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Writing Practice (for Argument Essay)

Thesis Statements

A Thesis Statement is a summary of your essay’s main idea (or main argument).
A Thesis Statement is detailed and specific.
A Thesis Statement is (usually) one sentence.
A Thesis Statement is (usually) the last sentence in your Introduction Paragraph.

Topic: Should alcohol be banned?
Thesis Statement: Banning alcohol is a terrible idea because it will cause massive unemployment,
violate adults’ rights, and lead to more dangerous addictions.

Topic Sentence 1: If alcohol is banned, thousands of people will lose their jobs.

Topic Sentence 2: Secondly, another problem caused by banning alcohol is that it infringes upon the
rights of adults to choose how to live their lives.

Topic Sentence 3: Finally, and perhaps most importantly, if people no longer have access to alcohol, they
will probably turn to something else such as cigarettes, drugs or other addictive

For each topic:

i. Write a Thesis Statement.
ii. Then, write 3 Topic Sentences (which match the Thesis Statement).

1. Topic: Should violent computer games be banned?

Thesis Statement:
Topic Sentence 1:
Topic Sentence 2:
Topic Sentence 3:

2. Topic: Should same-sex marriage be allowed?

Thesis Statement:
Topic Sentence 1:
Topic Sentence 2:
Topic Sentence 3:
Topic Sentences

A good Topic Sentence:

➢ is specific and summarizes the main idea of the paragraph.

➢ has 2 parts – a main idea (or topic) and a controlling idea.

One of the main requirements for being an effective CEO is ruthlessness.
Main idea Controlling idea

Crime in poverty-stricken areas occurs as a result of systemic discrimination.

Main idea Controlling idea

Exercise 1

• Read each paragraph.

• Then write a Topic Sentence for the paragraph.

1. (Topic Sentence): Sports cars are popular amongst all kinds of people for various reasons.

Young people tend to buy them because they want to look “cool” to their friends. It is much easier for a young

person to impress other people with a fast sports car than with their father’s minivan. Wealthy people,

however, enjoy sports cars because they want to show others that they have status in their community. For

example, doctors or lawyers are never seen driving around in an old station wagon. Finally, sports cars

appeal to adventurers, people who like to take risks on the road. Whatever the reasons, sports cars are an

extremely popular model of automobile.

2. (Topic Sentence): ______________________________________________________________________

One of the biggest differences is size. Most modern reptiles are small. Dinosaurs were much larger than any

reptile we have on Earth today. Secondly, the legs of most reptiles today are on the sides of their body.

However, dinosaurs’ legs were on the bottom of their body. In this way, dinosaurs could stand up on their back

legs. Thirdly, today’s reptiles use the environment to control their body temperature. In contrast, dinosaurs
controlled their own body temperature. They did not depend on their surroundings. Thus, while reptiles and

dinosaurs may seem very similar, they actually have a lot of differences.

3. (Topic Sentence): ______________________________________________________________________

First, your body will look better. Exercise is perfect for staying trim and healthy-looking, and it does not have to

take a long time. Second, you will actually have more energy. A person who exercises will have fewer problems

walking up stairs or climbing hills. In addition, your heart will be healthier. A good, strong heart is necessary for

a long, healthy life. Finally, exercise reduces stress and keeps your mind in shape. Therefore, if you want to

improve your overall health, exercise is an excellent way to accomplish your goal.

4. (Topic Sentence): ______________________________________________________________________

It is without a doubt one of the easiest foods to eat. You do not need any special utensils, and it does not have to

be served extremely hot like most foods. In addition, with only 20 calories per cup and almost no fat, it is both a

filling and heart-friendly snack. Furthermore, it can be an important source of natural fiber, a substance that has

been shown to be important in limiting certain types of cancer. Based on this information, it is easy to

understand why the sales of popcorn are soaring in many countries.

5. (Topic Sentence): ______________________________________________________________________

With this method, learners form their own link between a foreign-language word they are trying to learn and a

word in their native language. For example, a Japanese learner of English might look at the English word

hatchet and connect it to the Japanese word hachi, which means “eight.” In this case, the learner might

remember that he can use a hatchet eight times to cut down a tree. Similarly, an English speaker learning

Spanish might remember the word trigo (“wheat”) by using the English words tree and go because they sound

like the Spanish word trigo. For many people, this Sound-Association method for remembering foreign

vocabulary is extremely effective.

