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Unit 1
- Which subject(s) you find most challenging. Why?
For me, the subject I see as the most challenging is listening because when
listening we face many factors such as homophones, speech rate, different
cultures, or new vocabulary. So, I try my best day by day to improve and
overcome it.
- Who has helped you to overcome challenges in life? Why?
In my life, I always face many challenges such as sick, mark, studying, stress,
and so on, but I still overcome them all thanks to my parents, they are my
biggest motivation to me. Because I can confide in them, and share anything in
life with them, and when I see them I knew I would try my best for them
- Who you helped most when they had difficulty in life
My mom helped me most when I had difficulty in life. Every time I was
depressed, or even negative that my mom mobilized me to help me overcome
my challenges and confidence to complete my dream.
-What time of the day you find it hard to concentrate on your studies?
I find it hard to concentrate on my studies at night at about 11p.m because I am
quite sleepy and do not attention to the fullest but I can wake up early at 4 am to
concentrate on studying.
Unit 2
Do you currently have any Achilles heel? What is it?
I have scared of crowds, when I was a child I was quite active but as I grow
up I tend to be shy, or even self-deprecating, so I was always afraid when
standing in front of any crowds. But not that makes me quit, I try to practice
speaking with a mirror to improve my scared, and I communicate with people
more, then I feel confident and positive day by day.
Talk about one of the challenges you encountered in life.
- What was the challenge?
- How did you overcome it?
- What lesson(s) did you learn from it?
I have scared of crowds, when I was a child I was quite active but as I grow
up I tend to be shy, or even self-deprecating, so I was always afraid when
standing in front of any crowds. But not that makes me quit, I try to practice
speaking with a mirror to improve my scared, and I communicate with people
more, then I feel confident and positive day by day.
Do you know any famous person who managed to overcome their life obstacle(s)
to become successful?
I always admired Nguyen Ngoc Ky, he is a Vietnamese teacher and writer. From the
age of 4, he was paralyzed in both hands, but he managed to overcome his fate,
training his legs instead of his hands and becoming an excellent teacher.

Unit 3
• Do you sleep well? Do you fall asleep easily?
I do not sleep well. Lately, I have been overthinking for preparing the final
examination, even more, I try my best to review knowledge overnight and this
makes me more stressed and pressured, so I feel hard to fall asleep.
• Are you an “early bird” (a person who gets up early) or “a night owl” (a
person who stays up late)?
Both of two. I usually stay up late until about 1 am to watch films on Netflix or
read online novels, but lately, I review lessons for the upcoming examination,
so my friends often call me a night owl. But I also get up early about half past
five to prepare everything as I usually have an early class at 7 am.
• A proverb: “Early to bed, early to rise, makes you healthy, wealthy, and
wise.” What does this proverb mean? Do you agree with it?

What advice would you give to somebody who suffers from insomnia?
Don't overthink trying to go to sleep, let’s reduce your stress by massaging your
face, your hand, and your legs before sleeping, even opening one Lofi music make
you easily fall asleep.
Unit 4
1. What animals do you think are intelligent? Explain why or give an
I think dolphins are intelligent because dolphins can understand and
communicate with many different animals. And dolphins are extremely
sociable creatures with humans.
2. What animals do you consider a nuisance? Why?
For me, mice and rats are a nuisance. In fact, they can carry pathogens that
may cause disease, they can infest your homes and can cause property damage.
Also, they generally have a reputation for being unsanitary.
3. What abilities do animals have that people don’t have and vice versa?
I see animals and humans have certain abilities. For example, a bird can fly, a
hound’s nose is very sensitive, or an eagle’s eyes are very sharp, but humans
are not, and vice versa, we can stand, and have more intelligence than animals
with actions that they do not have

How would you imagine your life at the age of 80?
At the age of 80, I hope that I am still in good health, married, and with 2 children. I
will live with my children because I feel satisfied when I see my children grow up.
And I hope that my parents are still alive.

An old lady aged 60 is not enjoying her life. Which advice would you give her to
enjoy her life more?
Firstly, I think they should live cheerfully and sociably because then it will be easier
to connect with their children and grandchildren and understand them better. Besides,
older people should also live an active life, for example, participating in clubs such as
dancing, and singing ... Because there, they will make many new friends and talk
more. From then on, their life will be more interesting. I think that elderly people
living cheerful and energetic lives will be much better.
Which age do you think is the best in one’s life? Why?
I think 18 years old is probably the most beautiful age in a person's life, a symbol of
youthful enthusiasm. Age is associated with many dreams and ambitions. The age at
which you dare to face difficulties and challenges in life.

How do you understand “Giving to others is also giving to ourselves.”?\
For example, Spending money on others or giving to charity puts a bigger smile on
your face than buying things for yourself. You make the taker happy too. That's why
you feel ok and happy when giving. Finally, giving back to help make society better is
a meaningful thing to do.
Do you do any volunteer work? What are some benefits of doing volunteer work?
I used to spend my time volunteering. I joined the volunteer club in high school. It
was a club that helped orphans. I feel great and happy to help children. Volunteering
is an easy way to become an active member of society and help others around you.
Volunteering allows you to connect to your community and make it a better place.
Volunteering helps you connect with people and is a great way to make new friends.
Finally, volunteering gives you the opportunity to practice and develop your social

Do you think school students should do volunteer work? What types of volunteer
work are suitable for them?
I think students should do volunteer work. Because volunteering allows you to
connect to your community and make it a better place. Volunteering helps you
connect with people and is a great way to make new friends. Finally, volunteering
gives you the opportunity to practice and develop your social skills.
I think some volunteer activities are suitable for students such as donating blood,
teaching orphans, or cleaning up the environment.

Is there any charity organization that you would like to work for? Why?
I want to join the Vietnamese Dream Volunteers organization. This is an organization
that helps poor children in difficult in life. Besides, it also encourages children to
follow their dreams and make it happen. I think this is a great organization that can
help make society better.

When and where do you typically do your assignments? Do you do anything else
at the same time?
The evening is the time when I usually do my homework. This is the time when I feel
most quiet to focus on studying. My room is where I do my homework. Almost every
time I study I focus on studying without doing anything else at the same time like
listening to music…
What were your attitudes towards homework as a school child? And now?
Honestly, when I was a school child, I didn't like homework. I feel overwhelmed with
homework and have a harder time balancing family life, and social activities.
Now it's different, I feel that homework is very important. Because nowadays, the
competition in everyone's learning is too great. In class, each lesson has only 45
minutes, which is not enough time for teachers to convey all the knowledge to
students. Teachers only help students understand the most important knowledge.
However, if you only know the theory without practice, it is almost not effective.
Therefore, assigning homework is to give students time to practice knowledge learned
in class.

Do you play video games? Why?/Why not?
What video games do you play? Why these games?
Whenever I have free time, I will play video games. Especially during Covid 19, I
spend a lot of time playing games.
The video game that I love to play is PUBG. It's a kind of survival game, you have to
use objects like guns and bombs to kill the enemy. Winning battles through the
strength of arms or cunning strategy is definitely something to be proud of. And this
game can help me promote relaxation.

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