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I. Foundations of the teaching-learning process

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. What is inclusive education?

A. Placement of students with special educational needs in mainstream settings, along with other students without
B. Placing learners with same disabilities together in one classroom
C. Putting learners with different disabilities together in one classroom
D. Putting learners without disabilities together in one classroom

2. Which are examples of behaviorism-based inclusive education teaching practices?

I. Emphasis on student behavior
II. Manipulating stimulus materials
III. Explicit or direct instruction-based practices that break down tasks into their
smallest elements

A. I, II and Ill B. I and II

C. II and III D. I and II

3. In which order are the steps of behaviorism-based direct instruction done in inclusive classrooms? The teacher:
I. introduces a lesson.
TI. teaches a structured lesson.
III. monitors student understanding.
IV. receives student feedback to ensure understanding.



4. Which instructional strategies should be used to support the cognitive needs of students with special
educational needs, based on the cognitive theories of learning?
I. Outlining
II. Mnemonics
III. Concept mapping
IV. Advance organizers

A. I and II B. II and IV
C. I, III and IV D. I, II, Ill and IV

5. Cognitivism-based inclusive education practice Slavin's PQ4R works in inclusive classrooms. What does PQ4R
method mean?
A. Preview, Question, Review, Read, Reflect, Recite C. Preview, Question, Recite, Read, Reflect, and Review
B. Preview, Question, Read, Reflect, Recite, and Review D. Preview, Question, Review, Reflect, Recite, and Read

6. Which metacognitive strategies are used for students with special needs in cognitivism-based inclusive education
I. Concept mapping III. Flow chart
II. Reciprocal teaching IV. Concept maps
A. I and II C. II and III
B. I and III D. I, II, III and IV
7. Used in inclusive classrooms are cognitivism-based concept maps. What are examples of concept maps?
I. Charts
II. Graphic organizers
III. Venn Diagrams
IV. Flowcharts
V. Tables

A. I, II, III, IV C. I, II, IV, V

B. I, II, IV, V D. I, II, III, IV, V

8. Which constructivism-based activities are used in inclusive classrooms?

I. Situating tasks in real-world contexts
II. Using real-life examples
III. Cognitive apprenticeships
IV. Presenting multiple perspectives

A. I and II C. III and IV

B. I, II and III D. I, II, III and IV

9. Who are referred to as "teacher" in the Teachers' Professionalization Act?

I. Persons engaged in teaching at the elementary and secondary levels
II. Full time or part time elementary and secondary school teachers
III. Industrial arts or vocational teachers
IV. Persons performing supervisory and administrative functions in the elementary and secondary levels
V. Instructor/Professor in colleges and universities

A. I, II, III, IV and V B. I, II, III and IV

C. I, II and III D. I and II

10. Which act is unethical and unbecoming of a professional teacher based on The Code of Ethics?
A. Applying for a teaching position which is not declared vacant
B. Preparing to the best of her/his ability for the teaching profession
C. Filing valid charges against superiors to competent authority
D. Refrain from disparaging the community

11. On which does a professional teacher base his/her evaluation of learners' work?
A. Students' attendance C. Students' behavior
B. Merit and quality of students' output performance D. Students' effort

12. To be a professional teacher, is it enough for a teacher to watch only his/her professional life?
A. Yes, a teacher's personal life is separate from his/her professional life.
B. Yes, what matters to schools and communities is the teacher's professional life.
C. No, a teacher has to pay attention to both his/her personal and professional life.
D. No, a teacher's personal life is the same as his/her professional life.

13 . Does the Code o f Ethics consider it unprofessional for a teacher to fall in love with his/her student?
A. Yes, because it is unprofessional.
B. Yes, because it is not good before the eyes of the class and community
C. No, provided the teacher shall exercise utmost professional discretion to avoid scandal.
D. No, but better for the teacher to look for a professional like himself.
14. "Once a teacher, forever a learner." What is the role of the teacher according to the statement?
A. Student C. Professional
B. Guidance counselor D. Coach

15. “The illiterate of the twenty-first century will not be those who cannot read and write but those who cannot
learn, unlearn, and relearn." What message does this have ' for the 21 st century teacher? The 21 century teacher
A. is a lifelong learner C. is perfect
B. is tech savvy D. a child

16. The teacher is a facilitator of learning. What does this mean?

A. She teaches only easy subject matter. C. She simplifies and concretizes difficult lesson to help
B. She doesn't require students something difficult. students learn.
D. She spares students of subject requirements.

1 7. Of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with which are teachers directly concerned?
A. SDG #1 B. SDG#2
C. SDG#3 D. SDG#4

18. Teacher is a school culture catalyst. Which is expected of her?

A. She facilitates the improvement of school culture by what she says, how she relates to people and how she
B. She enforces school rules to the letter.
C. She puts down slow learners to make every student study hard.
D. She groups students on the basis of ethnicity.

19. As an educational resource manager, what does teacher do?

A. Effectively and efficiently manages learning resources and time
B. Procures most recent and expensive teaching-learning resources to be fashionable
C. Uses teclmology as substitute for his/her teaching
D. Sticks to the use of visual teaching-learning aids only

20. Which should a teacher avoid if he/she bas to be a culture catalyst?

A. Ethnocentrism C. Respect for all cultures
B. Seeing the good in every culture D. Open mindedness

21 . A teacher in the city calls a shy student "promdi". Which does "promdi" imply? Those who come from the
A. may be belittled C. are as civilized as the city-bred
B. deserves respect E. are achievers

22. Calling a student "promdi" does not help a teacher who is expected to serve as
A. an educational resource manager C. culture catalyst
B. transformational leader D. mentor

23 . Which does a transformational teacher leader do?

I. Helps others with their self-development
II. Challenges team members to help them grow
III. Direct colleagues to get things done while she does not lift a finger to help
IV. Set teaching-learning standards by himself/herself
A. II B. I and Ill
C. II and IV D. I and II

24. Which applies to a transformational teacher leader?

A. Provides coaching and feedback C. Decides by himself
B. Does all the work D. Looks at poor performance as inevitable

25. Upon which principle/s of personal behavaior in all relationships and in all situations should teachers’
thoughts and actions be anchored?
I. Self-respect
II. Self-discipline
III. Charity
A. I only C. II
B. I and II D. I and II

26. What are the standards of good teachers in the Philippines?

A. The National Competency-Based Teacher Standards
B. The Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers
C. The Professional Philippine Standards for Teachers
D. The Professional Standards for Teachers in the Philippines

27. With the domains of PPST in mind, which does NOT belong?
A. Content Knowledge and Pedagogy C. Diversity of Learners
B. Leaming Environment D. Teacher Preparation

28. Do all these belong to the domains of PPST: Curriculum and Planning, Assessment and Reporting, Community
Linkages and Professional Engagement and Personal Growth and Professional Development?
A. Yes, except community linkages.
B. Yes, except assessment and reporting.
C. Yes, they are all domains of PPST.
D. No, growth and professional development do not belong to PPST.

