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5/1/2021 Review Test Submission: REVISION-FINAL – PHY 1103 - ...

Leesal Iype (liype) 95

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PHY 1103 - Physics I (202020_21071) REVISION_FINAL Review Test Submission: REVISION-FINAL Edit Mode is: • ON

Review Test Submission: REVISION-FINAL

User Dr. Leesal Iype (liype)

Course PHY 1103 - Physics I (202020_21071)
Started 5/1/21 8:06 AM
Submitted 5/1/21 8:06 AM
Status Completed
Attempt Score 0 out of 100 points
Time Elapsed 0 minute
Results Displayed All Answers, Submitted Answers, Correct Answers

Question 1 0 out of 1.5 points

the 'tensile strain' experienced by a wire under tension is equal to the change in the length of the wire divided by the original
length of the wire. What are the dimensions of tensile strain?

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Answers: L

dimensionless (it has no dimensions)


L2 1/27
5/1/2021 Review Test Submission: REVISION-FINAL – PHY 1103 - ...

Question 2 0 out of 1.5 points

The gure below shows the position vs. time graph of an object. What is its displacement at a time of 6.00 s?

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Answers: 10.0 m

20.0 cm

0.00 m

60.0 m

Question 3 0 out of 1.5 points

The velocity-time graph for a model car moving along a straight line is shown in the diagram. What is the acceleration of the
car at the time 6 s , in units of m/s2? 2/27
5/1/2021 Review Test Submission: REVISION-FINAL – PHY 1103 - ...

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: -1.00000000 ± 0.2%

Question 4 0 out of 1.5 points

The velocity-time graph for a model car moving along a straight line is shown in the diagram. What was the displacement of
the car between the times 2.11 s and 10 s, in units of meters? 3/27
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Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: 13.56000000 ± 0.2%

Question 5 0 out of 1.5 points

A archer shoots an arrow at a target with an initial speed 22 m/s, at an angle of 7.3 0 to the horizontal, as shown in the diagram. How much time
did it take for the arrow to reach the target, in units of seconds?

You may assume that air resistance is negligible and that the height the arrow is fired from and the target are at the same height

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: 0.57049416 ± 2% 4/27
5/1/2021 Review Test Submission: REVISION-FINAL – PHY 1103 - ...

Question 6 0 out of 1.5 points

A ball is dropped from a tall bridge of height 39 m. What will the speed of the ball be immediately before it hits the ground, in units of m/s?

you may assume that air resistance is negligible

give your answer as a positive value

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: 27.647785 ± 2%

Question 7 0 out of 1.5 points

A ball is kicked with an initial horizontal velocity 14 m/s from the top of a roof 3.3 m above the ground. What distance will the
ball travel horizontally before it hits the ground, in units of meters?

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: 11.489125 ± 2% 5/27
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Question 8 0 out of 1.5 points

A ball is thrown horizontally from the top of a building with a speed of 14 m/s. What distance will it have fallen vertically, in
units of meters, in a time of 1.05 s

(assume air resistance is negligible)

(give the answer as a positive number)

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: 5.4
Answer range +/- 0.02 (5.38 - 5.42)

Question 9 0 out of 1.5 points

A boy drops a weight from the top of a bridge while a friend below measures the time it takes for the object to strike the water below.

What is the height of the bridge, in units of meters, if the time is 4.7 sec?

Give the answer as a positive number

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: 108.24100 ± 2%

Question 10 0 out of 1.5 points

A long jumper goes into a jump at an angle of 23.5° above the horizontal and at a speed of 10.9 m/s. What is the maximum height
reached by the jumper, in units of meters?

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: 0.96382079 ± 2% 6/27
5/1/2021 Review Test Submission: REVISION-FINAL – PHY 1103 - ...

Question 11 0 out of 1.5 points

An archer shoots an arrow at a target with an initial speed 24 m/s, at an angle of 5.5 0 to the horizontal, as shown in the diagram. How much is
the maximum horizontal distance (Range ) travelled by the arrow, in units of meters?

