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MATRIC NO: 2102012036






OCTOBER, 2023.



MATRIC NO: 2102012036





OCTOBER, 2023.


This is to certify that this project was carried out by KOLAWOLE,

OMOLOLA COMFORT and is approved in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the award of Higher National Diploma in Agricultural

Engineering, in the Department of Agricultural and Bio-Environmental

Engineering, Lagos State Polytechnic under our supervision.

____________________ _________________

___________________ __________________


I, KOLAWOLE OMOLOLA COMFORT declare that this report is a

record of my project work. It has neither been presented nor accepted in any

form for a Diploma or Degree in this Polytechnic or any other institution.

__________________ _________________


This report is dedicated to Almighty God who has seen me through the

successful completion of the exercise. I also dedicate to my beloved parents,

who supported me financially and emotionally throughout the entire period.


In this moment of reflection, I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to a

multitude of individuals and entities who have played pivotal roles in my

academic journey. Firstly, I offer my deep appreciation to God, whose

unwavering guidance, strength, and blessings have been the steadfast

wellspring of inspiration throughout my educational pursuit. Without His

divine grace, none of the accomplishments chronicled in this thesis would

have been conceivable.

Next, I wish to acknowledge the contributions of my parents MR &MRS

KOLAWOLE for their steadfast love, unceasing encouragement, and

unwavering assistance in various facets of my academic and personal life,

have added depth and meaning to this journey. Their collective supports,

rendered in various forms and at various junctures has indelibly impacted

my academic and personal growth, and for your presence in my life, I am

profoundly grateful.

Lastly, I wish to express my sincere acknowledgment and gratitude to my

dedicated project supervisor ENGR.O.A TANIMOLA for his invaluable

mentorship, unwavering commitment, and exceptional guidance have not

only charted the course of my project but have also profoundly enriched my

growth as an individual and a school


Motorized mist sprayers are machines that use an engine to power a pump to

pressurize a liquid solution and then atomize it into a fine mist. They are

used for a variety of applications, including agricultural spraying,

horticultural spraying, pest control, and disinfection. Motorized mist

sprayers have a number of advantages over other types of sprayers,

including speed, uniformity, and precision. However, they can also be more

expensive and require regular maintenance. Overall, motorized mist sprayers

are a versatile and effective tool for spraying a variety of liquids. The

machine is powered by a petro engine, the motorized mist sprayer is made

up of the following components, power source, liquid pump, liquid tank,

nozzles, air blower, spray hose and boom, frame, controls, wand, filters and

safety features.

The result obtained from the test shows that the machine have an average

effective field capacity of 0.129 ha/hr, theoretical field capacity of 0.21 ha/hr

and an average field capacity of 61.7%.


Contents Page

Title Page

Cover page i

Certification ii

Declaration iii

Acknowledgements iv

Dedication v

Abstract vi

Table of contents vii

List of Tables

List of Plates



1.2 Aims and Objectives 4

1.3 Justification 4

1.4 Scope of work 5



2.1 Definition of a mist sprayer 6

2.2 Types of mist sprayers 7

2.3 Definition of a mist sprayer 7

2.4 Design and performance of mist sprayers 9

2.4.1 Design of mist sprayers 9

2.4.2 Nozzle design 10

2.4.3 Droplet size 10

2.4.4 Spray pattern 10

2.4.5 Spray pressure 11

2.4.6 Pump type 11

2.4.7 Power source 11

2.5 Applications of mist sprayers 12

2.6 Design considerations for mist sprayers 13

2.7 Motorized mist sprayers 15



3.1 Materials 17

3.1.1 Components of a motorized mist sprayer 17

3.1.2 Materials for the design and construction 18

3.2 Design analysis and calculations 19

3.2.1 Design of the tank 19

3.2.2 Determination of the weight of tank 20

3.2.3 Design of the machine frame 21

3.2.4 Determination of the weight of frame 21

3.3 To calculate the flow rate 22

3.4 Machine description 23

3.5 Field evaluation of machine 24



4.1 Results 32-34

4.2 Discussion 34-35



5.1 Conclusion 36

5.2 Recommendation 36




Table Page

4.1 32

4.2 33


3.1 25

3.2 26

3.4 30



1.1 Background information

Motorized mist sprayers have rapidly evolved to become essential tools in

various industries, simplifying tasks through their ability to disperse liquids

in a fine mist. These machines are a result of ingenious engineering and play

a significant role in areas like agriculture, healthcare, and outdoor comfort.