29. Based on the PPST, in the progression of career stages for teachers, which is highest?
A. Professional C. Distinguished
B. Excellent D. Model

30. Based on the PPST. in the progression of career stages for teachers, which is lowest?
A. Junior B. Neophyte
C. Apprentice D. Beginning

31 . Why must a professional teacher organize records and other data necessary to carry on the work before
A. To avoid unnecessary disruption of work and servi ce
B. To show proof of accomplishments
C. To challenge the one taking over
D. To make known to everyone especially the one taking over that you are better than anyone

32. To act as a professional, what conditions must be satisfied when a professional

teacher fil es a complaint against any associate?
I. Criticism must be justifiable
II. Complaint must be put in writing
III. Submitted to the proper authorities

A. I, II and III B. II and III

C. I and II D. I and III

33. Based on the Code of Ethics and in the spirit of professionalism, which should be the bases of the system
selection to get the best for the teaching position?
A. Merit and competence B. Academic qualifications
C. Seniority in age D. Length of service

34. As a school head, you scold a teacher in the presence of the parent for alleged
unfair grading. Is that professional on your part?
A. Yes, to give the teacher a lesson.
B. Yes, to prove to the parent that you care for her child.
C. No, you are supposed to support your teacher before the parent but discuss the problem with her in private.
D. No, practice empathy.

35. Is it professional for a teacher to tutor her own pupil for a fee?
A. Yes, the tutorial fee is justified if done outside class hours.
B. No, it is unprofessional even if done outside class hours.
C. Yes, if parents insist you to be the tutor yourself since you know best because you are their child's teacher.
D. Yes, if approved by the class adviser.

36. Which is the PPST for Southeast Asia ?

A. Competency Framework for Teachers, Southeast C. Competency-based Teacher Standards
Asia D. ASEAN Professional Teacher Standards
B. Professional Standards for Teachers

37. In the Philippines which is the highest career stage for teachers?
A. Highly proficient teacher C. Proficient teacher
B. Distinguished teacher D. Professional teacher

38. In the Philippines which is the lowest career stage for teachers?
A. Beginning teacher B. Distinguished Teacher
C. Proficient teacher D. Professional teacher

39. In the Southeast Asia Teacher Competency Framework, who is at the center this competency framework?
A. The teacher B. Theschoolhead
C. The community D. The learner

40. The learner is at the center of the Southeast Asia Teacher Competency Framework. What does it imply?
A. The Teacher Competency Framework serves as guide for the teacher.
B. The learner is supposed to be taught and so learns.
C. The learner is the ultimate reason for the Teacher Competency Framework.
D. The learner is there for the teacher and the school.

41. Which career stage in the PPST is described? Have gained the qualification recognized.for entry into the
teaching profession.
A. Stage 4 B. Stage 2
C. Stage 3 D. Stage 1
42. Based on the PPST, which career stage bridges the beginning teacher with the highly proficient teacher?
A. Proficient teacher, Career Stage 2
B. Professional teacher, Career Stage 2
C. Distinguished teacher, Career Stage 2
D. Expert Teacher, Career Stage 2

43. In which career stage is teacher a teacher leader, global in teaching practice and contributes significantly to
improve the quality of teaching?
A. Proficient Teacher C. Distinguished Teacher
B. Master Teacher D. Expert Teacher

44. Before a Filipino teacher in career stage 2 of the PPST obtains distinguished teacher stage, which stage must
he/she pass through?
A. Beginning stage C. Accomplished
B. Apprentice D. Highly Proficient Teacher

45. As an educational resource manager, teacher manages teaching-learning for learning to the maximum and to
the optimum. Which resource in teaching when lost is lost forever?
A. Time C. Instructional materials
B. Learners D. Internet

46. Based on the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers, on which must appointments, promotions and transfers
be made?
A. Teacher's residence C. Agreement between/among teachers concerned
B. Merit and need in the interest of the service D. Years of teaching experience

47. How should school officials, teachers and other school personnel look at the formulation of school policies or
the introduction of changes in the school system?
A. As their cooperative responsibility C. As the exclusive responsibility of school officials
B. As their prerogative D. As the sole responsibility of teachers

48. Is it professional on the part of teachers to go on strike to seek redress against injustice and discrimination?
A. Yes, to go on strike is a right that belongs to teachers in a democraticcountry.
B. Yes, it is a free country. Teachers have the right to do what they think is best.
C. No, teachers on strike jeopardizes the interest and welfare of learners whose right to learn must be respected
D. No, teachers are paid salaries commensurate to their duty to teach and so no reason to go on strike.

49. With which should teachers be imbued to be truly professional in their relationship with the their fellow
teachers? The spirit of
I. professional loyalty
II. mutual confidence
III. faith in one another
IV. self-sacrifice for the common good
V. full cooperation with colleagues

A. 1. II C. I, II, III, IV
B. I, II and III D. I, II, III, IV and V

50. How should a professional teacher handle confidential information concerning associates and the school?
I. Hold inviolate all confidential information concerning associates and the school
II. Not divulge to anyone documents which have not yet been officially released
III. Not remove records from the files without official permission
A. I only C. II and III
B. I, II and III D. II only

51. Why must a professional teacher organize records and other data necessary to carry on the work before leaving?
A. To avoid unnecessary disruption of work and service
B. To show proof of accomplishments
C. To challenge the one taking over
D. To make known to everyone especially the one taking over that you are better than anyone

52. To act as a professional, what conditions must be satisfied when a professional teacher files a complaint against
any associate?
I. Criticism must be justifiable
II. Complaint must be put in writing
III. Submitted to the proper authorities

A. I, II and III
B. II and III
C. I and II
D. I and III
II. The Professional Teacher

53. "To be part of the community" ensures the teachers’ .

A. membership C. obedience
B. participation D. freedom

54. Which of the following is NOT done by the teacher or a facilitator of learning? C. Gives the correct answer
A. Make learning easier C. Gives the correct answer
B. Concretize the abstract D. Simplify the complex

55. Teachers "living in an unsure times" has a connotation that is

A. positive C. neutral
B. negative D. resolute

56. Internal stakeholders of the school include the following EXCEPT .

A. parents C. officials
B. students D. teachers

57. Freedom to exercise one's religion is guaranteed by the Philippine Constitution.

A. 1987 C. 1986
B. 1935 D. 1945

58. The following pertains to managers EXCEPT .

A. work C. innovate
B. do things right D. administer

59. Which is not part of the DepEd's mission is "to protect and promote the right of every Filipino to a basic
education" that is
A. quality C. job-based
B. equitable D. complete

60. Participation in decision making is closely associated with which type of leadership?
A. Servant leadership C. Situational leadership
B. Autocratic leadership D. Democratic leadership

61. Servant-leadership is referred to as a paradoxical term. What does paradoxical mean?

A. Relational C. Flexible
B. Conflicting/self-contradictory D. Participative

62. Transformational leaders are described as the following EXCEРТ .

A. charismatic C. collaborator
B. inspirational D. powerful

63. Given the importance of the principle of subsidiarity, who should be first in the list?
A. School administrator C. The people at the lowest rank
B. Stakeholders for the community D. Barangay officials

64. The success of SBM primarily depends on .

A. basic resources C. local government
B. school heads D. the Department of Education
65. Which event introduced School-Based
Management? A . Implementation of the TEEP (Third C. Participation of local officials
Elementary Education Project) D. Building professional quality
B. Involvement of stakeholders Participation of local

66. Which of these allows private entities to assist public schools in all levels?
A. Brigada Eskwela C. Palarong Pambansa
B. Adopt-A-School Program D. Youth Development Program

67. "School culture matters" means that .