You may assume that air resistance is negligible and that the height the arrow is fired from and the target are at the same height

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: 11.21489605 ± 2%

Question 12 0 out of 1.5 points

An object moves 163 m South, then 107 m West, and nally 245 m North. If the total time taken was 300 s, What was the
average speed for the complete journey, in units of m/s?

Give the answer as a positive number

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: 1.7166667 ± 2%

Question 13 0 out of 1.5 points

A girl walks 330 m North, and then 80.8 m East, in a total time of 350 s. What was the magnitude of her average velocity for the
journey, in units of m/s?

Give the answer as a positive number. 7/27
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Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: 0.97070830 ± 2%

Question 14 0 out of 1.5 points

A train moving with a velocity of 42.9 km/hour North, increases its speed with a uniform acceleration of
0.250 m/s2 North until it reaches a velocity of 160.0 km/hour North. What distance did the train travel while it was increasing
its velocity, in units of meters?

Give the answer as a positive number

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: 3,666.6034 ± 2%

Question 15 0 out of 1.5 points

An initially stationary object accelerates uniformly in a straight line at a rate of 0.42 m/s2 for a time of 1.5 s. What distance does it
travel in this time, in units of meters?

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: 0.4725
Answer range +/- 0.002 (0.4705 - 0.4745)

Question 16 0 out of 1.5 points

A particle initially at rest experiences an acceleration of 0.806 m/s2 to the East for a time of 4.2 seconds. It then increases its
acceleration to 1.58 m/s2 to the East for an additional 3.72 seconds. What is the magnitude of the final velocity of the object, in
units of m/s?

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: 9.2628000 ± 2% 8/27
5/1/2021 Review Test Submission: REVISION-FINAL – PHY 1103 - ...

Question 17 0 out of 1.5 points

Interaction partners

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Answers: are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction and act on the same object.

always involve gravitational force as one partner.

are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction and act on different objects.

act in the same direction on the same object.

Question 18 0 out of 1.5 points

Which of the following is a statement of Newton’s Third law?

Selected [None Given]


Answers: Every action has an equal and opposite reaction

The acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the magnitude of the force and inversely
proportional to the mass

The average speed of a body is equal to the distance travelled divided by the time taken 9/27
5/1/2021 Review Test Submission: REVISION-FINAL – PHY 1103 - ...

An object at rest and an object in motion with constant speed will maintain the state of rest or constant
motion unless acted on by a resultant force

Question 19 0 out of 1.5 points

The wheels fall off Beatrice’s suitcase, so she es a rope to it and drags it along the floor of the airport terminal. The rope makes
a 51° angle with the horizontal. The suitcase has a mass of 44 kg and Beatrice pulls on the rope with a force of 68 N. What is
the magnitude of the normal force ac ng on the suitcase due to the floor?

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: 378.35 ± 0.2

Question 20 0 out of 1.5 points

The coefficient of static friction μs between a 54 kg box and a floor is equal to 0.6. A man tries to push this box with a horizontal
force. What is the magnitude of the force(in N) that he has to apply to start the box moving?

Selected Answer: [None Given] 10/27
5/1/2021 Review Test Submission: REVISION-FINAL – PHY 1103 - ...

Correct Answer: 317.52 ± 0.2

Question 21 0 out of 1.5 points

At what rate will a 26 kg box accelerate if slides down a frictionless slope that is inclined at 22.6o above horizontal?

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: 3.77 ± 0.2

Question 22 0 out of 1.5 points

If a resultant force of 47.3 N is applied to an object of mass 44, what is the magnitude its acceleration, in units of m/s2?

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: 1.0750000 ± 2%

Question 23 0 out of 1.5 points

Calculate the tension T2 in the cable. The angle θ =33 degree. 11/27
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Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: 923.919 ± 2%

Question 24 0 out of 1.5 points

2 blocks of wood (A and B) are connected by a length of string of negligible mass. block A is resting on a frictionless desk
top, the string is supported by a frictionless pulley at the edge of the desk, and block B is hanging on the other end of the
string. This is shown in the diagram. If block A has a mass of 7.95 kg and block B has a mass of 7.41 kg, what is the
magnitude of the acceleration of block B, in units of m/s2?

