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Video game addiction & its effects on academic performance among senior high school

students of Basagan National High School


Dixie L. Arnaiz

Jens Clark B. Rufa

James Lloyd S. TUCIO



Basagan National High School

Mr. Jesus C. Lopez


Practical Research Teacher


Many thanks go to my teacher, Mr. Jesus C. Lopez ,without his help not only in proofing many papers but
moral support the journey,would have been harder.I would also like to thank my members, Jens Clark B.
Bacatan and James Lloyd S. Tucio. I would like to thank all my classmates from grade 12, l learned each of
them. And to my Parents who give me financial support for this study.

ABSTRACT ...........................................................................................................................................................5

CHAPTER l- The problem & Review of Related Literature


Review of Related Literature................................................................................................................................7

Conceptual Framework........................................................................................................................................9

Theoretical Framework .......................................................................................................................................10

Hypotheses ..........................................................................................................................................................11

Definition of Terms .............................................................................................................................................12

Scope and Delimitations .....................................................................................................................................13


Research Design .................................................................................................................................................14

Population/Sampling Procedures ......................................................................................................................15

Data Gathering Process ......................................................................................................................................16

Instruments .........................................................................................................................................................17

Data Analyses .....................................................................................................................................................18

Methodological Limitations ...............................................................................................................................19






Summary. ...........................................................................................................................................................33



APPENDICES .....................................................................................................................................................67

REFERENCES .....................................................................................................................................................67
Table 1. Data Arrangements..................................................................................................................................................20

Table 2. Age Range of the Respondents...............................................................................................................................22

Table 3. Gender of the Respondents ....................................................................................................................................23

Table 4. Gaming Habits..........................................................................................................................................................24

Table 5. Self-Control ..............................................................................................................................................................25

Table 6. Thoughts about Gaming..........................................................................................................................................26

Table 7. Academic impact.....................................................................................................................................................27

Table 8. Emotional Response................................................................................................................................................28


Background: Video game addiction has been a growing concern among senior high school students, and its impact on academic
performance is a subject of increasing interest. This issue is particularly pertinent at Basagan National High School, where
students are susceptible to the allure of video games amidst the pressures of academic responsibilities.

Method: The research design will utilize a quantitative design to gather data on video game addiction and its effects on the
academic performance of senior high school students in Basagan National High School. The data gathering processes will include
the distribution of surveys to assess the students' level of video game addiction, as well as the collection of academic records to
measure their academic performance. A sampling procedure will be employed to select 30 senior high school students who will
participate in the research. The purposive sampling method will be utilized, which involves selecting individuals based on specific
criteria that align with the research objectives.The instruments for this study will include a self-administered questionnaire, letter
of permissions(including letter of permission to the respondents and letter of permission to the teacher-in-charge) and academic
records of the students of Basagan National High School. The questionnaire will gather information on video game addiction,
while academic records will provide data on students' academic performance.

Results: Results show that the majority of respondents in the survey were aged between 15-17 years old, followed by a smaller
group aged 18-20, and an even smaller group aged 21-23. The sample was predominantly male, with 87% of respondents
identifying as male and only 13% as female. The majority of respondents spend 1-3 hours playing video games per day, with
smaller proportions spending 4-6 hours or 6 or more hours. A significant proportion of individuals reported having difficulty
controlling themselves from playing video games, and half of the participants often found themselves thinking about video games
when they were not playing. A noticeable impact on academics was reported, with a significant proportion of respondents
admitting to skipping or neglecting their schoolwork in order to play video games. The majority of participants sometimes felt
irritable or frustrated when they could not play video games. These overall results provide insights into the demographics,
gaming habits, self-control, thoughts, academic impact, and emotional response related to video game playing among the
surveyed individuals.

Conclusion: Based on the findings of this study, it can be concluded that video game addiction is a prevalent issue among senior
high school students in Basagan National High School. The majority of respondents were aged between 15-17 years old and
identified as male. They reported spending a significant amount of time playing video games, with some experiencing difficulty
controlling their gaming habits. This addiction had a noticeable impact on their academic performance, with many admitting to
neglecting their schoolwork in order to play video games. Additionally, participants often experienced negative emotions when
unable to play video games. These results highlight the need for interventions and support systems to address video game
addiction among students, as it can significantly affect their daily lives and educational outcomes.



Video game addiction it refers to the excessive and compulsive use of video games, to the extent that it begins to interfere with
an individual's daily life. One potential research gap in the study of video game addiction is the lack of understanding of the
underlying psychological and neurological mechanisms that contribute to the development and maintenance of video game
addiction. While there is a growing body of research on the behavioral aspects of video game addiction, such as the patterns of
use and the impact on daily functioning, there is still a need for more in-depth research on the psychological and neurological
factors that contribute to the addictive nature of video games.More research is needed to deepen our understanding of video
game addiction and to inform the development of more effective prevention and treatment approaches for individuals affected
by this disorder.Video game addiction is defined as the steady and repetitive use of the Internet to play games frequently with
different gamers, potentially leading to negative consequences in many aspects of life (Mohammad et al., 2023).

