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TASK 1: Search and describe the following outdoor recreation common first aid injuries.

1. Cuts, scratches and scrapes are minor skin wounds like a small puncture or skinned knee that
may or may not draw blood. Anytime our skin is broken, whether it bleeds or not, there is a
risk for infection.
2. A burn is an injury to the skin or other organic tissue primarily caused by heat or due to
radiation, radioactivity, electricity, friction or contact with chemicals.
3. A bite is when an insect (like a mosquito, flea, or bedbug) uses its mouth to break a person's
skin, usually so it can feed. When an insect bites, it releases saliva that can cause the skin
around the bite to become red, swollen and itchy. A sting is when an insect uses another
body part, such as a barbed stinger at its tail end, to pierce the skin and inject venom (like a
poison). The venom from a sting often also causes a swollen, itchy, red mark (a weal) to form
on the skin. This can be painful, but it's harmless in most cases.
4. Splinters are objects that become embedded under the skin. Most often these are tiny pieces
of wood, although glass, metal, and plastic can be splinters too. Taking a splinter out as soon
as you spot it helps prevent infection and makes removal easier (since the skin won't have
time to heal over the splinter).
5. Sunburn is skin damage caused by ultraviolet (UV) rays. It usually causes the skin to become
red, sore, warm, tender and occasionally itchy for about a week. The skin will normally start
to flake and peel after a few days and will usually fully heal within 7 days.
6. A nosebleed happens when one of the blood vessels in the lining of the nose bursts.
Nosebleeds may be caused by infection, injury, allergic reaction, nose picking or an object
being pushed into the nostril.
7. Sprains are ligament injuries resulting from wrenching or twisting a joint. Strains are injuries
to a muscle or tendon, and are often caused by overuse, force, or stretching. A tear refers to a
more severe sprain or strain that involves the complete separation of ligaments, muscles,
and/or tendons.
8. A fracture is a broken bone, the same as a crack or a break.
I can be a first aider because I have some knowledge and capabilities q regarding it that is useful in
times of inevitable accidents when performing outdoor recreational activities and or other
I will be a first aider because I want to help others. This is also connected to my chosen career which
is to be a nurse. If I could use this knowledge treating others, then I can save more lives.
As a first aider, I will always lend my hands to those who're in need. I will always be responsible for
my patients and will always ensure their safety and well-being as my top priority.
1. First aid is of great importance during emergencies or medical situations as it can help
individuals to have an initial care when injured. It can help others in preserving life,
preventing further harm, and promoting recovery all in which it can have a positive difference
in the outcome for the injured person.
2. We can help others through our knowledge and skills in first aid. For instance, I have a peer
who accidentally fell down from a tree while climbing up, as a result, his arm bled. As a first
aider, I will use my knowledge and skills to stop his arm from bleeding. I'll be resourceful,
calm and be empathetic. Through this, I can help him overcome that situation and to avoid
further harm.
1. Among the five students, Student A, C, D, and E are good first aider because they exemplify
the good characteristics that a first aider must have. Student A reflects being calm.
Meanwhile, Student C is prompt and quick to respond in the need of his friend. On the other
hand, Student D is resourceful because he made use of the things around him. Lastly, Student
E is sympathetic as he made the patient comfortable through his words.
2. Among the five students, Student B is not an example of a good first aider. This is because of
his action. He resort to a conclusion without analyzing the situation and having a profound
3. In this activities, different characteristics of a good first was exemplified such as being calm,
prompt and quick, resourceful and sympathetic. Other characteristics that I think they should
also possess are being intelligent and skillful. Through these, they can respond to the need of
4. If I am a first aider, my goal would be to always provide a medical assistance to those I know
they needed. Through this, my knowledge about first aid will not be wasted and I can help
people to the best of my ability.
1. The first thing I will do is to check our environment. This is to see if there is a danger near
from us. If there is no, then I will going to lend my hand for assistance. If there is, I will call for
help. This is also to ensure my safety.
2. A. I will first check possible danger near from us. If there is none, I will assist the person. If
there is, I will call for help.
B. Second, I will call an ambulance.
C. While waiting for the ambulance to arrive, I will check if he's unconscious and if there are
other injuries in his body
D. Since the man is unconscious and bleeding, I will strip off a piece of cloth from me. It will
serve as a bandage. I will also check if he's still breathing.
E. If he's breathing but unconscious, I will turn them onto their side, carefully. Tgis is to ensure
that his airways are open.

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