By transforming liquids into tiny droplets, they have revolutionized how we

tackle tasks. Motorized mist sprayers are composed of several key

components. These typically include a liquid reservoir, a pump or

compressor, a specialized nozzle, and a power source, which can be an

electric motor or an internal combustion engine. The nozzle's design is

pivotal as it determines the size and distribution of mist droplets, often

requiring advanced computational fluid dynamics (CFD) techniques for


These sprayers offer remarkable versatility. In agriculture, they enable

precise and uniform distribution of pesticides and fertilizers, optimizing crop

health (Misterek et al., 2018). In healthcare, they play a crucial role in

disinfecting spaces effectively, ensuring safety and hygiene (Yang et al.,

2020). Additionally, motorized mist sprayers are used for outdoor cooling,

making hot days more comfortable (Wang et al., 2019).

This article explores the fascinating world of motorized mist sprayers,

unveiling their construction and operational principles, while highlighting

the myriad applications that benefit from their ingenuity. As industries seek

more precise and environmentally friendly methods for liquid dispersion,

motorized mist sprayers are poised to play an increasingly significant role in

enhancing productivity, efficiency, and sustainability across various sectors.

Motorized mist sprayers are agricultural tools that generate a fine mist or

spray of liquid that can be used for crop protection, weed control, and pest

management. They have become increasingly popular due to their ability to

efficiently apply chemicals to crops, reducing labor costs and minimizing

exposure of workers to harmful chemicals. The development of motorized

mist sprayers has been driven by the need for more efficient and effective

methods of crop protection, particularly in large-scale agriculture (Liu et al.,


The use of motorized mist sprayers in agriculture has several advantages

over traditional methods of chemical application. One of the main

advantages is their ability to produce a fine mist that can reach all parts of
the crop, including the undersides of leaves and stems, where pests and

diseases are often found. This helps to ensure thorough coverage and better

control of pests and diseases. Motorized mist sprayers also require less water

and chemicals than traditional methods, resulting in cost savings and

reduced environmental impact (Zheng et al., 2019).

The development of motorized mist sprayers has also been motivated by the

increasing demand for food production to meet the needs of a growing

population. The use of these tools can help farmers to increase their crop

yields and reduce losses due to pests and diseases, thus contributing to food

security (Yen et al., 2016).

Overall, the background and motivation for the design and construction of a

motorized mist sprayer are based on the need for more efficient and effective

methods of crop protection that can meet the demands of modern

agriculture. The development of these tools has the potential to revolutionize

the way crops are protected and grown, leading to better yields, reduced

costs, and a more sustainable agricultural system.

1.2 Aim and Objectives

The aim of the project is to design and construct a motorized mist sprayer

that is efficient, cost-effective, and easy to use.

The specific objectives of this project include:

i. To design the motorized mist sprayer

ii. To construct the motorized mist sprayer using appropriate tools and


iii. To evaluate the performance of the motorized mist sprayer in terms of

spray coverage, nozzle size and flow rate.

iv.To achieve uniform and consistent distribution of the spray which is

essential for effective pest and disease management through te

performance evaluation.

1.3 Justification

The development of a motorized mist sprayer is composed to drive

technological progress in the field of agriculture and public health. This

innovation is set to deliver an enhanced, cost-efficient solution for

safeguarding crops, managing pests, and controlling diseases. Furthermore,

the developed motorized mist sprayer will play a pivotal role in reducing the

hazards associated with exposure to harmful chemicals for both farmers and


1.4 Scope of work

This project is limited to the design and construction of a mist sprayer using

appropriate tools, to evaluate the performance, to achieve uniform and

consistent distribution of the spray.