A. it is facilitative C. it has a great influence
B. it may not be attended to D. it is just one factor to consider

68. The teacher hears some students talking while someone was reciting. The teacher calls the attention of the
students. The gesture instills the value of .
A. caring C. support
B. respect D. honesty

69. Culture is something that is created or shaped. This idea refers to culture as being a construct.
A. collegial C. activity
B. genetic D. social

70. School climate differs from school culture because of the former's focus on .
A. style of the organizational system C. character of the school
B. evolution of school history D. orderliness in the school

71. Which from part of school culture?

I. Structure
II. Resources
III. Practices
IV. School Climate
A. I and III B. I, II, and III
C. II and III D. I, II, III and IV

72. Administrative leadership of school heads includes the following EXCEPT .

A. personal excellence C. stakeholders' engagement
B. strategies in thinking and innovation D. managerial leadership

73. Managers have subordinate, Leaders have .

A. officials C. staf
B. followers D. workers

74. The legal basis for the implementation of the National Competency-Based Standards for School Heads is .
A. Philippine Constitution C. DepEd order 32, s2010
B. DepEd order 8, s2015 D. DepEd order 04, s2012

75. Based on the Competency Framework for Southeast Asia School Heads, which ar expected of a school head is
terms of personal excellence?
I. Preserving continuous Professional Development
II. Managing Personal Effectiveness
III. Promote Learner-Centered Activities

A. I and III C. I and III

B. II and III D. I, II and III

76. How can a school head exercise school management and operations?
I. Managing School Operations
II. Use of Technology is School Management
III. Financial Resources Matters

A. I, II and III C. II and III

B. I and III D. I, and II

77. For which educational theory was Paulo Freire known?

A. Social Reconstructionism C. Specialized Education
B. Critical Pedagogy D. Empirical Approach

78. The legal basis for the implementation of the K-12 Program is .
A. RA 10533 C. RA 9155
B. RA 10157 D. RA 7722

79. How education serves the need of society thru skills development is the focus of .
A. symbolic interaction theory C. structural-functional theory
B. conflict theory D. liberal education theory

80. Government corruption includes the following EXCEPT .

A. nepotism C. freedom
B. patronage D. embezzlement

81. What does functional literacy include?

I. Reading
II. Writing
III. Numeracy

A. I and III C. I, II and III

B. I and II D. II and III

82. Which phrase below refers to one's being prepared for his/her future roles?
A. Character formation C. Anticipatory socialization
B. Values development D. Introduction process

83. Which do tool making, adherence to group behavior and language illustrate?
A. Growth patterns C. Educational product
B. Life-skills D. Societal aims

84. Which of the following period focused on the rediscovery of classical philosophy, literature and art?
A. Athenian period C. Reformation period
B. Medieval period. D. Renaissance period.

85. If education is a function of society, it has to be .

A. free C. selective
B. complete D. relevant

86. Which law integrated kindergarten education into the basic education system?
A. RA 10157, Jan, 22, 2012 C. Executive Order No. 117
B. RA 1079, June 15, 1954 D. RA 10533, May 15, 2013

87. A "community of inquiry" will lead to which of the following?

A. Create a group of social workers C. Participate in research project
B. Engage learner's into problem solving D. Address community concerns

88. What educational idea did George Counts espouse?

A. Teachers as agents of change C. Teachers as leaders as the community
B. Teachers as classroom managers D. Teachers as school leaders

89. Which is NOT true of John Locke's views on education?

A. Learning through the senses C. Necessity for civic education
B. People governing themselves D. Need for people to earn a living

90. "Survival of the fittest" is associated with .

A. Paulo Freire C. Herbert Spencer
B. Theodore Brameld D. John Dewey

91. All statements are descriptive of school policies EXCEPT that .

A. they are supportive of the learning process
B. they guide all sectors towards the attainment of school goals
C. they suffocate school climate
D. they ensure smooth flow of school operations

92. Which of these gave the Filipinos an integrated system of education?

A. Educational Decree of 1863 C. Executive Order No. 134 (1936)
B. Political Constitution of 1869 D. Education Act of 1982

93. Which educational aim was promoted during the Japanese Occupation?
A. Institution of private education. C. Vocational education
B. Training by military officers D. Developing love of labor

94. Which are the core values of DepEd? Maka-Diyos, Maka-Tao, Makakalikasan and .
A. Makawika C. Makabayan
B. Makabansa D. Makahayop

95. It has been said that "schools are highly authoritarian with the teachers as central focus." A solution to this
would be .
A. modify program offerings C. change the teachers
B. improve the curriculum D. use performance assessment

96. Which of the following addresses the development of Filipino character?

I. The Values Education Framework
II. K-10 Curriculum Guide for Esp
III. Moral Recovery Program
A. I and II C. II and III
B. I and III D. I, II and III

97. What's wrong with the Filipino sense of humor?

A. When he takes things lightly C. When serious things are not taken seriously
B. When he jokes without hurting people . D. When he is always joyful

98. You said something which made another, person feel stupid or worthless. Which type of violence was
A. Cultural C. Emotional
B. Physical D. Sexual

99. What form of violence occurs when one's belief in a supernatural being is used to manipulate that person?
A. Psychological C. Cultural
B. Spiritual D. Emotional

100. Which is NOT included in the DepEd Primer on School Community Partnership?
A. School used as an evacuation center C. School used for PTA meetings
B. School used as a polling place D. School used for medical mission.

101. As a teacher, you are a facilitator of learning. What is expected of you?

A. Allow students to use their cellphones anytime. C. Gives assignment daily.
B. Use video clips. D. Conducts student activities.

