the carriage, moving them to the front to lead it. Again
they walked hand in hand. Again Xie Lian held his head high. This time though, Xie Lian thought
his parents would’ve been happy for him.


Xie Lian laughed, breathless as Hua Cheng and him tried to dance to the folk dances everyone else
was doing. He couldn’t seem to get the timing of it right and Hua Cheng had started dancing the
moves too early to try and help Xie Lian get more on tempo, but it had just had the effect of both of
them being off from everyone else in different ways. He tugged Hua Cheng off to the side as the
song ended, trying to catch his breath from the laughter overtaking him.

“Is it really that funny that you can’t dance?” Mu Qing asked.

“It’s just— you’d think I’d be better at it.” Xie Lian nestled against his husband.

Mu Qing rolled his eyes.

“I’m sure you’ll get better with a bit of practice,” Feng Xin encouraged.

Xie Lian hummed, not particularly bothered. “Oh, when are Lan Chang and Cuo Cuo coming?”
“They should be here soon,” Hua Cheng looked around.

“Let’s just take a break from dancing until then, everyone else looks so good when we aren’t
ruining it.”

“Gege improves it with his mere presence.” Hua Cheng insisted.

“I’ll go get your majesty some water.” Feng Xin said.

“Thank you,” Xie Lian smiled.

It didn’t take long before Hua Cheng pointed. “There they are.”

Xie Lian recognized Cuo Cuo, but was a bit surprised by the woman with him. She’d removed the
heavy makeup she’d worn during her last visit and put on a more modest dress. Like this, she truly
seemed to be the picture of nobility. Why did she bother caking on so much makeup when she’d
aged so prettily?

“Your majesty. Boss.” Lan Chang bowed to them both, leading her son to do the same. “Thank you
for inviting me.”

“I thought Cuo Cuo might miss my husband,” Xie Lian smiled.

Lan Chang seemed at ease, appreciation clear in her gaze. “He has. Hey. Say thanks to them,” she
nudged Cuo Cuo.

“Thank you, your majesty.”

“How's the new method working?” Hua Cheng asked casually.

Cuo Cuo grinned. “No ones gonna mess with me and mom again.”

“Jian Lan?”

Lan Chang stiffened as Feng Xin came over from the side. Almost as if on instinct, she pulled Cuo
Cuo against her.

“Jian Lan you—“ Feng Xin caught sight of the child in her grasp, jaw going slack for a moment.
“Is that—“

“He’s not yours!” She spat.

Cuo Cuo looked up at his mom, not struggling in her hold for once, as if taking in fully how
anxious she was.

Xie Lian tried to keep up, mind clicking in the various puzzle pieces he had. Feng Xin’s ex fiancé.
Lan Chang who had seemed to have a crude tongue yet seemed perfectly at ease switching to
formal language appropriate for addressing Xie Lian. Practiced even with her mannerisms.

“How old is he?”

“He’s not yours!” She repeated firmly, stepping backwards, pulling Cuo Cuo with her.

Feng Xin’s jaw tightened and he looked down at Cuo Cuo. “Who’s your father?”

“I don’t have one.” Cuo Cuo stared him down as if in challenge.

“Jian Lan—“

She took off running, tugging Cuo Cuo with her without saying goodbye.

“Oh my. I didn’t mean to upset her.” Xie Lian sighed.

“It’s alright gege, I’m sure she knows.”

“Your majesty I— here!” Feng Xin pushed the water into his hands and ran off after her.

“Is the child Feng Xin’s?” Xie Lian looked up. “Did you know?”

Hua Cheng shrugged. “She told him just now he’s not.”

Xie Lian thought back to that first exchange in his office. The conversation the two had had
without words. Was that when Hua Cheng had figured it out?

Well. Xie Lian supposed it really wasn’t his place to get involved in other people’s family affairs.

“What does he think he’s going to do when he catches her? She clearly didn’t want to talk.” Mu
Qing scoffed.

“Cuo Cuo has his eyes,” Xie Lian murmured.

Hua Cheng kissed the top of his head. “He won’t catch her, she knows the city better than he does.
And even if he did, Cuo Cuo probably wouldn’t let him get a word out.”

Xie Lian sighed. “Maybe I shouldn’t have invited her after all.”