TS = Topic Sentence
SS = Supporting Sentence
Exercise 2 CS = Concluding Sentence

For each paragraph, identify the Topic Sentence, Supporting Sentences and Concluding Sentence.
Paragraph 1
In their gardens, they may enjoy the fragrance of jasmine flowers, a word that came into
English from Persian.
Whether they know it or not, Americans use a plethora of foreign words throughout their
daily life.
Americans who live in a warm climate may take an afternoon siesta on an outdoor patio
without even realizing that these are Spanish words.
The American language is filled with a myriad of words from other languages.
They may even relax on a chaise longue, while sipping a drink made with vodka, words of
French and Russian origin, respectively.
Americans relaxing at home, for example, may put on kimonos, which is a Japanese word.
Paragraph 2
Despite their differences, both university systems produce well-educated students.
In fact, professors in Germany generally do not know the names of the students enrolled in
their courses.
In the American system, on the other hand, there are usually numerous quizzes, tests, and
homework assignments, and there is almost always a final examination in each course at the
end of the semester.
In the United States, however, students are required to attend all classes, and they may be
penalized if they miss a class.
Furthermore, in the European system, there is usually just one comprehensive examination at
the end of the students' entire four or five years of study.
In European universities, students are not required to attend classes.
There are many differences between the American and European university systems.
Paragraph 3
Although every society on earth builds houses, the type of house they build is often
dependent on the materials that are readily available around them.
For example, Eskimos, who live in a treeless region of snow and ice, sometimes build
temporary homes out of thick blocks of ice.
People who live in deserts, on the other hand, use the most available material – mud or clay –
which provides good insulation from the heat.
In Northern Europe, Russia and other areas of the world where forests are plentiful, people
usually construct their homes out of wood.
In the islands of the South Pacific, where there is a plentiful supply of bamboo and palm,
people use these tough, fibrous plants to build their home.
Regardless of the final product, homes in different parts of the world are usually influenced
by whatever materials are most readily available.
Hook Sentences

Remember, a hook sentence is designed to grab the reader’s attention immediately and give some indication
about the essay’s topic.

Write a hook sentence for each of the prompts listed below.

➢ Topic #1: Pick a sport and write a hook sentence that will get the reader as excited about that sport as
you are.

Hook Sentence:

➢ Topic #2: Pick a career and write a hook sentence that will get the reader as excited about that career
path as you are.

Hook Sentence:

➢ Topic #3: Write a hook sentence about the problem of pollution that will motivate people to do
something about it.

Hook Sentence:

➢ Topic #4: Write a hook sentence about the most exciting vacation destination.

Hook Sentence:
Parallel Structure

Basically, Parallel Structure means writing a sentence in which all parts match grammatically.

X I like skiing and to play soccer.

✓ I like skiing and playing soccer.

This is important in all parts of your writing but especially important when writing your Thesis Statement.

X Banning alcohol is a terrible idea because it will cause massive unemployment, adults’ rights are being
violated, and more dangerous addictions can occur.
✓ Banning alcohol is a terrible idea because it will cause massive unemployment, violate adults’ rights,
and lead to more dangerous addictions.

Practice – Correct these sentences so that they are parallel.

o Olympic athletes usually like practicing, competing, and to go to the gym.
o For dinner we like steak and to fry onions.
o Public transport such as buses or a train can help reduce air pollution.
o He decided he needed confidence, passion and being intelligent.

➢ Choose the best option to make the sentence parallel.

1. Justin was excited about inviting friends over, eating a good meal, and ____.

a) a game of cards. b) to play cards. c) playing a game of cards.

2. I have always enjoyed reading the book more than ____.

a) watched the movie. b) watching the movie. c) to watch the movie.

➢ Choose the correct parallel sentence.

a) The employee was conscientious, devoted, and he worked hard.

b) The employee was conscientious, devoted, and hard-working.

c) The camp has several fields for games and swimming in the lake.

d) The camp has several fields for games and a swimming area in the lake.

e) She was both a good skier and liked to play basketball.

f) She was both a good skier and a fine basketball player.

g) He told me to shut up, mind my own business, and leave him alone.

h) He told me to shut up, mind my own business, and to leave him alone.

➢ Correct the following sentences to make them parallel.