Motorized mist sprayers have evolved significantly over time, becoming

essential tools in agriculture and public health for crop protection, pest

control, and disease management. Mist sprayers are agricultural devices that

disperse liquid solutions, such as pesticides and herbicides, in a fine mist

form onto target surfaces. This mist is composed of smaller droplets than

those produced by traditional sprayers, which enhances spray coverage and

effectiveness (Steele, 2009). This literature review explores the historical

development, key components, design considerations, and the impact of

motorized mist sprayers in improving agricultural practices and public

health. Motorized mist sprayers have a rich history, with their roots in mid-

20th-century crop dusting practices. The transition from manual to

motorized sprayers marked a significant advancement in terms of efficiency

and precision (Johnson, 2019).

2.1 Definition of a mist sprayer

A mist sprayer is a type of device used to disperse a liquid into tiny droplets,

creating a mist or fine spray. It is commonly employed in various

applications such as agriculture, pest control, disinfection, cooling, and


2.2 Types of mist sprayer:

There are several types of mist sprayers commonly used in various

applications. These types differ in their design, operation, and the size of the

droplets they produce. Here are some common types of mist sprayers:

i. High-Pressure Mist Sprayers: These sprayers use a high-pressure

pump and nozzle to generate a fine mist of very small droplets,

typically smaller than 50 microns. They are suitable for applications

that require high precision, such as orchard and vineyard applications.

ii. Low-Pressure Mist Sprayers: Low-pressure mist sprayers use a low-

pressure pump and nozzle to create a fine mist with droplets ranging

from 50 to 200 microns. They are ideal for applications that require

broader coverage, such as field crops and vegetables.

iii. Thermal Foggers: Thermal foggers use heat to vaporize a liquid

solution, creating a fine mist with droplets ranging from 5 to 30

microns. They are commonly used for applications requiring deep

penetration and uniform coverage, such as mosquito control and

greenhouse operations.

iv. Electrostatic Sprayers: These sprayers charge the mist with static

electricity, making the droplets adhere better to surfaces. They

typically produce droplets ranging from 30 to 80 microns.

Electrostatic sprayers are suitable for applications that require

maximum coverage and reduced environmental impact.

v. Ultra-Low Volume (ULV) Sprayers: ULV sprayers use a high-

speed air stream to atomize the liquid solution, producing a

concentrated mist with droplets ranging from 5 to 50 microns. They

are used in applications where a low volume of solution and

maximum coverage are needed, such as greenhouse operations and

mosquito control.

2.3 Definition of a motorized mist sprayer

A motorized mist sprayer is a device powered by a motor that

generates a fine mist or spray of liquid solutions, typically pesticides,

herbicides, disinfectants, or other chemicals. This fine mist is used for

applications in agriculture, pest control, sanitation, and various other

fields. Motorized mist sprayers are designed to disperse the liquid

solution effectively, providing better coverage and penetration than

traditional manual sprayers (NPIC, 2021).

2.4Components of Motorized Mist Sprayers:

i. Power Source: Modern mist sprayers are powered by various

sources, including gasoline engines, electric motors, and battery-

operated systems. The choice of power source influences mobility and

environmental impact (Ma et al., 2017).

ii. Pump System: The pump system pressurizes the liquid and delivers it

through the nozzle. Piston and diaphragm pumps are commonly used

(Yin et al., 2018).

iii. Nozzles: Nozzles determine droplet size and distribution, with various

types catering to specific applications (Wang et al., 2019).

iv. Tank Capacity: The tank holds the solution to be sprayed, affecting

coverage area and operational duration (Smith & Brown, 2016).

2.4 Design and Performance of Mist Sprayers

Mist sprayers, as versatile tools for various applications, rely on careful

design and performance considerations to ensure their effectiveness. In this

section, we delve into the key aspects of their design and performance.

2.4.1 Design of Mist Sprayers

The design of mist sprayers is a multifaceted process, involving several

critical components such as liquid pumps, nozzles, and air blowers. These

components must work harmoniously to achieve optimal mist generation

(Author et al., Year).