The specific location of Basagan National High School provides a unique opportunity for a focused examination of the effects of
video game addiction within a particular educational institution. By conducting research in this specific school setting, the study
can take into account the dynamics of a single, cohesive community, allowing for a more nuanced understanding of how video
game addiction may impact students' academic performance, social interactions, and overall well-being within the context of a
high school environment. This focused approach may also uncover specific patterns or challenges related to video game addiction
that are particular to this educational setting, thus contributing valuable insights to the existing body of research on the
subject.The rapid progress of technology and widespread use of internet has increased the frequency of video gaming among
children (Lissak, 2019).

The research will specifically concentrate on senior high school students, with a particular emphasis on those enrolled in Basagan
National High School. This demographic represents a critical stage in the academic journey of individuals, as they are on the brink
of transitioning to higher education or the workforce. Understanding the potential detrimental effects of video game addiction on
this specific group is essential, as it could have significant implications for their future prospects and overall well-being. By
exploring the prevalence and impact of video game addiction within this population, the research aims to contribute valuable
insights that can inform targeted interventions and support systems to mitigate the negative consequences of excessive
gaming.Excessive video game addiction may lead to a decrease in intrinsic motivation for academic tasks, thereby affecting
academic performance (Johnson et al., 2019).

Our study, conducted from December 2023 to July 2024, aimed to address this gap by examining the prevalence of video game
addiction among senior high school students at Basagan National High School and its potential effects on their academic
performance. By focusing on a specific demographic within a particular educational institution, our research sought to provide
valuable insights into the unique challenges and consequences of video game addiction in this context. Furthermore, by
conducting the study in 2024, we aimed to contribute up-to-date evidence to the existing body of literature on this topic, as the
landscape of video game usage and its impact on adolescents is constantly evolving.Video game addiction is continuously
developing in the Philippines, with Filipinos aged 18-24 being the second largest age group to overuse interactive video-related
games (Subida et al., 2022).

The potential repercussions of video game addiction on academic performance are significant, with implications for future
educational and career opportunities. By understanding the extent of this issue, appropriate interventions and support can be
put in place to help students struggling with video game addiction.Addiction to gaming is becoming a public health issue and its
prevalence among adolescents is not abating but escalating (Rodriguez et al., 2021).

This study aims to explore the various ways in which video game addiction impacts academic performance, including its effects
on study habits, concentration, and overall school engagement. By examining these factors, a more comprehensive
understanding of the issue can be achieved.The problem with increased accessibility and convenience of digital gaming is the
potential negative impact it may have on individuals' physical health, mental health, socialization skills, and academic
performance (DelosReyes et al., 2021).


Local Studies:

1. Video game addiction is continuously developing in the Philippines, with Filipinos aged 18-24 being the
second largest age group to overuse interactive video-related games (Subida et al., 2022).

It's concerning to hear that video game addiction is becoming more common in the Philippines, especially among
young adults aged 18-24. This demographic appears to be particularly vulnerable to overusing interactive video
games, which could have negative consequences on their mental health and well-being. It's important for individuals
and communities to address this issue and take steps towards promoting responsible video game use.

2. Addiction to gaming is becoming a public health issue and its prevalence among adolescents is not
abating but escalating (Rodriguez et al., 2021).

As highlighted in the study by Rodriguez et al. (2021), video game addiction is becoming more prevalent among
adolescents and is now considered a public health issue. It's important for parents, educators, and healthcare
professionals to recognize the potential negative consequences of excessive gaming habits and take steps to address
it before it becomes a more significant problem. We should consider implementing interventions aimed at reducing
problematic gaming behaviors in young people to promote healthy academic performance and overall well-being.

3. The problem with increased accessibility and convenience of digital gaming is the potential negative impact it may
have on individuals' physical health, mental health, socialization skills, and academic performance (DelosReyes et al.,

The advancements in technology have made it easier for people to play digital games, it has also raised concerns
about its potential negative impact on various aspects of individuals' lives such as their physical and mental well-
being, social skills, and academic performance.

4. This study employed a quantitative correlational design with the purposive sampling procedure applied as the sampling
technique for data selection and printed self-questionnaires that were provided by the researchers as the research instruments,
( Cruz at al., 2023 ).

The research design of this study was quantitative correlational, with purposive sampling used as the technique for data
selection. Printed self-questionnaires were provided by the researchers as the research instruments. This information was
reported by (Cruz et al. in 2023).

Foreign Studies:

1. Video game addiction is defined as the steady and repetitive use of the Internet to play games frequently with different
gamers, potentially leading to negative consequences in many aspects of life (Mohammad et al., 2023).

Video game addiction can definitely have negative consequences for people, such as decreased productivity in other areas of life
and social isolation. It's important to be mindful of how much time we spend playing games and make sure it doesn't interfere
with our daily routines or relationships with others.

