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Materials Today: Proceedings 43 (2021) 2242–2244

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Fe-Ni Invar alloys: A review

A. Sahoo, V.R.R. Medicherla ⇑
Department of Physics, ITER, Siksha O Anusandhan Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar 7510303, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Fe-Ni alloys with face centred cubic structure having Ni concentration around 36% exhibit extremely low
Received 23 August 2020 or no coefficient of thermal expansion over a wide range of temperatures around room temperature
Received in revised form 1 December 2020 which is called Invar behaviour. The Invar behaviour was first observed in Fe-Ni alloys by Charles
Accepted 13 December 2020
Édouard Guillaume in the year 1896 and was awarded Nobel prize in physics in the year 1920. The
Available online 7 February 2021
observed Invar behaviour was puzzling and elusive for physicists. The origin of Invar phenomena has
been the subject of serious concern for physicists since the observation of the phenomenon. The first
model explained the Invar behaviour is called two gamma state model suggested by Weiss, considers
Invar alloy
Thermal expansion
two magnetic states of Fe in Invar alloys one with high spin high volume and another with low spin
Two gamma state model low volume states. When the temperature is increased low spin low volume states get populated at
Moment volume instability the cost of high spin high volume states and thus compensate the expected thermal expansion.
However, this was shown to be incorrect and it seems that high moment to low moment transition is pre-
ceded by a frustrated ferromagnetic state. The moment volume instabilities in Invar alloys also lead to
anomalous elastic properties. The Invar alloys find applications in the fabrication of watches, cryogenic
storage dewars and aerospace engineering parts.
Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Confer-
ence on Advanced Materials Behavior and Characterization.

1. History of Invar alloys Heinrich Friedrich Weber for his doctorate after completion of
which in the year 1883, he joined International Bureau of Weights
Mankind is in search of new materials all the time for fabrica- and Measures as an assistant. He was given the task of finding a
tion of house hold items, vehicles for transportation, weapons for cost effective material that would not change in length or volume
war fare & protection and for improvement of living standards when subjected temperature variations around room temperature.
since the inception of human life on planet earth. The discovery He succeeded in his research and discovered iron – nickel36% alloy
of most of the materials occurred as per the needs and demands with extremely low thermal expansion coefficient (Invar) and a
of the progressive human society. The Invar alloy is one such mate- temperature independent elastic modulus (lInvar) in the year
rial which was invented in the process of finding a length standard 1897 [1]. The discovery of the alloy and subsequent research has
that maintains same length at different atmospheric temperatures played crucial role in making surveying tapes and wires, pendu-
across the globe. The Invar alloy has a very special property that it lums for grandfather clocks, thermostats and astronomical & other
has very low or no thermal expansion over a wide range of temper- precision instruments. Fe-Ni Invar alloys replaced expensive plat-
atures around room temperature. The measuring tapes fabricated inum use in glass sealing. Technological development during world
using such alloy maintains same length at different temperatures. war II extensively used Fe-Ni Invar alloy. In those days electronic
Invar actually refers to invariance of thermal expansion. The Invar industry was benefited in using Invar alloy for vacuum tubes and
alloy became one of the most important materials for precision other products. Fe-Ni Invar is used as bimetals for circuit breakers,
measurements in the development of science and technology. motor controls, TV temperature compensating springs, appliance
Charles Edouard Guillaume, the scientist who discovered Invar and heater thermostats, aerospace and automotive controls, heat-
alloy was born in Switzerland in the year 1861. He worked with ing and air conditioning. Thermal characteristics of Fe-Ni Invar is
closer to glass and ceramics and thus were useful for glass-metal
and ceramic to metal joints. This alloy is used in containers used
⇑ Corresponding author. for transport liquid natural gas on tankers as the alloy has mini-
E-mail address: (V.R.R. Medicherla). mum cryogenic shrinkage. Fe-Ni Invar has more advanced applica-
2214-7853/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Advanced Materials Behavior and Characterization.
A. Sahoo and V.R.R. Medicherla Materials Today: Proceedings 43 (2021) 2242–2244

tions in precision laser optical measuring systems, aerospace an electron from lower half of the 3d band to upper half. Such a
industry and in orbiting satellites. Charles Edouard Guillaume spin flip transition approximately accounts for a difference of mag-
received Nobel prize in Physics for the discovery of Invar alloy in netic moment of about 2.0 mB. When the temperature is increased,
the year 1920. high volume c2 state gets converted to low volume c1 state com-
Charles Edouard Guillaume used Fe64Ni36 alloy to record the pensating the change in volume occurring by normal thermal
changes of height of the Eiffel tower in the year 1912. He fixed a expansion causing apparently very low or zero expansion of the
long thin wire of Fe-Ni Invar along the height of the Eiffel tower. alloy due to temperature increase. If the temperature is decreased,
The Eiffel tower expands or contracts when there is a change in c1 state gets converted to c2 state compensating the contraction
atmospheric temperature, but the change in length of the Invar is occurring due to decrease in temperature. Thus the model pro-
negligible. When there was a sudden drop in temperature due to posed by Weiss for Invar anomaly is based on moment volume
a shower in the evening of certain day, the Eiffel tower contracted instabilities in the alloys. The Stoner theory supported the two c
but the Invar wire remained same in length. state model for c iron [13]. In non Invar high Fe concentration
alloys, c1 state is stabilized in the ground state and c2 state is
excited thermally causing large thermal expansion [12].
2. Fe-Ni alloys

