The Future of Education Technology

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The Future of Education Technology

Technology is going to change what happens on the campus. The institutions that don't
innovate and don't push the bounds of technology will be the ones that go away.

Technology is taking us to a different place if you don't get on the train right now you're

Having a technology it makes it a lot easier for students to focus on the things that
we need to as students..

Artificial intelligence coupled with big data is absolutely something that's gonna be critical in
the future of teaching and learning.

If you were taking a course and the virtual instructor was able to detect that you weren't
understanding a particular concept and then go down a different path until you understood
that concept that would be incredibly powerful.

Each one of us has a different personality. Having something that's personalized to how we
learn specifically would be a wonderful addition in any classroom.

I could see the day when our learning management systems involve an adaptive approach
to learning.

Being able to connect virtually with a faculty member allows students to have a little more
freedom. Let's say they're injured, they're in an accident, they don't have to miss class.

For students who are deployed, they come from all around the world, they're working
anywhere in everywhere all day every day.

Big data is coming quickly. We have a lot of data on students. The key is how do we use that
data to serve them better; they'll certainly be walls and touch panels that you can actually
use as a resource to gather information or collect ideas.

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