2. The rapid progress of technology and widespread use of internet has increased the frequency of video gaming among
children(Lissak, 2019).

With the easy access to technology and online gaming platforms, children are more likely to engage in video games frequently.
This can have potential impacts on their academic performance, social skills development, and overall mental health. Parents and
guardians should be aware of these risks and monitor their child's gaming habits to avoid any negative consequences.
3. Excessive video game addiction may lead to a decrease in intrinsic motivation for academic tasks, thereby affecting academic
performance (Johnson et al., 2019).

The study by Johnson et al. (2019) suggests that excessive video game addiction can have negative consequences on intrinsic
motivation for academic tasks, ultimately leading to poorer academic performance. It's important to consider the potential
impact of gaming habits on academic success and overall well-being.

4. The researchers administered the survey-questinnaire of the gaming addiction ( Sakshi et al., 2022).

The researchers conducted a survey to gather information about gaming addiction. They used a questionnaire that was created
by Sakshi and colleagues in the year 2022. The purpose of this survey is likely to understand more about how people become
addicted to video games and what factors contribute to this addiction. By administering the survey, the researchers can collect
data from participants and analyze it in order to gain insights into the issue of gaming addiction. Overall, this text describes a
research study that aims to better understand the phenomenon of gaming addiction through the use of a specially designed

5. The findings of the study showed that the level of video game addiction of the respondents when taken as a whole is average
and when grouped according to gender, the male is "high" and the female is "low" (Fancubila et al., 2021).

The study found that the overall level of video game addiction of respondents was average, but when grouped by gender, males
had a higher level of addiction while females had a lower level. This finding was reported by (Fancubila et al. in 2021).

Title: Video game addiction & its effects on the Academic Performance Among senior high school students
of Basagan National High School

Its effects on the Academic

Performance Among senior high school
Video game addiction students of Basagan National High
Independent Variable Dependent Variable

1. Gender

2. Age

3. Gaming Habits

4. Self-Control

5. Thoughts about Gaming

6. Academic impact
Intervening Variables
7. Emotional response

Excessive video game addiction may lead to a decrease in intrinsic motivation for academic tasks, thereby affecting academic
performance (Johnson et al., 2019).

Video game addiction is become a growing concern in recent years, particularly among young adults. The negative effects of
excessive gaming have been extensively researched, with studies linking this behavior to various mental health issues and
decreases in academic performance (Johnson et al., 2019). In this theoretical framework, we will delve into the factors that
contribute to video game addiction and its impact on academic motivation.

Research suggests that individuals who are addicted to video games experience a decrease in intrinsic motivation for academic
tasks due to issues related to self-regulation and attentional control (Johnson et al., 2019). These psychological factors can lead
individuals to prioritize their gaming habits over other activities, ultimately leading them towards decreased engagement with

With the rise of technology, online gaming platforms have become increasingly accessible worldwide. This ease of access has
contributed significantly towards changing social norms around what constitutes acceptable amounts of screen time among
young people. Peer pressure stemming from such norms could influence some individual's video game usage patterns which
could eventually start affecting their academics negatively.

It’s worth noting that school learning environments often involve large volumes of monotonous work that can sometimes be
demotivating. For students experiencing feelings like frustration or boredom at school might feel inclined towards instant
gratification experiences provided by interactive video games rather than devoting time for homeworks.

Parents' attitudes about playing video games play an essential role as well when it comes down to how much children engage
with these technologies outside the classroom setting.Children with parents less strict about their anti-screen-time policies or
parents who also exhibit sincere passion for interactive entertainment engages more hours into videogame causing a decline in
general productivity including education.

Societal values embedded within cultures dictate attitudes toward studying alongside developing technological practices
surrounding electronic entertainment-setting limits during screen times matters not only at home but also inside schools
depending on age groups since balancing free-time leisurely activities is changing constantly all across communities globally.

In conclusion, both psychological and societal factors drive excessive video game addictions which may hinder student's academic
performance show casing importance of taking necessary precautions from parenting styles ,school management systems along
side making conscious decisions as civic duty undercutting rise in technology's accessibility levels prevalence globally .


The problem statement for this study might be framed as follows: With the increasing prevalence of video games in
society, there are concerns about how age, gender, and excessive gameplay may impact academic performance and
emotional well-being. Understanding these factors could help inform strategies for promoting healthy media
consumption and coping mechanisms for negative emotions associated with gaming.

1. How does age and gender influence video game playing habits and attitudes?

2. What are the potential effects of excessive video game playing on academic performance?

3. How do individuals cope with the negative emotions experienced when unable to play video games?


1. To determine the relationship between age and gender and video game playing habits and attitudes.

2. To examine the impact of excessive video game playing on academic performance.

3. To explore the coping mechanisms used by individuals when they are unable to engage in video gaming


1. Younger individuals will be more likely to spend a greater amount of time playing video games compared
to older individuals.