Assume that air resistance is negligible. 12/27
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Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: 4.7277344 ± 2%

Question 25 0 out of 1.5 points

An elevator of mass 519 kg is raised by a cable, as shown in the diagram. If the tension in the cable is 8.06 kN, what is

the magnitude of its acceleration, in units of m/s2?

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: 5.7298651 ± 2% 13/27
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Question 26 0 out of 1.5 points

Two masses (m1= 8.74 kg and m2 = 3.66 kg) are connected by a string passed over a frictionless pulley, as shown in the

diagram. What is the magnitude of the acceleration of the masses, in units of m/s2?

Give the answer as a positive number.

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: 4.0148387 ± 2%

Question 27 0 out of 1.5 points

A 1000 kg car is going around an unbanked curve with radius 28 meters. If the coe cient of static friction between the car's
tires and the road is 0.5, what is the maximum speed at which the car can make the turn?

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: 11.71 ± 0.2

Question 28 0 out of 1.5 points 14/27
5/1/2021 Review Test Submission: REVISION-FINAL – PHY 1103 - ...

A ball of mass 540 g is attached to the end of a 2.3 m string, and it swings in a circle with a constant speed of 11.9 m/s. What
is the centripetal acceleration in m/s2?

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: 61.57 ± 0.2

Question 29 0 out of 1.5 points

A ball of mass 548 g is attached to the end of a 1.6 m string, and it swings in a circle with a constant speed of 5.7 m/s. What is
the period of rotation of the ball(in seconds)?

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: 1.76 ± 0.2

Question 30 0 out of 1.5 points

A banked road corner of radius 131 m and banking angle 7.4 degrees is to be built. What speed is this corner designed for, in
units of m/s?

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: 12.912649 ± 2%

Question 31 0 out of 1.5 points

A car of mass 699 kg moves in a horizontal circle of radius 41 m with a speed of 11 km/hour. What is the centripetal force
acting on the car, in units of newtons?

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: 159.17 ± 2% 15/27
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Question 32 0 out of 1.5 points

A fan takes 4 s to reach its operating angular speed of 8 rev/s. What is the average angular acceleration(rad/s2)?

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: 12.57 ± 0.2

Question 33 0 out of 1.5 points

A gure skater is spinning with an angular velocity of 19.2 rad/s. She then comes to a stop over a brief period of time. During
this time, her angular displacement is +7.3 rad. Determine her average angular acceleration. (Enter your answer as a positive

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: 25.25 ± 0.2

Question 34 0 out of 1.5 points

A toy airplane propeller at a rate of 500 rpm. It then slows down with a constant angular acceleration until it stops. If
it takes a time of 7.53 s to slow down and stop, what was the magnitude of the angular acceleration, in units of rad/s2?
Give the answer as a positive number

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: 6.9535030 ± 2%

Question 35 0 out of 1.5 points 16/27
5/1/2021 Review Test Submission: REVISION-FINAL – PHY 1103 - ...

A wheel of radius 25.0 cm is rotating at a rate of 30.0 rad/s. What is the linear speed of a point on the edge of the wheel?

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Answers: 120 m/s

7.5 m/s

1.20 m/s

75.0 m/s

Question 36 0 out of 1.5 points

On a wet day a car can travel around a horizontal corner of radius 44 m without slipping with a maximum speed of
18 m/s. What is the coe cient of static friction between the car tires and the road?

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: 0.75139147 ± 2%

Question 37 0 out of 1.5 points

A 86 N horizontal force is applied to a 3.7 kg box. Friction is negligible. The box moves a horizontal distance of 6.2
meters. The work done by the 86 N force in joule is:

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: 533.20 ± 0.2

Question 38 0 out of 1.5 points 17/27
5/1/2021 Review Test Submission: REVISION-FINAL – PHY 1103 - ...