With the discovery of Invar property by Guillaume, Fe-Ni alloys 4. Non collinear magnetism in Fe-Ni Invars
have come into lime light and soon have become important materi-
als for research investigations. The Invar behavior was observed for The two magnetic states suggested by Weiss in Invar Fe-Ni
Fe1-xNix alloys with Ni concentrations from 30 to 45% [2,3]. It has alloys motivated many researchers to extend the idea to other
been observed that Fe1-xNix alloys are soft ferromagnetic materials materials. The theoretical calculations carried out on ferromag-
for all compositions with very high curie temperature. The Fe metal netic c-Fe, ordered Fe3Ni and fcc Fe1 xNix alloys indicated the pres-
is of bcc structure (a phase) whereas the Ni metal is of fcc structure ence of two magnetic phases [13–23]. The model calculations
(c phase). The alloy series exhibits a structural transition from bcc to based on local moments [24–28] were carried out to understand
fcc at around Ni concentration of 25% [4]. Upto 25%Ni concentration, the Invar anomaly. The presence of local moments was supported
alloys are of bcc type and for Ni concentrations above 30% are of fcc by Mossbauer experiments [29]. Non collinear Fe magnetic
type and thus Ni is called the c stabilizer of iron. The Ni concentra- moments were predicted by some model calculations [26]. More
tion in the range from 25% to 30%, Fe-Ni alloys are in mixed phase recent and advanced calculations suggested that the Invar property
containing both bcc and fcc phases. The alloy series exhibits a com- may be associated with a continuous magnetic phase transition in
plicated phase diagram [5] which was derived by Wassermann using Fe-Ni alloys involving a family of complex magnetic states [30].
the published data [6,7]. The Fe-Ni alloys in the bcc region exhibit The researchers working in physical sciences and engineering
martensitic transformation [8,9]. focused their attention on materials exhibiting Invar property
In the c phase of Fe1-xNix alloys, TC becomes maximum at and investigated new Invar materials such as Fe-Pt, Fe-Co and
around a Ni concentration of 66%, on the other hand in the a region Fe-Pd alloys [31–34]. Most of the Invar materials are iron based
TC is somewhat stable. The magnetic permeability in the c phase alloys except few.
increases linearly following Slater-Pauling curve when Ni concen- Invar alloys exhibit anomalous magnetic properties. The latent
tration decreased gradually to 40%. Further decrease of Ni content antiferromagnetism hypothesis was proposed in the year 1960 to
strongly depletes permeability thus deviating from Slater-Pauling explain the magnetic anomalies of the Invar alloys [35]. The
curve. Such a depletion in permeability is associated with the hypothesis assumes that in the c phase of the Fe-Ni invar alloys,
decrease of TC. The alloys in the a phase exhibit martensitic trans- Ni-Ni and Fe-Ni exchange interaction are of opposite sign, but
formation [10]. The AC susceptibility measurements suggested the Fe-Fe has negative exchange interaction. It was confirmed from
mixed magnetic phase for Fe1 xNix (0.3 < x < 0.45) below 30 K tem- susceptibility [36,37] and Mossbauer measurements [38,39] that
perature [11]. The mixed ground state may be associated with the there is a possibility for c-iron to possesses antiferromagnetism.
formation of either spin glass like phase or antiferromagnetic
behavior. The observed Invar behavior in the alloy system led to 5. Mixed ground state in Fe-Ni Invar
many further discoveries and possible theoretical explanations.
Thermal expansion of solids is associated with the temperature The ground state of Fe-Ni Invar alloys was investigated exten-
dependence of lattice parameter which naturally increases with sively through theoretical and experimental techniques. A inhomo-
increase of temperature and thus the solid expands thermally. It geneous or mixed ground state has been reported several
is quite astonishing to the scientific community those days how researchers [29,37–38,40–41]. Mossbauer studies on the Invar
the thermal expansion is compensated by mechanism taking place alloy, Fe65Ni35 indicated a mixed ground state with 90% of Fe atoms
at microscopic level. in ferromagnetic state and the remaining 10% either in antiferro-
magnetic state or in frustrated antiferromagnetic state [42–45].
3. 2c state model On the other hand, Mossabauer studies by Abd-Elmeguid et al. sug-
gested only 30% of Fe sites of Fe65Ni35 are antiferromagnetic below
The first model describing the Invar anomaly proposed by J. 30 K and flip their spins favouring ferromagnetic order above 30 K
Weiss is called two c state model [12]. According to this model [43]. Miyazaki et al. proposed a reentrant spin glass behavior for
Fe in the c phase can have two magnetic states with two different Fe1 xNix (0.3 < x < 0.45) below 30 K using AC susceptibility data
atomic volumes: a low moment low volume (c1) state and a high [46]. The physical properties of Fe-Ni Invar alloys were found to
moment high volume (c2) state. In Fe-Ni Invar alloys, c2 state is be anomalous at low temperatures due to the occurrence of mixed
stabilized in the ground state and c1 state is a consequence of ther- ground state [47,48].
mal excitation of c2 state. The c1 state has a magnetic moment of
0.5 mB with a lattice parameter 3.54 Å whereas the c2 state has a 6. Conclusion
magnetic moment with 2.8 mB with a lattice parameter 3.64 Å in
pure iron as obtained by extrapolation of alloy data [12]. The differ- The history of the discovery of Invar alloys is briefly discussed
ence between the two c states can be viewed as the excitation of with a mention of great Eiffel tower experiment conducted by
A. Sahoo and V.R.R. Medicherla Materials Today: Proceedings 43 (2021) 2242–2244

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