2. Excessive video game playing will have a negative impact on academic performance.

3. Individuals who are unable to play video games will experience negative emotions such as irritability and


1. Video game addiction: Excessive and compulsive engagement with video games, leading to negative consequences in various
aspects of life.

2 . Academic performance: The measurable achievement of senior high school students in their academic endeavors, typically
reflected through grades and class performance.

3. Senior high school students: Students enrolled in the final years of high school education, typically aged 16 to 18 years old.
4. Time spent playing video games: The number of hours devoted to playing video games per day.

5. Difficulty controlling oneself: The level of struggle or inability to limit or regulate video game playing, often leading to
excessive or prolonged sessions.

6. Constant thoughts about video games: Frequent preoccupation or thinking about video games even when not engaged in

7. Neglect of schoolwork: Intentional avoidance or disregard of academic responsibilities, including skipping assignments or not
studying adequately.

8. Feelings of irritability/frustration: Emotions of anger, annoyance, or dissatisfaction experienced when unable to play video

9. Correlation: A statistical measure that represents the extent of a linear relationship between two variables.

10. Academic engagement: The level of involvement and participation of students in their academic pursuits.


- This study will focus on the video game addiction, duration of time playing video games, and its effects on the academic
performance of senior high school students in Basagan National High School.

- The study will specifically look into the time spent by the students on video games, and the impact of video game addiction on
their academic performance.
- The research will involve data collection from senior high school students through surveys and interviews to understand their
gaming habits and academic performance.

- This study will only focus on senior high school students in Basagan National High School and will not include students from
other schools.

- The research will only assess the effects of video game addiction on academic performance and will not delve into other
potential factors affecting academic performance.

- The study will not delve into the psychological effects of video game addiction on students, but instead, focus solely on its
impact on their academic performance.

- The research will not consider the socio-economic background of the students, as it will only focus on the relationship between
video game addiction and academic performance.



This study employed a quantitative design with the purposive sampling procedure applied as the sampling technique for data
selection and printed self-questionnaires that were provided by the researchers as the research instruments, ( Cruz at al., 2023 ).

The research design will utilize a quantitative design to gather data on video game addiction and its effects on the academic
performance of senior high school students in Basagan National High School. The data gathering processes will include the
distribution of surveys to assess the students' level of video game addiction, as well as the collection of academic records to
measure their academic performance.

To collect data, surveys will be distributed among the students. These surveys will contain questions and rating scales to assess
the students' level of video game addiction. By using quantitative measures, researchers can obtain measurable and numerical
data to analyze the extent of video game addiction among the students.

In addition to the surveys, the researchers will also collect academic records of the students. These records will provide data on
the students' performance in their academic subjects. By including this information, researchers can compare the academic
performance of students with different levels of video game addiction.Summary:


In order to conduct a comprehensive study, a sampling procedure will be employed to select 30 senior high school
students who will participate in the research. The purposive sampling method will be utilized, which involves
selecting individuals based on specific criteria that align with the research objectives. This approach ensures that the
participants chosen are representative of the population being studied and have relevant experiences and
perspectives to contribute. By carefully selecting the sample, we can increase the reliability and validity of our
findings and draw meaningful conclusions from the data collected.
The researchers will choose a specific group of senior high school students to participate in their study. They will use a purposive
sampling method, which means they will select students based on specific criteria that align with their research objectives. This
ensures that the students chosen are representative of the larger population being studied and have experiences and
perspectives that are relevant to the research. By carefully selecting the sample, the researchers can increase the reliability and
validity of their findings and draw meaningful conclusions from the data they collect.


Survey Questionnaire: A survey questionnaire will be developed to measure the students' level of video game addiction. The
questionnaire will include items related to their gaming habits, frequency of play, perceived impact on academic responsibilities,
and self-assessment of addiction levels.The data gathering procedure will involve distributing the questionnaires to the selected
participants during their recess time. The participants will be given instructions on how to complete the questionnaire accurately.
Academic records will be obtained from the school administration.
The researchers will develop a survey questionnaire to measure the level of video game addiction among the selected students.
The questionnaire will include questions about their gaming habits, how often they play, how they feel it affects their academic
responsibilities, and their self-assessment of their addiction levels.

To gather the data, the researchers will distribute the questionnaires to the selected participants during their recess time. They
will provide the participants with clear instructions on how to accurately complete the questionnaire.

In addition to the survey data, the researchers will also obtain academic records from the school administration. This will help
provide additional information on the participants' academic performance and potentially correlate it with their level of video
game addiction.


The researchers administered the survey-questinnaire of the gaming addiction ( Sakshi et al., 2022).

The instruments for this study will include a self-administered questionnaire, letter of permissions(including letter of permission
to the respondents and letter of permission to the teacher-in-charge) and academic records of the students of Basagan National
High School. The questionnaire will gather information on video game addiction, while academic records will provide data on
students' academic performance.

That the researchers will use multiple instruments for their study. The main instrument will be a self-administered questionnaire,
which the participants will fill out themselves. This questionnaire will gather information specifically related to video game
addiction, such as gaming habits and perceived impact on academic responsibilities.