A 29.7 N force is applied at an angle of 32.8 degrees above the horizontal to a 4.00 kg box. The box moves a
horizontal distance of 5.9 meters. Friction is negligible. The work done by the 29.7 N force in joule is

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: 147.29 ± 0.2

Question 39 0 out of 1.5 points

An automobile is sitting on a hill which is 12 m higher than ground level. Find the mass of the automobile if it contains
362.6 kJ of potential energy.

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: 3,083.33 ± 0.2

Question 40 0 out of 1.5 points

A roller coaster car starts from rest at point A. What is its speed at point C if the track is frictionless? Given
h1=8 m and h2=4 m.

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: 8.85 ± 0.2 18/27
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Question 41 0 out of 1.5 points

A heavy object is dropped from a vertical height of 8.03 m. What is its speed when it hits the ground?

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: 12.55 ± 0.2

Question 42 0 out of 1.5 points

A bowling ball is dropped from the top of a building. If it hits the ground with a speed of 30 m/s, how tall was the

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: 45.92 ± 0.2

Question 43 0 out of 1.5 points

A 10.4 gram bullet has a velocity of 292 m/s. It strikes a block of wood and penetrates to a distance of 13.9 cm. The
average force (in newton) of the block of wood on the bullet is:(Enter your answer as a positive number)

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: 3,189.73 ± 0.2

Question 44 0 out of 1.5 points 19/27
5/1/2021 Review Test Submission: REVISION-FINAL – PHY 1103 - ...

A 105 N horizontal force is applied to a 4.00 kg box. The box moves a horizontal distance of 9 meters with constant
velocity. The change in the kinetic energy of the box is

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: 0 ± 0.2

Question 45 0 out of 1.5 points

A 5 kg box slides along a horizontal frictionless oor at 1.9 m/s and collides with a relatively massless spring that compresses
22 cm before the box comes to a stop. Determine the spring constant of the spring.

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: 372.93 ± 0.2

Question 46 0 out of 1.5 points

A 7 kg box slides along a horizontal frictionless oor at 1.9 m/s and collides with a relatively massless spring that compresses
23 cm before the box comes to a stop. Calculate the work done on the spring.

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: 12.64 ± 0.2

Question 47 0 out of 1.5 points

A boat’s engine pushes it through water at a steady rate of 17 m/s. The force of friction that acts against the boat is 4,072 N.
What is the power of the engine?

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: 69,224.00 ± 0.2 20/27
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Question 48 0 out of 1.5 points

A machine that generates 62 W of power operates for a time of 22 minutes and 45 seconds. How much work does it perform
in this time, in units of Joules?

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: 84,630
Answer range +/- 200 (84430.0 - 84830.0)

Question 49 0 out of 1.5 points

A spring-powered dart gun is un-stretched and has a spring constant 25 N/m. The spring is compressed by 8 cm and a 12
gram projectile is placed in the gun. The velocity of the projectile when it is shot from the gun is

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: 3.65 ± 0.2

Question 50 0 out of 1.5 points

A spring-powered dart gun is unstretched and has a spring constant 13.3 N/m. The spring is compressed by 5 cm and a
5.0 gram projectile is placed in the gun. The kinetic energy of the projectile when it is shot from the gun is

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: 0.02 ± 0.2

Question 51 0 out of 1.5 points

A 2 kg ball is traveling at 7 m/s and strikes a wall. The ball bounces o the wall with a velocity of 4.3 m/s in the opposite
direction. If the contact with the wall by the ball lasts for 0.06 seconds, then the magnitude of average force on the ball is 21/27
5/1/2021 Review Test Submission: REVISION-FINAL – PHY 1103 - ...

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: 377 ± 0.2

Question 52 0 out of 1.5 points

A car of mass 1,173 kg (car A) travelling at 12 m/s to the right collides with a second car of mass 550 kg (car B)
travelling in the opposite direction at 10 m/s. After collission, Car B moves to the right with a speed of 9 m/s. What is
the velocity of car A after the collision ?