102. School leaders need to use which skills?

I. Human
II. Professional
III. Technical
A. I and III C. I and II
B. II and III D. I, II and III

1. A. Placement of students with special educational discretion to avoid scandal, gossip an preferential
needs in mainstream settings, along with other treatmer (Professional Code: 18/24 Sec. 7.)
students without disabilities Inclusive education 14. A. Student Student because a teacher is forever a
includes all types of learners, with or without Iearner.
disabilities. 15. A. is a lifelong learner No teacher can't claim that
2. A. I, II and III I, II and III are teaching practices based he/she has learned everything at a certain point in
on behaviorism his/her life.
3. B. I, II, III, IV Behaviorism-based instruction follows 16. B. She doesn't require students something
this order from I to IV. difficult. To serve as facilitator of learning is to make
4. D. I, II, III and IV difficult lesson easy to learn by applying facilitating
Instructional strategies which are based on cognitive techniques.
learning theories help students explore and 17. D. SDG #4 SDG-Quality education
understand how ideas are connected. Outlining. 18. A. She facilitates the improvement of school
mnemonics, concept mapping and advance organizers culture by what she says, how she relates to people
enable students to see connections of ideas. and how she works. A catalyst is a substance that
5. B. Preview, Question, Read, Reflect, Recite, and hastens chemical reaction. A culture catalyst, therefore,
Review PQ4R means Preview, Question, Read, Reffect, facilitates the improvement of school culture.
Recite, and Review. 19. A. Effectively and efficiently manages learning
6. D. I, II, III and IV resources and time As a teacher he/she makes use of
Metacognitive strategies which are based on cognitive all appropriate learning resources to achieve her his
learning theories make students reflect or think of leaming outcomes (effectively) at the least cost. Use of
their thinking. Concept mapping, reciprocal teaching, learning resources makes the teacher accomplish mach
flow chard and concept maps enable students to more within a short period of time.
reflect on their thinking. 20. A. Ethnocentrism Ethnocentrism-The thinking that
7. D. I, II, III, IV, V I-V are examples of a concept map. A one's culture is superior to other cultures
concept map is a visual representation of information. 21. A. may be belittled
8. D. I, II, III and IV "Promdi" is a derogatory ward for people living outside
Constructivism-based activities are activities that make the city who are stereotyped as socially awkward.
learners construct knowledge rather than just passively 22. B. transformational leader Culture catalyst-One
take in information. who improves school culture.
9. B. 1, II, III and IV The instructor/professor in colleges 23. D. I and II A transformational teacher inspires
and universities is not included in the definition of others to grow by challenging and helping them.
teacher in RA 7836. 24. A. Provides coaching and feedback A
10. A. Applying for: a teaching positio position transformational teacher leader. assists followers
which is not declared vacant To apply for a position develop by coaching them and giving them feedback.
not declared vacant is unprofessional. 25. B. I and II
11. A. Students' attendance Merit and quality. A Sec 3 Art XI of the Code of Ethics for Teachers state
teacher shall base the evaluation of the learner's work that a teacher shall put 33 premium on self-respect
only on merit and quality of performance (Art VIII, Sec. and self- discipline as principles of personal
6, Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers) 26. B. The Philippine Professional Standards for
12. C. No, a teacher has to pay attention to both Teachers Philippine Professional Standards for
his/her personal and professional life. A teacher is Teachers (PPST) are the standards of good teaching in
expected to live with dignit in all places at all times. the Philippines.
13. C. No, provided the teacher shall exercise utmost 27. D. Teacher Preparation The seven domains of PPST
professional discretion to avoid scandal. include A B and C. In addition, are curriculum and
No but in a situation where mutual attraction and planning, assessment and 19/24 reporting, community
subsequent love develop between teacher and learner, linkages professional engagement, personal growth
the teacher shall exercise utmost professional und professional development.
28. A. Yes, except community linkages. Content 42. A. Proficient teacher, Career Stage 2 Between the
Knowledge and Pedagogy, Learning Environment, beginning teacher, Career Stage 1, and the highly
Diversity of Learners, Curriculum and Planning, proficient teacher, Career Stage 3 is the proficient
Assessment and Reporting, Community Linkages and teacher, Career stage 2.
Professional Engagement and Personal Cirowth and 43. C. Distinguished Teacher Distinguished teacher is
Professional Development are the 7 domains of the the highest carcer stage in the PPST. A teacher in this
PPST. stage embodies the highest standand for teaching, is
29. B. Excellent Distinguished is the highest level of a recognized as a leader education and in the profession.
teacher's career stage based on the PPST. 44. D. Highly Proficient Teacher Highly proficient
30. D. Beginning Beginning is the lowest (first stage) of teacher is career stage 3, the bridge between
a teacher's career stage based on the PPST proficient teacher (Career stage 2) and distinguished
31. A. To avoid unnecessary disruption of work and teach (Career stage 4).
service The only genuine reason for organizing records 45. A. Time Time is the resource when lost because a
and od necessary information before leaving is for the is not used wisely or is not managed well is lost forever.
continuity of service. 46. B. Merit and need in the interest of the service
32. A. I, II and III I-III wben observed makes the act Merit and need are the only bases of teacher
professional appointment, transfer or promotion to get the best in
33. A. Merit and competence The Code of Ethics states the interest of the service
the behavior at all times and at all places system of 47. A. As their cooperative responsibility The
selection is on the basis of merit and competence. formulation of policies should be a collaborative
34. C. No, you are supposed to support your teacher process because it is the cooperative responsibility of
before the parent but discuss the problem with her in school officials, teachers and other school personnel.
private. As professional teachers, we are supposed to 48. C. No, teachers on strike jeopardizes the interest
help each other not to put down our fellow and welfare of learners whose right to learn must be
professional teachers respected. Strike is done at the expense of innocent
35. B. No, it is unprofessional even if done. outside learners who have nothing to do with that for which a
class hours. The Code of Ethics states that a strike is staged.
professional teacher shall not tutor his/ her own 49. D. I. II. III, IV and V 1-V are manifestations of a high
student for a fee. A professional teacher will tend to degree of professionalism of teachers
pass his/her tutee even if undeserving or else it will 50. B. I, II and III 1-III are acts that are truly
appear that his/her tutorial was not effective at all. professional
36. A. Competency Framework for Teachers, 51. A. To avoid unnecessary disruption of work and
Southeast Asia The equivalent of the PPST for teachers service The only genuine reason for organizing records
in Southeast Asia is the Competency Framework for and necessary information before leaving is for the
Teachers in Southeast Asia (CFT SEA). continuity of service.
37. B. Distinguished teacher Based on the Philippine 52. A. 1. Il and III I-III when observed makes the act
Professional Standards for Teachers, the highest career professional
stage for teachers in the Philippines is "Distinguished 53. B. participation To be able to keep each other,
Teacher". schools and community should get into a partnership
38. A. Beginning teacher Based on the Philippine whereby the school sector are able to participate in
Professional Standards for Teachers the lowest carcer community undertakings and vice versa.
stage for teachers in the Philippines is "Beginning 54. C. Gives the correct answer As a facilitator of
Teacher". learning, the teacher's role is to assist and to guide so
39. D. The learner The learner is at the center of the that the learners are able to arrive at correct answers
Southeast Asia Teacher Competency Framework. or solutions. Giving the correct answer is "spoon
40. C. The learner is the ultimate reason for the feeding" and does not develop critical thinking.
Teacher Competency Framework. The ultimate 55. B. negative The figurative phrase refers to times/
purpose of the Teacher Competency Framework is to situations that are deemed hard or difficult. Such
ensure that the learner learns situations may adversely affect teacher's exercise of 63.
41. D. Stage 1 Stage 1 is the lowest career stage, the the teaching profession.
beginning teacher.
56. C. officials Internal stakeholders include persons It is expected that the inculcation of values be
who are directly involved in the actual learning of the integrated in all subjects. So that such a situation
students. Officials may also get involved but in other occurring in the classroom is a way to instill the value
capacities. of respect. Courtesy to somebody demands that others
57. A-1987 It is the legal, fundamental law that give his attention.
Filipinos abide by. One of its articles/ provisions is 69. D. social construct We agree to the tenet that
one's, freedom to exercise his/her religion. culture is not something that we inherit or pass on
58. C. Innovate Although there exists a very close genetically. Rather, culture is bom from everything that
meaning for managers and leaders, to innovate is all people in school do, feel, see, hear, and experience.
associated with leadership. 70. A. style of the organizational system As defined,
59. C. job-based Instead, DepEd's mission mentions a school climate emanates from us attitudes and
culture-based basic education where the learners will behaviors of the people in the school. It is relational in
know, practice and appreciate our very own Filipino nature. The way people conduct themselves as
culture. When quality is achieved, graduates will be reflected in their daily interacting should school
prepared for their respective job/profession. climate.
60. D. Democratic leadership It is in this type of 71. D. I, II, III and IV School culture includes all the
leadership where members participate in decision- items because they contribute to the kind of culture
making through a consensus members. Aiming at that the school wants to create including school
decisions involves members but the leader decides. climate.
61. B. Conflicting/Self-contradictory The terms servant 72. A. personal excellence The term administrative
and leader seem opposite or contradictory but servant leadership refers more to the role to lead and bring the
leadership simply refers to a leader who serves and in organization towark the attainment of its objectives
doing so make people follow them, hence, they lead. However, one's personal attribute will help the leader
62. D. Powerful The transformational leader is one is carrying the role.
who makes positive changes and plays his role as a 73. B. followers Leaders are expected to create a circle
learner, engages and collaboration. He does not use of influence and lead by inspiring.
power to lead and institute innovations. 74. C. DepEd Order 32, s2010 It defines NCBSSH with a
63. C. The people at the lowest rank The principle of list of competency made up of domain and stands used
subsidiarity states that it is the people at the lowest by school heads in their functions and roles.
level who will know best their problems and are able to 75. A. I and III The two aspects given are addressed as
address these problems. school heads work towards their personal excellence.
64. B. school heads Although there are many 76. A. I, II, and III The three aspects mentioned should
conditions for SBM to succeed, it very much depends be attended to as they are part of the whole function
on the school heads because of their functions in the of the school.
school. 77. B. Critical Pedagogy It was used by Paulo Freire to
65. C. Participation of Local Officials Local counter the banking method of education.
government units were already empowered for local 78. A. RA 10533 The said legal basis is also known as
governance and through RA 9155 transferred the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013.
power and authority as well the resources to the 79. C. structural-functional theory One of the
school level, giving bite to school empowerment. important functions of schools is to prepare students
66. B. Adopt-A-School Program RA 8525 provides for participation in society. Through the various
from school community partnerships. Specifically. it structures, students learn to cooperate and collaborate
states that "private entities are allowed to assist a with others in society.
public school whether elementary, secondary or 80. C. Freedom The other three mentioned are sources
tertiary " of corruption. When freedom is exercised, citizens can
67. C. it has or great influence The kind of culture the call attention to wrong doings and practices
school develops is the creation of all the people in it. It particularly corruption.
can facilitate or adversely affect learning. Hence, all 81. C. I, II and III There are the three foundations for
concerned aim to come up with a culture that is people to be literate.
68. B. respect
82. C. Anticipatory socialization This occurs during system of education. It is also known as Batas
early childhood and continues as the learner grows and Pambansa Big 232.
become aware of the roles he/she has to be play/do. 93. D. Developing love of labor In line with the aim of
83. B. Life/Skills For people to survive, they must education on the promotion of vocational education
become creative or inventive. The items mentioned was the Japanese effort to develop love of labor.
show how one can develops and use such skills. 94. B. Makabansa This is stated in the DepEds list of
84. D. Renaissance Period It was called the period of core Values.
"enlightenment," and led to the rediscovery of classical 95. D. use performance assessment Teachers differ in
philosophy and art and gave them prominence. their personalities and preparation. If properly
85. D. relevant Schools must teach what the learners evaluated and gives feedback, they will he able to
will find useful in their life. Education 92. should show improve their methods of teaching.
how it can make them contribute to society. 96. D. I, II and III All the three contribute to the
86. A. RA 10157, Jan. 22, 2012 It is referred to as the development of the Filipino character. Each one
Kindergarten Act, institutionalizing Kindergarten intensified values education as part of the learners'
education into a basic education. growth.
87. B. Engage learner's into problem solving It is a 97. C. When serious things are not taken seriously.
term defined as a group of individual involved in the This is a negative aspect of the Filipino sense of humor.
process of empirical or conceptual inquiry into Serious matters should be dealt with accordingly.
problematic situation. 98. C. Emotional Emotional violence is committed
88. A. Teacher as agents of change This is in live with when someone says or does something that makes
his philosopher on building or new social order where another feel stupid or worthless.
schools (teachers) are considered instruments for 99. B. Spiritual This type of violence occurs when a
social improvement. person uses an individual's spiritual beliefs to
89. D. Need for people to earn a living John Locke manipulate a control that person.
known as the Empiricist Educator forwarded the 3 100. D. School used for medical mission. This use of
views on education as his philosophy. school resources is not explicitly stated in the Primer.
90. C. Herbert Spencer As stated by Spencer, "he who 101. A. Allow students to use their cellphones
is fittest survives." He proposed individuals anytime. Allowing students to do this is not facilitating
competition for social progress. learning rather it is distracting to and will deter them
91. C. they suffocate school climate School policies from concentrating to classroom activities.
have more benefits to offer since they are guidelines 102. D. I, II and III The further development and use of
for the effective operations and daily. activities in the these skills will enable school leaders to do their
school through order and discipline. functions effectively and efficiently.
92. D. Education Act of 1982 This Act provided for the
establishment and maintenance of an integrated