2.4.2 Nozzle Design

Among the crucial components, the nozzle design plays a pivotal role in

mist sprayers. Proper nozzle selection is essential for controlling droplet

size, spray coverage, and drift reduction. Different nozzle types cater to

specific application requirements (Author et al., Year).

2.4.3 Droplet Size

The size of the droplets produced is a key performance factor. It impacts

spray coverage and penetration. Careful adjustment is necessary to match

application requirements, such as larger droplets for some tasks and smaller

ones for others (Author et al., Year).

2.4.4 Spray Pattern

The spray pattern, defining the shape and direction of the spray plume, is

vital in maximizing coverage and penetration. The right spray pattern should

be selected based on specific application needs (Author et al., Year).

2.4.5 Spray Pressure

Spray pressure affects droplet size, spray pattern, and drift. Optimizing spray

pressure is crucial to achieve the desired droplet size and pattern while

minimizing drift (Author et al., Year).

2.4.6 Pump Type

The type of pump utilized in a mist sprayer significantly influences spray

pressure and flow rate. The pump type should align with application needs,

considering factors such as solution volume and required pressure (Author et

al., Year).

2.4.7 Power Source

Mist sprayers can be powered by different sources, including electric,

gasoline, or battery. The choice of power source depends on the

application's scale and mobility requirements (Author et al., Year).

2.5 Applications of Mist Sprayers

Mist sprayers find extensive applications in agriculture, horticulture,

forestry, and public health. They are frequently employed for the precise

application of liquid solutions, including pesticides, herbicides, fungicides,

and fertilizers, dispersing them in the form of a fine mist. This section

explores various applications of mist sprayers in these domains.

i Crop Protection: Mist sprayers are a prevalent choice for

safeguarding crops by dispensing pesticides and other chemicals.

They disperse a fine mist, ensuring improved coverage. Whether for

ground or aerial applications, their effectiveness depends on the crop

and the targeted pests (Marques, et al., 2018).

ii Orchard and Vineyard Use: In orchard and vineyard settings, mist

sprayers are invaluable for pest and disease management. They prove

particularly effective in densely canopied crops like fruit trees and

grapevines, thanks to their ability to penetrate the canopy and target

pests or diseases (Funderburk and Stansly, 2017).

iii Forestry Applications: Forestry relies on mist sprayers to combat

forest pests such as the spruce budworm and gypsy moth. The mist

generated by these sprayers can reach the upper reaches of trees,

which is often challenging with conventional sprayers (Acquaah et al.,


iv Public Health Initiatives: In urban areas where traditional larvae and

adult mosquitoes may not be feasible, mist sprayers play an important

role in controlling mosquito and other insect populations, particularly

in public health endeavors (Payne and Hinman, 2019).

v Horticultural Use: Mist sprayers are extensively used in greenhouse

and nursery settings for the application of pesticides, herbicides, and

fertilizers. Their suitability is pronounced when dealing with small

plants where conventional sprayers could potentially harm the plants

(Wharton and Mankin, 2018).

2.6 Design considerations for mist sprayers

The design factors affect droplet size, spray pattern, and application

efficiency. Here are some key design considerations for mist sprayers:

i. Droplet Size: The size of the droplets generated by the mist sprayer is

a vital design consideration. Droplet size impacts the spray drift,

coverage, and penetration of the solution. Designing nozzles that

produce the desired droplet size is crucial (Fernández-Getino et al.,


ii. Spray Pattern: The spray pattern defines the shape and direction of

the spray plume. Tailoring the spray pattern to the application

requirements ensures maximum coverage and penetration. Adjusting

the nozzle design or flow rate can help achieve different spray

patterns (Rimmer, 2019).

iii. Spray Pressure: The spray pressure affects droplet size, spray

pattern, and drift. Optimizing the spray pressure is essential to achieve

the desired droplet size and pattern while minimizing drift (Stone,


iv. Nozzle Design: The design of the nozzle plays a critical role in

achieving the desired droplet size and spray pattern. Selecting the

right nozzle based on application requirements, solution flow rate, and

desired droplet size is a fundamental design consideration (Fernández-

Getino et al., 2018).

v. Pump Type: The type of pump used in the mist sprayer affects the

spray pressure and flow rate. Choosing the appropriate pump based on

factors such as the volume of solution to be sprayed and the required

spray pressure is essential for design optimization.

vi. Power Source: The power source for the mist sprayer, whether

electric, gasoline, or battery-powered, must align with the

application's size and mobility requirements (Wierenga, 2018).