1) Customers may climbing the stairs, ride the escalator, or taking the elevator.

2) I was told that finishing high school and to enroll in college would be wise.

3) To sleep and eating were his main occupations.

4) Either he should do it or let me do it.

5) He put the model together neatly, accurately, and with a great deal of skill.

6) That mask will not only scare Billy but also the cat will be scared.




Which country’s food is better – South Korea or England?

Unlike English food, which tends to be bland and boring, South Korean food uses a lot of spices, herbs

and other unique ingredients. The average South Korean meal utilizes sesame oil, pepper powder, garlic, and a

lot of fermented pastes. There are also lots of side dishes with various plant and vegetable stems, interesting-

looking roots and leaves. In England, however, most food is boiled, with perhaps a little salt. One of my favorite

Korean foods is spicy braised chicken, (dak bokkeum tang in Korean), includes chicken, potatoes, carrots,

onions, garlic, fermented chili paste (gochujang in Korean), as well as several other spices and herbs.
What can be done to protect the environment?
Thesis Statement:

Topic Sentence 1:


Topic Sentence 2:


Topic Sentence 3:


Should schools and universities switch to online education on a permanent basis?

Thesis Statement:

Topic Sentence 1:

Topic Sentence 2:

Topic Sentence 3:

Should dangerous sports (like boxing, MMA, car-racing, etc.) be banned?

Thesis Statement:

Topic Sentence 1:

Topic Sentence 2:

Topic Sentence 3:

Should every country have to use English as its official language?

Thesis Statement

Topic Sentence 1:

Topic Sentence 2:

Topic Sentence 3:

Did Korea handle the COVID-19 situation well?

Thesis Statement

Topic Sentence 1:

Topic Sentence 2:

Topic Sentence 3:

All Sparkle, No Substance

Soft drinks such as Coke or Pepsi are probably the most popular beverage for young people. They’re a
thirst-quencher and a fuel, and they’re everywhere – in fast-food restaurants, 5-star hotels, vending machines,
convenience stores and supermarkets. They’re cheaper than other beverages like juice or sports drinks. They’re
advertised in magazines and on TV: attractive models flash sparkling smiles as they drink an ice-cold soda.
Behind the glamor, however, there is another side to soft drinks that isn't so sparkling: excessive consumption
of soft drinks can seriously affect a person’s health.
The problem comes in part from the fact that too many young people drink too many sodas. Estimates
indicate that today’s teenagers drink three times as much soda as they did twenty-five years ago. Some teens
drink up to five cans of Coke every day. This is a cause for concern due to the effects soda's ingredients have on
the human body. Soda is loaded with sugar; in fact, soft drinks are the number-one source of refined sugar for
teenagers. Not only does all this sugar promote tooth decay, it also leads to weight-gain and organ-damage. The
more soda a young person consumes, the more damage they do to their body.
Another problem with excessive consumption of soda is not what it does to the body but what it doesn't
do. Increasingly, large numbers of youngsters drink soda as a substitute for a meal like breakfast. By doing this,
teenagers ingest soda’s empty calories instead of nutrients that are important for long-term health. For example,
milk and orange juice are low in calories and high in protein, calcium, antioxidants, Vitamin A and Vitamin C.
Coke, on the other hand, is high in calories and caffeine, and has absolutely no vitamins, minerals, or protein.
Thus, by consuming too many soft drinks, young people are depriving themselves of the nutrients that are
needed for developing a healthy body.
What is the best solution to this problem? Some people say there needs to be more parental intervention.
However, parents cannot monitor their children every minute of every day. Other people argue that soft drinks
should be removed from schools. Teenagers, though, spend the majority of their time outside school and have
access to thousands of shops which sell sodas. The best solution, then, is probably education. Schools should
teach classes in nutrition so that students can learn the benefits of a healthy diet and the negative effects of an
unhealthy diet. With guidance from parents and schools, they can learn to make wise decisions about the types
of products they consume.
1. What is the main idea (Thesis) of this essay?

2. What is the main idea (Topic) of each body paragraph?

3. Does this essay use enough support (examples, details, facts, explanations)?
If yes – what? If no – what is missing?

4. What parts of this essay could be improved?

5. What grade would you give this essay: A (excellent) / B (good) / C (ok) / D (bad) / F ?

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