Mitues Symposium

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Republic of the Philippines

Cordillera Administrative Region

Province of Abra
Municipality of Manabo





Hon. Sosimo B. Biares Jr. Barangay Captain

Hon. Marilou B. Javier Barangay Councilor
Hon. Denis V. Biares Barangay Councilor
Hon. Blady A. Barcena Barangay Councilor
Hon. Marcelino A. Pe Benito Barangay Councilor
Hon. Jay B. Biares Barangay Councilor
Hon. Roberto G. Blando Barangay Councilor
Hon. Roan Gelbert B. Buenafe Barangay Councilor
Hon. Minerva B. Beleno Barangay Treasurer
Hon. Raul B. Buenafe SK Chairman


The Punong Barangay called the meeting to order at 8:00 followed by an opening
prayer and singing of the National Anthem.

In compliance to the Memorandum directing the attendance of the Barangay-Based

Symposium on Anti-Illegal Drugs, the Barangay San Jose Norte under the administration of
the very active Punong Barangay Sosimo B. Biares Jr. conducted the Anti-Illegal Drugs
Campaign on December 29, 2019 at San Jose Elementary School Gymnasium.

This activity aims to heighten awareness especially to the youth on the cuurent
situation of illegal drugs in the country specifically in the Municipality of Manabo and most
of especially to our respective barangay and to present the unified campaign of the
government to fight illegal drugs.

To formally start the program, MR. RAUL B. BUENAFE, SK CHAIRMAN, welcomed the
participants. He acknowledged the presence of our active Municipal Mayor, Honorable
Joanna Ruth G. Domasing, COP of Manabo MPS, Sir Sergio and Master Sergeant Camaro as
the resource speakers for todays’ event. He gave a brief background about the symposium
and he requested the participants to listen attentively and participate actively.
Chief of Police Edwin C. Sergio of Manabo MPS discussed the topic on the Definition
of Drugs; How the Drugs Work; Dangers of Drugs; The Meaning of drug Abuse; Types of
drugs (which are classified into Marijuana, Shabu, Ecstacy, Cocain and Heroin); Facts about
Drug Effects of Drugs Use; How to refuse drugs. He added also the common signs of drug
Abuse (a) there is a change in behavior; (b) change from normal capabilities at work and at
home; (c) in order to support their habit, the user steal things/items which can be readily
sold for cash; (d) they associate themselves to their co drug-addicts; (e) changes in mood
and appearance; we can also observe from their physical appearance such as (a) unusual
effort to cover the injection marks on their arms (b) wearing sunglasses at inappropriate
time, for example using sunglasses at night in order for them to hide their reddish eyes.

In short, drug addiction can hinder or restrain a person from accomplishing his goals
or dreams in life. It can lead to harming one’s body, causing problems in family structure,
and contribute to the delinquency in society.

COP also discussed the RA 9165 the Comprehensive Dangerous Act of 2002, he
stated all possible punishment to the suspected drug users and drug pushers. More
importantly the legal responsibility and liability of users and pushers were discussed.

Police Chief Master Sergeant Aaron D. Camaro Jr. talk over on CRIME. He said that
any action that is punishable by las is considered as CRIME. There are 3 elements of CRIME,
(a) MOTIVE, something that prompts action or inviting such action into trouble, (b)
OPPORTUNITY, is a chance to grab such situations especially to the one that offers some
kind of advantage, lastly (c) INSTRUMENTALITY if you involve yourself to such unfavorable
action or playing an important part in achieving some actions that are punishable by law or
in short “accessory to the crime”.

Punong Barangay SOSIMO B. BIARES JR. discussed the negative effects of drugs
especially to the youths. He advised them not to try it just for curiosity. There are many
negative effects of drugs in our human body. It destroys you physically, mentally,
emotionally and spiritually. An individual may possibly lead to physically unconscious,
meaning you might do things that is out of your control, you’re incapacity to think and do
what is right or might lead you to any dangerous act or mostly inhumane action.