2.7 Motorized Mist Sprayers

Motorized mist sprayers are sprayers that use a motor to drive the pump,

generating the pressure required to atomize the solution into a mist. These

sprayers offer several advantages over traditional hand-pump sprayers,

including higher flow rates, more consistent spray patterns, and reduced

operator fatigue. In this section, we will discuss motorized mist sprayers and

their applications (NPIC, 2021).

Motorized mist sprayers are commonly used in a wide range of applications,

including agriculture, forestry, pest control, and sanitation. In agriculture,

motorized mist sprayers are used for crop protection and plant health

management. They are used to apply pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides

to crops, as well as to apply foliar fertilizers and growth regulators. In

forestry, motorized mist sprayers are used to apply herbicides and

insecticides to manage pests and diseases. In pest control, motorized mist

sprayers are used for vector control, mosquito control, and other pest

management applications. In sanitation, motorized mist sprayers are used to

apply disinfectants and sanitizers in public spaces, such as schools, hospitals,

and airports (Tzanakakis and Zannikos, 2017).

Motorized mist sprayers come in a variety of designs, including backpack

sprayers, handheld sprayers, and mounted sprayers. Backpack sprayers are

typically worn by the operator and are powered by a gasoline engine or an

electric motor. Handheld sprayers are similar in design to traditional hand-

pump sprayers but are powered by a motor. Mounted sprayers are typically

mounted on a vehicle or trailer and are used for larger-scale applications

(Yang et al., 2019).

Motorized mist sprayers require proper maintenance to ensure optimal

performance and to prolong the life of the equipment. Regular maintenance

includes cleaning the sprayer after each use, checking the pump and motor

for proper functioning, and replacing worn or damaged parts (Wanjiru et al.,




3.1 Materials

3.1.1 Components of a Motorized Mist Sprayer

Motorized mist sprayers are made up of several components, each with a

specific function that contributes to the overall operation of the sprayer. A

motorized mist sprayer typically consists of the following components:

i. Petrol Engine: This component provides the necessary power to drive

the sprayer. The engine is fueled with petrol.

ii. Liquid Tank: The liquid tank stores the solution, such as pesticides,

herbicides, or disinfectants, which is to be dispersed as a mist.

iii. Liquid Pump: The liquid pump pressurizes the solution from the

tank, allowing it to be effectively atomized into fine droplets.

iv. Nozzles: It is responsible for breaking the liquid into tiny droplets.

The design and size of the nozzles determine the droplet size and

spray pattern.

v. Spray Hose and Boom: These components guide the mist to the

intended target area. Depending on the application, a hose or boom

may be used.

vi. Frame or Chassis: Provides structural support and houses various


vii. Controls: It helps to manage the operation of the mist sprayer,

including settings for flow rate, pressure, and spray pattern.

viii. Wand or Gun: In handheld or backpack mist sprayers, a wand or gun

allows the operator to direct the mist precisely.

ix. Filters: These are used to ensure that the liquid passing through the

system is free from debris or contaminants that could clog the nozzles.

x. Safety Features: Some mist sprayers may include safety features,

such as pressure relief valves, to prevent over-pressurization.

3.1.2 Material selection

When designing the motorized mist sprayer, close attention was paid to its

strength, durability, how it works, and its cost-effectiveness. We also

thought about the environmental conditions it would be used in.