I. The Teacher And The School Curriculum

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. During the insurgence of the pandemic, the world seemed to have turned upside down. What aspect of school
curriculum was drastically modified?
A. Written Curriculum C. Assessment of Learning
B. Delivery of Curriculum D. Content of Curriculum

2. Which of the following terminologies that relate to curriculum in recent times does NOT belong to the group?
A. Blended Learning Delivery C. Hybrid Learning Delivery
B. Bichronous Learning Delivery D. None of the above

3. The PISA examination results in 2019 revealed that the Philippine performance ranked at the bottom of all the
participating countries. This is very alarming and dismal. Some observations for this results implies that
A. the Enhanced BEC Curriculum was not correctly implemented
B. the teachers support to implement the curriculum was not enough
C. the strategies used were not aligned to the content of the lesson
D. All of the above

4. Curriculum experts recognize that to develop the whole child, teachers should use teaching-learning methods
that allow
A. cooperation and individualism C. competition, individualism, collaboration
B. competition and individualism D. cooperation, collaboration

5. The most acceptable time-tested curriculum design places the learner at the center of the learning process.
Which design follows the opposite of this model?
A. Mastery of the subject matter is the end goal of curriculum.
B. Curriculum must be anchored on the needs and interest of learners.
C. Prior learning should be considered in planning a lesson.
D. Self-development is the ultimate objective of learning.