Relative to that, Punong Barangay presented the Barangay Anti-Drug Council

(BADAC) Organizational Chart, BADAC Committee on Advocacy, BADAC Committee on
Operation, BADAC Auxiliary Team. These team were created to assist in the conduct of
information campaign against illegal drugs and its negative consequences. Here are some
functions of the Auxiliary Team: Identify and report to the BADAC, drug dependent cases
and/or suspected pushers/illegal drug laboratories in the area. (a) Assist in the conduct of
information campaign against illegal drugs and its negative consequences. (b). Help facilitate
in the preparation and distribution of information materials in collaboration with the school,
neighborhood association, etc. (c) Initiate the conduct of neighborhood activities to prevent
drug addiction in his area of operation especially among children and youth.
In view of the urgent need, the Department of Education implemented the National
Drug Education Program which aims to prevent drug abuse among students through the
development of desirable values, attitudes and practices. True to its commitment to uphold
the youths’ holistic growth and development. As an effective preventive education and
information program to counter the dangers and ill effects of drug abuse, MRS. OFELIA D.
BIARES, NDEP Coordinator of San Jose Elementary School stated that the school has its
Project in support to the anti-drug abuse and implemented a school-wide information
dissemination against drug addiction. She also shared her ideas on the harmful effects of
drug abuse. She emphasized the social, emotional and physical dangers of abuse to illegal

Municipal Mayor Honorable Joanna Ruth G. Domasing said that “Be innocent as a
dove but be smart as a serpent”. She inculcated to their young minds to choose their
friends, make sure to be with peers or someone that may influence you with good deeds
not to lead you in trouble or any wrong doings. As early as now, never try and never taste
DRUGS, it may destroy you and your future. You’re still young, so you should live your life to
its fullest, and take good care of yourself. Avoid distractions that may lead you to failure and

In behalf of the Barangay Officials of San Jose Norte, BARANGAY KAGAWAD

MARILOU B. JAVIER, thanked everyone for sharing their time. It was such a delight to see
number of the youth’s involvement into this anti-drug campaign for it is necessary step
because they play an important part in helping stop the spread of illegal drugs in the
country but most especially in the community where you belong. Huwag sana na ang mga
kabataan ang problema ng bayan bagkus let us all stand for the saying that “Ang mga
Kabataan ang Pag-asa ng Baya”. Hannga’t inyong makakaya, Iwasan ang Droga! Maging
Inspirasyon sa mga kapwa kabataan, pagsumikapang abutin ang inyong mga pangarap na
magbibigay sa inyo ng magandang buhay sa hinaharap!

With no more other matter to discuss, the campaign adjourned at exactly 12:00 noon.

Prepared by:

Barangay Secretary
Approved by:


Punong Barangay
Republic of the Philippines
Cordillera Administrative Region
Province of Abra
Municipality of Manabo





Hon. Sosimo B. Biares Jr. Barangay Captain

Hon. Marilou B. Javier Barangay Councilor
Hon. Denis V. Biares Barangay Councilor
Hon. Blady A. Barcena Barangay Councilor
Hon. Marcelino A. Pe Benito Barangay Councilor
Hon. Jay B. Biares Barangay Councilor
Hon. Roberto G. Blando Barangay Councilor
Hon. Roan Gelbert B. Buenafe Barangay Councilor
Hon. Minerva B. Beleno Barangay Treasurer
Hon. Raul B. Buenafe SK Chairman


The Punong Barangay called the meeting to order at 8:00 followed by an opening
prayer and singing of the National Anthem.

In compliance to the Memorandum directing the attendance of the Barangay-Based

Symposium on Anti-Illegal Drugs, the Barangay San Jose Norte under the administration of
the very active Punong Barangay Sosimo B. Biares Jr. conducted the Anti-Illegal Drugs
Campaign on December 29, 2019 at San Jose Elementary School Gymnasium.

This activity aims to heighten awareness especially to the youth on the cuurent
situation of illegal drugs in the country specifically in the Municipality of Manabo and most
of especially to our respective barangay and to present the unified campaign of the
government to fight illegal drugs.

To formally start the program, MR. RAUL B. BUENAFE, SK CHAIRMAN, welcomed the
participants. He acknowledged the presence of our active Municipal Mayor, Honorable
Joanna Ruth G. Domasing, COP of Manabo MPS, Sir Sergio and Master Sergeant Camaro as
the resource speakers for todays’ event. He gave a brief background about the symposium
and he requested the participants to listen attentively and participate actively.
Chief of Police Edwin C. Sergio of Manabo MPS discussed the topic on the Definition
of Drugs; How the Drugs Work; Dangers of Drugs; The Meaning of drug Abuse; Types of
drugs (which are classified into Marijuana, Shabu, Ecstacy, Cocain and Heroin); Facts about
Drug Effects of Drugs Use; How to refuse drugs. He added also the common signs of drug
Abuse (a) there is a change in behavior; (b) change from normal capabilities at work and at
home; (c) in order to support their habit, the user steal things/items which can be readily
sold for cash; (d) they associate themselves to their co drug-addicts; (e) changes in mood
and appearance; we can also observe from their physical appearance such as (a) unusual
effort to cover the injection marks on their arms (b) wearing sunglasses at inappropriate
time, for example using sunglasses at night in order for them to hide their reddish eyes.