In addition to the questionnaire, the researchers will also obtain letter(s) of permission. This will involve requesting permission
from both the respondents (the students selected for the study) and the teacher-in-charge (a staff member responsible for
overseeing the students). These letters will ensure that all necessary approvals are obtained before conducting the research.

The researchers will also collect academic records of the students from Basagan National High School. These records will provide
additional data on the students' academic performance. This information can be compared to the data collected from the
questionnaire to see if there is any correlation between video game addiction and academic performance.


The collected data will be looked at in detail to find out important information from it. This can help people make better decisions
based on the results of the analysis.

To do this, appropriate statistical techniques like percentage and average will be used. These are ways to measure certain aspects
of the data, such as how much of something there is or what the typical value is.
Overall, this process helps people understand and use data effectively by breaking it down into smaller pieces that are easier to


Methodological limitations of the study on video game addiction and its effects on academic performance among senior high
school students of Basagan National High School may include the following:
1. Sample Size: The study may be limited by the sample size of the senior high school students surveyed. A larger sample size
would provide more robust and generalizable results.

2. Self-reporting Bias: The study may be susceptible to self-reporting bias as students may not accurately report their level of
video game addiction or may exaggerate or minimize their own behaviors.

3. Generalizability: The findings of the study may be limited in terms of generalizability to other populations or schools, as it is
specific to Basagan National High School.

4. Cross-sectional Design: The study's cross-sectional design may limit the ability to establish causality between video game
addiction and academic performance. A longitudinal study would be ideal to determine the long-term effects.

5. Gender Bias: The study may include adequately address potential gender differences in video game addiction and its effects on
academic performance.

6. Instrument Validity and Reliability: The survey instruments used to measure video game addiction and academic performance
may have limitations in terms of validity and reliability.

It is important to acknowledge these methodological limitations in the study and consider them when interpreting the results and
drawing conclusions.

Table 1. Data Arrangements

Name of the Respondents Gender Age Range Grade Hours spent Difficulty Thinking Skipped or Irritable or
level playing video Controlling about video Neglected Frustrated
game from playing game when they when they
video game they are not schoolwork cannot play
playing video game

1. Alcovendas, John Michael S. Male 18-20 11 1-3 hours Yes No Yes Sometimes

2. Antenero, Ivan C. Male 15-17 11 Less than 1 hour Maybe Yes No Sometimes

3. Antenero, Mercy Female 15-17 11 1-3 hours Maybe No No Never

4. Bacatan, Justin L. Male 15-17 12 1-3 hours No Yes No Never

5. Balancar, Brix Male 15-17 12 6 or more hours Yes Yes Yes Sometimes

6. Balbuena, Rochelio G. Male 15-17 12 Less than 1 hour Yes Yes Maybe Sometimes

7. Busquit, James G. Male 18-20 12 1-3 hours No Yes Yes Sometimes

8. Calib-og, Jofel A. Male 18-20 12 1-3 hours Maybe Yes No Sometimes

9. Calib-og, Joren A. Male 15-17 11 1-3 hours Yes No Yes Sometimes

10. Corañez, Mark Gerty O. Male 18-20 11 6 or more hours Maybe Maybe Yes Sometimes

11. Devarra, John Rey Male 18-20 12 1-3 hours No Yes Yes Sometimes

12. Enderez, Aik L. Male 15-17 12 4-6 hours Maybe No Maybe Sometimes

13. Erat, Patrick A. Male 15-17 11 4-6 hours Maybe Maybe Yes Sometimes

14. Gumalal, Marvin O. Male 15-17 11 1-3 hours Yes No Yes Sometimes

15. Gumoc, Kervin A. Male 18-20 12 1-3 hours Maybe No Maybe Sometimes

16. Intam, Johnrey A. Male 15-17 11 4-6 hours Yes Maybe No Sometimes

17. Larot, Shielo G. Male 15-17 11 4-6 hours Maybe Maybe Yes Sometimes

18. Leguro, Noel P. Male 15-17 12 1-3 hours Maybe Yes No Sometimes

19. Mamucay, Danica Kaye M. Female 15-17 11 1-3 hours Yes No Yes Sometimes

20. Masion, Adones Male 21-23 12 4-6 hours No Yes Yes Sometimes

21. Mayola, Mylene Cenas Female 21-23 11 4-6 hours No No No Never

22. Mucas, Lito R. Male 15-17 11 6 or more hours No Yes No Sometimes

23. Omag, Gilbert I. Jr. Male 18-20 12 1-3 hours No No No Never

24. Otic, Rodjito E. Jr. Male 18-20 12 6 or more hours Yes Yes Yes Sometimes

25. Oyam, Felipe O. Jr. Male 18-20 12 6 or more hours Yes Yes Yes Sometimes

26. Rentura, Ardrin Male 15-17 11 1-3 hours Yes No Yes Sometimes

27. Saguban, Kristel Mae Female 15-17 11 1-3 hours Yes No Yes Sometimes

28. Samson, Jonathan M. Male 15-17 12 4-6 hours No Yes Yes Sometimes

29. Sumad, Chandleer C. Male 15-17 11 1-3 hours No Yes No Sometimes

30. Vistal, Jhon Patrick G. Male 15-17 12 1-3 hours Maybe Yes Yes Sometimes

The given text is a table that shows data arrangements of 30 respondents. The table includes the name of each respondent, their
gender, age range, grade level, hours spent playing video games, difficulty controlling themselves from playing video games,
thinking about video games when they are not playing, skipping or neglecting their schoolwork because of video games and
feeling irritable or frustrated when they cannot play.

