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Human beings are naturally curious and have an incredible sense of survival.

As a
result, our gaze has always been turned upwards, from which we are able to locate ourselves,
determine timetables and understand more about the world that we live in, even if it is a great
irony that we have to look outwards so that, only then, can we understand our origins in a
concrete way
Space exploration is a concrete manifestation of this need. But why do we look to the
sky when there is so much to see on Earth?
● Lifespan on Earth
The planet is running out of resources. The big industries that use raw materials are
not restricted and don't have to worry about waste management or preventing the world from
regenerating. We are destroying the only known planet with the characteristics that make life
possible. In search of a new planet, the aim of companies like NASA and SpaceX is to find
planets with similar characteristics to Earth. Films such as "Interstellar" and "Don't Look Up"
portray situations in which space exploration is a means of human survival and exploitation.
● Technological progress
The more time passes, the more technology expands in different areas of knowledge.
Since the dawn of mankind, things that we consider simple today have served as the basis for
a wide range of instruments that we use today, for example, the Astrolabe was used as the
basis for the creation of GPS.
Due to the various studies carried out in different parts of the world and by different
people, technology has been advancing more and more rapidly and, in the field of astronomy,
this has become extremely advantageous, as it is a field that has always aroused the curiosity
of human beings and can solve various questions once and for all, such as "how did life come
● Characteristics of space exploration
○ Searching for exoplanets: discovering planets outside the solar system.
○ Expanding scientific knowledge: Each space mission brings new discoveries
and broadens your understanding of the universe.
○ Survival of the species: the habitability of other planets is fundamental to the
long-term survival of humanity.
○ Technological advances: space exploration is based on technology, robotics,
computers and medicine.
○ Discovery of space resources: space is rich in precious resources such as
metals, water and noble gases.
○ The search for extraterrestrial life: the search for extraterrestrial life will be of
great benefit to our understanding of biology and the origin of life.
○ Inspiring future generations: space exploration inspires and motivates young
people to focus on science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM).
○ Results: space exploration is not just a journey into the unknown, it is essential
for human survival and progress. We are always looking to the sky for answers
and broadening our horizons.

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