6. Direct instruction, Guided instruction, Mastery Learning and Systematic Instruction all belong to the Behaviorist
Cluster of teaching methods. The most compelling action is to .
A. make the learners actively involved in collaborative work
B. compel the teacher to take the lead role in learning
C. encourage teacher's control of learners behavior
D. provide free choice for learners to learn or not

7. Which of the following standards for teacher quality in the Philippines is being used to design, implement and
evaluate outcomes of learning for beginning and experienced teachers of DepEd?
A. PPST С. СМО 74-82
8. Kurt Lewin's Force Field Theory in Curriculum Change, describes that change will occur if one of these conditions
is present. Which condition?
A. Driving force is greater than the restraining force. C. Driving force is less than the restraining force.
B. Driving force is equal to restraining force. D. Restraining force is equal to other forces.
9. As a teacher, which of the following clusters of teaching-learning strategies will you use to achieve the highest
level to maximize learning potential of students?
A. Reading, Hearing, Seeing C. Watching, Looking, Seeing
B. Reading, Listening, Looking D. Doing, Discussing, Demonstrating

10. Based on the wider view of school curriculum, how are parents as stakeholders involved in the schooling of
their children?
A. Join the Brigada Eskwela C. Accompany minor learners in outdoor activities
B. Follow up lesson at home D. All of the above

11. RA 10968 s. 2018 refers to which reference system of national standards that specifies what an individual has
learned in and out of schooling?
A. ASEAN Reference Framework C. Philippine Professional Standard for Teachers
B. Philippine Qualifications Framework D. Philippine Quality Assurance

12. "It takes a whole village to educate a child" is an old proverb that originally came from
A. Philippines C. Africa
B. America D. China

13. According to the Department of Education, grades of the learners should be shown every quarter of the year in
different percentage proportion to include
I. Written work
II. Quarterly assessment I
III. Performance tasks.
IV. Group project


B. I, II, III, IV D. I, II, IV

14. The global pandemic has drastically changed the lives of all human beings more so, the school of learners. What
aspect of the school curriculum was drastically changed?
A. Planning C. Implementing
B. Evaluating D. Reviewing

15. In Education 4.0 which statement most appropriately apply?

A. Learning can be done anytime, anyplace, anywhere
B. Learning can only happen with the teacher
C. Young learners cannot benefit from technological advances.
D. Schools should be free to traditional support materials.

16. Which is considered as the turning point in Philippine Education in 2013

A. Republic Act 10533 C. Republic Act 10968
B. Republic Act 7836 D. Republic Act 7722

17. What was the major reason for the additional two years of basic education as the senior high school?
A. To provide global comparability of the Philippine education before college
B. To enable basic education learners to mature
C. To comply with constitutional provision
D. To reduce the college stadents population

18. Which of the following is shown by the learners if curriculum is said to be effective
A. Perfect attendance of the learners for the whole year
B. Learners can memorize their textbooks
C. Learners demonstrate the achieved learning outcomes
D. Teachers are made busy for the whole school year

19. Constructive alignment in the curriculum enhances the chances of the leamers to achieve learning. How is
constructive alignment manifested in the school curriculum?
A. When the teacher will have finished teaching the planned lesson
B. When the leamers' attention is sustained during the class.
C. When the teacher's objective matches with the strategy and assessmen
D. When teacher assigned a homework at the end of the lesson

20. Which the following landscapes characterizes the 21" century classroom?
A. Teaching and learning are aimed to develop life skills.
B. All classrooms have become virtual and remote.
C. The role of the teacher has been drastically reduced
D. D. Schools have slowly vanished in the society.

21. The pandemic has created a new and emerging lifestyle among parents, teachers and Iearners. Which of the
following is NOT a common description of the situation?
A. Teachers role in teaching have become complicated.
B. Learners have been dependent on non-human intervention in learning
C. Parents have instantly become the surrogate teachers of their children
D. Learners' school attendance has been constantly monitored.

22. The Covid 19 pandemic has taught curricularists alternative ways of delivering education to assure that the
rights of every child will be upheld. Which was NOT an appropriate response to the pandemic?
A. Remote learning
B. In-person learning
C. Flexible learning
D. Hybrid learning

23. The world has shrunk because of the modern inventions that even attempt to replace human beings. What is
the best evidence to prove this observation?
A. The internet of things C. The global landscape
B. The people's mind set D. The global schools

24. What situation calls for the replacement of teachers in the classroom in modern times?
A. When teachers are unable to use technology in teaching and learning
B. When teachers are enthusiastic with the changes in teaching
C. When teachers keep abreast with the use of social-media and networking
D. When teachers combine work with pleasure, maintain health and well being

25. Who among the curricularist has a progressive view of the curriculum?
A. Robert M. Hutchins C. John Dewey
B. Arthur Bestor D. Joseph Schwab

26. When Covid 19 swept the whole world, one of the most affected sectors of society was the learner. How do
most educators describe this effect?
A. Learning loss C. Learning reward
B. Learning disability D. Learning chaos
27. The keys to learning are assimilation, accommodation and equilibrium. Who expoused this theory?
A. Lev Vygostky C. Howard Gardner
B. Jean Piaget D. Robert Gagne

28. Who among the great names in education predicted the shocking future and foresaw the idea of
A. Ivan Pavlov C. Edward Thorndike
B. Robert Gagne D. Alvin Toffler

29. A teacher's lesson plan should always contain the following components which should be aligned: (I) Intended
Learning Outcomes (II) Subject Matter/ Content (III) Teaching Learning Strategies (IV) Assessment of learning.
Which of the components will determine if the learners have learned?
A. Subject Matter/Content C. Intended Learning Outcomes
B. Teaching Learning Strategy D. Assessment of Learning

30. There has been a clamor to review the K to 12 Curriculum of the Department of Education. The most
controversial issue that surrounds the K to 12 is the .
A. additional of two years in the senior high school
B. use of the mother tongue in the early years
C. lack of internet connection in schools
D. overcrowded classrooms due to enrolment

31. The Tyler curriculum design approach focuses on the following core principles except one. Which is the

I. Determining learners' and community needs

II. Determining objectives
III. Identifying experiences
IV. Organizing experiences
V. Evaluating effectiveness

A. I C. II

32. How can curriculum be made relevant to student's lives according to John Dewey?
I. Practice learning by doing
II. Make students do the teaching
III. Develop students' practical life skills

A. I and II C. II and III

B. I and III D. I, II and III

33. To which does a hidden curriculum refer?

A. The formal subjects taught to students C. The course requirements asked of students
B. The elective subjects offered to students D. The unwritten rules and implicit cultural messages

34. Hilda Taba's model of curriculum development is inductive. How does an inductive curriculum development
process begin?
A. By diagnosing the learners' needs
B. By planning the learning experiences based on given on curriculum goals
C. By organizing curriculum content
D. By selecting learning experiences

35. Which statement on curriculum development is TRUE?

A. Tyler's curriculum development model is inductive. C. Taba's curriculum development model is inductive.
B. Taba's curriculum development model is deductive. D. Tyler's and Taba's curriculum models are deductive.