The materials selected for making the sprayer based on how strong and long-

lasting they are, how well they fit the needs, and if they are easy to find in

our local area. The frame, the part that holds everything together, is made of

a strong and lightweight steel called black plate steel. This helps keep the

sprayer not too heavy but still tough. The tank, hat store the liquid, is made

of plastic to make it lighter, and it can hold up to 20 liters. The engine, the

part that makes the sprayer work, has a power of 0.75kw, which is like

having 1 horsepower in a car. The nozzle for spraying was designed to give

a strong and precise spray in one direction.

3.1.3 Materials for the Design and Construction

1. Power: 0.75kw 1hp

2. Pump: Diaphragm pump

3. Tank: 20 L capacity plastic tank

4. Nozzle: Fan-type nozzle with a spray angle of 110 degrees

5. Hose: PVC reinforced hose with a length of 120cm

6. Filters: In-line strainer and water filter

7. Pressure control throttle: 15 – 25 kg/cm2

8. Frame: Stainless steel frame

3.2 Design Analysis and Calculations

3.2.1 Design of the tank

Using the area of the Surface Area Formula of the tank (James R. Smart


A= 2 ×(l× w+ w ×ℎ+ℎ × l)


l = is the length of tank (cm)

w = is the width of tank (cm)

h = is the height of the tank (cm)

A= 2 ×(l× w+ w ×ℎ+ℎ × l)

A= 2 ×(30× 20+20 × 40+40 × 30)

A= 2 ×(2600)

A= 5200 cm2

Figure 3.1: Tank

3.2.2 Determination of the weight of tank

Volume of the tank = Area × thickness (James R. Smart (2015))

V = 5200 × 0.3 = 1560 cm3

Weight of tank = v × ℓ (James R. Smart (2015))

V = Volume of the tank

ℓ = Density of material (plastic)

V = 1560 cm3

ℓ = 1.0 g/cm3 (Singh, R.B., 2018)

M = 1560 cm3 × 1.0 g/cm3

M = 1560 g

Converting gram to kilogram

M = 1.56 kg

3.2.3 Design for the Machine Frame

Figure 3.2 Machine Frame

3.2.4 Design for the Machine Frame

Using Area of rectangular prism, (Dorrie, 2005)

Area of the frame = 2 (wl+ hl + hw) (Dorrie, 2005)

A= 2(16 × 20+18 ×16+20 × 18)

A= 2(968)

A= 1936 cm3

3.2.5 Determination of the Weight of Frame

Volume of the frame = Area × thickness

V = 1936 × 0.1 = 193.6cm3

Weight of frame = v × ℓ (Britannica, 2021)

V = Volume of the frame

ℓ = Density of material (black plate steel)

V = 193.6cm3

ℓ = 7.85g/cm3 (Khurmi, 2005)

M = 193.6cm3 × 7.85g/cm3

M = 1519.76g

Converting gram to kilogram

M = 1.5198kg

3.3 To calculate the flow rate

To calculate the flow rate of a motorized mist sprayer, we need to first

determine the pressure at which the fluid is pumped, typically measured in
kPa (kilopascals) or bar (metric pressure). The pressure is often determined
by the type of fluid being used and the application for which the motorized
mist sprayer is being used.

Next, we need to determine the diameter of the spray nozzle in millimeters

(mm). The diameter of the nozzle will affect the flow rate of the fluid by
controlling the amount of fluid that is ejected from the nozzle and the size of
the droplets that are produced.

Flow rate (L/min) = Pressure (kPa or bar) x (Diameter of nozzle (mm)/Time

Where: (Tefera, 2011)

 Pressure is the pressure at which the fluid is pumped, typically

measured in kPa or bar
 Diameter of nozzle is the diameter of the nozzle in millimeters (mm)

Fig. 3.4: Diagram of a Flat fan type nozzle Spray pattern

3.4 Machine description

This machine has a strong frame made of black plate steel. It has a big tank

that can hold 20 liters of liquid, and the tank itself weighs about 1.6kg. The

frame is quite large, covering an area of 1936cm2, and it holds all the

machine's parts, including the engine. The engine has a power of 0.75KW,

which is like having 1 horsepower. There's a hose that's 120cm long, and an

extension pipe that's 60cm long. These help the machine reach a wider area

in the field. We attached three special nozzles to the pipe, and these spray

the liquid in a flat fan shape. The machine also has a control valve, which is

used to adjust the pressure of the sprayer. There's a stop button to turn off

the engine. To make it easier for the person using the machine, we added a

backpack support that helps them feel more comfortable and makes it easier

to carry the machine.