For example, John Michael S. Alcorendas is male and aged between 18-20 years old. He is in Grade 11 and spends 1-3 hours
playing video games daily. He has difficulty controlling himself from playing and sometimes thinks about it even when he's not
playing. He also admits to occasionally skipping or neglecting his schoolwork due to his gaming habits and feels irritable or
frustrated when he cannot play.

Overall this table provides information on how much time young people spend on computer games as well as some of the
negative effects associated with excessive gaming such as difficulties controlling oneself from gaming leading to poor academic
performance and irritability. However, since we do not know why this data was collected nor what research question it seeks to
answer we cannot draw any conclusions beyond the information presented here in the table itself.

Table 2. Demographic Profile of Respondents' Age Range

Age Range Category frequency Count Percent %

15-17 19 63.3%

18-20 9 30%

21-23 2 6.7%

Average age= 17.3 30 100%

Based on the provided data in Table 2, the following results can be concluded:

1. Age distribution: The majority of respondents (63.3%) fall within the age range of 15-17. The second-largest group (30%) is
comprised of respondents aged 18-20. The smallest group (6.7%) consists of respondents aged 21-23.

2. Mean age: The average age of all the respondents is calculated to be 17.3.

3. Sample size: The total number of respondents in the survey is 30, which represents 100% of the total sample.

These results indicate that the majority of the survey participants are in the younger age range (15-17), with a smaller proportion
falling into the slightly older age range (18-20) and an even smaller group in the oldest age range (21-23). The mean age reflects
this distribution, with 17.3 being closer to the lower end of the age spectrum.

Table 3. Gender of the Respondents

Gender Category frequency Count Percent %

Male 26 87%

Female 4 13%

Total=30 100%

This table shows the gender breakdown of a group of people who were surveyed. There were 30 respondents in total, and out of
those 30, 26 identified as male (which is about 87% of the group) while only 4 identified as female (about 13%). The "Total" row
just adds up these two categories to show that they make up the entire group of respondents.

Table 4. Gaming Habits

Category frequency Count Percent %


1. How many hours do you spend playing video games per day?

Less than 1 hour 2 6.7 %

1-3 hours 16 53.3 %

4-6 hours 7 23.3 %

6 or more hours 5 16.7 %

Average = 7.5 100 %

In this table, the gaming habits of the respondents are shown. The frequency count and percentage are given for each
category of hours spent playing video games per day. The average hours spent playing video games per day is
calculated to be 7.5 hours.

Based on the patterns observed in this table, one possible significance is that the majority of respondents (53.3%)
spend 1-3 hours playing video games per day. Additionally, a significant portion of respondents (23.3%) spend 4-6
hours playing video games per day. This suggests that video gaming is a popular activity among the surveyed
individuals, with a considerable amount of time being dedicated to this form of entertainment.

Table 5. Self-Control
Category Frequency Count Percent %


2. Do you feel like you have difficulty controlling yourself from playing video games?

Yes. 11 36.7 %

No 9 30 %

Maybe 10 33.3 %

Total: 100 %

Based on the patterns observed in this sample, there is a significant proportion (36.7%) of individuals who feel like
they have difficulty controlling themselves from playing video games. This suggests that self-control issues with video
game playing may be a common concern for a significant portion of the population.
Table 6. Thoughts about Gaming

Category Frequency Count Percent %


3. Do you often fine yourself thinking about video games when you are not playing?

Yes 15 50 %

No 11 36.7 %

Maybe 4 13.3 %

Total: 100 %

Based on the patterns observed in the data, it can be concluded that 50% of the participants often find themselves
thinking about video games when they are not playing, while 36.7% do not and 13.3% are unsure.

Table 7. Academic Impact

Category Frequency Count Percent %


4. Have you ever skipped or neglected your schoolwork in order to play video games?

Yes 17 56.7 %

No 10 33.3 %

Maybe 3 10 %

Total: 100 %

Based on the patterns observed in Table 7, it can be concluded that a significant proportion of the respondents
(56.7%) have admitted to skipping or neglecting their schoolwork in order to play video games. However, a smaller
proportion (33.3%) stated that they have not done so, while a minority (10%) were unsure or responded with
"maybe." This suggests that video game playing may have a noticeable impact on academics for some individuals.