36. Which statement on curriculum development is TRUE?

A. Tyler's curriculum development model is deductive. C. Tyler's curriculum development model is inductive.
B. Taba's curriculum development model is deductive D. Tyler's and Taba's curriculum models are inductive.

37. Which statement on curriculum development is TRUE?

I. Tyler's curriculum development model is inductive.
II. Taba's curriculum development model is inductive.
III. Both Taba's and Tyler's curriculum models are deductive.

A. I only C. I and II
B. B. II only D. II and III

38. Who developed the cyclic model of curriculum development?

A. D. K Wheeler C. Ralph Tyler
B. Hilda Taba D. John Dewey

39. What is meant by a cyclic model of curriculum development?

A. The objective formulation phase leads to identification of learning experiences
B. Curriculum development ends with the evaluation process.
C. Curriculum development starts with identification of learning experiences.
D. The evaluation phase leads once more to the identification of new objectives.

40. Why is Hilda Taba's approach to curriculum development described as the grassroots approach"
A. Curriculum development should be a top-down process
B. Curriculum development should be a bottom-up process
C. Curriculum development is the root of subject/topic identification
D. Curriculum development is the concern of top management

41. If we employ "designing backwards" in curriculum development, which do we first?

A. First determine the outcomes
B. Determine authentic assessments to assess attainment of learning outcomes
C. Choose relevant learning experiences
D. Select appropriate content

42. Which is the second step when we follow a backward design in curriculum development?
A. Determine the outcomes.
B. Determine authentic assessments to assess attainment of learning outcomes.
C. Choose relevant learning experiences.
D. Select appropriate content.

43. Why the term backward design in curriculum development?

A. Selecting content comes ahead of the determination of outcomes
B. Choosing relevant experiences comes before determining outcomes
C. Determining authentic assessments come before selecting appropriate content and relevant experiences
44. What is the essence of an OBTI, curriculum design framework?
I. It's first step is identifying intended learning outcomes.
II. Identifying learning outcomes is followed by aligning subject matter, teaching and learning activities and
assessment tasks.
III. The selection of subject matter should be followed by the identification of learning outcomes.

A. I and II C. III
B. II only D. I only

45. Which term applies to what DepEd has defined as indispensable in the teaching- leaming process to equip
learners with skills for subsequent grade levels and for lifelong learning.
A. Most Essential Learning Competencies C. K to 12 Core Standards and Competencies
B. Minimum Learning Competencies D. K to 12 Curriculum Guide

46 . RA 10533, the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013, states that the curriculum shall be
I. learner-centered
II. inclusive
III. developmentally appropriate

A. I only C. II and III

B. III only D. I, II and III

47. 15. RA 10533, the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013, states that the curriculum shall be
I. culture-sensitive
II. contextualized
III. global

A. I only
B. II and III
C. I and III
D. I, II and III

48. Based on RA10533, which adjectives describe the pedagogical approaches to be used in the K to 12 curriculum?
I. Constructivist
II. Reflective
III. Collaborative
IV. Integrative

A. I and II C. II and IV
B. I and III D. I, II, III and IV

49. As provided for in RA 10533, the K to 12 Curriculum shall use the spiral progression approach. How is the spiral
progression approach implemented?
I. Key concepts are presented repeatedly throughout the curriculum but with deepening layers of complexity.
II. For the Science subjects, General Science is taught in Grade 7, Earth Science in Grade 8, Biology in Grade 9 and
Physics in Grade 10.
III. Students learn the same topic repeatedly but with increasing details and complexity.

A. I and III C. II and III

B. I only D. II only
50. Does RA 10533, otherwise known as the K to 12 law, allow the schools to local the K to 12 curriculum?
A. Yes C. No
B. Yes, if schools are capable. D. Yes, if schools are trained.

51. Which is the intention of the Indigenous Peoples' Education (IPEd) Curriculum Framework?
A. Serves as basis in designing a curriculum exclusively for Indigenous Peoples (IPs)
B. Serves as guide in designing a separate K to 12 Curriculum for IPs
C. Serves as guide for teachers in their preparation of IP instructional materials
D. Used as basis in developing an education program to ensure that the values, needs and aspirations of a school
community are reflected in the education program

52. What does RA 11476, otherwise known as the "GMRC and Values Education Act require in the DepEd
I. Teach GMRC from Grades 1 to 6 as a separate subject with the same time allotment as the other core subjects
II. Integrate GMRC in the daily leaming activities in the Kindergarten level
III. Teach Values Education from Grades 7 to 10 as a separate subject with the same time allotment as the other
core subjects

A. I only C. Il only
B. I and II D. I, II and III

53. Which is TRUE of the GMRC and Values Education Act?

A. It requires the integration of Values Education in Grades 11 and 12.
B. It requires the teaching of Values Education as a separate subject in Grades 11 and 12
C. It requires only the integration of Values Education from Grades 7 to 10
D. It requires the teaching of Values Education in Grades 1 to 6.

54. One key principle of curriculum design is it should be balanced. What does balanced mean? The curriculum:
A. promotes intellectual, moral, spiritual, creative, emotional and physical development as equally important.
B. avoids making unreasonable demands by matching level of challenge to a pupil's current level of maturity.
C. makes implicit connections and links between the different subjects.
D. develops intra-disciplinary habits of mind; the subject matter is taught in away that in faithful to its discipline.

55. A curriculum design should be coherent. What does coherent mean?

A. Promotes intellectual, moral, spiritual, creative, emotional and physical development as equally important
B. Avoids making unreasonable demands by matching level of challenge to a pupil's current level of maturity.
C. Makes implicit connections and links between the different subjects and experiences encountered
D. Focuses on progression by carefully sequencing knowledge

56. A curriculum design should be appropriate. What does appropriate mean?

A. Promotes intellectual, moral, spiritual, creative, emotional and physical development as equally important
B. Avoids making unreasonable demands by matching level of challenge to a pupil's current level of maturity
C. Makes implicit connections and links between the different subjects and experiences encountered
D. Focuses on progression by carefully sequencing knowledge

57. A curriculum design should be relevant What does relevant mean?

A. Promotes intellectual, moral, spiritual, creative, emotional and physical development as equally important
B. Avoids making unreasonable demands by matching level of challenge to pupil's current level of maturity
C. Makes implicit connections and links between the different subjects and experiences encountered
D. Connects the valued outcomes of a curriculum to the learners being taught
58. A curriculum design should be focused. What does a focused curriculum design mean?
A. Promotes intellectual, moral, spiritual, creative, emotional and physical development as equally important
B. Manageable because only the most important key concepts are taught
C. Makes implicit connections and links between the different subjects and experiences encountered
D. Connects the valued outcomes of a curriculum to the learners being taught

59. In which type of curriculum model are students encouraged to seek answers to real world problems?
A. Problem-centered C. Subject-centered
B Learner-centered D. Community-centered

60. In which type of curriculum model are students' needs and interests given extensive attention?
A. Problem-centered C. Subject-centered
B. Learner-centered D. Community-centered