3.5 Field evaluation of the machine

After selection of plots to test the machine, an area of 20 square meters was

marked on the field using a measuring tape. 10 liters of liquid was measured

using the tank's measuring marks on the side. To prepare the chemical

mixture, 1.5 liters of the chemical was measured using a measuring cup and
poured it into the tank, which already had 8.5 liters of water and mixed it

gently. The test was carried out three times, each time using a different

amount of liquid and chemical: 5 liters, 8 liters, and 10 liters, respectively.

The machine sprays the liquid at a rate of 5 liters per minute at a pressure of

25 kg/cm2. A stopwatch was used to record the time it took for the machine

to spray the liquid during the test. When the pressure is kept constant at 25

kg/cm2, it took 0.0118 hours to spray 10 liters, 0.0176 hours to spray 8

liters, and 0.0190 hours to spray 5 liters.




The machine was put to test on the field after construction. The results

obtained during testing are shown in Table 4.1

Table 4.1 Effective field capacity of the motorized mist sprayer

Plots Distance Time Pressure Speed Liquid Effective Effective

travelled taken (kg/cm2) (km/hr) (liters) width (m) field

(ha) (hr) capacity


1 0.0020 0.0118 20 3.5 5 0.6 0.1695

2 0.0020 0.0176 20 3.5 8 0.6 0.1136

3 0.0020 0.0190 20 3.5 10 0.6 0.1053

Table 4.2 Theoretical field capacity of the motorized mist sprayer

Plots Distance Time Pressure Speed Liquid Effective Theoretical

travelled taken (kg/cm2) (km/hr) (liters) width (m) field

(ha) (hr) capacity


1 0.0015 0.0176 20 3.5 8 0.6 0.21

4.2 Discussion

4.2.1 Theoretical field capacity, ha/h

Theoretical field capacity is the rate of field coverage of the machine based

on 100% time at the rated speed and covering 100% of it rated width. Since

the plots 1, 2 and 3 were measured equally (i.e. 20 square meters) and

average speed of operation is 3.5km/h, the Theoretical Field Capacity (TFC)

was determined by the following relationship

width× speed
TFC ¿ 10
(Singh and Sahay, 2010)

0.6 ×3.5

= 0.21 ha/h

4.2.2 Effective field capacity, ha/h

Effective field capacity was measured by the actual area covered by the

machine, based on its total time consumed. Effective field capacity (EFC)

was determined by the following relationship;

Total area covered (ha)

EFC = Time taken(hr )
(Singh and Sahay, 2010)

The effective field capacity 0.1695ha/h, 0.1136ha/h and 0.1053ha/h were

obtained at 20 square meters of each tests 1, 2 and 3 respectively.

The Average Effective Field Capacity was calculated as 0.129ha/h which is

less than the average Theoretical Field Capacity.

4.2.3 Field Efficiency, %

The field efficiency is the ratio of effective field capacity to theoretical field

capacity then expressed in percentage.

Effective field capacity

Field Efficiency, %= Theoretical field capacity (Singh and Sahay, 2010)

The field efficiency of 81%, 54.1% and 50% were recorded during the

evaluation process. The average field efficiency obtained 61.7%.



5.1 Conclusion

The motorized mist sprayer's performance was tested on a small plot of land

covering 0.0020 hectare and the following conclusions were made. The

average field efficiency was found to be 61.7% in the field while the

average theoretical field capacity of the machine was estimated to cover

0.21 hectares in an hour. The average effective field capacity in practice,

was found to cover 0.129 hectares in an hour and the average speed of

operation for the machine was 3.5 kilometers per hour. From the above

observations, the constructed mist sprayer performed above average on the

field at that determined field efficiency though there are still rooms for


5.2 Recommendations

The machine has the potential to function as a seed broadcasting machine.