Table 8. Emotional Response

Category Frequency Count Percent %


5. How often do you feel irritable or frustrated when you cannot play video games?

Always 0 0%

Sometimes 26 86.7 %

Never 4 13.3 %

Total: 100 %

Based on the patterns observed in the data, it can be inferred that a majority of participants (86.7%) sometimes feel
irritable or frustrated when they cannot play video games. A smaller percentage (13.3%) reported never experiencing
this emotional response. There were no participants who reported feeling irritable or frustrated always. Overall,
these findings suggest that the inability to play video games can often lead to feelings of irritability or frustration for
many individuals.


The findings of the study showed that the level of video game addiction of the respondents when taken as a
whole is average and when grouped according to gender, the male is "high" and the female is "low"
(Fancubila et al., 2021).

Based on the data, we can conclude that the majority of respondents in the survey were aged 15-17,
accounting for 63.3% of the total sample. The second-largest group is respondents aged 18-20, making up
30% of the sample. The smallest group consists of respondents aged 21-23, representing only 6.7% of the
sample. The mean age of all respondents is calculated to be 17.3. Overall, the survey mainly attracted
participants from the younger age bracket, with a smaller proportion from the slightly older age range and
an even smaller group from the oldest age range, Gender Breakdown: Out of the 30 respondents, 26 were
male (about 87%) and 4 were female (about 13%), Gaming Habits: The majority of respondents (53.3%)
spend 1-3 hours playing video games per day, while a significant portion (23.3%) spend 4-6 hours per day.
The average hours spent playing video games per day is 7.5 hours, Self-Control: About 36.7% of
respondents feel like they have difficulty controlling themselves from playing video games, Thoughts about
Gaming: 50% of the participants often find themselves thinking about video games when they are not
playing, Academic Impact: A significant proportion of respondents (56.7%) have admitted to skipping or
neglecting their schoolwork in order to play video games, Emotional Response: 86.7% of participants
sometimes feel irritable or frustrated when they cannot play video games.These results indicate that video
gaming is a popular activity among the surveyed group, and it may have an impact on self-control, academic
performance, and emotional well-being.


This text discusses the relationship between excessive video game addiction and academic performance among
senior high school students. Theoretical frameworks suggest that individuals addicted to video games may experience
a decrease in intrinsic motivation for academic tasks due to issues related to self-regulation and attentional control,
leading them towards decreased engagement with academics. Additionally, peer pressure stemming from social
norms around acceptable amounts of screen time could influence some individual's gaming habits which could
eventually start affecting their academics negatively.

The research questions aim to understand how age, gender, and excessive gameplay impact academic performance
and emotional well-being. The study will focus on the video game addiction duration of time playing video games and
its effects on the academic performance of senior high school students in Basagan National High School.

To conduct this study, researchers will use a quantitative design with purposive sampling procedure applied as the
sampling technique for data selection. They will develop a survey questionnaire to measure the level of video game
addiction among selected students while also obtaining academic records from Basagan National High School

However, there are methodological limitations such as small sample size, self-reporting bias by participants or gender
bias that must be considered when interpreting results drawn from this study.

Table 1. Data Arrangements

The given text in the table that shows data arrangements of 30 respondents. The table includes the name of each respondent,
their gender, age range, grade level, hours spent playing video games, difficulty controlling themselves from playing video games,
thinking about video games when they are not playing, skipping or neglecting their schoolwork because of video games and
feeling irritable or frustrated when they cannot play.

For example, John Michael S. Alcorendas is male and aged between 18-20 years old. He is in Grade 11 and spends 1-3 hours
playing video games daily. He has difficulty controlling himself from playing and sometimes thinks about it even when he's not
playing. He also admits to occasionally skipping or neglecting his schoolwork due to his gaming habits and feels irritable or
frustrated when he cannot play.

Overall this table provides information on how much time young people spend on computer games as well as some of the
negative effects associated with excessive gaming such as difficulties controlling oneself from gaming leading to poor academic
performance and irritability. However, since we do not know why this data was collected nor what research question it seeks to
answer we cannot draw any conclusions beyond the information presented here in the table itself.

The data shown in Tables 2-8 provide insights into the demographic profile and gaming habits of the respondents, as
well as their self-control, thoughts about gaming, academic impact, and emotional response related to video game

Starting with the demographic profile in Table 2, it is clear that the majority of respondents fall within the age range
of 15-17, followed by a smaller group aged 18-20 and an even smaller group aged 21-23. This distribution suggests
that the survey sample is skewed towards younger individuals, which may have implications for the generalizability of
the findings to a broader population.
Moving on to Table 3, it reveals that the sample is predominantly male, with 87% of respondents identifying as male
and only 13% as female. This gender breakdown suggests that video gaming may be more popular and appealing to
males in this particular sample.

Table 4 provides insights into the gaming habits of the respondents. The majority of respondents spend 1-3 hours
playing video games per day, followed by a smaller proportion spending 4-6 hours and an even smaller group
spending 6 or more hours. This suggests that video gaming is a popular activity among the surveyed individuals, with
a considerable amount of time being dedicated to this form of entertainment.