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: 3.09 ± 0.2

Question 53 0 out of 1.5 points

An average force of 292 N acts for a time interval of 0.03 s on a 145 g golf ball . What is the magnitude of the impulse acting
on the golf ball?

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: 8.76 ± 0.2

Question 54 0 out of 1.5 points

Car A with a mass of 673 kg travelling to the right with a speed of 34 m/s collides with car B which was stationary.
The cars stick together after the collision, and move to the right with a speed of 5 m/s. What was the mass of car B?

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: 3,903.40 ± 0.2 22/27
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Question 55 0 out of 1.5 points

What is the magnitude of momentum of an automobile of weight = 7,374 N, when it is moving at 24 m/s to the south?

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: 18,058.78 ± 0.2

Question 56 0 out of 1.5 points

A solid disk has a radius of 0.085 m and a mass of 5.7 kg. What is the rotational kinetic energy of the disk when it rotates at a
rate of 721 rpm, in units of joules?

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: 58.692212 ± 2%

Question 57 0 out of 1.5 points

A thin rod of length 132 cm has a moment of inertia of 0.75 kg.m2 when it is rotated about an axis perpendicular to the rod
and passing through the center of the rod, as shown in the diagram. What is the mass of the rod, in units of kg? 23/27
5/1/2021 Review Test Submission: REVISION-FINAL – PHY 1103 - ...

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: 5.1652893 ± 2%

Question 58 0 out of 1.5 points

A wheel rotating about its axle has a moment of inertia of 3.9 kg.m2. If it is turning at a rate of 22 rad/s, what is the rotational
kinetic energy of the wheel, in units of joules?

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: 943.80000 ± 2%

Question 59 0 out of 1.5 points

Two objects are placed on an x-y plane:

Object A of mass 5 kg is positioned at the x-y coordinates (0 m, 0.16 m)

Object B of mass 6 kg is positioned at the x-y coordinates (0.28 m, 0.12 m)

What is the moment of inertia of this system of objects around an axis along the z-axis, passing the the origin of the
coordinate system, in units of kg.m2?

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: 0.68480000 ± 2%

Question 60 0 out of 1.5 points

Two forces are applied to a beam, as shown in the diagram below. F1 = 10 N, F2 = 34 N, d1 = 25 cm, d2 = 45 cm, θ1 = 500, and

θ2 = 300. What is the resultant torque around the point 'x', in units of Nm? 24/27
5/1/2021 Review Test Submission: REVISION-FINAL – PHY 1103 - ...

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: -6.043
Answer range +/- 0.02 (-6.063 - -6.023)

Question 61 0 out of 2 points

Two forces are applied to a beam, as shown in the diagram below. F1 = 10 N, F2 = 74 N, d1 = 25 mm, d2 = 8 mm, and θ

= 300. What is the resultant torque around the point 'x', in units of Nm?

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: -0.046
Answer range +/- 0.0002 (-0.04620 - -0.04580) 25/27
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Question 62 0 out of 3 points

An object (M) of mass 10.8 kg is free to rotate about an axis a distance (R) of 0.346 m from its center, as
shown in the diagram. What will the angular momentum of the object be if it is rotating with an angular
speed of 2.24 rad/s, in units of kg.m2/s?

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: 2.8961695 ± 2%

Question 63 0 out of 2 points

What is the rotational inertia of a solid iron disk of mass 8.92 kg with a thickness (t) of 5.00x10-2 m and
radius (R) of 0.300 m, about an axis through the center and perpendicular to it (as shown in the diagram),
in units of kg.m2?

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: 0.40140000 ± 2% 26/27
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Question 64 0 out of 3 points

Two objects (A and B) are hung from opposite ends of a 100 cm long beam of negligible mass. Object A has a mass of 3 kg.
The beam is supported by the tension in a string attached to the beam at a distance of 31 cm from the right end of the beam,
as shown in the diagram. If the beam is in equilibrium, at what is the mass of object B, in units of kg?

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: 6.6774194 ± 2%

Saturday, May 1, 2021 8:06:31 AM GST

← OK 27/27

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