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Before Acquisition by US
G.R. No. 14078 | March 7, 1919 | Malcolm, J. ● Laws of the Indies having reference to the subject at hand are compiled in
Book VI, Title III, stating that, among others, indios are made to live in
SUMMARY: poblaciones and reducciones (to instruct them of the Sacred Catholic Faith
Rubi and other Manguianes applied for habeas corpus, alleging that the Manguianes and evangelical law so they can be civilized), the ones concentrated therein
are being illegally deprived of their liberty by being detained by the provincial officials allowed to retain lands previously held by them, and that no Spaniards,
of the province of Mindoro pursuant to Resolution 25 ordering that the Manguianes negroes, mestizos or mulattoes are allowed to live in the towns of indios
be gathered Tigbao for them to be educated and civilized. This is because Rubi, et al. ● The Decree of the Governor-General of the Philippine Islands of 1881 states,
had not fixed their dwelling in Tigbao. SC ultimately ruled against them, holding that among others, that all indios of the Islands of Luzon are to be governed by
there was a lawful delegation of power to the provincial authorities by the PH common law, that the limits of the territory of rebellious indios shall be fixed
Legislature and that the provincial board’s resolution was a valid action. so that anyone going beyond this shall be detained, and that races that are
not subdued (aetas and mountain igorots) shall be given advantages in
PROVISIONS APPLICABLE: See footnotes. return of their “voluntary submission”.

DOCTRINE: B. After Acquisition of the Philippines by US

Following the policy of the government to civilize the indios would justify the 1. Organic Law
delegation of power to the provincial boards since they are the ones who are in the ● President McKinley’s Instructions to the Commission of April 7, 1900 was to
best position to determine what would most benefit the interest of “law and order”. deal with the uncivilized tribes of the Islands the same way they dealt with
● As officials charged with the administration of the province and the Native Americans by permitting them to maintain their tribal organization
protection of its inhabitants, who but they are better fitted to select sites and government and under which many of these tribes are now living in
which have the conditions most favorable for improving the people who have peace and contentment, surrounded by civilization to which they are unable
the misfortune of being in a backward state? or unwilling to conform, subject to wise and firm regulation.
2. Statute Law
FACTS: ● Notable is Act No. 547 which provided establishment of local civil
1. The provincial board of Mindoro adopted Resolution 25 to gather the governments for the Manguianes in Mindoro
Mangyans in the sitio of Tigbao in Naujan Lake in the interest of law and
order. Said resolution was adopted pursuant to Section 21452 of the Admin C. Terminology
Code and are necessary measures for the protection of the Mangyanes of ● “Non-Christian” has been the favorite nomenclature in lieu of the unpopular
Mindoro as well as the protection of public forests in which they roam, and “tribe”
to introduce civilized customs among them. ● "Non-Christian" shall include Mohammedans and pagans
2. Rubi and his companions have not fixed their dwelling in Tigbao and are
detained to be punished pursuant to Section 2759.3 Doroteo Dabalos is D. Meaning of “Non-Christian”
being detained by the sheriff of Mindoro by virtue of the Sections 2145 and ● The motive of the law does not relate to a particular people because of their
2759. religion or particular province because of location. Whole intent is predicated
3. Rubi and other Manguianes applied for habeas corpus, alleging that the in civilization or lack of civilization.
Manguianes are being illegally deprived of their liberty by the provincial ● “Non-Christian" is intended to relate to degree of civilization.
officials of that province of Mindoro. ○ member of an uncivilized tribe, of a low order of intelligence,
uncultured and uneducated
History ● "The determining factor in deciding whether they are to be allowed to remain
under the jurisdiction of regularly organized municipalities or what form of
government shall be afforded to them should be the degree of civilization to
Original digest by Patricia Ignacio.
Section 2145. Establishment of non-Christians upon sites selected by the provincial governor. -
which they have attained x x x”
With the prior approval of the Department Head, the provincial governor of any province in which ● It is indicative of the degree of civilization rather than of religious
non-Christian inhabitants are found is authorized, when such course is deemed necessary in denomination, for to hold that it is indicative of religious denomination will
the interest of law and order, to direct such inhabitants up to their habitation on sites on make the law invalid as against that Constitutional guaranty of religious
unoccupied public lands to be selected by him and approved by the provincial board. freedom."