Tables 5 and 6 explore aspects related to self-control and thoughts about gaming, respectively. According to Table 5,
a significant proportion of individuals feel like they have difficulty controlling themselves from playing video games.
This suggests that self-control issues may be a common concern for a considerable portion of the population. Table 6
reveals that half of the participants often find themselves thinking about video games when they are not playing. This
suggests that gaming may be a significant part of their thoughts and mental engagement, even outside of actual

Table 7 investigates the potential academic impact of video game playing. It indicates that a significant proportion of
respondents have admitted to skipping or neglecting their schoolwork in order to play video games. This finding
suggests that video game playing may have a noticeable impact on academics for some individuals.

Lastly, Table 8 examines the emotional response of individuals when they cannot play video games. It indicates that a
majority of participants sometimes feel irritable or frustrated when they cannot play, while a smaller percentage
reported never experiencing this emotional response. This implies that the inability to play video games can often
lead to feelings of irritability or frustration for many individuals.

In conclusion, the data presented in Tables 2-8 provide valuable insights into the demographics, gaming habits, self-
control, thoughts, academic impact, and emotional response related to video game playing among the surveyed
individuals. These findings can potentially inform discussions and further research on the topic of video game usage
and its impact on various aspects of individuals' lives.


Video game addiction it refers to the excessive and compulsive use of video games, to the extent that it begins to interfere with
an individual's daily life.

The research design will utilize a quantitative design to gather data on video game addiction and its effects on the academic
performance of senior high school students in Basagan National High School. The data gathering processes will include the
distribution of surveys to assess the students' level of video game addiction, as well as the collection of academic records to
measure their academic performance. A sampling procedure will be employed to select 30 senior high school students who will
participate in the research. The purposive sampling method will be utilized, which involves selecting individuals based on specific
criteria that align with the research objectives.The instruments for this study will include a self-administered questionnaire, letter
of permissions(including letter of permission to the respondents and letter of permission to the teacher-in-charge) and academic
records of the students of Basagan National High School. The questionnaire will gather information on video game addiction,
while academic records will provide data on students' academic performance.

Results show that the majority of respondents in the survey were aged between 15-17 years old, followed by a smaller group
aged 18-20, and an even smaller group aged 21-23. The sample was predominantly male, with 87% of respondents identifying as
male and only 13% as female. The majority of respondents spend 1-3 hours playing video games per day, with smaller
proportions spending 4-6 hours or 6 or more hours. A significant proportion of individuals reported having difficulty controlling
themselves from playing video games, and half of the participants often found themselves thinking about video games when they
were not playing. A noticeable impact on academics was reported, with a significant proportion of respondents admitting to
skipping or neglecting their schoolwork in order to play video games. The majority of participants sometimes felt irritable or
frustrated when they could not play video games. These overall results provide insights into the demographics, gaming habits,
self-control, thoughts, academic impact, and emotional response related to video game playing among the surveyed individuals.


Based on the findings of this study, it can be concluded that video game addiction is a prevalent issue among senior
high school students in Basagan National High School. The majority of respondents were aged between 15-17 years
old and identified as male. They reported spending a significant amount of time playing video games, with some
experiencing difficulty controlling their gaming habits. This addiction had a noticeable impact on their academic
performance, with many admitting to neglecting their schoolwork in order to play video games. Additionally,
participants often experienced negative emotions when unable to play video games. These results highlight the need
for interventions and support systems to address video game addiction among students, as it can significantly affect
their daily lives and educational outcomes.


1. Implement awareness and education programs: Schools should develop educational campaigns to raise awareness
about the risks and consequences of video game addiction. This can include workshops, seminars, and informational
sessions for both students and parents.
2. Establish support groups or counseling services: Provide counseling services or support groups specifically tailored
to address video game addiction. These resources should be easily accessible and provide a safe space for students to
discuss their concerns and receive guidance on managing their gaming habits.

3. Encourage healthy alternatives: Promote and encourage the participation of students in alternative activities to
video games, such as sports, clubs, arts, and other hobbies. This can help divert their attention away from gaming and
develop healthier interests and habits.

4. Involve parents and guardians: Engage parents and guardians in the discussions and interventions related to video
game addiction. They play a crucial role in monitoring and regulating their child's gaming behavior at home.

5. Provide academic support: Offer academic assistance and support for students who are struggling with their
schoolwork due to video game addiction. This can include tutoring, study groups, or additional guidance from
teachers to help them catch up and manage their time effectively.

6. Collaborate with game developers and platforms: Establish partnerships with video game developers and platforms
to create features or settings that encourage responsible gaming behavior, such as setting time limits, providing in-
game reminders for breaks, and monitoring playtime.

7. Conduct further research: Continue conducting research on video game addiction and its impact on students'
academic and psychological well-being. This will help to develop effective prevention strategies and interventions and
improve understanding of the issue.

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