The following point may be considered for future improvement on the


i. The machine weight should have a lesser weight to be suitable for

carrying by operators.

ii. The engine noise should be reduced to avoid noise pollution


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Appendix I: Calculations

Area of tank

A= 2 ×(l× w+ w ×ℎ+ℎ × l)


l = is the length of tank (cm)

w = is the width of tank (cm)

h = is the height of the tank (cm)

A= 2 ×(l× w+ w ×ℎ+ℎ × l)

A= 2 ×(30× 20+20 × 40+40 × 30)

A= 2 ×(2600)

A= 5200 cm2

Volume of tank

Volume= Area × thickness

V = 5200 × 0.3 = 1560 cm3

Weight of tank = v × ℓ

Source: James R. Smart (2015)

V = Volume of the tank

ℓ = Density of material (plastic)

V = 1560 cm3

ℓ = 1.0 g/cm3 (Singh, R. B., 2018)

M = 1560 cm3 × 1.0 g/cm3

M = 1560 g

Converting gram to kilogram

M = 1.56 kg

Area of Frame

Using Area of rectangular prism, (Dorrie, 2005)

Area of the frame = 2 (wl+ hl + hw) (Dorrie, 2005)

A= 2(16 × 20+18 ×16+20 × 18)

A= 2(968)

A= 1936 cm3

Weight of Frame

Volume of the frame = Area × thickness

V = 1936 × 0.1 = 193.6cm3

Weight of frame = v × ℓ

Source: Britannica, 2021

V = Volume of the frame

ℓ = Density of material (black plate steel)

V = 193.6cm3

ℓ = 7.85g/cm3 (Khurmi and Gupta, 2005)

M = 193.6cm3 × 7.85g/cm3

M = 1519.76g

Converting gram to kilogram

M = 1.5198kg

Effective Field Capacity (EFC)

total area ( ℎa )
EFC = ha/hr
Time taken ( ℎr )

0.0020 ( ℎa )
EFC1 = ha/hr
0.0118 ( ℎr )

EFC1 = 0.1695 ha/hr

0.0020 ( ℎa )
EFC2 = ha/hr
0.0176 ( ℎr )

EFC2 = 0.1136 ha/hr

0.0020 ( ℎa )
EFC3 = ha/hr
0.0190 ( ℎr )

EFC3 = 0.1053 ha/hr

EFC 1+ EFC 2+ EFC 3

Average Field Efficiency = 3

EFC 1+ EFC 2+ EFC 3

Average Effective Field Capacity = 3

0.1695+0.1136 +0.1053
Average Effective Field Capacity = 3

Average Effective Field Capacity = 3

Average Effective Field Capacity = 0.129 ha/hr

Effective field capacity (EFC )

Field Efficiency = Theoretical field capacity (TFC )

Field Efficiency (F1) = 0.21 x 100

Field Efficiency (F1) = 0.81 x 100

Field Efficiency (F1) = 81%

Field Efficiency (F2) = 0.21 x 100

Field Efficiency (F2) = 0.541 x 100

Field Efficiency (F2) = 54.1%

Field Efficiency (F3) = 0.21 x 100

Field Efficiency (F3) = 0.50 x 100

Field Efficiency (F3) = 50%

F 1+ F 2+ F 3
Average Field Efficiency = 3

Average Field Efficiency = 3

Average Field Efficiency = 3

Average Field Efficiency = 61.7%

Theoretical Field Capacity (TFC)

width ( w ) x walking speed (s)

TFC = ha/hr

0.6 X 3.5
TFC = 10

TFC = 10 ha/hr

TFC = 0.21 ha/hr

Appendix ii

Cost Analysis

Items Amount (N)

Gasoline engine 85,000

Tank 5,000

Steel 20,000

Nozzle pipe 7,000

Hose 4,000

Miscellaneous 30,000

Total 151,000


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