Section 2759. Refusal of non-Christian to take up appointed habitation. - Any non-Christian
who shall refuse to comply with the directions lawfully given by a provincial governor, pursuant
to section two thousand one hundred and forty-five of this Code to take up habitation upon a site E. The Manguianes
designated by said governor shall upon conviction be imprisoned for a period not exceeding
sixty days.
● In Tagalog, Bicol, and Visaya, Manguian signifies 'savage,' 'mountainer,' 1) the failure of former attempts for the advancement of the
'pagan,' 'negro.' non-Christian people of the province,
● Very low in culture, have considerable Negrito blood, and have not advanced 2) the only successful method for educating the Manguianes was to
beyond the Negritos in civilization so impractical to bring them under oblige them to live in a permanent settlement,
municipal government 3) protection of the Manguianes,
● Peaceful, timid, primitive, sem-nomadic people, approximately 15,000 in 4) protection of the public forests in which they roam and
number 5) necessity of introducing civilized customs among the Manguianes.
● No desire for community life ● [1st reason] Advancement of non-Christian elements is carried on by the
following measures:
E. Comparative - The American Indians 1) pursuance of a closer settlement policy whereby seminomadic
● Indians have been treated as “in a state of pupilage” - relationship of races are induced to leave their wild habitat and settle in organized
US-Indians in Guardian-Ward, always subject to US plenary authority communities
● Courts have always held that laws affecting the Indians are not within their 2) extension of public school and public health systems throughout
power to overrule since subject has always been political in nature the regions
● US v Crook 3) extension of public works and extension of government control
○ Held that Indian is a ‘person’ with the right to sue writ of habeas 4) construction of roads and trails between one place and another to
corpus (so Rubi is also a person and entitled to sue) promote social and economic intercourse and maintain amicable
○ Indians possess the inherent right of expatriation, as well as the relations
more fortunate white race, and have the inalienable right to 'life, 5) pursuance of the development of natural economic resources
liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,' so long as they obey the laws especially agriculture and
and do not trespass on forbidden ground 6) encouragement of immigration into and the investment of private
○ Determination of policy to relocate is for legislative and executive capital in the fertile regions of Mindanao and Sulu.
branches and once decided court cannot interfere ■ Visit of the Secretary of Interior to the site showed positive
results of less than one year of implementation which
ISSUES/HOLDING/RATIO: justifies its continuance and development. (construction
1. W/N there was an unlawful delegation of legislative power to provincial of buildings, encouraging reaction of boys to education,
authorities - NO, Section 2145 of the Administrative Code of 1917 is not an unlawful etc)
delegation of legislative power by the Philippine Legislature to provincial official and a ● [2nd & 5th reasons] Manguianes are not free, as civilized men are free and
department head. they are not the equals of their more fortunate brothers. The Manguianes
● There is a distinction between the delegation of power to make law and are citizens of a low degree of intelligence and Filipinos who are a drag
conferring an authority or discretion as to its execution, to be exercised upon the progress of the State.
under and in pursuance of the law. ○ Where to permit them to live in a way-faring life will ultimately result
○ What the legislature did in the case is in accordance with the latter in a burden to the state and on account of their ignorance, they will
where the legislature conferred upon the provincial governor, with commit crimes and make depredations, or if not they will be subject
the approval of the provincial Board and the Department Head, to involuntary servitude by those who may want to abuse them.
discretionary authority as to the execution of the law. ○ Not knowing what true liberty is and not practising the same
● SEE DOCTRINE rightfully, how can they allege that they are being deprived thereof
without due process of law?
2. W/N there was a valid action by the provincial board, pursuant to a valid exercise of ■ To allow them to successfully invoke that Constitutional
police power - YES guaranty at this time will leave the Government without
● Police power is a power coextensive with self-protection. It may be said to recourse to pursue the works of civilizing them and
be that inherent and plenary power in the State which enables it to prohibit making them useful citizens. They will thus be left in a
all things hurtful to the comfort, safety and welfare of society. There can be permanent state of savagery and become a vulnerable
no doubt that the exercise of police power in the Philippine Government point of attack by those who doubt, nay challenge, the
belongs to the Legislature and that this power is limited only by the Acts of ability of the nation to deal with our backward brothers
Congress and those fundamental principles which lie at the foundation of all ● [4th reason] Waste lands do not produce wealth. Waste people do not
republican forms of government. advance the Interest of the State. Illiteracy and thriftlessness are not
● In the present case, the reasons assigned to the resolution of the provincial conducive to homogeneity. The State to protect itself from destruction must
board of Mindoro include: prod on the laggard and the sluggard.