Hua Cheng nuzzled him. “Gege shouldn’t worry himself over petty affairs like that. Won’t he
dance more with his husband? This one worked so hard to make sure everything was set up

Xie Lian melted, thoroughly distracted again. After all, there wasn’t much he could do now. “My
San Lang did so well too. Of course I’ll dance more with him.”

“I’m going to find Feng Xin.” Mu Qing rolled his eyes, eager for any excuse to get away from the
happy couple.

“Good luck,” Xie Lian called. He knew at least this wasn’t the sort of thing that would be settled in
a night. Maybe it never would be settled. However it ended, Xie Lian thought it best he not meddle
anymore than he already had.


Xie Lian felt laughter bubbling in his throat as Hua Cheng peppered little kisses along it, both their
hands intertwined on the bed. “S-San Lang, let me kiss you back.”

“Didn't gege say he’d reward me for working so hard on setting today up?”

“Yes, so let me,” Xie Lian smiled.

“But gege, I’m already taking my reward,” Hua Cheng nuzzled against his jaw.

“My San Lang worked so hard, can’t this husband spoil him?”
“Every moment spent with your majesty is already much more than this lowly one deserves.”

Xie Lian found it in him to roll them over, straddling his husband and beaming down at him. He
felt a rush of fondness as he took in the pout Hua Cheng was doing his best to give, but it was
terribly unconvincing with the sheer awe and adoration in his gaze. “My San Lang deserves
everything he wants.”

“I only want you.”

Xie Lian hummed. “That’s not true.”

“Your majesty—“

“San Lang wants me,” he leaned down to press light kisses across his husband’s face, purposely
dodging the lips puckered for him. “He wants to do good by his people. He wants—“

Hua Cheng whined. “He wants a kiss.”

Xie Lian felt himself laughing again, unable to properly kiss his husband, but it didn’t matter. Hua
Cheng swallowed up his laughter just as happily. “I’ll give my San Lang everything he wants one
day. I promise.” Xie Lian rested his forehead against his husband’s.

“Then gege has to let me do the same.”

Xie Lian leaned in to kiss him again, quick and light, but so so full of love and happiness. “San
Lang gives me more than I knew how to want.”

Tomorrow they would have meetings and politics and documents to read. And tomorrow Xie Lian
would have to talk with Feng Xin and see what his friend needed. It would be busy and stressful
and boring at times. But tomorrow he’d wake up next to his husband again. And tomorrow they’d
eat meals together and perhaps spar or go for a walk if they had the time.

And tonight, tonight Xie Lian would spend the same way he intended to spend every night for the
rest of his life: indescribably happy and completely in love.

Chapter End Notes

And so we conclude! Thank you to all of you for reading this all, especially those of
you who have been leaving me sweet comments. Unlike when I finished Sugar Sugar I
am not immediately launching into another multi chapter fic because I’m putting my
focus towards a study fic (literally a fic to help me study by using my hyperfixation
powers to do work better) and while I’ll probably post that, it won’t be until it’s
completed. But I’ll probably have one shots and maybe I’ll cave in and do another
multi chapter who knows.
STARTING OCT 24 ITS ACE DANMEI WEEK!!! I will have fic for that, it’s
already written, so keep an eye out for “Can he… you know… wash Yanzhen with his
blood?” which will be HC-centric and another modern au.
If you’d like to join us in our ace agenda more information can be found at Tumblr or
Twitter and yes I will relentlessly promote this because I want ace Hualian content.
I love all of you, thanks again for reading!
End Notes

Xue Yu comes from the first part of Crimson Rain Sought Flower so… yes these are the
“Rain of Blood” people, don’t worry about it.
Interestingly enough this idea came from trying to think of a Barbie Princess and the Pauper
au with a friend, which, if you’ve watched that movie you may notice this is not at all the
plot of Barbie Princess and the Pauper and as we go on it will continue being nothing like
that movie. But that idea was the catalyst for this nonetheless so.
Daily updates are my goal, I managed for all 19 chapters of my last fic so I’m hopeful I can
do it again
This was kind of just setting the mood, don’t worry next chapter we go into XL attempting
to do king things… unfortunately HC won’t be joining us until the chapter after that but
then he’ll be here to stay.
You can rant to me about tgcf here or on tumblr (I have the same username there) I don’t

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