61. Which type of curriculum design is focused on review of facts, ideas, skills that are critical to a subject area?
A. Problem-centered C. Subject-centered
B. Learner-centered D. Community-centered
ANSWER KEY AND RATIONALIZATION (The Teacher And The School Curriculum)

1. B. Delivery of Curriculum - it was modified because 22. B. In-person learning not allowed as a safety
of the restriction of F2F during the covid. precaution
2. D. None of the above - None of the above all are 23. A. The internet of things you can connected thru
included. the web to others far away
3. D. All of the above - All of the above-All of ABC 24. A. When teachers are unable to use. technology in
contributed to the dismal performance. of the learners. teaching and learning teachers can maximize the use
4. C. competition, individualism, collaboration - it will of technology which the teacher can manage
address the different types of learners 25. C. John Dewey he believes in learning by doing
5. A. Mastery of the subject matter is the end goal of which a progressive view
curriculum - Focus on Mastery is not child centered. 26. A. Learning loss because of the new approaches
6. A. make the learners actively involved in (use of on-line, hybrid, etc) learners spend most of
collaborative work - regardless of the type of their time adjusting, hence creating a gap in learning.
instruction, learners should be actively involved. This gap is 36 described as learning loss
7. A. PPST - more recent which replaced NCBTS 27. B. Jean Piaget Accommodation, Assimilation and
8. A. Driving force is greater than the restraining force equilibrium are the tenets of Jean Piaget
a positive push will effect the change 28. D. Alvin Toffler in his book "Deschooling Society"
9. D. Doing, Discussing, Demonstrating the more Toffler wrote the idea.
higher order skills used assures maximized learning 29. D. Assessment of Learning learning outcomes are
10. D. All of the above all of ABC assures positive indicated by the 39 results of assessment
results in learning 30. A. additional of two years in the senior high school
11. B. Philippine Qualifications Framework this is because the two years addition, delays the years
national benchmark as national standard students will go to college. It will also imply additional
12. C. Africa this is where the statement originated and expenses.
later embraced by other countries of the world. 31. A. Determining learners' and community needs
13. A. I, II, III these are the criteria for grading based on does not belong to Tyler's curriculum model.
DepEd Memo 32. B. I and III According to Dewey, make curriculu
14. C. Implementing the ways of doing or strategies relevant to students' lives by developing students' life
have been modifies skills and by practicing learning by doing.
15. A. Learning can be done, anytime, anyplace, 33. D. The unwritten rules and implicit cultural
anywhere. This is a true statement in referenced to messages Hidden curriculum is not explicitly stated but
Education 4.0. are unwritten and unspoken
16. A. Republic Act 10533 The New Basic Education 34. A. By diagnosing the learners' needs An inductive
modifies the curriculum contents, implementation and curriculum development begins with the diagnosis of
assessment learners needs.
17. A. To provide global comparability of the 35. C. Taba's curriculum development model is
Philippine education. to prepare the graduates to be inductive. She starts with the diagnosis of learners'
college ready, or work ready. needs.
18. C. Learners demonstrate the achieved learning 36. C. Tyler's curriculum model deductive. He starts
outcomes indicators of learning are evidenced by the with the formulation of objectives.
achievement or performance. 37. B. II only Taba's curriculum development modd is
19. C. When the teacher's objective matches with the inductive.
strategy and assessment The word matching connotes 38. A. D. K Wheeler developed the cyclic model of
alignment. curriculum development. Taba and Tyler developed a
20. A. Teaching and learning are aimed to develop life linear model.
skills. 21" century classrooms provides for the 39. D. The evaluation phase leads once more to the
development of skill in different strategies. identification of new objectives.
21. D. Learners' school attendance has been Cyclic model of curriculum development is the
constantly monitored This is not common, because the opposite of linear In a cyclic model, evaluation, which
students do not come to school is the last step of the curriculum development process,
leads to the formulation/identification of new serves as basis in developing an education program to
objectives leading to the next steps again. ensure that the values, needs and aspirations of a
40. B. Curriculum development should 46. be a school community are reflected in the
bottom-up process. Grassroots approach means you education program
start from below, bottom. 52. D. I, II and III
41. A. First determine the outcomes In the backward The GMRC and Values Education Act requires all I, II
design of curriculum development, the first step is and III.
always the determination of outcomes. 53. A. It requires the integration of Values Education
42. B. Determine authentic assessments to assess in Grades 11 and 12.
attainment of learning outcomes. In a "backward The integration of Values Education in Grades 11 and
design" determining authentic assessments to assess 12 is the only thing required and not teaching it as a
attainment of learning outcomes. comes right after separate subject.
outcomes are determined. 54. A. promotes intellectual, moral, spiritual, creative,
43. C. Determining authentic assessments come emotional and physical development as equally
before selecting appropriate content and relevant important.
experiences. In non-backward design, determining A balanced curriculum promotes the holistic
authentic assessments come at the end. development of the human person.
44. A. I and II
OBTL curriculum design framework begins with the 55. C. Makes implicit connections and links between
identification of learning outcomes. Once learning the different subjects and experiences encountered.
outcomes are identified, subject matter/topic, In a coherent curriculum design different subjects are
teaching-learning activities and assessment tasks that linked to one another
are aligned to the leaming outcomes are identified. 56. B. Avoids making unreasonable demands by
45. A. Most Essential Learning Competencies matching level of challenge to a pupil's current level
This refers to the more than 5,000 most essential of maturity
learning competencies that basic education students An appropriate curriculum has reasonable demands by
need to master. matching level of challenge to a pupil's current level of
46. D. I, II and III maturity
Sec 5(a) of RA 10533 states that the K to 12 curriculum 57. D. Connects the valued outcomes of a curriculum
shall adhere to curriculum standards such as learner- to the learners being taught
centered, inclusive and developmentally appropriate. A relevant curriculum design seeks to connect the
47. D. I, II and III curriculum to the learners.
Sec 5 (c and d) of RA 10533 states that the K to 12 58. B. Manageable because only the most important
curriculum shall adhere to curriculum standards such key concepts are taught
as culture- sensitive, contextualized and global. A focused curriculum design means only the most
48. C. II and IV important big ideas or key concepts are taught.
Sec 5 (e) of RA 10533 states that the curriculum 59. A. Problem-centered In a problem-centered
pedagogical approaches that are constructivist, curriculum the teaching-learning process is centered
inquiry- based, reflective, collaborative and integrative. on real life problems presented by the teacher for
49. A. I and III students to which students propose solutions.
In the spiral progression approach key concepts are 60. B. Learner-centered Learner-centered curriculum
taught again and again but becoming more complex design considers the interests, skills and needs of the
and deep as the students go higher in grade level. 50. learners.
50. A. Yes 61. C. Subject-centered
RA 10533, Sec. 5 (h) allows schools to localize, A subject-centered curriculum is focused on ideas,
indigenize based on their educational and social facts, ideas.
51. D. Used as basis in developing an education
program to ensure that the values, needs and
aspirations of a school community are reflected in the
education program The IPEd Curriculum Framework

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