In short, drug addiction can hinder or restrain a person from accomplishing his goals
or dreams in life. It can lead to harming one’s body, causing problems in family structure,
and contribute to the delinquency in society.

COP also discussed the RA 9165 the Comprehensive Dangerous Act of 2002, he
stated all possible punishment to the suspected drug users and drug pushers. More
importantly the legal responsibility and liability of users and pushers were discussed.

Police Chief Master Sergeant Aaron D. Camaro Jr. talk over on CRIME. He said that
any action that is punishable by las is considered as CRIME. There are 3 elements of CRIME,
(a) MOTIVE, something that prompts action or inviting such action into trouble, (b)
OPPORTUNITY, is a chance to grab such situations especially to the one that offers some
kind of advantage, lastly (c) INSTRUMENTALITY if you involve yourself to such unfavorable
action or playing an important part in achieving some actions that are punishable by law or
in short “accessory to the crime”.

Punong Barangay SOSIMO B. BIARES JR. discussed the negative effects of drugs
especially to the youths. He advised them not to try it just for curiosity. There are many
negative effects of drugs in our human body. It destroys you physically, mentally,
emotionally and spiritually. An individual may possibly lead to physically unconscious,
meaning you might do things that is out of your control, you’re incapacity to think and do
what is right or might lead you to any dangerous act or mostly inhumane action.

Relative to that, Punong Barangay presented the Barangay Anti-Drug Council

(BADAC) Organizational Chart, BADAC Committee on Advocacy, BADAC Committee on
Operation, BADAC Auxiliary Team. These team were created to assist in the conduct of
information campaign against illegal drugs and its negative consequences. Here are some
functions of the Auxiliary Team: Identify and report to the BADAC, drug dependent cases
and/or suspected pushers/illegal drug laboratories in the area. (a) Assist in the conduct of
information campaign against illegal drugs and its negative consequences. (b). Help facilitate
in the preparation and distribution of information materials in collaboration with the school,
neighborhood association, etc. (c) Initiate the conduct of neighborhood activities to prevent
drug addiction in his area of operation especially among children and youth.
In view of the urgent need, the Department of Education implemented the National
Drug Education Program which aims to prevent drug abuse among students through the
development of desirable values, attitudes and practices. True to its commitment to uphold
the youths’ holistic growth and development. As an effective preventive education and
information program to counter the dangers and ill effects of drug abuse, MRS. OFELIA D.
BIARES, NDEP Coordinator of San Jose Elementary School stated that the school has its
Project in support to the anti-drug abuse and implemented a school-wide information
dissemination against drug addiction. She also shared her ideas on the harmful effects of
drug abuse. She emphasized the social, emotional and physical dangers of abuse to illegal

Municipal Mayor Honorable Joanna Ruth G. Domasing said that “Be innocent as a
dove but be smart as a serpent”. She inculcated to their young minds to choose their
friends, make sure to be with peers or someone that may influence you with good deeds
not to lead you in trouble or any wrong doings. As early as now, never try and never taste
DRUGS, it may destroy you and your future. You’re still young, so you should live your life to
its fullest, and take good care of yourself. Avoid distractions that may lead you to failure and

In behalf of the Barangay Officials of San Jose Norte, BARANGAY KAGAWAD

MARILOU B. JAVIER, thanked everyone for sharing their time. It was such a delight to see
number of the youth’s involvement into this anti-drug campaign for it is necessary step
because they play an important part in helping stop the spread of illegal drugs in the
country but most especially in the community where you belong. Huwag sana na ang mga
kabataan ang problema ng bayan bagkus let us all stand for the saying that “Ang mga
Kabataan ang Pag-asa ng Baya”. Hannga’t inyong makakaya, Iwasan ang Droga! Maging
Inspirasyon sa mga kapwa kabataan, pagsumikapang abutin ang inyong mga pangarap na
magbibigay sa inyo ng magandang buhay sa hinaharap!

With no more other matter to discuss, the campaign adjourned at exactly 12:00 noon.

Prepared by:

Approved by:


Punong Barangay

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