● THUS, when the validity of law is generally challenged and no particular case circumstances. It varies with the subject-matter and necessities of the
of oppression is called to the attention of the courts, it would seem that the situation (Moyer v Peabody)
Judiciary should not unnecessarily hamper the Government in the ● Equal protection is not infringed by a statute which is applicable to all
accomplishment of its laudable purpose. members of a class.The classification must have a reasonable basis and
○ CJ of SC of Tennessee writes: “In balancing conflicting solutions, cannot be purely arbitrary in nature.
that one is perceived to tip the scales which the court believes will
best promote the public welfare in its probable operation as a 5. W/N these Acts violate the constitutional prohibition on Slavery and Involuntary
general rule or principle. But public policy is not a thing inflexible. Servitude - NO
No court is wise enough to forecast its influence in all possible ● Slavery and involuntary servitude, together with their corollary, peonage, all
contingencies. Distinctions must be made from time to time as denote “a condition of enforced, compulsory service to one another”.
sound reason and a true sense of justice may dictate.” Thirteenth amendment of the US is extended to the Philippines.
○ The idea is to unify the people of the Philippines so that they may ○ Confinement in reservations in accordance with section 2145 of
approach the highest concept of nationality. The Manguianes, in the Administrative Code does not constitute slavery and
order to fulfill government policies, must be confined for a time for involuntary servitude.
their own good and the good of the country. If all are to be equal
before the law, all must be approximately equal in intelligence.
[OTHER ISSUES] Petitioners are not unlawfully imprisoned or restrained of their liberty. Habeas corpus
3. W/N these Acts are religiously discriminatory - NO can, therefore, not issue. This is the true ruling of the court. Costs shall be taxes
● The statute is clear and unambiguous. It provides for the segregation of against petitioners. So ordered.
non-Christians and none other. The term “non-Christian” refers to natives of
the Philippine Islands of a low grade of civilization. It does not discriminate Johnson, J., dissent
on account of religious differences. ● All persons are entitled to hearing before being deprived of liberty.

4. W/N these Acts unnecessarily infringe on liberty; due process of law and; equal Moir, J., dissent
protection of laws - NO ● Mangyan are likewise protected by Section 3 of the Act of Congress of
● The Philippine Bill and the Jones law provides that “No law shall be enacted August 29, 19164
in said Islands which shall deprive any person of life, liberty, or property ● In the US, the Indian nations were considered as separate nations, but
without due process of law, or deny any person therein to the equal Manguianes not separate state and are legally Filipinos. Reservations
protection of law. This constitutional limitation is derived from the 14th provided to Indians measured to be larger than Luzon and not merely
amendment. thousands of hectares.
● Liberty does not import “an absolute right in each person to be, at all times ● Majority opinion implies “Non-Christian” is any wild or backward tribe and
and in all circumstances, wholly freed from restraint. There are manifold includes a million other Filipinos that according to court’s opinion under the
restraints that a person is subject to for the common good. Otherwise there present law, may be taken from their homes and herded on a reservation at
would be anarchy. In every well-ordered society charged with the duty of the instance of the provincial governor. No mention of crime besides caingin.
conserving the safety of its members, the rights of the individual in respect ● The arbitrary and unrestricted power to do harm should be the measure by
of his liberty may at times, under the pressures of great dangers, be subject which law’s legality is tested
to such restrain to be enforced by reasonable regulations as the safety of ● No matter how beneficent the motives of the lawmakers if the law tends to
the general public may demand (Harlan, J. in Jacobson v Massachusetts). deprive any man of life, liberty or property without due process, it is void
○ Liberty as understood in democracies, is not a license; it is “liberty ● US vs Crook
regulated by law”. The liberty of the citizen may be restrained in the ○ Indians declared to be illegally held by US authority in violation of
interest of the public health, or of the public order and safety, or their right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and were
otherwise within the proper scope of police power. (Hall v. released from custody
Geiger-Jones ; Hardie-Tynes Manufacturing Co. v Cruz) ● Section 2145 and 2759 should be unconstitutional.
● Neither is due process a stationary and blind sentinel of liberty. Due process
simply means that 1) law prescribed in harmony with the general powers of
the legislative dept., 2) law is reasonable in operation, 3) enforced according
to regular methods of procedure prescribed and, 4) applicable to all citizens 4
"That no law shall be enacted in said Islands which shall deprive any person of life, liberty or
of the state or to all of a class. What is due process of law depends on the property without due process of law, or deny to any person therein the equal protection of the

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